Abyssal Halfling - Corkyno - 原神 (2024)

Chapter 1: Father Knows Best

Chapter Text

The shackles around the prince’s tender ankles began to dig into his skin as he attempted to slide his foot from it’s confines. In his heart, he had given up trying to escape the castle for freedom. Freedom was wherever Kaeya was and Kaeya was dead. Escaping would only send him running through the castle in an attempt to die, whether it be at the hands of a knight, maid, or even his father. The Prince craved death, shackles refused to budge and had been tightened as much as possible, his heart couldn’t sink any more as he continued to wait for death.

One of his wrists was firmly fastened to the wall, preventing him from turning or using his right hand, damning him all the more to a lonely existence. His red hair lost its luster and those large red eyes no longer shone, it seemed as though the sun had stopped shining in Mondstadt. The young man couldn’t remember the last time a smile had passed his lips, if this would be how his father demanded his future- they would ensure the king never saw that smile again.

A smile that he had inherited from his mother, he could not imagine how his father could treat the child of his loving wife. This was a disgrace upon her memory, the greed Crepus seeked had began to drive him mad.There wasn’t a shred of sunlight within the dungeon, only darkness that briefly would hide away with a torch.

Lily white skin began to grow translucent, hints of purple and green discolouration tattooed his skin proving the abuse he had endured. Each bruise was proof of an attempt to bend his will, force being used to convince him to turn against the love of his life and give in to the wishes of the king. The Prince was resilient and strong, turning his head away from every meal that had been presented to him within his confines.

Not only did he refuse food out of principle, but he knew that the food contained a poison that would lead to more misery. Had the poison brought him death, he would be more likely to eat it, instead lay medication that would force him into a heat. The thought made him sick as he turned his head from the plate of food, his stomach growling. Without the light he had forgotten what day it was.

All of this because he denied that alpha his hand in marriage, the Snehnayain prince appeared less upset than his own father did. Tartaglia seemed rather eliated to see that he had been turned down officially, in their few meetings they had figured out that their hearts each belonged to someone else. Tartaglia’s heart belonged to an omega named Zhongli, while his own was an alpha named Kaeya. Yet when they attempted to explain this to Diluc’s father, a hand was raised against him and suddenly he was thrown into the dungeon.

The prince no longer knew what day it was, there was no sunlight for him to determine the passage of time which allowed him to drive off into memories of a happier time. Each memory was filled with pain, either his alpha who had been condemned to death or his poor mother, who had been dead for years. Diluc felt a pain deep within his chest as he thought about his mother, as he remembered just how hard she advocated for him before she had passed away. Her smiling face had already begun to fade from his mind but her words still rang clear. A voice that began to fade with time, bringing a tear to his eye as he realized that eventually her words would remain but the harmony of her voice would be gone; just as Kaeya’s would one day vanish too.

Crepus, our son will not be a caged bird, not in the Kingdom of Freedom. Not here in Mondstadt! Omega or not, he will not fall into the same suffering as my sister...like any other omega on the streets. Your ancestors fought against this, how could you even consider such damnation for our son? For any Omega in Teyvat?

Although she had been an alpha herself, she was her son’s strongest advocate, refusing to allow anyone in the castle to look at the prince any differently. No one had ever looked down upon him or disrespected him while she was alive but after her death, everyone had looked at him with occasional hunger.

The people of Mondstadt were different from those in the other Kingdoms, but it seemed not for long. Omega’s had been freed from their sexual obligations, a movement that had spread to the other Kingdoms as well, yet could it continue as the leader fell back into it’s old habits? The thought made him sick, he was supposed to have dreams...everyone in the kingdom was supposed to have dreams.

Tears began to well within his eyes, creeping past long lashes as they trickled down his face. The only person who protected him now had been banished from the kingdom and brutally murdered at the hands of Diluc’s people, his throat began to feel tight as the tears kept coming.


The two had already been bonded, yet for some reason his father refused to recognize their love. It was becoming clear, the true intention that the King had for his son, to become a cheese piece in a game that he played- Kaeya, the only knight he had come to favor. Kaeya was his savior, he had been the key to unlock the cage he had been placed in. Fantastical Kaeya did whatever he could, to ensure his Phoenix's wings could spread. They had been so close to freedom...the bond mark on the back of his neck burned, I couldn’t protect you.

I’m so sorry.

There was no longer a need to wipe his tears, if he became more haggard maybe his father would give up on trying to pass him around. The thought terrified him, his bond with Kaeya would not be overridden, Crepus did not care that having sex with another Alpha would have severe consequences. Diluc hoped that it would kill him, to end his suffering so he could reunite with his soulmate in the afterlife.

A creek caused Diluc to open his eyes, the light from the hall causing him to squint as he examined the figure before him. Crepus stood before him with two servants following after, once the door closed behind them he was able to see the look of madness upon his father’s face along with the look of fear on the servants. The servants held plates of food, one of them even held a medical care box; it was clear that if Diluc were to eat, his father would consider treating his wounds.

Even if many of the servants looked at him with hunger, they would never deny the prince's respect. The two who stood behind Crepus looked upon the Prince with sorrow, these two were also omegas and had watched him grow. His kindness had always been remembered, so as they gazed upon Diluc he was able to see that they were already mouthing apologies.

A third servant stepped into the room, Miss Adelinde tightened her jaw as Crepus began to speak her anger radiated only to the other omega’s in the room. This stood to the side, her eyes scanning the room as Crepus began to get railed up. A bruise shone upon her face, it was apparent that she was being shown where her rebellion would lead her.

“Diluc,” Crepus' voice boomed as he knelt down in front of him, gripping onto his chin and pulling it upwards, “You haven’t eaten?”

“I refuse to mate with someone I do not love,” Diluc no longer had restraint against the king, he wanted what he said to hurt, “Mother taught me that,” he wanted his father to hate him enough to kill him. His voice was hoarse from lack of use, but his words were eloquent and sharp.

Please just kill me, too.

The hand upon his face pulled him forward briefly, giving pause right before Crepus smashed Diluc’s head backwards against the wall. The pain caused a cry to come from his lips, the room blurred as the pain grew and the warm feeling of blood began to collect in his hair. His father looked all the more mad, his eyes so unsteady as he held the distinct aura of killing intent. Diluc was grateful for the bond mark upon his neck, it was the only thing keeping him from crumpling and begging for his life.

It was absolutely disgusting that the King would dare use such pheromones against his own son, attempting to force the young man into submission. Omega or not, Diluc was much too stubborn and Kaeya’s saving mark would prevent him from bowing to him even if Diluc wanted to.

“Eat your meal son,” one hand gripped the back of Diluc’s hair, pulling his head backwards as he attempted to force his mouth open. His fist gathered the hair that had just been blooded from the wall, the soreness and sharp pain forced Diluc’s mouth open all the more. How the omega wished that he had been more resistant to the pain. Crepus’s other hand took a handful of the uneaten meal and began shoving it into his mouth.

The servants could no longer watch, as tears welled within their eyes as they turned around while Diluc choked on the food that was stuffed down his throat. No matter how much he resisted, how many times he bit down upon his fathers fingers and attempted to trigger his own gag reflex he still could not successfully avoid the poison laced meal. Having not eaten in days and no longer had the strength to fight with such vigor.

Knowing that he had swallowed enough to do damage, tears welled within his eyes as he shouted at his father with rage, “Why? Why does it matter?! Let me die! Let me die with him!”

“When you provide an heir for our kingdoms, I will consider it,” The King’s voice wasn’t even laced with malice, it was overflowing in his tone.

Madness evolved upon Diluc’s face, his eyes widened as tears began to stream like angry waters down his face. A smile pulled across his bruised and cut lips, a smile that couldn’t be recognized as his mothers. The madness that he was succumbing to was not far from his father’s but enough to make it clear that he refused to give in.

Our kingdoms?” Diluc began to laugh, throwing his head back against the wall, the pain seared his head but he did it with purpose. His body began to heat up, knowing the drug would kick in soon he planned to knock himself out.

“Prince Childe would never lay hands upon me! He has respect, he loves another!” Diluc went to throw his head back once more before the gentle hand of a servant stopped the impact.

“Let go of me! Snezhnaya will burn this castle down!” A familiar voice caused Diluc to pause in his frenzy, his eyes remained wide as the Snezhnayain prince was thrown onto the floor before him.

Childe turned his eyes to Crepus, who put a hand upon his head, nearly singing as he spoke, “The wine had been spiked. What a dirty trick, you really have a death wish, King Crepus.”

An eerie silence encompassed the room, both Princes met each other’s gaze as they realized the plot the King had. Childe snarled, disgusted with himself that he had fallen for such a petty trick furious that such a thing happened to him. Without another word, the king left the room, leaving the two to their own devices.

“Childe...I’m so sorry,” Diluc’s head hung upon his shoulder as he pulled his legs closer to his body, the cramping had already begun and the pheromones that emitted from the alpha were making him sick.

Even with Kaeya gone, Diluc still belonged to him and his body yearned for his touch once more. The tears of madness had now grown into tears of fear and anger, he felt terrible for getting Childe pulled into this knowing that he had an omega of his own.

The hollow sound of Childe’s boots against the stone floor caused Diluc to flinch, attempting to pull himself into a smaller ball than he had already been in. Childe was trained in combat and an intimidating man nonetheless, Diluc had nothing to defend himself from the impending doom. No one but Kaeya had ever lay hands upon him, it was a nightmare he had ever since his mother spoke to him about the pains of being an omega.


The sound of chains caused Diluc to pause, lifting his head before he looked at the man who had gotten up and walked across the room. Chapped lips opened in shock as he watched Childe changing himself against the wall across from him. The Prince of Snezhnaya was very set in his ways, even though his face began to morph with pain as he fought against the pain of his forced rut.

“If Kaeya was dead,” Childe spoke in a low voice, “you wouldn’t be in such pain right now. Hold out hope Firebird,” his body was growing hot, but now that he restrained himself he felt much more content with the discomfort. It showed his resolution to his omega, it showed his dedication to his country and the slim Princly relationship he had with Diluc.

“Even if it costs me my life, I could not do a disservice to Zhongli, I pray he understands that my loyalty knows no bounds. Campfire Prince, I will die before I lay hands upon you and that is a promise.”

Relief came with the words that Childe had spoken, despite their kingdoms being on poor terms the two never detested one another. The ridiculous plot of marriage was cooked up by none other than their parents in some pathetic attempt of peace. Both son’s couldn’t wait to own the throne, to end such deliberate disrespect to the youth that lay under their parents. The two wanted to heal the wounds between their countries on their own terms, through trade and partnerships. Not some forced marriage that could only lead to bloodshed.

Diluc wanted to ask Childe if what he said was true, if this meant that Kaeya was alive but was unable to form the words. Sobs left his lips at Childe’s promise, he grew to respect the man all the more for his dedication to his lover. The pain that he was experiencing was the worst he ever had, the food he had been forced earlier began to arise. No position he sat in would sooth his angered body, the slick that accumulated between his thighs wasn’t welcome and only brought him shame.

Although it was difficult, the two were able to wait out the drug induced heat and rut. The two rarely conversed at grand balls and parties across the kingdoms, previously they had somewhat of a rivalry that was fitting their country's previous relationship. The respect they had for one another had grown the most on their forced date, where they unveiled the secrets they each had.

Using the other’s lover, they whispered words of encouragement as each of them suffered. As the poison wore off, they began to speak of escape along- a short lived conversation as the heavy door was thrown open. The King stormed in his face as red as his hair as he stared between the two of them. He wanted to arrive and see that the job had been complete, instead he saw that the two were as far from one another as possible.

“You will damn us all!” The king roared, glaring over to Childe with a look of malice and hatred, “I will have your hands boy!”

“Take them and war will be declared,” Childe’s eyes darkened, a far off look appearing on his face at the sheer thought of war, “I’ll place your head upon a spear, you think your people won’t rejoice at your spilled blood upon the ground?”

“You betray your people, you betray your own blood,” the Snezhnayain Prince grew excited as he gave a gentle tug to his chains, “I will bathe in it Kinng Crepus!”

“My King,” a servant stepped inward, a branding iron within his hands as he looked between the two of them, “If we burn their bondage marks off, it may allow the two to copulate properly. Might I suggest you start with your unruly son?”

Fire grew from the man’s hand as he began to heat up the edge of the iron. The rebelling Prince’s fell silent, even Tartaglia’s face morphed from blood lust to one of discontentment. Such a thing had been done to the omega’s in ancient times, it was blasphemy to even think of doing it now. To burn off the bondmark of an omega or an alpha, that was a crime punishable across the Kingdoms.

In panic, Diluc began to shove himself back against the stone walls once more, eyes wide with fear. Kaeya being dead or not, he wouldn’t bear to lose the mark. It meant the world to him, it was the only promise that had ever been kept.

The promise of a golden future- broken.

The promise of respect as an omega- broken.

The promise of his mother’s memory- broken.

The promise of being able to choose- broken.

Every single promise that had ever been made to him had been broken but the scar on his neck was all the proof he needed of love. Since his mother had died, he hadn’t felt a speck of love from anyone within that castle other than Kaeya. The people loved him, each citizen he had helped out showed pride and hope for their prince but it could never amount to what Kaeya provided him. It was the only thing that remained true in this twisted world.

The way Kaeya would hold him in the moonlight during a night of lovemaking, the way they would go out nightly adventures with one another outside of the castle walls. Anytime they would tease the other about their roles in the castle; Diluc never expected it to end. He had been drunk on love, letting his guard down in the hopes that maybe they could be wed. .Diluc kept thinking that it couldn’t get any worse, but his father never failed to impress him.

Crepus gripped onto the iron rod and stormed over, again gripping his son’s hair, pulling his face forward towards the ground. The way he pulled him down caused his shoulder to tear, Diluc groaned in pain as it bent in an unnatural way. The bond mark did not scar like a typical wound would, this one looked as though the space that had been bitten had been filled with light blue ice.

The King gazed upon the uniqueness of the bond mark, pausing briefly as he considered the cause of it’s glow. The mark was something that had fallen into legends, it caused his blood to run cold but would not prevent him from moving forward.

That was the mark of an Abyssal Dragon, that was the mark of a Prince that should have been long dead. The thought excited him, if he hadn’t killed Kaeya he would have allowed the two to copulate; to create more abyssal halflings to unleash into Teyvat. Curse his rashness, curse his inability to read the foolish knight. How could such a dragon die so easily?

The mark, which could have been a diamond in such a situation only caused him to gripe with more rage. That opportunity had been long lost, he must now continue with his original plan.

“Kaeya Alberich is dead, just like your mother. You must move on!” Crepus boomed as he brought the iron down upon Diluc’s flesh.

Diluc’s vision faded to white, the pain and fear forze him in place. He could feel the heat upon his neck, his eyes shut tightly in response- he no longer had the strength or energy to fight back. Trembling in fear as his father proceeded to curse him to life as a pathetic omega. The branding of Omegas had been banned since the beginning of the Ragnvindr reign, who would have anticipated that it would fall onto the very neck of a descendant of the person who ended such torment?

Just as the iron was to sear Diluc’s skin, a whirlwind of ice engulfed the room with a purposeful chunk hitting the red hot metal. Steam rose from the contact, a hissing noise as the ice intertwined with the heat; causing water to drip upon the back of his neck.

“Crepus, King of Mondstadt, release the Prince this instant,” this voice boomed throughout the room, yet it sounded completely ethereal. The disembodied voice sounded as though it belonged to an archon, having layers that seemed to whisper behind each word that was spoken, “Or let your Kingdom Fall into the Abyss.”

Despite the absolute fear that was coursing through Diluc’s veins, the coolness that had come into the room and the voice was incredibly familiar. Throughout the layers of voices, he began to recognize the heart of them all- Kaeya? A tightening began in his chest, he wanted to look up but his father still held his hair tightly within his grasp.

“Better late than never, Pretty Boy,” Childe spoke in a husky manner, attempting to hide the fact that he had been defeated in such a way.

Crepus did not move, his eyes unfocused as he looked at the figure that stood amongst the fog that rolled in through the door. The room began to grow frigid, the thick cloud pooled within the room blocking his ability to see clearly. A guttural growl started within his throat, his grip upon his son’s hair grew tighter. Anger coursed through his veins as he lifted the branding iron high into the air, it did not matter if it was cooled, the damage he could make upon Diluc would be enough.

The king did not have a chance to strike his son, instead a spear of ice impaled Crepus’s hand causing the iron to fall to the ground as his hand was forced against the wall. He howled in agony, pulling to free his hand from it’s new prison with no avail cursing himself for not bringing his delusion or his son’s vision with him. This trip was supposed to be simple, yet now his blood was split and he had been struck by the enemy.

“Fools stop this!” Crepus bellowed to his servants, unaware that they had each left- save for Miss Adelinde.

Miss Adelinde ran into the fog, sticking to the walls as she freed Tartaglia from his confines. The plan had worked perfectly, though there were guards who were dangerously loyal to the King and were willing to die for him. With haste she ushered him from the room, returning his vision and weapons to him as she dragged him down the hall.

“We’ve got to clear a way!” She demanded, tugging the man through a hallway of blood and viscera.

Though she claimed that they needed to clear a path for the other two, it appeared that Kaeya had cleared his own path on the way in. Though that didn’t stop a smile from growing on Childe’s face, he wouldn’t mind killing just a few more Knights on his way out.

“With Pleasure, Girlie!” One arm wrapped around her waist, his strength having returned now that the poison had left his system.

Though he treated her like a meat sack, handling only Zhongli with care, he purposefully went out looking for a fight. The way would continue to be cleared with blood, Adenlinde clung onto him, dictating those who should be left to live versus those who were a threat. It caused his eyes to roll, but he didn’t want to actually start a war with the country. He hoped that Kaeya would let the King live for now, so Child could kill him later.


The fog dispelled only between Kaeya and the King, revealing two opposing sides of good and evil. Kaeya stood looking healthier than ever, yet horrifyingly powerful, had Crepus not have discovered his true identity moments prior the shock could have killed him.

Kaeya Alberich, the Prince of the fallen Khaenri’ah and the gatekeeper between Teyvat and the Abyss stood in his half dragon form. His mouth was open, lizard-like tongue as he gently swiped over his pearly white fangs, a silent intimidation and a promise of death. Horns as black as night protruded from the front of his head, angling back with terrifyingly sharp tips. The eye that had always been hidden by an eyepatch revealed the piercing eye of a dragon, blue and black scales rising from his skin nearby.

“Your Kingdom will fall, just as Khaenri’ah and you choose to hasten it for selfish gain,” he chuckled as an icy fog slipped between his lips. Elegant wings stretched across his back, the part that showed a dark navy and black; only those worth enough would be allowed to see the constellations and stars that lay upon them.

He raised his fingers up, showing talons stained with blood, “Bless these lands, great Archons,” he teased before the fog concealed his figure once more, “For we have sinned.”

Abyssal Halfling - Corkyno - 原神 (1)

In the confusion, Diluc sat in a daze within the fog. He was able to hear what he thought was Kaeya, but he was unable to see a thing. All he knew was that his savior had arrived and he might actually be reunited with the love of his life. If he could have cried once more, he would have. A hand gently touched his wrist and his body reacted to the touch, warming him despite the icy vision Kaeya held.

He’s here.

“My Prince,” his voice caused his bones to shake, but it brought harmony into his sore body, “You will be safe soon, I’m here.”

“K-Kaeya,” Diluc choked as he felt his chains break from around him, the wrist that had been chained to the wall fell limply at his side. The freed limbs tingled but it proved to Diluc that there had been severe damage to his shoulder, when his father had forced his face downwards it caused his muscles to tear.

Despite the burning sensation that wrecked his body with pain, he reached his healthier into the direction he believed that Kaeya was in. Diluc felt incredibly dizzy, he had been suffering and mourning for Kaeya for so long, now that he was here he felt as though he could rest. For a moment he thought that this was all a dream or a hallucination brought on by the drugs and torture.

“Pardon my lateness, I must request you stay awake for as long as you can,” Strong arms wrapped around his limp body, pulling him upwards.

The Phoenix Prince could not see that his savior was presenting himself as true and that was part of Kaeya’s plan. Diluc had been raised to fear dragons and he himself felt repulsed by his own appearance. Kaeya feared that Diluc would fear him all the more in such a state or even find him ugly in his true form.

“Diluc?” It seemed as though the moment he requested Diluc’s alertness, it had begun to slip away.

Diluc head rested upon Kaeya’s shoulder as his eyes closed, he grunted his response as his body only had the energy to say his name. No longer able to move he relished in the feeling of safety and home that Kaeya radiated.


The arms around Diluc felt warm despite the frosty mist that hovered around him, without a doubt he knew that this was Kaeya though something felt different about him. The prince was unsure of the truth that lay behind his delusions, but he could have sworn Kaeya’s hand’s produced sharp blades at the tips. Diluc’s eyes were so heavy, his body finally able to relax in his arms, how could he not fall asleep in such comfort?

“Diluc!!” The final words he heard sounded so panicked, he wanted to apologize to Kaeya for making him worry but his lips could no longer move. Each sound in the room felt muffled, before it had gone totally silent as he fully fell into unconsciousness.

Kaeya, I missed you.

Chapter 2: A Mother's Love


*Four separate flashbacks
*World building
**Not Beta Read**


I wanted to show some background before I dive into Kaeluc flashbacks. These three pieces revolve around Diluc's Mother a give insight to the situation.

*some scenes might get a deeper dive when it becomes Diluc's point of view.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Father? Can I please lay down? I...I don’t feel well!” Diluc cried as tears pooled over his cheeks, he wasn’t feeling well lately, his body had been hot and all he wanted to do was sleep; but his father kept preventing that.

Getting up made his body hurt, the king had pulled him from his slumber and sat him down in a chair. Each time he made an attempt to squirm away, telling his father he felt unwell he was tossed back into the chair.

The King stood in front of him, a golden collar was gripped tightly in his hands, the King stared upon his son with eyes of anger as he gripped onto his hair, preventing his son from moving once more. The prince winced his head going back as he looked at the golden collar his father had pulled from his jacket.

His eyes widened in fear once he realized that his father was going to place a collar around his neck, “I...Why?”

“An omega should know their place,” Crepus growled, his eyes widened as he made direct eye contact with his son. Madness loomed in his eyes, the gentle and happy expression he used to have vanished months ago.

“Without this, you will become a sleeve to the alphas of Monstadt, is that what you want?”

“To be knocked up? No Prince of Mondstadt should be used as breeding cattle, without this you will keep your dignity.”

And I can choose your mate.

The words Crepus spoke had scared Diluc beyond belief, a sick feeling began to build up in his throat as he continued to resist the collar. Diluc couldn’t understand what his father was saying, he hadn’t been told about sex or breeding; the words sent a chill down his spine.

“I...I don’t-” his words were cut off as his father grabbed him by his collar and tossed him onto the bed. Pinning him down as he forced the collar around his neck, it was fascinating much too tight and a small spike had been placed on the back.

Diluc fell into a panic, calling out for his mother as he struggled against his father to get the collar off.

“Know your place!”

“Crepus!” The voice of the Queen cracked as she barrelled into the room, coming to the call of her young.

The scene disturbed her, but she did not have time to be fearful of Crepus. Before she had been a Mother, before she had become a ‘refined woman’, she had been skilled in combat. Pretending to be gentle and pristine could not hide the skills that she held.

Her heels were kicked off as she ran forward, gripping onto Crepus’s shoulders as she forced his arms to loosen. Her leg went down to his, knocking off his center of gravity before she yanked him backwards. An Alpha’s strength could be unmatched when angered, a mother’s strength could be unmatched when angered... a mixture of the two was forced to be reckoned with.

A roar erupted from her throat as she managed to throw her husband against the dresser, trinkets falling and crashing around him. The queen paid no mind, instead she ran to her half conscious son who lay upon the ground.

Diluc’s hands gripped at the collar around his neck, he choked, a look of pure panic in his eyes as she snapped the piece in two. Those gorgeous red eyes were wide with fear, an empty look as Diluc’s body fell into its fight or flight mode.The little prince wailed the moment he was able to take a full breath, diving into the bosom of his mother as she wrapped herself around him like armour.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at her husband, she had never expected such behavior from him.

“Vanessa banned collars in all of Teyvat,” she held onto her son tightly, her hand rubbing through his hair as she came to realize that a stranger slept beside her every night. Her eyes fell upon the broken collar on the ground, such a piece was hundreds of years old- it should have remained collecting dust.

“And you dare go against your own bloodline, past and present?” her words were cold, she was angered and felt a little fearful; was still the king.

When Crepus hit the dresser, he was awoken from his delusions and stared in horror at what he had just done. His mouth hung open as he looked upon the collar, the very thing that went against Mondstadt, the land of freedom.

“My love,” he spoke before looking at Diluc, seeing his pride and joy hyperventilating on the ground.

Scratch marks and bruises circled his neck, the damage had been done.

Diluc gripped at her nightgown, attempting to catch his breath while his mother attempted to calm him with her pheromones. Without another word the Queen stood up and carefully walked a half circle around the king, removing him from the room before she called out for a servant.

“Water please! Calming balm...And some sweet bread, the Prince had a bad dream,” she lied, knowing the King could hear her as she carried her son into a more peaceful setting.

Two maids followed her command, rushing down the hall in order to get the items that she requested. The queen brought her son into an empty but well kept room, sitting down on the bed with her son on her lap. His eyes were open and empty, the cheerful son she raised had the life torn from him. She rocked her son gently in her arms, hearing him gasp and sob as he attempted to catch his breath; Diluc was terrified.

Seeing him like this broke her heart, Diluc was originally excited to determine his second sex, not once showing any type of shame for it. But with each conversation the prince had with the king, after each risky situation he was placed in with a Knight...he grew fearful. It was as though the King was trying to get Diluc to live in fear or to even hate himself.

A maid walked in with a balm for his neck, the other walking in with the water and bread that had been requested. They were silent as they left the items on the bedside table, waiting by the door before the Queen thanked and dismissed them.

She attempted to pry her son from her body, lay him down on the bed so she could tend to his neck but his grip refused to budge. Not wanting to upset him, she got up and moved closer to the bedside table, her hands beginning to tie his hair up and out of the way.

Diluc flinched as her fingers gently touched his neck, he flinched and cried out once more as he finally let go of her. Instead of clinging to her, he was attempting to escape her hold and run off, “No- Please.. I don’t want the collar!”

Diluc had managed to shove himself from his mother’s lap, but didn’t get very fair as he tripped over himself and landed on the ground.

“Diluc,” she spoke softly, her hands pulling close to herself, not sure if she should attempt to restrain her panicked son or not, “I do not have a collar.”

Upon the floor the prince caught a hold of himself once more, his eyes looking from the floor up towards his mother.

“Mom,” his voice broke as he looked up to her, “Does...father hate omegas?”

“Does he hate me?” His voice was cracked and broken, his throat recovering from the ordeal.

The queen began to fight back tears of her own, she swallowed hard in order to steady herself and her bleeding heart. It was so complicated, she had no idea what caused this sudden change in Crepus; he hadn’t been the same the past few months. At first it was just something she had noticed, how distracted he was about learning of Delusions and the like. But now their son was starting to realize that his father had changed, only he didn’t think of it as his mother had.

“Diluc, your father doesn’t hate omegas,” she straightened up her back before she reached her hand back out to her son, inviting him in.

The Prince slowly pushed himself back towards his mother, she grabbed him by his shoulders and laid him against the pillows. She grabbed onto the balm and motioned to his neck, asking permission to place it upon the wounds.

Diluc’s eyes squinted together before nodding slowly, allowing his mother to apply the balm. The cream stung the cuts that had been left behind from his scratches, though it began to cool and soothe soon after.

“He said...if I don’t wear it…” Diluc’s lips trembled, “The knights will hurt me...But I thought...I thought they were supposed to protect us?”

“I misspoke,” a deep voice came from the doorway, the two went from looking at one another to Crepus.

The King stood at the door, he looked as though he had come down from some type of mania; massive bags under his eyes, his hair a mess, and a look of guilt that almost reached his eyes.

“I’m sorry Diluc,” he spoke at the door, to the queen it looked like a dog with his hair between his legs and a bear behind him. To Diluc, he was a man who had held him down and choked the life out of him, hearing an apology was nice, but not enough.

Crepus bowed his head towards the Queen and his son, before turning his back to them, “Collars are for animals, not humans…I just worry about your safety Diluc.”

The queen listened to the tone of her husband.

Crepus, my love, what happened to you?

“The Prince needs rest right now,” The queen interjected, not wanting her son to interact with his attacker, “We can speak later.”

Crepus nodded before he left the room, although the guilt did not reach his eyes. What was left of his heart was pulling at his chest, his true self was being blotted out, withering to ash. The black miasma had poisoned his muscles and tissues would continue to spread, the thoughtful King was falling deeper into his own abyss.


“Prince Diluc of Mondstadt,” the voice that spoke was gentle and harmonic, one could tell that she her lips held a proud grin as she spoke, “But my baby, no matter if you are a prince, a king, or an archon,” The voice came with a pinch to the boy’s cheek, “I hope that you stay humble as you get older.”

“Mother!” The young prince gasped, his face beginning to blush as he attempted to pull away from the queen, “My face will be red!”

“May it match our hair!” the woman laughed, her lips red as he focused on her freckled face.

Despite being slightly embarrassed, he couldn’t say he hated the attention from his mother. While his father was rougher around the edges, his mother was kind and gentle, a perfect person that he couldn’t see an ounce of malice in. Both of his parents doted on him in nearly every way, he was his mother’s adorable son and his father’s strength and heir.

Diluc Ragnvindr had hair that was a fiery red, matching his father in shade and volume, his determination and love for their kingdom passed onto him. The Queen’s face was fair and divine, reflecting onto her son; the softness of her skin and light pink lips. Although he presented as an omega recently, he did not expect anything to change.

The Prince was unaware of the arguments his loving parents had had nightly, since the first day that he presented. It was odd that two fine alpha monarchs had produced an omega son, especially when he looked so much like his parents.

It was truly a debacle, though one that could not be sulked over on for too long, as it could not be changed. Had a curse been placed upon their family, the Queen didn’t bat an eye, completely unbothered by her son’s second sex. Her sister had been the same, an omega madian; yet she suffered an unfortunate fate, one that she wished her son never experienced. The Queen’s determination to raise a son who was happy and safe, was her goal and she had originally thought that her husband thought the same.

The King had always been warm to his son, yet after he presented he began to act rather cold. He wallowed in his own sadness, wondering who had placed such a curse upon his family. He wondered if the blood of his wife had been what had damned him but he couldn’t bear to think it was her who had done such a thing.

If there was a way to change his son, he would do it without a second’s thought; but there was no way to chance a second sex. The only thing the King could do was accept defeat and follow the request of his wife, help raising a happy and healthy son.

In his eyes, there had never been an omega monarch in any Kingdom of Teyvat, it seemed blasphemous to have something so fragile lead Mondtsadt. Even though omega’s were treated much more fairley, they seemed to carry a stigma that the King could not shake.

Diluc had received his vision before his second sex had appeared, Diluc had been training hard to one day lead the Knights just as his father did. He was one of the few in their family to actually earn a vision, it had been a blessing from the archons that Crepus thought as a promise of success.

Despite this, Diluc began to notice that his trips to the practice grounds had grown few and far between, that he was to spend more time refining other skills within the castle. The Prince loved adventure and exploring, he was able to leave the castle grounds with either of his parents or with a few trusted knights.

The boy did notice that those who took him for walks were either his family or beta’s, he also noticed that some knights would disappear around him as he walked through the yard. The innocence of the boy was completely protected, though the King could not keep this up, they needed to start Diluc on suppressants.

Both of his parents feared Diluc following the natural flow of things for different reasons. The King didn’t want his son to be deflowered and impregnated by lowly scum, he also did not want his strongest to be distracted by the sweet smell of his son. It was simple, the king wanted to choose Diluc’s mate and ensure it be the ‘best’ for Mondtsadt while keeping his army in check.

The Queen was the opposite, she wanted him to take his suppressants so he would not suffer through heats and be pressured to make decisions that she felt he was too young to make. She wanted her son to have control, she would do anything to ensure that happened.

“Mother,” Diluc spoke up, his eyes shimmering with each hope and dream he carried, “Once I am on supplements, will father let me sparr again? Or practice with my vision?”

“I don’t see why not,” The Queen lowered her hand from Diluc’s cheek to push some hair back behind his ear. He was growing so quickly, she was starting to miss her little boy, even if his eyes were still large and his smile glorious, she longed to hold him once more at her hip.

“Though…” she started as she pulled her hand back to her chest, her eyes turning to glance upon an open window in the castle. She pursed her lips and lowered down beside her son, giving him a tight hug before whispering, “I request that even on suppressants, that you never need to bow to an alpha…”

“Mother?” Diluc questioned, his arms wrapped around her in a hug but he was caught off guard by her words, “What do you mean?”

“When you fall in love, please tell me. I will ensure your happiness, no matter their status.”

Diluc’s face was beginning to red, he had just begun presenting as an omega he hadn’t thought about love or sex yet. He attempted to respond, but only came to stutter before being cut off by his mother placing a kiss upon his head.

I will protect you, Diluc. She promised with a kiss upon his forehead.

Even if it kills me.


The Young Prince sat in the carriage, a displeased look upon his face as he gazed out the window. Beside him his mother, the Queen sat, smiling tenderly at her son before peaking out to see her husband nearby. Crepus, her king and husband rode upon a white horse beside them. They carried forth from the center of Mondstadt outwards, planning to visit a nearby town in order to obtain something highly important for their son.

“My little Diluc, there is no reason to pout,” the queen teased, little wrinkles pulled upon her warm eyes, “Once we have your medication, you will be able to experience everything like you used to, okay?”

“There is no need to fret mother,” The prince said, looking from the passing trees to her, “I am trained so well with the sword, I see not a worry.”

The Queen sighed deeply as she closed her eyes; it was hard to explain to the prince who had just embarked in his younger teens that it was not as simple as that. Recently they had discovered that their only child was an omega, somehow born to two alpha parents. In their society, this could have been considered dangerous and his mother was well aware of this. The stigma that omegas were only meant to be bred and restrained brought pain into her heart, her son was powerful and should not be defined by his second sex.

On the other hand, Crepus thought that this would be an incredible opportunity to make a treaty with a neighboring nation. If Diluc were to marry an Alpha of another place, the trade could very well increase which would work wonders for the economy of Mondstadt. The idea horrified the Queen, demanding that those thoughts never enter Crepus’s head again, their son was not a pawn to the monarch, but a living and breathing person who deserved the freedom to make decisions on his own.

Upon seeing the sadness and anger in his beloved wife’s eyes, he understood the error of his current train of thought. Their son was the apple of their eye and already experienced with his vision and sword. There was no need to hold him back, instead they decided they would obtain some type of suppressant to help brighten an already well lit future. A Royal Omega truly wasn’t that much of a fault, if one did not wish to have their own hold upon their destiny. A beta on the other hand, was still considered strong blood.

“Diluc, I hope you never encounter the nightmares I fear will come to you. There are evil people out there and although we currently live in a time of peace, my fears of your future still hold. Would you please entertain your dear mother? Just for a little while?”

Unable to deny his mother’s request Diluc loosened the tension in his shoulders, it was a mother’s duty to keep an eye out for her son, “Yes mother, I am sorry for thinking otherwise,” his response was genuine.

He thought back to their previous conversation in the garden, something seemed to be bothering her and she was acting rather suspicious. The prince began to worry about her actions, noticing how her eyes seemed to shift whenever the King was around. After they got home, he planned to ask her what was wrong.

Diluc had never had to live life under a type of restriction and since he started to emit hormones, he had been kept inside much more often than before. The prince was actually impressed that his parents took him outside on this trip, thinking they would do anything to keep him locked away or at their hips. He had started to feel like a bird in a cage, unable to spread his wings and experience the world anymore. If this trip meant he was able to reclaim his life, he would gladly take it even if it meant he must ride beside his mother in the carriage.

Their arrival was secretive, they did not come with a group of guards for such private business, this is where they had made a grave mistake. For as they entered the village they knew not of what awaited them for their journey home.

The appointment was quick and the prince was provided what he needed in order to continue his life of adventure. Happiness shone upon his face and he took whatever he needed to immediately, ready to resume horseback riding and sparing with the guards on duty. His parents were joyous to see that he was happy over the decision, hoping that their son would be able to keep hold of his own destiny.

“One thing you must be sure of,” the doctor pointed towards Diluc’s lower abdomen, “Your constellation will never go away, no matter what you take to hide who you are, it will remain. As long as you continue to take your medication, it will not glow or activate, but it will always be on your person. Keep yourself covered Young Prince, the people of Mondstadt would hate to see something happen to you.” Diluc accepted the instructions with any hesitation, if his freedom was returning he did not mind it.

“See?” The Queen whispered to her husband as they began their way to their carriage, Diluc scampering ahead, “Now Crepus if only you will accept that your son is fully capable of his own destiny, I hope you will not attempt to dictate his future?”

“There will come a day when he must receive a mate in order to carry on the throne, whomever ends up with will then learn of his condition. I am unsure if hiding it would make this easier or harder for him.”

“Condition?” The queen questioned her tongue sliding against her cheek, “You act as though it is a disease, whomever he chooses as his lover will learn to love him as he is! Not for the purpose of breeding. Crepus could you imagine if our parents denied our love because we were both Alphas? My sister was born an Omega, never happy and held back, married off to ******* and It’s nearly impossible to communicate with her. She didn’t choose her mate, she was given one. I do not want that for our son!” Turning she placed a stern grip upon her husband’s arm, “Promise me this Crepus, you will not become delusional and use your son as a chess piece.”

A flick of anger appeared in Crepus’s eyes, one that was quickly doused as he surveyed his beautiful wife, “Relax my dear, you act as though you have no power beside me.”

The Queen could feel something that was buried deep within her husband, his promises seemed empty and she began to fear the worst for her son. Crepus had recently discovered ancient magic and began devising some unspoken plans, danger was in the air and with each word he spoke.

In her heart, she determined that this place would no longer be safe for Diluc. Something had possessed Crepus that gave him such a sickening aura; it would be impossible to get Diluc out of the castle on her own, it would be impossible to save him from these walls. An idea came to her as she sat quietly in the carriage, one that she knew would lead to her demise of her son’s freedom.

The Abyss wasn’t unkind, the gatekeeper was willing to take pity upon those in Teyvat...but could he accept the Queen of the Kingdom that helped the fall of his own?

A gentle smile came onto the Queens face as she played her act as a pleased woman, leaning forward to kiss her husband, “You are a benevolent King, leading with power and intuition. I know how much we mean to you,” what she spoke felt like a lie, a black hole began to form in her heart, “I just worry over his fate.”

“Shall I call upon the best Astrologist in Teyvat? Will that convince you that our son is made for greatness?” Crepus laughed, his large hands reaching out as he motioned to their son, “He will bear the greatest heir to the throne, a pampered wife.”

The Queen showed great strength by holding back the foul words that attempted to escape her lips, the muscles in her jaw tightened at the king’s words. Here he had just told her that they stood equal, that she as the wife had power beside the king; only to completely diminish that when speaking of their son.

A pampered wife was not what Diluc wanted to be, he spoke frequently of his dreams and his father was prepared to crush them.

“A beautiful King,” she spoke, knowing that regardless of his second sex, her son would still be a King-even if he was given the title of wife, “Whom will lead Monstadt to Glory by bare just as glorius pups.”

The words felt like poison in her mouth.


The Queen had lied to her king, it pained her to do so and caused a soft stinging upon her bond mark, but she continued to overcome it. The Queen sat within a small carriage, her two closest attendants and their daughter had come with her. While the trusted two led the horses, the young girl sat in the carriage across the queen.

The brunette girl sat prim and proper, her back as straight as she could with her hands clasped in front of her.

“Adelinde,” The queen spoke with a grin, she was a couple years older than Diluc and hoped to serve the prince one day, “You may relax with me, have your parents not told you? I am not a strict Queen.”

“My Queen,” her voice shook slightly as she spoke, feeling incredibly happy that she was trusted to come along on this journey, “I am honored to come with you, I hope to be of good use. Thank you!” She bowed her head down, still acting formal as the queen chuckled.

“Of course, Lady Ragnvindr is fine… Adelinde, do you understand the importance of our little adventure?” She motioned out the window, the forest began to grow darker as they continued onward.

Adelinde shook her head, her parents were incredibly secretive about this trip and she was well aware that it was important and must be kept silent.

“You are incredibly brave, I trust you as much as both of your parents...I trust that you will not speak or crumble under the wrath of our King.”

“You may have noticed something has changed about him, there is a darker look in his eyes…” Adelinde could see the pain in the queen’s eyes as she spoke, although she was unable to relate to her pain, she felt for the queen, “The King is changing, the delusion he discovered is tainting his soul and I fear for the wellbeing of my son and kingdom.”

“Although I am the queen, there is a distinct lack of power where I stand...as I hold no vision or delusion,” despite her mastery with a sword, she was nothing against the political atmosphere of Mondstadt, to wage war against her king would be treason, “Today we will go to the Gatekeeper, I shall ask for forgiveness...and ask for my son’s protection.”

“The...Gatekeeper of the Abyss?”

“Yes,” The queen nodded, her lips pulled taut, “Do you know much of the Gatekeeper?”

“They are…the last of the royal bloodline of Khaneri’ah, aren’t they? Hadn’t they been...cursed with dragon’s blood?”

“The grand become archons, the grander ascend to Celestia...and the damned fall to the Abyss, that is the story that Teyvat tells,” the young girl added.

“Why do you think that story is?” The queen questioned, the trees outside grew darker as they walked deeper into the forest.

“Lady Ragnvindr, I’ve been told that Khaneri’ah fought against Celestia in an attempt to rid the world of the gods. For their hersey they were eradicated by the Kingdoms and damned to eternal suffering. They are to guard the gates to the Abyss for the rest of their lives in order to repay their debts.”

“Would you believe me if I told you, that was not so?” A smile began to form upon the queen’s lips, a light returning to her eyes, “The people of Khaneri’ah were not trying to cause a great calamity, they were fighting for each human here. The gods did not like it and thus the war began,”

“History is told by those who conquer, countless lives were lost and memories fade.”

“But what if I told you, that those of Khaneri’ah had always been close to the dragons and all the mysteries of the universe? That the final Gatekeepers chose to guard the gates of the Abyss in order to protect those who had damned them?”

“Why would they protect the people who helped them fall?” Adelinde questioned, her interest had peeked.

“Orcales knew that they would fall for hundreds of years, it had already been fated. The King decided that if they would fall, they would fall fighting the fates and gods in an attempt to free the future from a never ending circle.”

“They rule over the Abyss, though just like any other Kingdom...not everyone is keen to listen to their Kings… Many Abyssal creatures harbor resentment in their hearts and I do not blame them. If I had given so much of my life for the future, only to be damned by the very souls I wanted to protect- it would be hard not to be angry.”

“But the Gatekeepers remain in place, harboring a burden that should not be theirs to bear.”

The carriage came to a stop and the side door opened, the queen nodded to the young woman across from her and stepped out of the carriage. A void sat upon the edge of the forest, the cosmos twinkled from within; although it was intimidating, they Queen did not bat an eye.

A translucent barrier was placed beyond that portal, one that kept the Abyss separate from Teyvat. At first glance, the world beyond the void looked just as this one did, beautiful flora and fauna sprawling into an even denser forest. Though the longer those stared at the Abyss, the more their bones began to crawl. The horror stories they were told as children prevented them from seeing anything more than the suffering of thousands.

Adelinde stood up in the carriage, stepping towards the door as she saw the Queen raise her hand towards the void, “Beati ab stellae. Audi meis postulaticiis praeferunt.”

The ground rumbled under her, though she did not waver, her hand remaining out towards the void. From within the colors an ethereal voice shook each of their bones, “Ego audiam,”

Before them, the void expanded- distorting the barrier surrounding it. Adelinde stepped from the carriage, her eyes wide in awe as her parents stood on either side of her. From within an abyssal dragon stepped forth, having been welcomed into Teyvat by the Queen of Mondstadt.


Google Translate latin:

Ego audiam = I hear that/ I will listen.

Beati ab stellae. Audi meis postulaticiis praeferunt= Blessed are the stars. Listen to my request

Chapter 3: Fate and Promises


I wish I could give you guys kudos, the last two chapters had so many typos. Thank you guys for not making fun of me, I hope to edit them and make them a bit more readable.

Thank you for your patience on my little back burner project!

-Remember this story will be told in a few flashbacks BEFORE we go back to the present. This chapter is STILL A FLASHBACK.

Chapter Text

Diluc had yet to recover from his father attempting to force a collar on his neck, the bruises peeking from behind his clothing. The outgoing fire that he had once radiated had been smothered, his eyes carefully scanning the hallways in fear that his father would once again try to put a collar around his neck.

His mother had gone on a trip and he had remained locked in his room, not by force but by choice. The words his father had said left a deep scar upon his heart, he didn't want the collar but feared that it was true.

That the hungry eyes of the Alphas that worked at the castle would feast upon him if he stepped outside. He had never once thought of sex but they managed to manifest into his nightmares, the cruel words he heard at night thtrough his doorway. He could swear that they were real, that the threats and smells that paralized him weren't all made in his head.

Each thought brought him to a darker place, any sudden nose would cause him to jump as paranoia consumed him. The Prince began to question if his mother had been correct to stop his father, if he shouldn't have begged for him to stop and just accepted the piece around his neck.

From what it seemed, it was just an ugly thing that went down in history as a horrible relic while it was still practical. The young boy's head was a mess, attempting to make his sudden change seem logical even though it went against everything he was raised to believe in. Even though it was everything that Mondstadt stood for.

The whispers and smells that Diluc was experiencing, those phantom bits that kept him from getting sleep were real. They were not things that manifested themselves or hallucinations, they were true and there with a purpose. With the Queen away, the King was able to do what he wished in order to control his poor omega son. If Diluc was not to be transformed into an Alpha, if he was not to be placed through such torture than he must learn his place.

The only thing keeping the King in line was his wife, his beautiful and loving wife who he stepped further away from each and every day. Crepus had a plan, to raise his son fearful of the world around him- fearful of going outside and keeping him within the castle. Keep him so afraid of Alphas that he would listen to the will of his father and when the time was right...marry him off.

It didn't matter to Crepus how soon this happened, if it worked out tomorrow he would happily send his young son away in order to strengthen the bonds of another nation. He would gladly wait though, because there was a piece of his sanity left. A piece of it that cried for him to simply kill himself, kill himself and stop this dark poison from ruining the lives of his Wife and Son.

The two people who meant the most to him, were beginning to darken in the memories in his heart. Their faces faded away as he focused on a few key ideas- Strengthen Mondstadt, have a suitable Heir to the throne, expand the borders, and master the dark Magic of the Delusion.

"My Son," Crepus spoke down the hall, a smirk on his face as he attempted to lure his son from his hiding place, testing to see just how far he had fallen in the darkness, "I need you this instant, no time to dawdle."

Diluc sat in the darkness of his room, his arms hugging his legs as his forehead rested upon his knees. Tears stained his cheeks and his eyes were red, bags had formed under his eyes and a smile hadn't appeared on his slimming cheeks in days.

His father's call broke the silence, causing him to flinch as he looked over towards the door, vision warping as it appeared to move farther from him. The Prince didn't want to leave that door, he wanted his mother and he wished he had been an Alpha.

How could his mother raise him to be a proud omega, when his father seemed to hate his existence?

"Prince Diluc, Have you no manners?"

Slowly Diluc stood up, his body trembling as he walked barefoot to the door. His warm was dark, the drapes were drawn and not a bit of light creeped in from the windows. The only light within the room had been whatever slipped through the cracks of the doorway.

Each step made it harder to breathe, a crushing feeling growing upon his chest that caused him to gag. Everything had grown so scary and dark, he wanted to do nothing more than to shrink away into nothingness. To once again become the apple of his father's eye, to be the impressive prince that his father was proud of.

To feel the love of his father once more.

The trembling boy opened the door, the light blinding him for a moment as he stepped into the hallway, not noticing that his father was actually stepping backwards. In a horrible twist of irony, Crepus thought back to the first time that Diluc had walked. Those first few steps that caused Crepus to cry tears of joy, to lift the little boy up and parade him around the castle.

"My boy will be so strong!"

"My boy will do great things!"

That proud father had been reborn or maybe, he had just died and instead the hallowed man stood. Crepus's chin was held high, a smirk upon his face as he took a step back for every step Diluc made towards him. Again, Diluc was learning how to walk only in a much more terrifying manner.The King had dripped an Alpha's Elixir down the hallway, the closer Diluc went to his father the stronger it became.

The reaction was exactly what Crepus had wanted, he watched his son begin to buckle forward as he gasped for air. Crepus had overridden Diluc's natural response of an omega sensing the scent of an alpha into that of horror.

Diluc stopped his steps, his legs giving out underneath him as he attempted to crawl forward trying to resist the urge to curl in on himself.

"F-father," He gasped, reaching his hand out, "Collar- please, I don't wanna be bonded- I don't want to be an omega, Please. Father."

"Oh?" Crepus stepped forward, his plan had worked, "But my dear, you will have to explain to the Queen that this was your wish."

"Father I'm scared, I don't want..."

"I know, I know," Crepus flipped his switch as he walked over, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around his son, "You don't want some disgusting Alpha to steal you away, I promise my dear son that will not happen. You are the Prince of Mondstadt, you can only be bonded to someone who is suited well. I refuse to let any of these low lifes touch you."

That wasn't Diluc's intention when he spoke, but in his fear he could only nodd. If his father could make the smell go away, if his father could take the risk of being bonded by someone away he would take it. Anything to end this cycle of pain and misery.

"Now a collar will prevent Alphas from taking you, but that will not stop the heats...or prevent them from smelling you...but..."

"Father can fix that for you if you'd like,"

"Please!" Diluc sobbed, wrapping his arms around his father as though he were Lord Barbatos himself.

Crepus did not need to hear anything more than that, with a single arm he lifted his son from the ground and carried him down the stone stairs into a room that Diluc had yet to see before.

This room was a dungeon, rusted chains upon the wall and branding irons hung upon the sides. The Prince was too scared to notice that despite the dank smell in the room, some of the questionable items no longer held dust or cobwebs. Diluc was too fearful to let go or doubt his father, so he just shoved his face into his chest like a cowering child.

It was embarrassing, his cheeks grew hot with shame. He was becoming a young man, had just shown his second sex and was now hiding into his father as though he were five.

Diluc was placed on a cold table, Crepus nearly prying his fingers from his clothes so he could grab what he needed. Turning he walked over towards a table and dug around within one of it's drawers before pulling out a new collar.

This one was not as extravagant as the first, but it would still prove to anyone who saw him that he was of high status. That the omega who wore this, was a challenge but also a prize to the highest bidder.

Although he asked for the collar, Diluc's eyes fluttered as he nearly fainted from the sight. Had he eaten regular meals, he would have wet himself, but there was nothing within him to expel but tears. The collar would be his savior but would also be his prison.

Yet the King would not strap it onto his son's neck against his will this time, this time he would play much smarter. Crepus knew that Diluc couldn't lie to the Queen, no matter what happened, it would be impossible.

Sitting down beside Diluc, Crepus placed the silver collar in Diluc's hands in order to get him familiar with it, to give him a false sense of security.

It was cold in Diluc's hands, despite having been in Crepus's. It didn't give him any semblance of warmth or safety, but somehow it felt like a necessity. Diluc felt as though if he did not accept the collar, if he did not place it around his neck, he would die faster than he would if he starved himself or lept from his window.

Steadying his red eyes he looked at the piece, shivering fingers touching the encrusted rubies that were ingrained within it. It was here he noticed the five distinct spikes that rested on the back of the collar, his eyes dilated as his fingers gently touched one and pricked his finger.

"Father...what's this?"

"The solution, your safety net, and your freedom to resume your life upon the castle grounds," Crepus purposefully left out Mondstadt, he wanted to minimize any risk of his son being tainted.

Omegas might have been weak, but Crepus knew of the power an Omega Ragnvindr could possibly be. All of the potential...for such selfish gain.


"Will dig into your scent gland, halting its ability to produce your hormones which would protect you from any unwanted attention. It fakes a bond mark, the pressure will ensure that you do not have any of those dirty heats. All of this and prevents any naught scumbag from attempting to stake a claim on you," Crepus wrapped his arm around his son, smiling the warmest smile he could, attempting to look genuine.

"Will..it hurt?" Diluc's voice shivered, seeing a tiny bit of blood come from his finger.

The answer was obvious.

"At first it will but eventually you will get used to it, you will seldom remove it but you may be in the safety of your room when it is locked and guarded by an approved night. It is then you will put on a healing salve to keep the flesh healthy, so when you are ready for bonding it will be as though it was never there."

Diluc swallowed hard, it seemed promising. The pain of a few pricks in his neck would never amount to the pain he imagined being taken against his will would be. Or the pain of being used for breeding or other dirty things.It was a gift from his father that he misunderstood, a gift that would protect him in the future and help build him to be a better fit for leading Mondstadt one day.

"Okay," Diluc agreed before handing the collar to Crepus, "Please put it on me."

Crepus smiled and stood before him, making a big show of it as he knelt before him, acting as though he was about to crown his son as the true King of Mondstadt. But Diluc was not being knighted nor was he being put on the throne, this wasn't a coronation, another step into the darkness of his father's heart.

Diluc would call it the Abyss, feeding off the stories he had been told as a child. He would irrogently think that damnation was to that realm, not knowing that the Abyss would be the very thing to save him.

"Diluc you are so brave," His father cooed, Diluc was not able to catch onto the condescending tone in which the King Spoke.

Diluc lifted his chin up, revealing the bruises to Crepus's eyes once more. For a brief moment, the King wavered as he opened the collar and brought it around Diluc's neck. Holding it in place to ensure the placement of the spikes would not bled his dear son dry.

The young Prince trembled, trying to hold back tears as he felt the cold metal linger so close to his neck. He was afraid of being used, he was afraid of being collared and here he decided which one he was much more afraid of but that did not lessen how he felt. He wanted to disappear, vanish or change the very person he had developed into.


The spikes pushed against his skin, pressing into his developing scent gland; piercing skin as a small trickle of blood slipped down his neck. A feeling that would have felt euphoric had it been real had the opposite effect once more, Diluc's body locked up as a limper escaped his lips before his world began to shake.

Overwhelmed and terrified, Diluc's world faded to black as he lost consciousness.

Crepus expected this reaction, as those who are fresh into their second sex couldn't truly be bonded. That gland currently acted more like the extra bit of skin on the back of a cat's neck, immobilizing the prince and flooding his body with hormones that would cause him to fight or flight.

Flight was the intended reaction, each little piece he added to make this moment all the more prominent in Diluc's memory. Crepus thought himself a hero, saving his son from fear and decisions that a little omega would be faced with. With this control, he would lead his son, his country to glory.

With his plan being successful, he lifted up his son and carried him back up to his room. Placing him on the bed before sitting on the plush comforter and gazing upon his son's face.

How long had it been since he sat like this? Normally his wife would sit upon the bed with her son, anytime he had been sick or scared she was there to soothe his woes. Crepus, on the other hand, would sit to gaze upon his pride and joy, in his budding fatherhood he'd come to just look at that radiant face. To sit and ensure that his little blessing was breathing or to sit and tell him the great stories of the past, indulging his son in his own epic battles.

This would be the last time that that light within Crepus would attempt to blind the darkness eating away at his heart. The key to the collar was clasped tight within his hand, originally having the full intention to keep it for himself to control.

That light flickered within him as he grabbed onto Diluc's hand and placed the key in his palm before closing his fingers upon it. The darkness asked him, What if all of this is for nothing and he removes it?

What if his mother forces it off? Key or not, she could remove it with her bare hands.

The light within him replied, solemn with a hint of some unidentified emotion, You've embedded fear into his heart, he will not remove it nor will he allow his mother to. But to give him the ability to remove it, to give him the choice is the least you can do to atone for the sins you plan to commit.

Two men pulled at one another and the gentle caring father was smothered out just as the light in Diluc's eyes.


The Prince adjusted to the collar quickly, returning to the halls of the castle and even leaving to stand in the castle grounds. He wore clothing with higher collars in an attempt to remove attention from his neck, but it was difficult to hide such a piece of art. Diluc began to accept that those who were around him would just have to understand that this was to protect himself from the dangers of the world.

The dangers that he never thought to fear before; leaving the castle grounds was unfathomable in his current mental state.

It was days before the Queen finally returned with her convoy and Crepus wasn't any wiser of what she had done just as she did not know what he had done to their son. Their trust in one another began to drift like ashes in the wind. Their love wasn't the same anymore, the Queen longing for the husband she used to have while the King's love began to grow obsessed.

The King met his queen as they pulled into the stables, a grin on his face as her servants bowed to him. Acting like a gentleman, he pushed the curtain open to gaze upon the wife he had missed, only to see a little boy sitting beside her.


"My King," The Queen smiled despite looking weary before looking down to the boy beside her. She lifted her hand and gently placed it upon his head, giving him an encouraging look.

The young boy perked up, looking towards Crepus before bowing the entire top part of his body down, "M-My King!" he repeated nervously.

The Queen, in her elegance and grace, chuckled lightly and shook her head. It had not been her intention for him to mimic her, "Your name my dear."

"Kaeya," he said nervously, "Kaeya Alberich," he lifted his face up once more as he looked at the king.

The King saw a skinny little boy, an eyepatch over one eye and a rather unfortunate haircut. Crepus hid his confusion and grinned back at the boy that had joined his wife on the ride home, remembering that part of the reason why he loved her was due to her caring yet intimidating nature.

"Little Adelinde," The Queen said, "Would you please escort Kaeya to get cleaned up?" Kaeya turned towards her, eyes widening with apprehension.

Upon seeing this the Queen usher him from the carriage before following after, denying her husband's hand as she stepped out.

"If you are alright waiting in the garden, I will lead you there," she spoke with such kindness, Kaeya couldn't deny her and nodded.

Instead of Adelinde leading her to wash, she led him into the garden and began to talk with him about the flowers. She had learned on this trip that certain things must never be spoken near the King or any of his people.

Crepus turned to his wife, his eyebrows raised as he saw her sway in place. The color was draining from her face and he quickly moved to steady her. Yet the queen did not lean into his touch as she would have, she steadied herself with him beside her and pushed away. Her lifeforce was already draining from her and she wanted to ensure that her time was spent how she wanted it to be spent.

“My Queen,” The King spoke in a hushed tone, his hands going on either side of her pale face, “The color has faded from your cheeks, have you seen the doctor?”

Concern had been embedded deep within his eyes, a pain that appeared trapped behind a thick wall of glass. Despite the worry that had been hinted within his voice, she felt no warmth within his hands. The Crepus she had fallen in love with, was nearly gone, all she could do now was create a world that was safer for her beloved son.

“Crepus,” she put a hand against his cold fingers, her own hand much more warm than his. Her eyes were half lidded, but they lifted up towards his, “This poor boy was on his own. I couldn't leave him."

"Despite being on his own, he helped us when our wheel became loose with a smile on his face..."

The King didn't doubt a word his wife had said, he was enamored with her and his sense of reality had already begun to warp. There was no reason to doubt her words, he nodded at her story as he felt her face underneath his fingertips. All he wished was that his wife would join him in the castle and get checked by their personal doctor.

"Then I thought," her voice trailed off, her smile returning, "What if we trained him to be a Knight? He's around Diluc's age and could be his personal guard," her eyes widened as she lifted her hand now to touch Crepus's face.

She could smell the betrayal in the air, the twisted web he had been weaving; two could play at that, "I know our son is strong," she feigned concern, "but...there is no telling what any of these knights could do...their intentions...Even if he was an alpha, we have him young enough to show him what's right"

"My Queen," Crepus spoke in a bold manner, feeling that hand against his cheek encouraging him to act like the strong husband he was, "This child is young enough to be trained exactly how we please, he will know not a lick of alpha instincts and will be trained to be the best for our son!"

"I am so relieved, my love," she sighed longingly, "For there is no telling where time will take us..."

"Let us bring you in to rest, you look like you may collapse."

"I have yet to break a promise to a child," she wiggled her finger and stepped away, "I must show him to bathe before introducing him to Diluc. I shall rest later."

Crepus rolled his eyes before laughing, "Which is more stubborn? An ancient tree stump or my dear wife?"

The queen threw her head back, "Ha!"

Before she approached the two, she coughed into her hand to see specks of blood upon her skin. The process had begun the moment she had spoken to the Abyssal Dragon; the moment she had asked for help. The trade would be fair and her trade would be worth it, giving her just enough time to ensure that Diluc would be looked after.

After Kaeya was bathed and changed, the Queen sat beside him with a genuine smile upon her face.

"Thank you, Kaeya, for accepting the wish of a lost mother," she whispered.

"Lost?" he shook his head, "In the Abyss, everything that is lost becomes found."

"As you get older, you may miss your home and you will have duties you must follow.. just as your Father spoke," the Queen was careful there were no ears nearby as she spoke, "Miss Adelinde will be the one to cover for you and ensure that you may do was you need."

The deal that his Father and the queen made did not happen without consulting the Halfling. It would be unlikely that his father could help, being stuck in his dragon form while Kaeya was able to morph freely between his halfling state and human facade.

Abyssal Prince, he agreed to the proposed offer and went back with the queen. He wasn't sure why he agreed to meddle in the likes of those who had forsaken his people, but he felt a pull towards the woman. A whisper of his fate told him that there was nothing to fear, that this was his destiny.

His father spoke little of the matter, he did not worry for his son and had been expecting this moment to come, as it was his fate. It was written in the stars and there wasn't anything else that would prevent it from happening, this moment had been predestined.

In truth, Kaeya was hundreds of years older than the Queen but aged differently behind the barrier of Teyvat in the Abyss. Outside of this gate, he would age like the smilairly to those around him until he returned. Even though he was older, he was rather shy meeting new people, especially meeting the man whom he had been told would be his enemy in the future.

Despite having the appearance of a child, Kaeya was very aware of the situation he was entering. The stories his Father told, along with this Queen only matched what he had seen when he used to leave the realm with his father. Riding upon his back before Khanriah had been forsaken by all of Teyvat.

"My Queen," Kaeya spoke clearly as his gaze met hers, "Are you afraid that your death is closer than that of a normal person?"

The queen tilted her head, her red curls fell off her shoulder and bounced beside her, she had to remind herself that this child was no mere human. She pulled her eyes away for a moment, gazing off into the room as she pondered her fate.

"If it means that my precious Diluc can live the life he wants-then I am ready to die. I can only hope that I am able to do all I can before it happens. The King is not a pleasant man. I can only imagine how he will be once I come to pass."

"What would you have done, if my father did not agree?"

She smirked as she looked at the young man, she could not openly state that she would have killed her husband on her own and left her response as silence.

"How about I introduce you to my son?" She stood up and held her hand out to him, "Maybe when you meet him, you will understand just what I would do to protect him."

Kaeya held his hand out, feeling the warmth of her fingers as they left the room and started down the hall. This world was frightening, but she made him feel safe.


Diluc sat in front of a vanity in his room, staring at the collar in the mirror. His neck burned and if he moved it too quickly, he could feel fresh blood seeping through the wounds. So far, he had done nothing but question his decision about the collar. Wondering if this was truly the best idea for him.

It appeared that he was immune to the smells that lingered around him, there was no longer the fearful smell of alpha. For now, the collar seemed like an actual solution. All he had to do was deal with the pain and keep his chin up just like his father did. His father never crumbled under pressure, no matter what pain he was in he kept moving forward...Diluc could do it too.

A knock at the door caused Diluc to jump before he turned to see his mother at the door. The light had yet to return to his eyes, but seeing his mother home once more caused him to feel much more relaxed.

But he couldn't smell her anymore.

"My dear-" She began before looking at his neck, seeing the bruises around his neck along with that collar that lay upon it, "Diluc!"

The Queen rushed forward before pulling him into her chest, "I can take it off, do you want me to take it off?" She went down to her knees, ready to plead her son for forgiveness, "My dear, I'm so sorry..." her eyes scanned his face.

Kaeya took a step to the side, not wanting to intrude on the moment as he watched the two interact.

"It's okay Mother," Diluc said slowly, looking down caused a sharp pain in his neck so he lifted his chin back up, "I asked for it...It will help me."

The Queen shut her eyes tightly as she put her hands on his cheeks, his skin warm but his face flushed. It looked as though the life had been sucked out of him, "Diluc...This is not how things should be. You don't need a collar."

"I want the collar," Diluc said quickly, "It'll make life easier..."

"It'll keep the Alphas away..."

The Queen stood up again, gently pushing his hair out of the way to see the spikes embedded in his neck. Being his mother, she could identify the little bit of blood that had passed from his skin.

"Not like this Diluc, this can really hurt you...There is a reason we don't use these anymore," anger burned within her, she could tell her husband had done something while she was gone, but she couldn't dare to think of what.

"But..What happens if the Alphas..." Diluc's voice shook and his eyes began to look distant.

His mother was incredibly concerned for her son and angry about what her husband had done while she was away. If it was possible for her to bring him, she would have done so.

"I won't let it happen," a soft voice came from the door.

Diluc turned his head quickly, wincing after the quick motion as he looked in surprise as a young boy about his age stepped into the room. The voice, although gentle, was youthful and unfamiliar. The only other kid upon the castle grounds was Adelinde and he knew her voice well.

Their eyes met and a tingling feeling kissed at Diluc's fingers and toes, the sensation was weak but was enough for him to notice. The feeling was strange but not strong enough for Diluc to focus upon it more than the stranger in the doorway.

What is this feeling? Diluc thought, looking to his hands back to Kaeya.

The omega thought that maybe it was just a reaction to someone he hadn't met before, maybe this was proof that the collar was working.

But that wasn't the case, the collar wasn't preventing Diluc from reacting to the scent of an alpha as Kaeya was having the same reaction. Only his was much more intense than Diluc's. That tingling sensation grew from his finger and toes and warmed his middle, the strongest feeling of happiness washed over him.

Happiness wasn't a forgein emotion to Kaeya as he was happy in the Abyss, it wasn't as bad as the people of Teyvat claimed it to be. He had a loving father and got along with those who listened to the dragon's words, the animals and nature there were beautiful and stunning.

Without a collar or any type of suppressant, the young alpha's eye widened as he realized that fate truly did bring him here.

Yet this intensity, this new type of happiness nearly knocked him from his feet. A smile pulled at his lips as he made eye contact with the red headed prince. Within seconds he noticed the bruises on his neck, the collar clasped tight and hiding his scent gland.

The Prince before him, was his fated.

Chapter 4: Youthful Innocence


Still in the flashback of Diluc's first meeting with Kaeya.


Bet you weren't expecting this to update today!

Chapter Text

It felt as though Kaeya had just taken in a massive breath of fresh air, he wished that the omega's smell didn't smell as though it had been hidden by a rain. The only bit that he could sense was whatever was left behind on his sheets and within the room, the scent did not come from him.

Kaeya did not speak his promise because of being his fated, he did not speak that promise because he wanted the collar off of this omega. He spoke from the heart, aligned with the promise that his father, the queen, and himself had made; the feeling only hit him once he stepped into the room.

That promise that he made was honest as he felt it was his duty and he had some strange pull towards the omega. It made sense why he felt so compelled to accept the offer, why his father even dared to allow his only son to leave the Abyss. How the King could allow the Prince of the Abyss to wander among the people of Teyvat, where this King locked his Prince away.

Kaeya could see the freckles upon Diluc's face and how the sun had once kissed the top of his nose, he could see the hopefulness that hid behind tired eyes. That hope was not because of this sudden realization, this hope was genuine.

"Mother," Diluc whispered, eyes lingering upon the strange boy at the door. He was about to ask her who this person was, before realizing that he nearly forgot his manners. Clearing his throat he lifted his chin up in an attempt to look more dignified.

But his hair was unkempt and bags lay under his eyes, he looked pampered but far from princely, "Who are you?"

"I...I'm," Hearing the boy speak to him directly, Kaeya's confidence seemed to waver as his mouth hovered open. It was so much easier talking to the Queen.

The Queen watched the interaction, standing up beside her son as she remembered that they were not alone. Despite her desire to remove the collar, she did not want to embarrass him in front of someone whom she hoped would be his friend.

She was ready to step in if they struggled to speak to one another, but she didn't worry in the slightest about that.

"Kaeya Alberich and I am going to be your-"

"Friend?" Diluc spoke quickly, the light returning to his eyes as he stepped forward.

Personal Bodyguard, Was typically the job that Kaeya had signed up for.

Alpha, was a job that he had just unrecovered to be true.

But Kaeya had never had a true friend and the word seemed so much prettier than the others. Being a few hundred years old made him wise, but he was still a child. Knowing the other two words could simply lower the self esteem of Diluc had not crossed his mind. His mind could only focus on the fact that they could be friends.

"Yes," Kaeya said, his eyes glittered like the stars in the sky, "And I won't let that happen to you. I promise."

Diluc's eyes closed as he grinned, swaying in place before fainting from the sheer pain he was in from the collar. The feeling of joy caused such a rush that his body couldn't handle anything else, but he still scolded himself as the world went silent.

I didn't give him my name!


Kaeya had spent two nights in the castle and neither of them were what he expected when coming to the castle. The person that he was sworn to protect suddenly falling gravely ill made him feel out of place, he wasn't entirely sure what to do beside watch and learn of the interworking of the castle. It was difficult for him to do as all he wanted to do was stand beside the queen and wait outside of Diluc's door.

The only time he stepped away from the door was when the Queen led him to his own room and put him to bed. He allowed her to do so, knowing that he was the only thing that was keeping her chin up and her smile somewhat apparent. Right now the Queen did not allow him into the room and apologized to him countless times.

It appeared that Diluc's physical condition was getting worse as the Queen began to look much more ill and the King began to shout and toss things around. Other than the Queen, Adelinde was the one who mostly spoke to him. Giving him another warm welcome to the castle but walking him around and showing him the most important places to go.He did his best to show interest in what she spoke about, responding how he thought would be best while he just yearned to return back to the doorframe.

The two did get along, having mutual respect from one another as they determined that they both shared the same desires. To protect the Prince and remain loyal to the Queen; it seemed all too perfect that they would grow to become friends.

After the tour, Adelinde dropped Kaeya back off at the door once more, noticing that the King was pacing up and down the hallway. The two stepped to the side, not wanting to interrupt his very important footwork. The King did not respond, in fact he didn't even bat an eye when they walked nearby. It seemed that the King was not allowed into the room, left to stand in the hallway with Kaeya.

Adelinde on the other hand, was allowed in the room with her parents. It was important that she learned how to take care of someone who was ill, especially the prince. Though before she entered the room, her eyes met Kaeya as they had a silent mutual realization.

The two agreed that Crepus deserved to be locked out of the room and that Adelinde should be as vague as possible if she was asked any questions of his state.

With the world sounding to the steps of Crepus's panicked steps outside of the room, the time within the room moved at a different speed. A slow and painful speed that left the Queen on the edge of complete heartbreak.

She watched as her vibrant son grew worse, as his words began to morph from sentences to pure nonsense, to sounds she couldn't fully put together. His cool forehead turning into that of fire and his chest moving in such an erratic manner.

Beads of sweat dripped down Diluc's forehead, his bangs wet and pushed the side as he lay in bed. His chest moved steadily up and down but shivered every once and a while, causing his mother to hold ice upon his forehead. Occasionally a whimper would leave his lips but there were no other words beside and weak, "Momma.."

The Queen's heart was shattered as she sat beside her son, tending to him and whispering sweet words of encouragement. With gentle fingers she unlocked the collar and removed it, allowing for her caretakers to clean the infected cuts and treat them appropriately. Even though he was barely conscious, he flinched when anything came around his neck, sobbing in distress and confusion as they covered the wounds.

"My Queen," Adelinde whispered, having been given the important duty to follow in her parent's footsteps, "Diluc's fever..."

"I know my dear," The Queen reached her hand out, caressing Adelinde's cheek before smiling a bit, "Why don't you wait outside a bit? It's alright if your parents are the ones to handle this one, you've experienced quite a bit recently."

Adelinde shook her head and dipped a wet rag into water before she dabbed it on Diluc's face, "It is my duty to help."

The Queen wanted to remind Adelinde that she was a child, only to realize the hypocrisy of that statement. Diluc and Kaeya were also children, yet it appeared that they didn't seem to assist in their duties. Each of their stressors tied in with fate, it was something she couldn't even protect her own child from.

She sighed and looked back to her, fearing that her trip would do nothing but cause the emotional turmoil of yet two more children. It was her fate to die but she had not considered that she would be following her son into the afterlife.

The infection had moved so quickly because of it's placement upon his neck, had it been elsewhere this would not have happened. The love she felt for her husband had already begun to dwindle, it was harder to make her decisions knowing that they would come to tear him down but this solidified a disdain in her heart and confirmed that she had made the right choice.

Diluc was going to need someone who was much more powerful to prevent his future from looking bleak. At once she thought this was a protective measure, making the deal with the Abyss would simply reassure her that the Prince would be safe.

That Crepus had more love in his heart that could not be tainted by his delusions of grandeur. She thought that his feelings about Diluc being a tool for his own gain was something they had squashed or at least was something she could keep at bay.

That was not the case, Crepus would stop at nothing even if it meant killing his own son. The same child that brought him tears of joy, the one who he had sworn to love unconditionally. The Queen had seen the reality long ago, the day Diluc presented but had always had the littlest bit of hope that he would never place him at risk.

She could see him placing his happiness at risk, his mental well being at risk...but physically harming him now lay upon the table. It was possible that this would lock Diluc more into the castle.

Previously she had considered killing her husband but had always thought of the repercussions that it would have. At best Diluc would lose his mother and father and at worst he would simply lose his mother. It wouldn't be hard to get close enough to kill him either, his paranoia did not extend to his wife and child.

Yet she could not kill Crepus, it would not be worth it to absolutely destroy Diluc in such a manner. The Queen loved Crepus, but not this possessed man that wore his flesh; her dislike for him grew but she could not completely turn a blind eye to all of the moments they had experienced together.

I am strong but not enough.

"I can only do so much," she whispered to herself, eyes that had long dried of tears grew moist, "I no longer have the power I need to protect you," she kissed his forehead as she remained of the past.

"My wings have long since been clipped, so I can not fly you elsewhere but I hope that your guardian will do so..."

"My Dear, please fight..."


Crepus paced up and down the hallway, his fingers pulling at his chin as the father within him tried to correct his behaviors. Each time it tried, it was pushed back down. He could not accept the fact that this infection was his fault, that he had not cleaned the collar well enough before placing it on his precious son's neck.

He wanted to blame it upon the boy, blame it on him for being an omega and having a weak body but his memory always whispered, Diluc has never been weak.

Kaeya stood at the doorway, his gaze watching as Crepus walked nervously up and down the hall. Each step he took made a heavy sound that echoed in his ear. The way his eyes darted back and forth, how the King muttered to himself as he passed the bedroom doorway.

This man is a Sinner, Kaeya thought before he glanced over towards the door before closing his eyes.

He could feel the overwhelming emotions in that room, a mother's concern and the fear and misery that her son was experiencing. If he had not been kicked out, he would have attempted to help a bit to soothe the Prince's woes.

I can wait until tonight, Kaeya thought as he looked back down to the ground. When there are less people around I will ask the Queen…

Kaeya's thought was interrupted by the King dropping down onto his knees before him. The King grabbed onto his face and pulled his head upwards, his hands were rough and cold. Kaeya could have mistaken him for a dead man if he wasn't aware of the darkness that grew within him.

"The Prince is incredibly important to Mondstadt," Crepus's voice shook, "I will ensure you have the best training in the Kingdom, but you must be able to protect him. You must protect him with your life."

"To be Knighted is a great honor and I have never done so to someone so young, but you..." His thoughts were torn, his intentions were a mess.

"Come, we must begin now!" Crepus couldn't fathom the idea of his son passing.

Straightening his posture he grabbed onto Kaeya's wrist hard and swiftly dragged him down the hall and towards the Knights. There was no time to waste and Crepus refused to consider that his son may possibly pass away from something so trivial.

Kaeya didn't make a noise as the man pulled him away, instead following after him knowing that he would be prepared to show off his skills to the humans. Without a doubt he knew that his position would move up quickly and it wouldn't be long until he was beside Diluc at all times.

A simple touch for Crepus was all Kaeya needed to determine his character, he could feel the rot that spread within him. The very essence caused his nose to scrunch, something this vile couldn't naturally be born within the Abyss. The technology was off, almost as though the Gods decided to place such things into the hands of humans for pure entertainment.

A magic that should not have been created infected a man who thought he was much more powerful than he truly was. This poison was destined to consume him. Kaeya didn't even want to call it 'darkness' because that is what the Abyss was made to be. The Abyss was his home and never once made him feel so absolutely repulsed. He could only ponder how someone so weak would have come in contact with such a thing.

"If you plan to protect my son, you must prove it now! I can not simply trust the word of the Queen," Crepus muttered, his eyes narrowing.

Your son is not dying from anything other than your carelessness. A sword will not protect him from something like this, Kaeya began to realize that this was definitely going to be a challenge.

With each step from the door, Kaeya felt the intense want to return back to the hallway to be closer to his fated omega. The pull in his hurt was nearly as uncomfortable as the king's grip, it appeared that he would have to get used to this protective feeling.

Although Kaeya wanted to completely blow Crepus away with his sword fighting skills, he needed to remind himself that human children his age would not be as skilled as he. The hundreds of years he spent in the Abyss nor the short spurts of exploration with his father would cause suspicion.

So Kaeya worked hard enough to sweat and impress those around him, enough to gain the respect and acceptance that was needed to fully be welcomed yet still 'acted his age.' A budding teenager could still have skills, but if he was too talented they would question where he had learned his skill.

Once he had enough training from the 'Knights' it would be less concerning if he showed off his skills, as they would simply expect their lessons had created the ripest of fruits. For now his story needed to remain as vague as possible, his family had been traveling in the darkness and somehow a storm knocked him from his horse. The fall caused him to forget much of his home life, only his name and a few skills remained as he wandered around the forest before finding a home in a local village.

It was fool proof, there was no way that Crepus could even check to see if the facts were true. The village that lay so close to the tear between Teyvat and the Abyss was accustomed to their world and would never disobey their king.

While he trained, Kaeya's mind wandered to the omega thay lay lying in bed, hatching the idea to solve this issue tonight. Though Kaeya did wonder, he had heard so much about fate from The Dragons and Phoenixes of the past-if Kaeya did not step in, would Diluc die?

Obviously he could not do such a thing, especially knowing that they would be mates one day. Especially knowing that boy needed him and they had made a deal…

But he wondered, if fate was predestined, was it true that he would save Diluc no matter what? Or were these 'Delusions' these 'poisons' something that could alter fate itself? Mondstadt was doomed to fall eventually, but that wasn't for another couple hundred years if not a thousand.

The Gods would never give anyone the tools to defy their fate, it was how they controlled them. The sheer attempt of Khaenri'ah trying to take control of their fate sent them to their eternal damnation. Was it possible that this attempt had yet to be noticed? Was it possible that the Gods already knew of its inefficiency and cared not for stepping in?

It was possible the Gods just wanted to watch the show, they could care not if a thousand people blinked off the face of the earth.

Regardless, my decisions are my own as fate means little to me, Kaeya reassured himself, I have choice and I simply choose to do what I can.


When night came the Queen grew more weary, her eyes darkening as her lips changed their hue. The hours she spent beside her son were not enough to reassure her of his health improving, but she needed to bathe. Sitting beside him would do neither of them well, despite her instincts demanding that she remain beside him.

Kaeya came to relieve her, after his first exhausting day of training he entered the room. His arms and legs shook, but he continued towards the bed before smiling at the Queen.

"My Queen, I can watch him."

Smiling warmly, the Queen placed a kiss upon Diluc's forehead. Other than her own attendants, Kaeya was the only person she trusted beside her son, "Kaeya I can't even begin to thank you for everything," she turned to him, the smile she gave did not reach her eyes.

Kaeya stood in silence before he looked over to Diluc, "Do you regret your trade?"

"No," The Queen stood, "I do not regret my trade, but I do hope that you do not come to regret this."

"I don't think I will," Kaeya hummed.

With a nod the Queen turned upon her heels and saw herself out of the room, the mutual amount of trust they shared was substantial. She could only dream that Diluc would accept Kaeya with open arms and not think that this was done because she thought he was weak.

When she drew her last breath and her body returned to the dirt of Teyvat, she hoped that her son knew that there was no other option. Without the help of the Abyss, the world would begin to crumble; her world being her son, her world being the very earth they walked upon.It was so much bigger than Diluc but right now it was all the Queen and Kaeya could truly see.

With her gone, Kaeya stood beside the bed and watched the omega's labored breathing. The infection was spreading quickly and Diluc was already looking worse than he did when he collapsed earlier.

Kaeya pursed his lips, rocking on his heels for a moment before he glanced towards the door. He had a rather simple solution for helping Diluc, he just didn't want to blow his cover with a stranger walking into the room. So far, only the Queen, Adelinde, and her trusted attendants knew of his origin. Even then he wished that none of them would witness what he was about to do.

The Halfling Prince hopped onto the bed before scooting closer, closing his eyes he focused on his surroundings. He could hear the footsteps in the room above and below them, the indistinct chatter of those down the hall. Although he was in the clear, he wanted to ensure that he did everything swiftly and correctly because once he began, he would not be able to focus enough to check on those around him.

He turned his body to block the door before he lifted his pointer finger, the nail morphed from a human nail to an incredibly sharp talon. One that shimmered in the dim lamp beside him before gliding across the skin of his wrist. The cut was so clean that the cut wasn't noticeable until the blood began to flow from it.

"It's alright," Kaeya whispered as he moved his wrist to prevent the blood from landing upon the bedsheets, "Trust me okay? You are going to be alright."

With his blood beginning to flow, Kaeya retracted his talon and used that hand to gently open Diluc's mouth before placing his wrist at his lips. At first the weakened prince grimaced and attempted to pull his head backwards, but once the blood slipped passed his lips and rested upon his tongue- he no longer pulled away.

The blood of a dragon was delectable, an ambrosia that had been well fought for in the past. Diluc suckled upon Kaeya's rest, at first being gentle before greedily lapping it up for more.

The Omega's red eyes never opened while he feasted upon the Dragon's blood, his eyes remained closed and the only strength that came to him was in his hands. One of Diluc's hands interlaced his fingers through Kaeya's, a silent thank you, while the other gently held his wrist and pulled it closer to his mouth.

These sensations called Kaeya to blush, a shiver running down his spine as a strange explosion of electricity radiated in his middle. The amount of blood that Diluc took was not a bother to him, it wouldn't harm either of them in the process.

It would certainly heal Diluc, by morning he would be much better off and within two days it would be as though it never happened. But the feeling of a tongue lapping at the sensitive skin of his wrist, the gentle sucking feeling upon his flesh combined with the delicate touch of fingers on him.

Respectfully Kaeya turned his head away, shaking his head as he simply reminded himself that this wasn't something he should get used to. This should be a tactic that was only used when Diluc was in peril, as he feared that as he grew older and they both matured more- these feelings would be harder to ignore.

Kaeya was tempted to pull his hand away, to see Diluc pull upon his hand and whimper for more; but he didn't. The Prince had enough of his dignity stripped away, it would not be right to do such a thing to him in such a state. The only thing Kaeya worried about was someone walking in and seeing such a thing.

Luckily, Diluc wasn't as greedy as expected; taking just enough to heal his body before his mouth shut and he relaxed back into his pillows. A bit of blood stained his lips, but a rosy color returned to his cheeks and his breathing already began to regulate. The moment the purpose of the wound was over, his skin reconnected and it looked as though he had never been cut open.

"It's time for rest, My Prince," Kaeya spoke respectfully, attempting to pull his wrist away only to be met with resistance.

Diluc's nose twitched, the hand that held Kaeya's wrist released but the one that held his hand did not. The tired omega turned slightly, pulling Kaeya's arm with him as he held it tightly. Kaeya gasped at the movement, falling forward and onto the bed next to him as Diluc rolled onto his side.

Kaeya's eye widened as he stared at the sleeping boy, blushing once more as he memorized every freckle on his face. Reaching forward, he wiped the blood for Diluc's lips before retracting it back into himself.

Even if it's fate, he thought as he lay his hand upon Diluc's returning the hold upon his hand, It would be my choice to love him and his choice to love me.

Soon his eyelashes began to kiss the skin beneath his eyes, his lids growing heavy as he began to fall asleep. It was unfit for a guard to fall asleep beside a Prince, he knew that from his own personal experiences; but he couldn't get his body to move.

The warmth of the sheets under him, the plush pillow under his head and the rhythmic breathing of the omega beside him. Diluc's hand was warm once more, the chill no longer existent as it held onto Kaeya, pulling the hand closer to him as he cuddled into it.

There was something so completely blissful about laying in that bed, something that just proved that no matter how many years had passed. Kaeya was still a child at heart, that he was finally given a chance to grow up and experience the purity of childhood innocence.

He was thankful for his father, to the queen that came and proposed such an idea. He felt a little guilty, knowing that this journey was going to be difficult for Diluc but happy to know that he was in a place that could make him feel worthy.

When the Queen returned, she saw the two cuddled up together in bed, noticing just how peaceful they looked as they rested peacefully. Her heart fluttered as she crept closer to them, reaching her hand out to check Diluc's forehead. If his head was warm, she would gently rouse Kaeya and bring him to his own room; if he was not warm she would let them remain asleep.

Shockingly Diluc's fever had broken and the sweat upon his forehead had dried. Relief flooded the Queen as she sat upon the edge of the bed, moving her hand to her heart as she gazed at the two.

They were sleeping peacefully hand in hand, it was an adorable sight to see. From her point of view, Kaeya simply being beside Diluc healed him and she felt much more confident in her recent choices. With a kiss to both of their foreheads so quietly left the room to head to her own, it was time for bed and she knew Diluc was in good hands. Without her there, Kaeya and Adelinde would always be on his side and that would never change.

Chapter 5: Another Sacrifice


Little update with me:
I will be moving soon and going back to work, but I will try to wrap this fic up during this time.
I have started working on the third installment of "A Garden Blooms in Mondstadt" to follow Lamp Lilies but I will NOT start posting until I have a few chapters prepared. I would rather be a head or behind.

Chapter Text

The Queen entered her bedroom to see that her vanity was tossed to the floor, paintings had been ripped off the wall and the King was knelt beside the bed. Wine was spilled upon the bed, staining the sheets red like an ugly omen.

His fingers were intertwined as he rested his forehead upon his thumbs, his body shook as he gave his prayer. So much had been damaged and destroyed and instead of fixing it, instead of acting he sat and prayed at the edge of the bed. Expecting the gods would simply make the mess vanish or maybe the man assumed that his wife would coddle him and send for a maid to clean it up.

This man was not the one she had clipped her wings for.

This was not the man she gave up eternity for.

This was not the man who she had given a son.

This enraged the Queen, he had the gall to pray to the gods to save the life of his son when he put him in danger and he would continue to do so. Every day this man was free to do as he wished, Diluc would suffer all the more.

It appeared that the Queen did not allow him into the room to see Diluc, but he never one attempted to sit by his bedside. His only attempt had nearly grown violent and lacked any type of support that their son needed.

"No prayer will protect our son from the poison in your heart," there wasn't any type of fear in her voice as she stepped forward, "The only way you can stop this now, is to get that vile substance out of you. Would you do that for your son?"

Crepus lifted his head up slightly in silence, not even turning to look at her.

"Or are you so obsessed with power that it doesn't matter to you? You'll let it consume you until you get exactly what you want even at the cost of your son's life."

It was here Crepus stood up from the bed, spinning around with speed as he threw his hand forward. The chains of the Delusion shot out towards her, throwing her back against the door and pinning her there. His eyes were bloodshot and the look of hatred in his eyes would have made anyone terrified.

"Shut your f*cking mouth," a low growl, echoing in his mouth, the words didn't even sound human.

But the Queen didn't even flinch as her body crashed against the doorway, her ears did not ring and the pain did not cause her to lose her composure as she stared at her husband.

"Crepus Ragnvindr, Dare you lay hands upon the last Phoenix Teyvat has to offer?" She laughed, her eyes glowing dimly in the light, "What a curse you would have by committing such a crime."

"Shut up!" Crepus called, his hand flexing before gripping into a fist, the chains began to contort around her.

The Queen refused, her eyes glowing brighter; she may have traded her wings to marry the man she loved-but she would not surrender so easily. Once upon a time, the King loved Drunk, placing his wife above his own son yet now he was attempting to crush her.

Fire grew along the chains, causing them to pull back and release the Queen and allowing her to catch her breath. The flames did little against her skin but left markings upon her clothing. There was little she could do now, having decided to live amongst the sinners.

In her youth she had been the beautiful phoenix that illuminated the sky at night and dazzled onlookers during the day, yet she had become distracted by the sun.

Crepus's veins bulged in his face as he lifted his hand once more, attempting to send the chains around her to no avail. A heavenly glow protected his wife as she walked forward, reaching her hand out towards his chest.

"You wouldn't dare," Crepus smirked, putting his arms out to the side as he puffed his chest up, "If I am a coward, what does that make you? My dear Queen, don't act as though you live without sin."

She stepped forward and lay her hand upon his chest swallowing hard as she shook her head, "If only I could kill you," she whispered, eyes digging deep into his soul, "I would put you out of your misery,"

"Your soul is beginning to crumble, you are in pain..."

"Your son will grow and think of you as his capture, Crepus..." She pulled her hand away from him, feeling the negative aura that hummed within his chest, "If I could take our son away and disappear, I would."

"If I could kill you where you stand," she laughed in spite of herself, "I would."

"When I die will you mourn me?" the queen turned her back to him and began to undo the braid that rested upon her shoulder before unlacing the ties upon the front of her dress.

"Erect a statue in my honor and cry over the happiness of the past?" She dropped her dress from her shoulders and turned to him.

Upon her chest lay the words of a language long forgotten, carved upon her skin. Her contract was eligible to her husband; he would never know that she had actually betrayed him.

"Will you look at our son and cherish him? Or simply use him as a tool?" She whispered.

Crepus looked upon his wife in horror, the veins upon his face began to subside and the look of anger turned into one of fear. His shoulders relaxed and he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around his wife as her legs finally gave out. Holding her tight he felt blood begin to seep from the Abyssal words upon her skin.

What possibly happened to his wife? Was this a death sentence? Warmth from her blood began to soak through his shirt as he kissed the top of her head. Crepus could only picture his son dying alone in his bedroom while his life began to bleed out in his arms.

His legs weakened and he collapsed onto the floor, pulling her back a bit to see if her eyes were still open, his lips trembling.The Queen hadn't closed her eyes, nor did they stay back at him in an empty fashion, she blinked and watched every movement that he made.

The reason she could not kill him was because that was a job for Diluc, as ordered by the Abyssal King in the final clause of her contract. In order for Crepus's soul to be freed in the end, Diluc must be the one to end his father's life out of his own pure will. If she raised her sword to the King, Diluc would perish in a manner that would have him begging for the end.

She hoped that she would live long enough to apologize to her son, without fully explaining what the future held. She hoped that she would be able to instill good values into him and feed his dreams, she hoped that Kaeya would enjoy living here despite it being so far away from his home. She did not plan on dying today, but she did plan on ensuring that her husband would at least keep himself together for a little longer. Just until the boys were older, when Kaeya was powerful and Diluc was stronger. If she could hold on just long enough.

The Queen could do nothing but hope and these little gestures, all the while wondering if the decisions he made had been correct. If she was able to 'play with fate' like the people of Khaneri'ah.

If only for a short amount of time, she would give Diluc his father back and clear his eyes. Her fate had already been sealed so it mattered little what this would do.

With his eyes no longer blinded by rage, Crepus covered his wife with her dress and lifted her up. Carrying her in his arms just as he did on their wedding day, running down the hallway as he called out once more for assistance.


Kaeya slid from the bed before Diluc awoke, not wanting to startle the omega when he first awoke. Instead he pulled a chair beside him and began looking around the room, taking in everything. The room was beautifully made, a portrait of the family hanging up along with a stained glass window of an owl. As the son rose, it left a stunning pattern of amber and gold upon the floor.

The bed Diluc lay on hand tall poles, a lace canopy attached the the ceiling and could be pulled down for privacy though it appeared some dust had gathered at the top. Privacy must not have been something the Prince had and Kaeya did not envy him.

The room smelt warm and comfortable, a clock ticked upon the wall to break the silence that filled the room. Beside the bed sat a table that helped medical supplies the attendants had been using to check in on Diluc. Kaeya couldn't remember any visitors during the night, he hoped no one had come in and saw that he fell asleep in the Prince's bed.

Kaeya reminded himself of what he was doing there, how he was there to support the Queen and protect Diluc. Him being his fated mate shouldn't turn into the driving factor in this, it was clear that Diluc hadn't been allowed to make many decisions about himself on his own. It would be best to not tell him, at least not yet.

"Diluc," said the Prince, "My name is Diluc."

This voice pulled Kaeya's attention from the patterns on the lace, to the Prince, smiling softly, "Nice to meet you. I hope you haven't been waiting long."

Kaeya bowed his head and spoke with kindness, "Not too long, My Prince. How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Diluc pushed himself into a sitting position, his hand going up to feel his own cheeks.

It felt as though he was given a second chance at life, his skin was at a low temperature and he no longer had a layer of sweat upon his face. Bravely, Diluc brought his hand towards his neck, hovering to see if the collar was still there or not. His vision blurred as he reached closer, afraid of what he was going to feel. The collar was gone and his fingertips grazed against gauze and skin.

The collar was gone but Diluc didn't know how to feel about it, it was clear that it caused all of his pain and illness but he was still fearful of what his life would be without it. His heart began to race, he was terrified of experiencing that pain again but the fear his father instilled in him wasn't going away anytime soon.

With his scent gland now freed from the spikes, he was able to catch a pleasant smell upon his nose. It was unfamiliar but did not frighten him and Diluc was able to recognize it belonging to the person in front of him. The damage upon his neck had yet to heal fully, so he would be unable to fully register the feeling of that of an Alpha.

For now, Diluc just enjoyed the smell of sandalwood and welcomed it as something friendly. The scents his father had left in the hallway were far from the smells the one he was experiencing now, in fact those smells didn't even smell like either of his Alpha parents.

Kaeya noticed this and sat up straighter in his chair, "If you want it, I can get it for you but we can't have the spikes on it anymore. It will hurt you and make you sick again," he spoke honestly but with a gentleness that Diluc hadn't experienced from a male.

"You can keep it on if it makes you feel safe from being marked," It was strange hearing these words from someone who looked around his age.

It spoke just how sheltered Diluc had been, how Kaeya spoke was clean and straightforward. There wasn't any coddling and it wasn't coming from his mother or father, there was no expectation upon the speaker to be careful of the listener.

He was being spoken to like a regular person, not someone who was under control of his circ*mstances.

"But you will still react to the pheromones of Alphas and they will react to yours," Diluc listened carefully, the thought smelling those pheromones again made him nauseous, "But with the collar on, they can't mark you."

Kaeya reached forward and held his hand towards Diluc, giving him a choice, "Whether you wear the collar or not, I will protect you. I won't let a single Alpha lay a hand upon you."

Diluc chuckled softly, looking at his hands and noticing that they looked just as clean as his. They weren't rough as though he had the sword for years, "You are around my age, how could you possibly protect me from an older alpha?"

"Because the King has already begun to train me," he pressed his fingers together and ice slowly grew from his fingertips as he pulled them apart, "and I am better with ice than I am with the sword."

The Prince gasped and jumped onto his knees, both hands grabbing onto Kaeya's palm as he watched the ice form a tiny bridge between both fingers. His eyes glistened in amazement, holding Kaeya's hand before inching his thumb closer to the bridge.

It radiated a chill, there was actual ice forming in his hand out of nowhere.

"You have a vision too?"

Diluc's doe eyes caused butterflies to flutter inside Kaeya, his words stuck in his throat for a moment. It was painful to see how he had already gone through so much, but still managed to hold onto some type of nativity.

Kaeya was able to manipulate ice without a vision, but he did have one as a decoy. He couldn't admit to anyone but the Queen that he was able to do this because of his dragon blood. So he nodded at the question before looking at him with Inquiry.

A vision, too? Kaeya pondered.

"Y-yes," he stuttered briefly before regaining his composure, feeling the warmth of his hands holding his. From last night, the difference of his touch was so much healthier, "I do...You have one as well?"

"Well...I do... but my father took it when he realized I was an omega. He was afraid that it would hurt me, but it's Pyro! It's like...something wanted us to be a perfect team."

"If only I had been an alpha," Diluc sighed, wishing that he was the 'stronger' of the sexes and would have been allowed to use his Vision.

Being sheltered, Diluc honestly had not seen an omega with a vision, so he genuinely believed that if an omega was given a Vision they wouldn't be able to use it. The Prince had no reason to question his father so he assumed what he said was true. If an omega used a Vision it could ruin their ability to serve their alpha or it could potentially backfire upon him as the Gods did not favor omegas.

Even the Queen had not heard of these ridiculous stories but even her attempts at feeding Diluc's self confidence and self worth did not seem to sway him. All it took was a few horrifying nights for Diluc's entire perspective of himself to be broken beyond repair.

These stories were told in secret and even the

It didn't take long for Diluc to win Kaeya's heart, it was a quick slope and he didn't want to stop the slide, his grin grew wide as he nodded as he leaned forward.

"I can get it back for you, we could practice it in secret," Kaeya had hope in his voice, trying to continue with Diluc's radiant mood.

The reaction he received was not the one that he was expecting, he hadn't been here to observe the initial trauma that Diluc's father had given him. All he heard was from the Queen.

"But...if father found out what you did...we would be in a lot of trouble," the anxiety was thick in Diluc's tone, his father's behavior lately terrified him, "He's not...a pleasant man when he's mad."

"What if I can promise you that he'd never find out?" The ice melted within Kaeya's hand as he grabbed onto both of Diluc's hands, anything to reassure him that he had a plan.

"I can get a pyro decoy," Kaeya said in truth, it wouldn't be hard for him to get one, "The King isn't able to use yours anyway...I could switch it out," he spoke with confidence, anything to try and ease the anxiety he could see brewing within Diluc.

Without the collar on, Kaeya was able to smell the soft scent that Diluc gave off. It was weak and would be until his scent gland began healing again, but that sweet honey that kissed his nose was pleasant. As he began to worry though, the smell would morph a bit, backing up all the things he had noticed about the king.

It was evidence that could not be ignored.

"I will not do it without your permission," he reassured Diluc, "But I am confident that I will be able to do it without being noticed."

"I..." Kaeya's touch made him feel safe, a soft blush rose to his lips. Innocent and unsure he lowered his head, "Do you promise it'll be alright?"

"I promise My prince," Kaeya held his hands a little tighter, "Nothing bad will happen."

"But Kaeya, I'm an omega. Wouldn't that damage me?" Diluc wanted to believe Kaeya.

"The Gods would know your second sex before you even did, they are the Gods. It would waste their time to give it to someone only for it to destroy them or simply be put to waste," Kaeya spoke factually.

He used the word damage, not hurt.

The Prince pursed his lips, his hands beginning to shake a little bit. A chance of freedom and a chance to build up his skills sounded like a dream come true. It was scary to consider disobeying his father, but if he learned how to properly use his Vision he would be able to defend himself.

If he could defend himself, then he wouldn't need to worry about an Alpha. Maybe he could prove to his father that he could do it all on his own, that he could lead Mondstadt well as a King.

Diluc sat in silence for a long moment, realizing that his father had lied to him about it hurting him. With how quickly his reality was changing, he shouldn't have been surprised or disappointed that his father wasn't the same as before.

Tears began to swell in his eyes, Diluc swallowed hard, his hands still holding onto Kaeya.

Does father really think I am so weak that I don't deserve what I earned?

His lips trembled and he was going to release Kaeya's hands to cover his eyes when he felt his hands grow empty. Kaeya placed one hand behind his head and in an awkward attempt to soothe Diluc while his other hand wiped the tears that had slipped past his eyelids.

"You don't have to decide right now, My Prince. I can do it at any time," Kaeya spoke in a low manner, but it was clear that he wasn't entirely sure how to handle Diluc crying.

"Diluc," Diluc corrected him, "Just call me Diluc."

"...Diluc," Kaeya said slowly before smiling.

"Kaeya," the prince said slowly, "Okay."

"Okay?" Kaeya repeated, attempting to hide his growing smile.

"Yes, but...but I'm going to wear the...the collar. But maybe with my vision...I'll stop one day," there was hope in Diluc's voice, a little bit that was just hanging on.

A knock upon the door silenced the two as their eyes gravitated towards the doorway. The King stood in the doorway, poking his head in to glance at it too.

"Diluc, how are you feeling?" he spoke softly, a tone that he hadn't used with his son in months.

The genuine kindness made Kaeya's skin crawl, not because of the nature of his speech but because he knew what had occured. The essence that was deep within the King's chest had diminished, though the seed of the darkness had not been removed. The Queen must have done something to buy them more time.

More time for Kaeya to understand the inner workings of the castle and to give Diluc some time to grow strong and confident. Kaeya did not think that it was possible that the Queen wanted to give thet a few more happy memories before she passed, because once she died there would seldom be moments of joy.

"Ye-yes Father," Diluc sat up straight, the emotion on his face seemed to fade as he looked downwards onto the floor, "I'm sorry I couldn't..."

The King walked forward, nodded to Kaeya and then sat beside Diluc on the bed. Kaeya could see that it was his time to leave but he did not want to, he wanted to hear the lies and the apology the King would spin.

"I never should have done that to you, anyone would have gotten sick with such a contraption," Crepus admitted, his hands going together as he looked down to them, eyes upon each jewel on his rings.

"Diluc," he spoke low, "Your mother has fallen ill,"

Kaeya froze at the doorway, hand upon the knob as he listened.

"What? Mother?" Diluc moved his blankets from his legs and scooted towards the bed, "Where is she?"

Crepus placed a hand upon his shoulder, his smile grave, "She's fine for now. I wanted to tell you, you've made such a quick recovery I didn't want you to wonder where she was."

Kaeya felt a lump in his throat, the pieces were coming together all too perfectly. But Kaeya could not understand why the Queen would do such a thing for her horrendous husband. To Kaeya, it was simple; there was no reason to keep the man alive and well. He didn't understand.

Swallowing that lump down he opened the door and left the room, his heart beginning to thump in his chest as he leaned against the door. A nasty feeling remained in his gut and his years of wisdom could not determine what it was. A perfect storm was brewing and he didn't want to relax, instead he began to look for the Queen.


Kaeya found the Queen sitting in a chair by the window, her hair flowing over both of her shoulders and her skin pale. She no longer wore her royal dresses, instead she wore a light nightgown with floral embroidery at the bottom of the skirt. On her own beside the window, with the light coming in to kiss her porcelain skin she looked like a doll.

"Kaeya?" Her voice was low but still cheerful, her closed eyes opened as he stepped into the room.

"My Queen," he bowed, "I don't mean to disturb you..."

"Come here my dear," she lifted her hand up and motioned towards him, her smile angelic.

Kaeya couldn't help but walk over beside her, taking in just how different she looked now. The smell of iron radiated from her, proving to him that something happened.

"My Queen...why?"

"Sweet Kaeya," she chuckled a bit, "Even if I explain, I don't think you will understand as I barely do... but I will say this."

"The King will have his manners for now, long enough for Diluc and yourself to become 18... Long enough for both of you to grow strong before he once again falls into madness."

"Even if you are older than me," she hummed and closed her eyes, "I could not leave this world to the works of two children. That would be irresponsible, there is much you still have not learned."

"How much shorter is your time?" Kaeya's voice began to tremble, he had lived life within his own bubble for so long that he became attached rather quickly to the Queen.

"I would say," she glanced down to her chest and thought of the gashes that lay upon her skin, "Two years at most, but remember you will have Crepus at his best."

"His best before he will succumb to the worst."

Chapter 6: Waking Up


Diluc begins realizing certain things about his life are changing.


I apologize for how long this chapter took to come out and how short it is. I have a few different things going on in my life right now and one of them is going back to work. I have been unable to spend as much time writing and I have been exhausted when I find time.
I have this story mapped out, but I knew I shouldn't have given a deadline to myself with so many things going on at once. We only have a few more memories before we can go back to Present time! I hope you still enjoy my story even if it's short and sweet.

My current goal: One chapter a week or biweekly. (I feel so guilty, I went from 1 update every two days, to three days...to....a big mystery????)

If I have time to dish out a few chapters at once, I will do it! But I don't want to make any promises, thank you for you patience and I'm sorry for such a delay.

Once I fall back into a routine again, I hope that I will be able to go back to quicker updates!!

Chapter Text

With the Queen becoming ill, the King refocused upon his wife and trusted that the Knights were training Kaeya to properly protect the Prince. The Knights obviously followed their orders, but they also felt that Kaeya needed less training than the King thought.

Not only that but the Queen's wishes still held power, so anytime that Kaeya wasn't training he was allowed to do whatever he would like around the castle. So quickly he was given free reign within the garden, libraries, training area, and more but he always chose one of three things. Visiting the Queen, speaking with Adelinde while helping her around the castle, and hanging out with Diluc.

Since their meeting, Diluc rarely left the castle and always shied away from the Knights that passed. The words of his father still echoed in his mind and the trauma from that night wasn't going to fade away any time soon. A hand laying upon him without his noticing would cause him to flinch and Kaeya very quickly came to learn what triggered Diluc's woes.

With the help of Kaeya and the Queen, Diluc felt much safer but still decided to wear a collar that was only unlocked with a key. This one didn't have spikes and it certainly didn't press tightly against his skin, it was just enough to keep anyone's teeth from breaking skin. Kaeya had the key on a necklace that he kept close to his heart, knowing that only he can help Diluc take it off if he needed it.

The Prince would go about his day as normal, but if he grew too hot the sensation around his neck would feel as though it was tightening around him. If he focused too much on the collar, he thought it would begin to choke him and he would clasp at his throat.

Diluc was fearful for himself to even have it, afraid that one day his 'omega senses' would remove it at the wrong time. Kaeya was honored to be given such a responsibility and promised his life that he would take care of it well. So when Diluc began to hyperventilate, Kaeya would run over to him and unlock the collar.

The Prince would slowly lower to the ground, laying down upon the cool stone floor in order to center himself. His eyes tight as his nose searched for the threats that his father stressed.

This makes me safe.

This makes me safe.

I'm going to suffocate.

Diluc's thoughts were erratic, fighting constantly between what his father had taught him and what his mother and Kaeya would promise him. Even though the infection, the pain, and the nightmares he wasn't able to determine who was fully correct.

If he were to risk it, if he were to take a chance- his fears could happen.

"My Prince," Kaeya would whisper, sitting him up as he pushed the collar from Diluc's view. He made sure that Diluc could see it for a moment, reassuring him that it had been removed before ensuring he couldn't see it anymore.

"Are you sure you do not want a key?" Kaeya felt terrible, he worried that one day he wouldn't be close enough to remove it in time and Diluc would only grow worse.

Diluc shook his head, leaning forward to rest his forehead onto Kaeya's shoulder, "No..No. I don't want it," he spoke through tiny breaths.

Gently, Kaeya placed his hand in Diluc's hair and stroked downwards in an attempt to soothe him. The young alpha didn't know what to do to help, reassuring words no longer seemed to help. With time, Kaeya hoped that Diluc would feel safe enough to do what he wished and not the fear instilled in him.

With a sigh he pulled Diluc close to him, the close contact made his heart flutter but he shrugged it off. Part of him wanted to scent him, do something to help ease the worry that his fated omega felt. Yet Kaeya feared, did Diluc know he was an alpha? Would that be the best thing to do right now?

If the Prince knew that Kaeya was his fated, would he question his intentions?

Not wanting to add to the confusion Diluc was feeling, Kaeya refrained from scenting him. If it grew worse, then he would consider doing so but for now, he would attempt to help the old fashion way. Unlike the King-Kaeya didn't have any hidden intentions by being with Diluc's side.

"Kaeya," Diluc whispered, his voice steady, "Is there anything there?"

Kaeya was patient and would sit with Diluc until he was feeling better and depending on how well Diluc felt, he would help him put the collar back on or gently check his neck. Sometimes Diluc wanted to confirm that there weren't any bruises or cuts upon his flesh, with this one there never was any.

Still it confused Kaeya, over and over again. If Diluc was so afraid of it, why did he still go through the trouble of wearing it? He hadn't heard the King mention Diluc wearing the collar since the incident.

Carefully Kaeya pulled Diluc's hair out of the way and glanced at his neck, not a single bruise or mark rested on that snowy white skin. Fingertips grazed tender flesh, seeing the only mark upon the Prince were the scars.

"Nothing, My Prince," Kaeya pulled his hand away.

"Is it ugly?" Diluc sat back and away from Kaeya, his hand clasping over the scars as his face grew rosy, "The scars?"

Kaeya shook his head, "Not at all."

"Diluc, can I ask you a serious question?" Kaeya spoke after a momentary silence.

The Prince nodded.

"I'm an Alpha," he scanned Diluc's face for repulsion or fear, but neither happened, "You know that, right?"

Diluc nodded, but still didn't flinch.

"Are you not afraid of me?" Kaeya spoke slowly, he hoped that it didn't sound like a threat and reflected his true curiosity.

"Not at all," the prince responded before looking him over, "I don't feel in danger when you are around and you smell...different..."

"Different?" Kaeya inquired, confirming now that Diluc could in fact smell him at least a little.

"You smell nice, the other's smell...really bad! They smell like danger," Diluc's eyes began to narrow a bit as he thought of the people he saw in his regular day-to-day life.

It was here that Diluc made a sudden realization, the only time he had ever smelt a 'dangerous' alpha, was when his father was angry and the day he put the collar on. Diluc swallowed hard as he recalled that moment, his heart rate once again increasing as he tried to remember which Knights were nearby at that time.

There weren't any. It was only myself and father in that hallway.

Suddenly Diluc felt warm, his hands began to clench and unclench as he once again attempted to justify the actions of his father. Justify them as correct or at least to deny them, either of those would make things make sense again.

But it's true, his mind was spinning once more.

Kaeya watched as the momentary serenity vanished from Diluc's expression, the color again draining from his face as his pupils began to dilate. Now that he established his second sex with Diluc and hearing that he thought his scent wasn't intimidating, Kaeya pulled him into his embrace and placed his cheek against Diluc's scarred scent gland.

This action was based purely on instinct and from whatever his father had explained when he hit puberty. Kaeya was initially confident in his choice, but grew nervous as he rubbed his cheek against Diluc's neck and released what he thought was an appropriate amount.

It didn't matter how old Kaeya was in the years of the Teyvat, he was still a young teenanger just trying to figure out the world around him. He was confident in his Cryo Skills, his sword work, and his ability to deduce trust in people. Those things he had done before and practiced, scenting a skittish omega was new.

Scenting his fated mate, scenting anyone for the first time was quite intimidating.

Please don't backfire, Kaeya begged as he shut his eyes tightly.

Thankfully, Diluc wasn't startled by Kaeya's actions or his scent, his body began to relax as his racing thoughts began to settle.

My Father isn't the same person he had been in the past, the Prince thought as his shoulders dropped as he focused on the gentle nuzzle at his neck.

Maybe scaring me really was Father's plan.

Sandalwood and Roses filled his senses and brought him that long lost sense of security. Despite only being able to absorb some of the scent because of the damage to his gland, it was still more than the tiny bit that he experienced around Kaeya.

It was overwhelming but not scary, instead it felt like a lullaby that slowly settled his heart. Had it not been for the scars, Diluc would have grown limp and fallen asleep in Kaeya's arms with the amount Kaeya had released.

Once Diluc had settled down, he raised his arms to hug Kaeya- his face flushing as he kept his face away. The way his heart fluttered was different than before as he began to feel rather awkward.

"I'll see you to bed, My Prince," the formalities returned as Kaeya helped him to his feet and led him back to his room.

Their walk to Diluc's room was silent, neither of them daring to make eye contact as they wished the other good night. When the door shut and they seperated, Kaeya ran down the hallway tugging on his hair scolding himself while Diluc threw himself onto his bed and questioned himself.


The two had been sneaking out at night to train for a few weeks now, Kaeya fulfilled his promise of getting Diluc his Vision back and no one was the wiser of the switch. Kaeya could have sworn that the freckles upon Diluc's nose and cheeks began to glow as brightly as the sun when he had placed it in his hands one more. The moment would forever live in Kaeya's heart, seeing the Prince so happy was a blessing from the gods.

Diluc's eyes were closed as he sat with his hands out, a smile growing on his face as he waited for the surprise that Kaeya had gotten him. He knew it would be his vision, but the surprise was something that he still couldn't hide. The Prince had given up on his ability to wield his vision or even wield his claymore again, the anticipation had him giggling in his socks. With the beautiful piece in his hand again, he threw his arms around Kaeya as tears welled within his eyes of pure joy. The arms that wrapped around Kaeya made him feel warm, the genuine feeling of happiness making his cheeks flush.

Kaeya was lovestruck, swearing that his freckles were glowing like the sun as his hair seemed to grow all the more lively. It was as though that fluffy hair seemed to come alive being given the piece again.

"Kaeya thank you!" Diluc hugged him tightly before he looked back down to his vision, seeing it reflect and glow back at him, "I never thought I'd see this again...I can't even begin to thank you."

That night, Kaeya snuck Diluc out of the castle grounds for the first time, their fingers intertwined as they snuck through a secret hole in the wall. Kaeya didn't know what to expect when Diluc fastened his vision to his hip and pulled out his Claymore.

Honestly, he was expecting that Diluc would be clumsy with the sword and a little less easy with his vision. Kaeya fully planned to train Diluc how to use both, even though they were different from his own means, from scratch.

Yet when Diluc swung his Claymore with ease, acting as though it was simply a branch from a young tree with glowing eyes, Kaeya's lips parted in subtle shock. Even the fire he wielded was well controlled, this reminded Kaeya that Diluc's second sex revealing itself must have been rather recent.

Diluc noticed the surprise on Kaeya's face, his grin growing all the more as he held his Claymore in place, "You look shocked," he laughed a bit, "Not expecting an omega to know how to wield a claymore?"

Kaeya shook his head quickly, "No, no. It has nothing to do with you being an omega! My Prince-"

"Diluc, Just Diluc," the Prince repeated, not wanting his relationship with Kaeya to feel as though it was strictly formal, strictly business.

They were friends.

"Diluc," Kaeya corrected himself, "It has nothing to do with you being an omega, I just misunderstood the amount of training you've already had. I'm sorry for underestimating you."

Diluc chuckled, "I received sword training up until a few months ago! I'm a little rusty on it though," he then motioned to the vision on his hip, "I am less skilled with my vision, neither of my parents are vision users so I've had to do everything on my own."

"The Knights don't have visions?" Kaeya questioned, shocked that only those who wielded weapons would be allowed to keep watch over the castle.

"A few due, but they are sent out for larger missions within Mondstadt or in the other nations. Although my Father doesn't have a vision, he has a lot of power from..." Diluc's voice began to lower, remembering that power his father had was the very thing that changed him.

Clearing his throat he switched over, "And my mom is mostly Physical strength."

But Mother is dying.

His entire world was changing and now he stood in silence with his fingers tightening around the hilt of his sword.

"Kaeya," although he spoke in a low tone, his voice did not tremble, "What was your home like? Are you alright with being here?"

For a moment, Kaeya reflected upon himself as he thought about the truth in his answer. Kaeya did not miss home, as he himself had also been hidden away in the Abyss for protection, this chance gave him the opportunity to explore and see the world as it was without his father beside him.

If he did miss his home, he wouldn't be able to return for long as sealed within the agreement. He would be given chances, as promised by the Queen, to take care of his duties as he grew older and was partially incharge of his own kingdom. Albeit that Kingdom was vastly different from this one and not as tedious, it was something that he would learn to balance.

"It's a beautiful place, but It was time for me to move forward. There wasn't much left for me there but my feet led me to the spot where I found The Queen," Kaeya spoke vaguely but earnestly.

"You don't miss your family?" being able to up and leave one life behind confused the Prince, but he did begin to ponder how life would be if he disappeared from here.

"I don't remember much of my mother, but I made a promise to my father to experience the world," Kaeya took a step forward, positioning himself before Diluc.

Kaeya placed his hands together before pulling them apart, revealing a shimmering ice blade. At the hilt he gripped, allowing it to continue to form around his palm, two fingers continued to run on the opposite end as he formed a sharp blade.

"Before we parted, he looked me in the eyes and said, Kaeya; the constellations don't tell your story but they remind us of the past and can guide your future," his eyes seemed to light up as he gripped his icy sword and pointed it to Diluc.

"And I thought, how interesting of my father to tell me such a thing when he is so set upon fate, acting as though he knows the outcome of every story like he's some type of prophet," Diluc gripped his claymore as the two began their first dance.

Kaeya continued to feed energy to his ice sword, making it strong against the steel of Diluc's Claymore. It would be unfair for Diluc to melt Kaeya's weapon and he was an honest child, so it never once occurred to him how quickly he could cheat. Just that it never occured to Kaeya that if he truly wanted to play with fate, he could kill the Prince right where he stood or even steal him away to the Abyss.

While they were spared the sound of ice cracking and steel cutting through the air, Kaeya recalled something else that his father had told him. Something that he halfheartedly heard as he thought of all the information that was being given to him.

My time will soon come to an end and I hope that, in you and your fated, you will have the freedom to choose what you wish to do of the fantastic beasts of the past.

It was an afterthought as he broke into a sweat, impressed with the Prince's swordwork that was 'rusty.'

Fantastic beasts of the past, did that represent Khaneri'ah? The Dragons? The humans that tore the land in two?

His concentration broke as did his sword, Diluc hitting it just in the correct spot to slice it in half. Kaeya's eyes widened as the claymore continued its momentum as shriek left Diluc's lips.

Thinking quickly Diluc rotated his body, narrowly missing Kaeya with his blade before tossing it towards the ground. The momentum forced him forward as he collided with Kaeya as they both fell into a heap on the ground.

Diluc sat up quickly, his hands grabbing onto Kaeya's cheeks as he pulled his head into his direction.

"Are you alright?" the prince panicked, eyes rapidly scanning him.

Shocking Diluc, Kaeya began to laugh.

"That was an incredible hit, Diluc. You are a force to be reckoned with," Kaeya's smile lightened the shadows of the forest.

Seeing that happiness, Diluc pulled his hands back and turned his head with a pout. Not entirely sure what to say, as he was happy that Kaeya was unharmed but not sure how to take the compliment.

"I mean, it's steel against ice. What were you expecting?"

The cheery demeanor that had blossomed upon Kaeya's face quickly withered as he sat up quickly, his eyes noticing a light turn on from the castle. Instantly he took Diluc's hand and pulled him upwards, grabbing Diluc's claymore with the other hand before running through the forest.

Kaeya wasn't accustomed to the weight of the sword, so it dragged until Diluc picked it up and summoned it away. The moment Kaeya began to run, he knew that either of his parents must have awoken. He hoped that it wasn't his scream that stirred them from their slumber and that they would make it back in time.

By the time they reached the backdoor Adelinde was holding the door open, ushering them forward as she looked over her shoulder. The two scampered in and she shut the door behind them and instantly began to dust them off.

"If you two get in trouble, I will have nothing to do with it!" She grumbled, tending to the Prince first as she straightened his hair.

Their lungs burned a bit from their sprint, but they smiled in spite of themselves. While Adelinde braided Diluc's hair, he was straightening Kaeya's.

"Miss Adelinde, you will be guilty just from helping us!" Kaeya teased her as he looked over his shoulders, "Who is awake? Did they notice?"

When she finished her task she shook her head and gave the two a once over, grass stains and dirt marks littered their clothing. Rolling her eyes she pointed to two piles of clothing, she was happy that she had prepared them ahead of time.

"The King simply woke up to get the Queen a glass of water before going back to bed, have no worry the lights are off once more."

"Thank the Archons," Diluc grabbed onto the night clothes before tossing the other pair to Kaeya, "Maybe tomorrow we should make a decoy?"

"Tomorrow?!" Adelinde turned around and shook her head as the two changed, "You are planning on keeping this up? Eventually someone is going to find out."

"It seems we will have to start brainstorming some good excuses," Kaeya hummed, wanting to poke some fun at Adelinde, "Maybe we can say I sleep walk? Or maybe we heard Miss Adelinde called us for help?"

"Sleepwalking could be pretty convincing!" Diluc chimed in as he changed.

"Sir Kaeya!" Adelinde gasped, turning around with her hands in tight fists, "Call me for help?" She laughed, "From what? Wasn't it you who squealed in fear when you saw a mouse in your room?"

"What? No that didn't happen!" Kaeya pulled his tunic over his shoulders and looked towards Adelinde with a pleading look, hoping she would spare him even though he didn't do it for her.

By this time, Diluc had changed into his night clothes, a long and dark nightgown that reached his feet. The darkness of the gown covered the constellation tattoo that glows dimly upon his skin, if his smell didn't give him away- that mark would.

Upon hearing that Kaeya had been startled by a mouse, he twirled around- the bottom of the gown twirling with him before he giggled in Kaeya's direction.

"Is that true?"

"Of course it is!" Adelinde's smirk grew devilish as she picked up their dirty clothes, "Why else would he act so guilty? He hopped onto the bed and shrieked so loudly, I'm impressed it didn't wake you my Prince."

Kaeya, being unable to lie, growled in frustration and shook his head, "I didn't shriek that loud!"

"It's alright Kaeya," Diluc teased as he walked past him, "If a mouse so much as looks at you the wrong way, I'll take care of 'em."

The promise was so sweet, Kaeya thought that he had just stuck his tongue in sugar, melting away the agitation he felt. Thankful that Adelinde's plan to embarrass him, did nothing but show that Diluc would be willing to protect him as well; even if it was something as little as a mouse.

"To bed with both of you!" Adelinde scolded as she ushered the two from the room, not wanting to actually be caught by someone.

Chapter 7: Hearts Beat in Sync


"Cat got your tongue, My prince?" Kaeya teased him as he spoke his title, his hand moving up from his foot to his ankle.

"No, no worries!" Diluc pulled his foot back with little resistance from Kaeya, the alpha would never corner Diluc.

With his foot pulled back Diluc stood up and rolled his pants up a bit more, "I'll just go into my knees, no need to swim."


This idea was actually pulled from a Curious Cat prompt! I loved it so much I had to rewrite it to fit the story, if you would like read the original piece check out my Kaeluc prompts.

Thank you for waiting so patiently! I am still in a weird process right now and am doing what I can.
Please enjoy!!

Chapter Text

The older they became, the more they began to dance around each other's hearts. Diluc began to grow interested in Kaeya and it was becoming harder for Kaeya to hide the lust that began to grow within his belly. Having turned 16, it was impressive that they were able to keep their relationship as prude as they had thought it was clear that Diluc was very unsure of himself as an omega.

When he had his first heat, the key remained Kaeya's neck but he actually stayed out of the castle those days and patrolled without an ounce of sleep. As he walked back and forth, his chest burned and he kept his hand tightly grasped around the key on his neck.

Sometimes he was fearful that someone would run in and mark Diluc against his will, or maybe Diluc would allow him in his moment of weakness- but he reminded himself, he had the only Key.

He feared someone would force themselves upon Diluc- but he reminded himself that his senses were kneen, and he was patrolling with such intensity he noticed every moth that hung around the light. There was no way the King would allow an unbonded alpha near his son at such a time and that eased his worries a bit.

Yet Kaeya could not get over the desires that he had himself, knowing that Diluc was his fate and all he could do was sit out here and protect him from danger. His feet stopped as he stared into space, his mind wandering as he pictured Diluc lay upon his bed.

Wait- stop!

Kaeya slapped himself in the face, knocking his imagination back into the light before he tugged on his own hair.

That's the Prince! That's your best friend, it doesn't matter if he's your fated!

Growling Kaeya put both hands into his hair as he be began to mutter to himself, "Stupid human urgers, never had this problem..."

"Back in the void?" A light voice hummed from behind him, if Kaeya didn't recognize it as Adelinde he might have needed to spill blood.

"Mighty brave of you to say that out in the open, Adelinde," Kaeya turned to her, his smile holding a challenge.

A basket hung on her arm, bread and jam as a night snack for the hardworking Knight. With his attitude, she could have turned and let him starve.

"Like anyone who matters would hear," she approached him and held the basket to Kaeya, "It's not like we haven't solved a problem before..."

The Knight reached his hand out and took the basket, shifting his weight onto one of his hips as he raised an eyebrow.

Diluc did not know that the security of the castle had once been infiltrated by a rather unfitting suitor, nor did the King know of such a thing. A person who snuck into the night only to fall into the hands of Adelinde and Kaeya, two loyal souls who were getting rather bored with their time.

"I wasn't aware you were so skilled with a blade, Miss Adelinde," Kaeya turned to a bench nearby and sat down, motioning for her to follow.

Adelinde sat beside him, crossed her leg and put her hand upon her thigh, feeling the blade through her skirt.

"Did you expect anything less from the Queen's people?"

"And here I thought you were this wide eyed, bushy tailed little girl when I met you," Kaeya laughed as he cut the bread and spread jam across it.

It was hot in his hand and the purple jam smelled heavenly as it melted into the nooks and crannies of the bread. While it smelt delicious and could give him a moment's peace of mind, he knew that his mind would eventually find its way back to Diluc.

"You know, Diluc's noticed something different about you," she spoke and she leaned forward, putting her elbow on her knee as she peered at him from the corner of her eyes.

Kaeya froze, the knife nearly falling from his hand before turning towards her. There was no reason that Diluc should know anything about Kaeya's origins, if Diluc found out before the time was right the Queen's work could fall to pieces.

"What...? How Did he somehow see my wings?" Kaeya spoke in a low tone, his mind racing to the few times he had to fly home in order to check on the world he left behind.

"No you fool," Adelinde scowled, "His scent gland must be fully healed now, he can tell that you are different from the other alpha's out there."

A silence hung in the air, interrupted by the rustle of trees and the crickets in the garden. Kaeya's heart would have fluttered, but he didn't know how Diluc felt about these things.

"Has he mentioned how he felt about that?" Kaeya spoke slowly.

Adelinde hid her smile and sat back up, looking to Kaeya as she lifted her nose into the air, "It would be inconsiderate of me to repeat the words of the Prince I serve, but I think it says a lot that you have not been removed from the castle."

Her comment brought him some relief that masked itself well enough to turn into anxiety. This would only be the start of everything, he had to ensure that he was careful where he stepped.

But Kaeya wanted Diluc to know that it didn't matter if they were fated or if it's what their bodies wanted. Kaeya began to love Diluc the moment he lay eyes upon him and every moment they have spent together only amplified that. Kaeya would move mountains for him, not just because it's what fate wanted, but because he cared for Diluc and loved who he was as a person.

I can only hope that Diluc feels the same.

Genuine love, not just instincts.


Kaeya was expecting this conversation to come up the next time they saw each other after Diluc's heat, but they didn't. They carried on like normal, as though they hadn't just gone a week without seeing each other. Kaeya decided that he wasn't going to bring it up, wait and see when the time is right and to not treat Diluc any differently.

The last thing he wanted to do was to look hungry or act like a predator.

"Kaeya," Diluc broke the silence as they rode their horses, "What if we went on a short trip around Mondstadt?"

"That would sound fantastic, Diluc. Would you like me to prepare a small group for a company?"

"How about just you and me?" Diluc looked over to him, a playful smile tugging upon his cheeks, "With my father's crowd, we wouldn't be able to hunt or sparr. They wouldn't dare get my hands dirty from any of those things, but just us would mean we have free reign to do what we please."

"That would be incredible, but why do you want to do this all of a sudden?"

Diluc pursed his lips and stopped his horse, Kaeya's stopping beside him as they faced one another.

"As the Prince of Mondstadt," Diluc was fighting himself to make what he said sound like an honor, or something that was required, "I have specific duties that I will have to follow. I just want to make sure that I can have a little bit of fun beforehand."

Kaeya was silent for a moment, letting the words skin in.

They didn't have all the time in the world, Kaeya didn't have all the time in the world to dance around his love for Diluc. These duties he spoke of would have been different if he had been an Alpha, he would be looking for a mate along with training to be skilled as a General. Instead, he was an omega and the Queen was the only thing that kept him from being courted throughout Teyvat.

Those duties that Diluc spoke of, wasn't just learning about how he could take the crown as a strong Alpha King. It was to take the crown as an Omega, in a traditional sense he would be a pawn to marry to nations. A sub King that barely held any word over the true King; he would have less control than an alpha Queen would.

"Of course Diluc," Kaeya didn't want him to linger too much on it, especially as the Queen's health hung all the more in the balance, "Let's ask the King!"

Sometimes Kaeya would see a distant look in Diluc's eyes whenever he thought about his future, it gave Kaeya a sense of foreboding. Darkness didn't linger in Diluc's heart like his father, not in the way that he was tainted by delusions but Diluc held onto something else.

Kaeya was terrified that Diluc would cause his own demise because he was fully capable of it.


The two had just asked that the King give explicit permission for their travels, they waited outside of the Queen's room with their backs against the wall. Their eyes met as they shared hopefully grins.

Kaeya also wanted to take this trip to have a few serious conversations with Diluc if he was allowed.Express his feelings along with his concerns, something that could help him determine how his plan forward should be. If Diluc loved him back, then if worse came to worse they would flee but if he did not and he was in fact interested in finding a mate, then Kaeya would dedicate himself to finding the perfect alpha for the Prince.

Little did he know, Diluc had his own little agenda for their trip.

"Crepus," The Queen smiled as she sat in bed, her body frail but her smile bright, "Let the two go off into the forest...take a trip to the edge of the world!" she hummed and sang as she spoke, her eyes gleaming, "Just how we did when we were young."

Crepus laughed and shook his head, grabbing onto the Queen's hand and shaking his head, "I would hope that the Prince isn't doing what we did with his personal guard."

The Queen brought his hand up to her lips and gave it a gentle kiss, sucking in any negative energy that she could, "Oh dear, I mean have fun! Let loose, it's not often that the royals get to just exist. Let the two have an adventure, you know there will be little of that once Diluc hits 18."

Crepus sighed, closing his eyes as he felt the warm lips of his wife. The touch was blissful and relaxing, brightening his mood all the more. His shoulders relaxed as he lay down beside her in bed.

"Alright alright, I'll let the two have their little adventure. Give me more time to dote on my beautiful wife," he gives her a kiss upon the cheek before calling the two back into the room.

The young men were ecstatic when they heard the news and instantly went into planning and packing, hoping that this would be an experience to remember.


As they explored Mondstadt, they were not able to leave the nation's borders without explicit permission from the King and that was rarely given. Both of them knew that this would be their own chance to have this much freedom and wanted to take in every single moment of it.

They dressed modestly, not wanting to make it some type of show as they explored. Diluc just wanted to melt into the rest of the crowd, though that was nearly impossible with his red hair being a tell-tale sign of his status. Still they did what they could to not cause a scene and Diluc insisted on helping everyone that he saw.

Each stop at a village had Diluc asking the citizens if they needed help with anything, if they had any issues that they would like fixed in the future and even taking notes about what they spoke about. Diluc didn't want the needs of his people to fall through the cracks.

The two built multiple fences, fixed a few roofs, and played games with the children in the village. Even with the hard work, they had the privilege to have fun with it and learn about those who lived in Mondstadt before moving on. Once the bulk of their work was done, they found a beautiful place to camp besides a lake.

The prim and proper prince sat at the bank of the lake, his hair shone beautifully in the sun and his eyes glistened as he grinned at the alpha in the water. The image of the Prince reflecting in the water didn't do the real deal justice and Kaeya had been blessed enough to see the Prince in a moment of carefree bliss.

Kaeya stood in the water, his shirt thrown to the side as he stood in his pants only, trying to escape the summer heat in the cool water. A few more steps in, his bare feet feeling the sand between his toes as he lowered himself into the water, turning to look again at the prince.

Diluc sat in the sands, a bit of sweat collecting at his forehead, Kaeya caught Diluc's eyes quickly shifting from his body to his face. The Knight was flattered to be checked out by the Prince but would not point it out, he wanted to play his cards right.

Kaeya noticed that Diluc only had his feet dipped into the water, it became obvious that other than the little pond in the yard, Diluc wasn't familiar with water. The Prince wasn't the type who would avoid doing something dirty, they had just spent all day building fences! Diluc also was a fan of mischief, the only reason he wouldn't come into the water would have to be his inability to swim.

The Alpha didn't want to beat around the bush, he turned back and walked closer to where Diluc sat, "Can you swim?" he stood in front of him, the water highlighting his body and causing Diluc's throat to tighten.

"I can hold you," Kaeya teased, reaching his hand out as he grabbed onto Diluc's foot, not daring to pull him in but showing Diluc that he was ready to play.

Diluc's face flushed, the water that touched his skin a blessing from the drastic heat that washed over his body. The bits of water began to steam as he struggled to find the words for a response.

The Prince couldn't just say, I don't mind just watching you swim.

It was true, the Prince didn't know how to swim as there was no need for him to learn. Mondstadt had some water but he had never been on a ship, his father barely even went over the sea.

The only one who had any sailing experience would have been the Queen and she didn't seem to think it was important enough to share it with her son. There was no need for a Prince to learn to swim, he would have no need for boats and the moat around the castle wasn't a place that anyone would willingly dive into.

It was tempting to join him in the water, but the answer truly was that he could not swim and he wasn't sure he would be able to hold the composure in Kaeya's arms. Not only that but Kaeya had not seen Diluc without a shirt before, he had never seen the constellation tattoo that lay over his lower abdomen.

The blush on his face remained as he realized that it was possible that the tattoo that had formed over his skin, could have been the one that Kaeya was born under. That was it's point, right?

"Cat got your tongue, My prince?" Kaeya teased him as he spoke his title, his hand moving up from his foot to his ankle.

"No, no worries!" Diluc pulled his foot back with little resistance from Kaeya, the alpha would never corner Diluc.

With his foot pulled back Diluc stood up and rolled his pants up a bit more, "I'll just go into my knees, no need to swim."

Diluc kept his shirt on, one hand actually gripping the bottom as he kept it pulled down while the other was up for balance. The step into the sands still threw him off balance and with a gasp he was falling forward; Kaeya reached his hand out, grabbing onto his forearm to steady him.

The silver collar around Diluc's neck caught the light of the sun, causing it to glow and the engraved markings stand out all the more. It was the most expensive thing that Diluc wore and only was noticeable now because he no longer had a high collared shirt on.

"You are going to have a lovely tan," Kaeya teased as Diluc found his footing, wiggling his toes in the sand as his face lit up from the sensation.

The Prince leaned into Kaeya, the hand that held him was strong yet gentle, never once overstepping any bounds. As Kaeya brought attention to his collar, he turned to see the necklace around Kaeya's neck still hung there.

Kaeya was always in charge of taking the collar off, something about the feeling of the collar made Diluc's skin crawl when it rested in his hands. Diluc raised an eyebrow and grabbed onto the key, pulling it to the hole on the collar and looking up to Kaeya.

Their eyes met in an odd moment of tension, Diluc placed the key into it's lock and smirked, refusing to lay hand upon the collar himself.

"Can you ensure my safety?" he teased, Kaeya let go of Diluc's forearm and allowed him to lean against him as he unlatched the collar from his neck.

"Do you doubt your own skills, My dear Prince?" With the collar unlatched Kaeya was able to gaze upon his pearly neck.

The scars from the past had faded and his neck was free from blemishes.

"I can't fight if I'm drowning," Diluc pointed out as he looked over towards the water.

Kaeya took the collar and placed it in his pants pocket, Diluc let the key fall back against Kaeya's chest.

"Do you want to learn?" Kaeya questioned as he rotated his body towards the open water, giving space between Diluc and himself.

With the gap opening between them, Diluc kept his hand reaching out towards Kaeya as he moved deeper into the waters. For a moment he pursed his lips, but Kaeya never pulled him in without his permission nor did he go farther than a foot away.

The sun beat down upon them and he could feel sweat causing his shirt to stick to his skin. They weren't deep, but it would feel great to go deeper.

"I do," Diluc nodded before he turned away from Kaeya, attempting to be modest as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to shore.

The constellation upon his flesh was the same one that his fated was born under, though no one truly knew what the constellation meant unless they met with an Astrologist.

Still, he had been advised by the family doctor to keep it covered, it would be dangerous for someone to see it and attempt to take advantage of him. Alpha's didn't have a matching mark and in the past there have been cunning Alpha's who lied to take advantage of an Omega.

That piece of advice, Diluc always followed, unlike the suggestion that he take supplements for the rest of his life. Both of his parents had their own wishes for why he should or should not take the medication but in the end, that was a decision that his mother fought for him.

He chose not to take them, even if he was guilted by his father, he never thought to take them. The Prince couldn't pinpoint why he didn't want them, but when Kaeya came around he felt safe enough to keep his decision firm.

Diluc's hands covered his abdomen as he kept his back to Kaeya, the sun falling upon skin that hadn't seen the light of day in years. The constellation felt warm under his touch, it was a light red. Taking a deep breath he turned around to face Kaeya, one hand now out to keep his balance as he walked closer to him while the other lay across his tattoo still.

It was strange that it was called a tattoo, despite it appearing on his skin on his first day of puberty. This was not something he chose to have and it wasn't something that he was proud of. When it first appeared he quietly wondered what his fated was like, if they were tall or short, royal or not, if they liked to hide horses or had a vision.

The Prince no longer wondered who his fated was because as he grew older, he began to notice an alarming attraction to his best friend, his guard, to Kaeya.

The way he smelt something warm and safe, how he felt an intense need to be beside him...the thoughts he had while he had his first heat.

Shameful! He stopped his thoughts as Kaeya smiled and offered his hand, Diluc intertwined their fingers together as Kaeya walked them deeper into the water.

Even without that instinct, Diluc found himself wanting to spend more time with Kaeya. To see the young man laugh and practice, to see him grow and flourish. When Diluc thought of Kaeya, a blush would arrive upon his face and his heart would flutter. Before meeting him, there was an empty feeling that seemed to fill the closer they became.

The water reached the tattoo and he shivered, Diluc unlatched his hand from Kaeya's and instead held onto his arm with both hands. The water was getting deeper and he began to doubt his footing, a nervousness began to cycle through his head.

"I've got you," Kaeya spoke softly, sliding the arm that was being strangled free from Diluc, sliding down and across his back before landing upon his hip.

That hand gave Diluc more support as they took a larger step down, the water lifting higher upon his stomach. The nervousness dwindled a bit, knowing that Kaeya had him each step of the way brought him relief.

Although Kaeya was incredibly careful about the depth of the water, he was unaware of the sudden shift that would occur underneath their feet. Kaeya had yet to step forward but Diluc, feeling courageous, took a step forward into nothingness.

With a gasp Diluc slipped downwards and he felt Kaeya's hand leave him for a second as he expected himself to be submerged. The water did not reach his chin, with a startled splash Kaeya was able to wrap both of his arms around him and pull him close. Kaeya pulled them chest to chest in the water, his feet still touching the sand bank below. His arms were low, nearly ready to lift Diluc up and out of the water if needed.

Diluc clung onto Kaeya, wrapping his arms around him as he shut his eyes tight for a moment, growing acquainted with the lack of sand under his toes.

"I misjudged the sandbank," Kaeya hummed, "Forgive me, do you still want to learn?"

Diluc nervously chuckled, his hands going onto Kaeya's shoulders as he looked down into the water, "I can't touch here."

"I can," Kaeya reassured him, "I won't let go of you, even for a second. I promise. But if you would like to stop, we can head back to shore."

"I...I'm not a scaredy cat!" Diluc pouted.

"I didn't say you were!" Kaeya laughed.

"Let's get started!" Diluc's face flushed, realizing how close they were as he pushed himself away.

He felt his body dip in the water briefly before Kaeya pulled him in again.

"Put your hands on my shoulders, we've got to start with floating," the alpha requested.

Diluc's face didn't meet Kaeya's as he moved his hands from around him to his shoulders. The Prince didn't want Kaeya to notice just how fast his heart was racing or how his tattoo began to glow dimly from the water.

But Kaeya had already noticed the dim glow, but refrained from speaking of it when he saw just how self conscious Diluc had been and of course, he noticed Diluc's racing heartbeat. He noticed very quickly, because his heart was beating just as fast.

Chapter 8: Fall or Fly


Please enjoy this lovely combo of sweetness and sadness.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At first Diluc had been apprehensive of drowning but with Kaeya's reassurance and presence he persevered. The Prince was also someone who would not settle for "decent" or "okay," he needed to rise above that in order to achieve "great" or anything close to "perfect." Yet when his muscles began to cramp and his ability to keep himself up any longer, Kaeya's arms slid around him as they sauntered towards the shallow end.

"You are doing magnificent!" Kaeya smiled, arms secure around Diluc as he found a spot that the Prince could touch.

"Are you just saying that or are you being truthful?" Diluc prodded as his feet grazed sand and his grip relaxed a bit on Kaeya.

"I am being truthful," Kaeya admitted, ensuring that Diluc was not a few steps away from the drop off before letting go and only keeping his hand upon the small of his back, "But the sun is setting and it's not safe to continue practice at night."

"If we have time tomorrow," Diluc muttered as he started towards the shore, "and if you'd like, I'd like to practice again."

Kaeya's eye lit up as he tilted his head to the side, a grin upon his face, "I'm glad you liked it."

I'll never know if I'll have to jump into the moat...Diluc pondered, his face dropping briefly before turning towards Kaeya.

The closer the edge of the water reached Diluc's tattoo, the more you could see the intense glow it gave off. Now that the sun was setting, it shone gently in the darkening atmosphere; that dim red now shimmering beautifully against Diluc's skin.

Pavo Ocellus caught Kaeya's eye and unlike previously, he was unable to turn away as his gaze lingered upon it. The way it seemed to sparkle and reflect upon the water held a serenity that Kaeya longed for, the body it lay lived upon something that he wanted to keep.

His gaze was broken as Diluc splashed water onto his face, realizing he had been caught he wiped off his face.

"Pardon my manners!" Kaeya was quick to wipe his face off, fearling he had offended or made Diluc uncomfortable.

Kaeya didn't want Diluc to know just how hungry he was for him.

Before Kaeya could fully open his eyes another splash of water came to him before his legs had been swiped out from beneath him. Since the two were not sparring, Kaeya was in no way prepared to block such a thing and fell backwards into the water onto his rear end. Diluc ran from the water and onto the shore, quickly grabbing onto his shirt and running back towards their camp.

"Wait!" Kaeya sputtered water, standing up as he followed after.

The Guard felt foolish, he knew just how nervous Diluc could be around alphas and he gawked at him. Kaeya picked up what was left over and ran after him towards their tent, Diluc was already inside and was holding the tent shut. Not wanting to intrude Kaeya picked up a cloth to dry off with and knelt outside of the tent.

Kaeya pursed his lips, not saying a word as he scanned his mind for a way to apologize for his behavior. Would it be abhorrent to admit why his eyes lingered too long? It was true that Kaeya thought the marking was beautiful, he had never seen anything like it but he was also drawn to it because in his heart, he knew that Diluc was his.

It would be even worse to say that it was simple Kaeya letting go upon instinct, that would only scare Diluc away.

Kaeya closed his eye and took a deep breath, lips parting as he settled upon just a simple I'm sorry, you're beautiful. Despite that seeming just as pathetic of an apology.

But his words made it only to his throat as his lips parted to speak he felt soft lips brush against his. Kaeya's eye opened, thinking that maybe the timing had been incorrect and they had simply bumped into one another and Diluc would be just as shocked as he.

That was not the case.

The Prince, shirt half buttoned and hair still dripping wet, was kneeling at the edge of the tent with his eyes closed and a timid expression on his face. The kiss was intentional, the deep blush on Diluc's face and the sound of his heart beating within his ears was the truth of that.

Diluc pulled away, "Sor-"

The apology was short lived, before he could even get the word out Kaeya's hand felt onto the back of his head as he pulled him in for another kiss.

They fell backwards into the tent as they sloppily kissed on the blankets, their clothes dampening the one upon the floor. Kaeya placed his body between Diluc's legs, one hand cradling his head so it didn't hit the floor while the other held him up.

Diluc was unsure as to what to do with his hands, nervously fiddling at his shirt to hold it closed while his other hand greedly slid up Kaeya's chest. His body shoved in a way that reminded him of his heat and his body only continued to warm up more. It felt as though a fever was washing over him as their kiss deepended.

Then it stopped and blood filled their mouths.

Kaeya sat up and took the collar out of his pants pocket, handing it over to Diluc as he turned his face away from him. One hand held the collar while the other went towards his mouth, his teeth had morphed and in their messy makeout session he had cut Diluc's lip.

The Prince didn't care for it and simply licked his blood away, it tasted sweet and only rejuvenated his desire to continue kissing Kaeya. It stung a bit but the electric feeling that began to course through his body was much stronger.

When the collar came back into Diluc's view his motivations sobered, blinking a few times in order to see clearly before he reached out to grab the collar.

"I..I'm sorry, Sir Kaeya, that was inappropriate of me..." Diluc grabbed onto the collar and snapped it around his neck, his shoulders dropped and so did his head.

Kaeya's back was towards him and he felt as though he had just made an awful mistake.

"I...I promise it's not just some dirty omega behavior!" Diluc spoke quickly, "I just," it was incredibly difficult to even speak the truth.

"I like you and...I think.."

Kaeya had been so focused on keeping his secret safe that he had forgotten how he had left Diluc. The words that drifted to his ears sounded like a melody, even if they held fear and a hint of sorrow.

"I cut your lip," Kaeya spoke honestly as he turned around his own face catching aflame, "And I...wanted to make sure that you felt safe."

This was not the answer that Diluc expected, he lifted his gaze to see Kaeya now facing him and his eyes twinkling like the stars.

"It's my duty to make sure that you are safe, it's also my duty to make sure that as a friend...I don't do anything you wouldn't like," Kaeya was quick to add in, "Not that I would mark you! I wouldn't without asking I just..." he began to stumble over his words and he expected Diluc's expression to sour.

Instead it softened with a smile, one that reflected the peace and love that they had both seen from the Queen. It was undeniable that Diluc had inherited much of his mannerisms from his mother while gathering his red hair from his father.

"If it was you, I wouldn't mind..." the prince said, his own eyes lighting up, "Because I..."

The tattoo on his lower abdomen began to burn, an intense feeling that almost morphed into a cramp. Gasping his hand went dowards, the tattoo's color flickering from red to an icy blue. As magnificent as it was, it hurt like hell and Diluc grimaced as he collected himself. It was nearly as painful as a heat cramp but the Prince knew that's not what this was.

"Are you okay?" Kaeya was startled and scooted towards him, "Would laying down help? Should I get someone?"

"No, maybe. Kaeya wait," Diluc spoke as Kaeya gently lay him down.

Kaeya wasn't listening to what he had to say, focusing only on his discomfort.

Diluc's hand grabbed onto Kaeya's shoulder as he pulled himself down with him, forcing them to be side by side.

"Ignore it!" Diluc moved his hand, tugging on his shirt in an attempt to change the private light show, "It's fine and normal, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just...listen before I chicken out."

It was a command that Kaeya couldn't refuse even if the sudden demands were something that he wasn't used to from the Prince, he accepted it.

"I like you a lot. I wouldn't mind if you bonded with me. I think I...I love you," Diluc began to speak faster, feeling vulnerable as he spoke, "If you don't feel the same, that's okay."

"Di-Diluc," Kaeya stumbled over his words as he felt as though they had turned back towards the lake, he was swimming, "Diluc!"

The Prince was fighting against the discomfort that was begging him to curl up, clenching his jaw as he waited for Kaeya to give him something as a response.

"If you don't feel the same, It's fine!" Diluc's voice lowered, trying not to freign disappointment, "We can forget I said anything-"

Kaeya grabbed onto Diluc's head and pulled him forward, pressing his fluffy head of hair against his chest. Diluc's nervousness subsided when he felt just how fast Kaeya's heart was racing, when he smelt him.

"I love you too," Kaeya's voice cracked as he held his head there, his teeth sharpening again as he attempted to gain his composure.

The top of his head began to itch as he felt his horns peel through his flesh and hair, now wouldn't be a good time. He held Diluc's head in place with only his palms, pulling his fingers away from Diluc's body as his nails lengthened and sharpened.

Diluc heard just how fast his heart beat and tears of joy began to well in his eyes, shutting them tightly he refused to let any release. Not noticing that Kaeya was struggling with his external features, he wrapped his arms around Kaeya even if it meant shoving an arm under his body. The cramping diminished as they were held close and a low rumble grew in Diluc's throat, one so miniscule that only Kaeya noticed.

Just a second, he thought as he fought to steady himself.

"I wanted to talk to you about that," Kaeya whispered as the conversation shifted and his body began to return to normal, "But I didn't know how to bring it up...I think we are-"

"Fated mates," Diluc spoke in tandem with Kaeya.

He knew. Their thoughts echoed one another.

It didn't matter when they found out, at least it didn't right now. It currently only mattered that they loved each other and they were finally able to talk about it.

"When I am of age I was going to ask father...if we could properly court...I think you would make a fantastic Prince..." Diluc's voice was hopeful before reality began to set in, "I don't know how he will take it though..."

"We can keep it a secret for now," feeling himself return to his human facade he loosened his hold on Diluc so their eyes could meet, "And tell him when we think it's best."

"If he doesn't accept," determination was strong in Diluc's voice, "I will put down the crown and leave with you."

"Let's cross that bridge when we get there," Kaeya scooted downwards so they were again face to face, "For now...we can just..enjoy this."

Leaning forward, Kaeya gave what he would interpret as an incredibly passionate kiss, before rolling on top of him once more. With his confession being accepted, the color of his tattoo morphed into an icy grey color; not yet blue but not yet the color of storm clouds. What it meant to Diluc was unknown.

Throughout the night, Diluc's collar stayed on and they kept their contact innocent enough. As much as Diluc wanted to take a few hurried steps forward, Kaeya knew that coming home bonded to one another would cause an uprising within the castle. The Queen wouldn't mind, but the King would demand a battle with Kaeya the moment they stepped onto the castle grounds.

Maybe when they were of age, it would be easier to hide and explain; but this did not prevent them from exploring one another and covering the other with their scent during the rest of their little 'vacation'.


Their return didn't raise any suspicion but there was an obvious change in the atmosphere of the people within. The Queen was at her weakest yet and the King's anxiety gave way to the goodness his wife attempted to keep.

Kaeya could see the tained energy through the castle gates, watching as it swirled in anger in Crepus's chest as he created them. They churned like the ocean before a storm, a deadly tide pulling out only to crash against the unmoving shore. Their time of merriment was coming to an end and Kaeya's biggest challenge was laying before him.

The Queen lasted another year and a half, bringing her son closer to his 18th birthday as he found to have a say in it. Her hair no longer shone in the light and her skin looked pale, her eyes continued to hold a gleam even if she coughed up blood onto her hands.

She could only get out of her bed when fully assisted by her people, even though she was whittling away to nothing she refused to lay around. Knowing that she was dying was motivating for her to attempt to see as much as she could of Diluc and Kaeya before her final days.

The Queen would sit upon a bench to watch the two on their horse rides, she would hold her husband's hands and whisper.

"My Crepus, don't they look happy together?" she grinned, "Kaeya would make a fantastic leader."

"We will see how that goes after Diluc has met his suitors," Crepus's eyes narrowed a bit as he looked at the two.

"Suitors?! Crepus I thought we agreed to let him choose!" The Queen growled, her ferocity being cut short as she coughed blood into her hand.

"He will happily choose from a list of potential mates, we can't have him bonding with someone whose past is so...obscure. Even then, a boy from a lowly village? What would that say to the people? That blood doesn't matter?"

The Queen's mouth opened as she stared at her husband, blood pooling around her tongue as she stared in awe. It was scary just how fast the King began to fade away, it seemed as though the delusion took hold of him even quicker than her own demise.

"That is not what we had discussed," she spat, blood passing her lips as she coughed again, her hand landed on her chest as she began to feel the intense heat build from within her.

"My love," the King gazed upon her with something he had hoped looked like adoration, "You will be leaving us soon, we need a strong Alpha in the castle! I am sure he can find someone to love from the options we have. I've sent to every nation to prepare for his 18th birthday, you know just how hard it can be to get another Prince here. I decided to start early."

"Crepus Ragnvindr," she sighed, her hand reaching out as she touched his cheek, smearing blood upon his face as the other remained at her chest, "I loved you so much but I love my son more, I can only hope that you come to see your wrongs in your final moments.. I hope you will be granted a new start, in that life I hope I can guide you well."

Where the Queen sat was now engulfed in flames, black smoke rolled from the bench and began to lift itself high into the sky. Despite the sheer pain one would experience being taken over by fire, she sat with grace and a smile upon her face. Her hand had been reached out towards her husband, an invitation towards his doom that he was unsure to take.

The bellow of agony that left his lips alerted everyone in the garden before the fire even did, those who held to the King's side ran around in a panic in a vain attempt to gather water. Though those who worked with the Queen, stood in silence, knowing that this was all a part of her mortal duties.

Crepus reached his hand towards his wife as her figure faded into the flames, it spreading down from the bench to the grass below. His skin began to bubble and blacken as he reached forward- the Knights grabbing tight to prevent him from joining his wife.

He called her name, an agonized wail as her beauty melted away.

Diluc and Kaeya had been out riding and were not expected to return till the evening, but Diluc had a dreadful feeling about him that caused them to turn back. They didn't have the chance to dismount their house before seeing the Queen ignited before their very eyes.

"Mother!" Diluc cried, ushering his horse forward as Kaeya chased after him.

Kaeya knew the grim reality of the Queen's fate, no amount of speed could alter the debt that she owed but he was fearful of Diluc's response.

The Queen never intended or expected either of them to see her doom and it was clear why.

Diluc pushed through those who ran in a panic, seeing the Knights restraining his father for his own safety did not stop him. When he was close enough, he leapt from the horse and reached his hand out just as his father had done.


"Diluc-Wait!" Kaeya was right behind him, hand raised as he prepared to freeze Diluc's feet where he stood.

When the Prince put his hand into the flames, there was no pain or intense heat upon his flesh, he felt the warmth of his mother and feeling of lightness. Diluc continued forward, his forearm entering the flames as Kaeya wrapped an arm around his waist.

It's not burning him, the realization hit Kaeya like a boulder, his arm around his waist before he twisted and fell onto the ground with Diluc, He's…

Diluc would be in danger if his father found out.

In the chaos no one had seemed to notice how far Diluc had reached into the flames, so Kaeya made a swift decision. While Diluc fought against him, pulling away as he again tried to reach out for his mother, Kaeya gripped onto the hand that reached out for her and sent a blast of ice through it.

The Prince's cry shattered his heart to pieces as Diluc came to his senses. The ice had already melted away, Diluc's body and their proximity to the fire didn't allow it to last long. With the Prince's gaze going from his mother's burning figure, to the 'burn' upon his hand he grew silent. No cry of pain or help left his lips as he lifted his head up and leaned back into Kaeya, watching the fire burn nearly white in its intensity.

"I'm sorry, My Prince," Kaeya whispered as he dropped his head onto Diluc's shoulder, already the guilt was eating at him.

Despite what Kaeya had done, in this moment Diluc was none the wiser; to the Prince, he had burned his hand when he placed it into the fire and Kaeya had grabbed it in an attempt to restrain him. Whether he truly believed this or not had not yet come to pass as there was no way a human could resist those flames.

They had burned his father but only felt like a warm kiss upon his fingers.

"Sir Kaeya!" The King called in anguish, "Your ice! Use your Ice!"

One hand still wrapped around Diluc's waist as he pressed his body close, he lifted his head with his hand and held it before him. The Abyssal Prince was terrified of what he would see when the flames cooled, would her mortal skin be there? If he put it out, would he be killing a Phoenix where it stood?

It's alright, he thought he heard the Queen whisper, Listen to the King, but just this final time.

Frost grew from his fingertips, crawling around the grass as it began to encapture the fire. Kaeya knew that it was too good to be true, a fire burning this hot would take more than a little bit of Cryo to deplete, even while they spared it wasn't so simple.

A steam rolled in, kissing the foreheads of her Diluc, Kaeya, and the stone faced Adelinde before dissipating into the air. The grass had been scorched, the bench she sat destroyed along with the flower bushes that surrounded her like a painting.

Ash was the only thing left.

Not a single light was on in Mondstadt that night as the Kingdom grieved the death of it's Queen, though not one person mourned as deeply as those who knew her well. The King fell into a pit of rage, gripping onto her favorite gown and locking himself away in the dungeon, his lamenting heard through the thick walls silencing the crickets on the property.

While the Knights patrolled in an attempt to determine what the cause was, Kaeya had already put the pieces together but he kept his lips pursed. The years had brought him to love the Queen and respect her, she cared for him and did whatever she could to ensure that he was comfortable in his choices and had the freedom to leave at any point.

She offered him clothing and a friend, even when he got hurt and could heal within days she coddled him like a child; because that's what he was to her. A Lonely boy who was looking for a meaning in life, a kind boy who transformed into a dashing young man.

Kaeya did not cry, he felt as though his ear ducts had frozen over and prevented him from releasing an emotion he hadn't experienced in hundreds of years. He did not cry but neither did Diluc, they sat on Diluc's bed in silence as Kaeya replaced the bandage on Diluc's wounded hand.

Diluc just stared forward, inhaling sharply when it hurt only to return to normal as the pain eased. When it was completed Diluc pulled his hand back and glanced over to Kaeya, their eyes meeting as they shared a moment of silence.

"Thank you," Diluc whispered, as he looked back down to his hand, "It...must have been hard."


"Diluc?" Kaeya's eye widened as he digested what Diluc had said, "What..?"

"You.." Diluc choked slightly and hung his head, he wasn't able to say what he wanted to say.

You promised her that you'd protect me, yet in her last moments you did this to save me. It must have been hard, I know you loved her too.

"I'm not mad, it would be just another reason my dad will want to sell me off..." Diluc swallowed his sorrow and looked back up to Kaeya, eyes beginning to fill, "I'm confused why though," he held his hand out once more, "It burned Father, why didn't it burn me?"

Kaeya held his breath, the way Diluc moved his hand as though he wasn't in excruciating pain when doing so mixed with the fact that Diluc saw that moment with clarity. As the Queen burned to ash, Diluc wasn't blinded by the wrath of his father or by some royal expectation; his eyes were clear and the smoke did not cloud his judgement.

The young Knight's lips parted, words tittering upon his lips as he looked for the right words to say until he heard the little plop of water droplets fall upon the space between them.

"Kaeya, she's never going to see...us together..." Diluc's voice shook as the tears continued to fill, "She won't be here. I...I'll never hear her voice again. How could this happen?"

The words felt like boulders falling upon him, the words tore through Kaeya like a blunt arrow.

Oh, Diluc she knew, Kaeya wanted to say, but he began to fight back tears that were attempting to form upon his eyes.

Even if she knew, Kaeya knew what Diluc truly meant. It wasn't that she wouldn't see the two of them together, she wouldn't see either of them in their biggest moments. She wouldn't see Diluc walk down the aisle in marriage, she wouldn't see the happiness of her son if they were able to properly court.

The Queen was gone, there was nothing left over except memories and Diluc as proof that she existed.

She wouldn't be there to smile upon Kaeya and encourage him through every training session he did, congratulate him on every enemy he defeated. There would be no one to kiss the top of his head as she honored him like she would her own.

The Queen didn't treat him like a pauper, she treated him like Royalty- she ensured that the respect that Kaeya had grown up with in the Abyss carried over as much as it could without giving it away.

The abyss.

She had given him countless chances to leave at night in order to return home, even if recently he had been unable to leave because of just how busy the Knights had become.

This woman who sewed in her spare time and helped the maids garden, the Alpha whose strength was unmatched in her love for those around her. The Goodness that she had dug into the ground like roots, spreading as far as they could to spread to her people.

All gone in a matter of seconds, without being able to whisper any sweet goodbye to nor a thankful.

The Queen finally gave way to the deal she had made and Kaeya knew little of the price she paid.

Diluc's composure fell apart and Kaeya wrapped his arms around him, careful of his hand before he scooped Diluc onto his lap and pressed his face downwards into his neck. When Kaeya's face hit the metal of the collar, Diluc tapped it through tears, giving Kaeya permission to remove it.

With the key upon his necklace, he unlocked the collar and nuzzled into the side of his neck. Kaeya did not release his scent as he had done so in the past, instead he gave Diluc that skin to skin contact they both needed.

Diluc wrapped his arms around Kaeya, sobbing into his hair as he felt sparse icy droplets fall upon his neck. Kaeya may not cry like he did, but he could cry nonetheless.

Despite the darkness that swallowed the two, a light burned within Diluc's heart that his mother had left behind, a warmth and a promise of protection that he did not know of. A bravery that was currently shielded by grief and fear as he realized his damnation was right before him.

The Prince felt himself standing on the precipice before a valley of hell, where he had two choices- to fly or fall.


Diluc is not yet bonded and they did not go that far~
We are reaching the end of our flashback.

Chapter 9: Sunset, Sunrise

Chapter Text

Although Kaeya wanted to heal Diluc's wound, heal it perfectly so not even a scar remained he knew that he could not. If he were to reveal himself to Diluc now, he feared that would be too much for him to take in. Kaeya insisted he wash and treat Diluc's ice burn each time it needed it in an attempt to 'make it up' to him. Diluc would shake his head, thinking that his quick thinking did more good than harm.

It did not matter though, the guilt of hurting Diluc on purpose was eating him alive.

Getting through the funeral wasn't as hard as Diluc thought it would be. There wasn't a body to bury and only ashes that could be spread, a Eulogy to be read and the prayers given to the Archons to grant her safe passage.

The King stood stiff, his jaw locked tight as he stared at the ash laden casket, the flowers around it already looked withered and dead. Diluc thought the casket was pointless, his sunny aura depleted with each passing day, a darkness looming over his eyes. Kaeya's demeanour also dampened their smiles, hardly showing as they avoided walking into the Queen's room in the morning.

Adelinde stood beside the young men, her hand giving Kaeya's hand a gentle squeeze to bring him back to reality. During the entire procession, Kaeya was staring into the King's chest and watching as that tained energy churned like a storm in his heart.

Their last sunny day had been the final day with the queen, each day forth had been overcast or severe weather. Kaeya wondered if it was a warning from the Queen herself or maybe his father at best.

Long after the Knights had left and the people of Mondstadt who were lucky enough to get in left, Kaeya and Diluc stood behind the king who knelt beside the lack luster casket.

His shoulders had stopped heaving and his eyes had turned bloodshot, his mind a mess as the last bit of light died with his wife. Memories swirled together, melting together while some were completely snuffed out.

"Diluc," he spoke low, his hand reaching as he ran his fingers through the ashes of his wife, "This just proves all the more...why you need to be prepared for the feature. You know not when I will die, but how soon after I follow your mother."

Kaeya's eyes lowered as he heard those words, thinking of the duties his own father would remind him of every time he arrived for a visit. Although having hundreds of years to prepare for it, Kaeya had gotten lucky with the lengthy youth he had been blessed with.

The two of them would be forced all the more to grow up, their sweet summer of joy seemed to be their last. The past few years were filled with laughs, exciting memories, and the buddings of love...how instantly the word around them became cold.

The Abyssal Prince could only sit and wonder, staring as the Queen's ash's slipped through his fingers like dust.

Did the Queen truly die? A Phoenix...can be reborn right? As a child, he had only heard a single story about the phoenix.

The beautiful beings had fought alongside Khaneri'ah in their battle against Celestia and lost their lives for it.

Did...Father owe the Queen a favor? The revelation gave light within his heart, a hope that he couldn't contain as he imagined the Queen still being alive.

What deal did she make with my Father?!

His father told him that all of the phoenix had come to pass, with the exception of a single beautiful bird who came to visit the Abyss after the fall. A glory of light, shining magnificent rays of Teyvat upon them, bringing whatever the people needed as they fell into their curse.

Was it the Queen?

The woman, bathed in light, came to protect the border between the two worlds-attempting to bridge the two lands from one another. A woman whose face was always shielded by the glow that emitted from her fiery hair and wings. Their meetings had always been so jovial, but the closer it came to her final arrival the light in his father's eyes dwindled away.

Then the day came, when the phoenix no longer came.

Kaeya had been used to the cold, the way that ice would form at his fingertips but his blood running cold in his veins forced a cloud of icy haze from his lips.

It was here that he realized that he could ask his Father what had happened in the past and what truly became of the queen. There was so much to this story that he was never told and he needed that information now. He felt foolish for not putting the pieces together; for never asking those questions through this process.

Was Diluc a phoenix like his mother?

Once the session was over, the three three young adults turned back inside without saying a word. Kaeya's eyes held a strong will and determination, Adelinde's eyes were red but her chin held high as she kept her ears open for the Prince, and Diluc walked with an empty expression on his face.

With each step that Diluc took towards the castle, he felt a constricting feeling upon his chest; each step taking him farther from his mother yet deeper into the confines of the castle.

While Kaeya formulated his plans to meet his father that night, Diluc began to question how he could escape from a fate he knew wouldn't end well.

Diluc had been hopeful before of telling his father about Kaeya while his mother was with them, now he felt that gaining that will from his father would be impossible. There was a hungry look in Crepus's eyes, one that was veiled by the heartbreak and rage in losing the one you love.

Danger was quickly approaching and Diluc was no longer in the mood to cater to the whims of a man who had attempted to collar him.


That night, Kaeya sat in Diluc's bed with his head upon his lap, dragging his fingers through his beautiful red hair. Taking in every bit of him as he gazed out the window, watching the moon rise in the sky. There was no worry about Crepus finding them here, the King hadn't moved from the final resting place of his wife.

The two had been informed that the King would spend the night beside her one final time before he resumed his rule. It had been a tradition within their family, one that he was not willing to break.

So Kaeya gently scratched Diluc's head as he began to drift off to sleep. Their conversation had been little today, but even in their silence they were each other's biggest support system. While Kaeya had his fingers in Diluc's hair, Diluc's hands gently ran up and down his leg, kneading like a kitten with their favorite blanket.

This comfort had been long sought for.

Once Diluc had fallen into slumber, Kaeya slid himself free and tucked him in. Diluc sleepily muttered an invitation to join him in bed and Kaeya reminded him in a gentle whisper.

"We are much too old to share a bed without suspicion," he kissed Diluc upon the head before running a hand down his cheek.

There wasn't a single thing more beautiful in the world than his omega, a sunrise nor sunset could hold a candle to him. Even while he lay in bed, eyes puffy despite his attempts to keep himself calm and a sleepy expression upon his face.

Even in the dimmest of light, Diluc was always glowing.

"The day will come," Diluc hummed as his eyes began to flutter, "when you will be inviting me to come to bed...and..." his words slurred, "and I will come to you."

With the final word, Kaeya pressed his lips against Diluc's. Wishing that he could pour every ounce of love into him with such a simple and powerful gesture.

"I long for the day," he spoke against his lips, feeling how Diluc's breathing adjusted, "That My Prince will be My Mate as we drift into dreamland."

Oh he wished to spoil him rotten.

"For the day I will not have to sneak from this room," he pulled back to gaze upon this sleeping face, Diluc's pink lips parted, "and all the sorrows of the past are over.."

"For the day we are happy."

Those days seemed nearly out of reach.

So many questions, so many things to do when all he yearned for was to slide into bed with Diluc and sleep.


When Kaeya spread his wings and traveled back to his home he was incredibly careful. Even the Queen's attendance was none the wiser to his miniature trips, though if they were questioned on his whereabouts they had plenty of excuses.

Kaeya did not expect his arrival would be met with an overwhelming silence; his father had dissipated back into the ether. He fell to his knees before the barrier, feeling foolish that he had expected his father to hang around for so long. Dragons can last a millenia, but over time his father had only grown weaker from staying within the Abyss with only his son beside him.

In a matter of days, Kaeya no longer had a person to look up to respectfully. The torch was finally passed off to him and he would have to make decisions without the consultation of a more experienced person.

"Father," He signed as he lowered his head down to the ground, bowing down as he shut his eyes tightly, "What deal did you make the Queen?" his voice was pained, "A simple matter of protection would not make her burn to ash...and take you too."

"What did you agree upon?" tears did not form upon his eyes, instead they grew tired.

"What fate did you see in the stars?" his voice cracked as his figure began to form, the facade falling as he stood up and walked into the void.

The word around him swelled into a miasma, dusty swirling within as though he had fallen into the night sky.

The world around him was different from the rest of Teyvat, the colors around him much more vivid and true, the forest greeted him with a cacophony. Each being around him welcomed their Prince, the sun held a blue hue in the sky and the creature's held the void within. A simple rabbit looked uncanny, Abyssal words faded onto the top of it's fur; the trees twisted and flowers grew embedded within the bark.

A beautiful place laden with love but feared by those who heard only of the origin.

Kaeya's wings spread out, his horns curling to his head as he stiffened his shoulders.

My son, Kaeya felt the words within his chest, vibrating his heart, When the folly of men cause the kingdoms to crumble, your little bird is welcome in the place of monsters.

He could have chosen a life of eternal youth, a life with his father by his side only to choose a fate unlike the one he assumed he'd get.

He made a choice and lost his father and an incredibly strong role model. The ache within him caught his breath as he knelt down, thinking of everything his father had ever said to him. The words boomed in his mind, echoing just as it did in reality.

The Abyss could not be left unmanned, his visits would have to grow more frequent, yet he knew just how difficult that would be. He was split between two responsibilities, protecting Diluc as an agreement along with his born duty of guiding the other realm.

He could have chosen eternal youth, a carefree life where he never would worry about finding a mate, finding love.

Did he regret his choice? No.

Was this the right choice?

If he never stepped into the castle walls, would he grow to feel something was missing? Longing for a fated mate that he had never thought of before?

I chose this path, he reminded himself as he gazed forward, Father wouldn't let me step in the wrong direction...I have to trust that he knew I could do this..

Tightly he closed his eyes and nodded, "In the future," he promised before his lonely walk home.


The next morning Diluc was nowhere to be found, not in his room, by the stables or in the study. Kaeya assumed that Diluc wanted to spend some time on his own, but he didn't see the King either.

A feeling of unease rose within him, instead of continuing his search he went directly to Adelinde.

"The Prince said he is very busy right now," Adelinde did not look at Kaeya, she continued to fold laundry and act incredibly busy, "but he will meet you as per usual for training."

Kaeya pursed his lips, "Is he doing alright?"

Adelinde stopped what she was doing long enough for Kaeya to take note of it, "As good as he can."

"What is he up to?" he watched as her body language changed, instantly she masked her true feelings and turned to him.

"The King insisted that they talk about his future and ability to inherit the kingdom," those she spoke softly, the words battered against Kaeya's chest.

Yet it wasn't as simple as that, it wasn't just the pitter patter of hail falling against glass or a plush grass. This hail landed directly into the gaping wound he carried, falling deep within in an attempt to burn his heart.

It reminded him of their disadvantage, their confession should have brought them joy and the budding beauty of fresh love. How he wished that they could be naive enough to walk up towards the King and speak of their secret. How he wished they were rebellious, bonded and already on the run to escape their reality.

He wondered how their life would be if they had been born under different stars or in a different time.

That Phoenix that walked into the Abyss had been Diluc.

"Adelinde," Kaeya lowered his voice as he searched for the words, "Diluc and I confessed on our vacation..."

"I know," Adelinde sighed as she folded her final piece of cloth, "The smiles upon your faces and your clothes were so deeply scented I had to soak them in vinegar!"

"sh*t," Kaeya put his hand to his temple, "Was it that noticeable? Do you think the King knew?"

"The King wouldn't know if a fly swarmed his head," Adelinded hissed, "He only sees what's in his line of sight, the world in the peripheral falls to the shadows."

"Do you think...the king would approve of our relationship if he knew that we were fated?" The question was asked before he had time to think about whether he wanted to hear the answer.

The maid was silent, her thumbs caressing the basket that held the clothes. The Queen wanted nothing more but for the two to be together and happy, whether that be with or without the crown. Even with the wishes of the Queen, the Prince, and the top Knight...there were no promises when it came to the King.

"I hope he will see your side of things, separated fated mates even without being bonded can be dangerous..."

"You didn't answer the question."

"I will not answer the question," Adelinde avoided his gaze as she swung the basket to rest upon her hip, turning swiftly past him to continue her work, "You know the answer Kaeya."


Kaeya sat upon a stump in the woods, eyes gazing up at the full moon that hung above him. A gentle breeze brought music to the forest as he waited for the Prince to arrive, beginning to grow concerned with how long he had been sitting there. Normally the Prince was quite punctual, arriving around the same time as himself or a few minutes after in order to avoid suspicion.

After his conversation with Adelinde, Kaeya threw himself directly into training the new Knights, after the Queen passed the security around the castle increased ten fold. Being unable to find Diluc until their typical meeting time, there wasn't anything else he could do that would be productive. If he didn't work, he would be wallowing in his depression within the castle.

The Knight didn't want to begin to worry about Diluc's lateness. It was possible that Diluc was getting held up because of the higher number of guards, but that didn't explain why they hadn't crossed paths the entire day and a lump continued to grow in the pit of his stomach.

While Kaeya was training the newest members, Diluc would often watch from afar or be practicing maneuvers on his horse to pass the time. It wasn't often that they would go an entire day without seeing each other, especially since Kaeya was required to be at this side anytime matters were important.

The King thought that the Queen did not succumb to any illness or curse, he had become so delusional that he thought that an enemy had snuck in and caused the woman to light a flame. There wasn't any proof to this and both Kaeya and Diluc had a hunch of the truth behind her demise, Kaeya more so.

A twig cracked in the distance and bre wind carried over Diluc's scent, as he grew older it threw so much more defined. A beautiful smell that Kaeya wished could swallow him, his fate truly would cause any other alpha to lose their composure with scent and looks alone.

Ah, I am going to have to increase my own pheromones to keep others at bay... he thought with a smirk, knowing that Diluc's love would never falter but those on the outside could try.

Turning his head he was not created with an elegant and well refined Prince, what he saw instead caused him to jump up from the stump and step forward. His hand reaching out as his heart grew cold, a rage bubbling within him that he didn't know was possible.

The skin around Diluc's eyes were black and blue, hints of green drifting from the main bruises as it dipped below his nose and cheeks. Small cuts littered his face and an ugly gash left a gnarly impression upon his lip. Parts of his face were mildly swollen, but it looked as though he had attempted to soothe the wounds himself.

"What the hell happened?" Kaeya growled, his teeth sharpening in his mouth as he reached his hand out to touch the tender skin.

Diluc did not flinch, instead he paused his steps and let Kaeya's hand fall into his hair, Kaeya was gentle and did not touch where his body had been harmed. Instead of stepping away, Diluc leaned into the comfort of his hand, something that he had been refused all day.

"I told father that I had a mate in mind when he suggested a Courting Event," his voice did not shiver as he spoke, but his eyes grew with determination, "He did not like that I was thinking for myself, as mother would have wanted."

"He did not like that I even spoke of the wishes of the Queen," Mild disgust crossed Diluc's face, but it was hard to hold that expression when thinking about his mother, "Kaeya I don't think we are going to get father's approval for this...He couldn't care less whom I was fated to."

His eyes glittered in the light as he looked up to him, "But I don't want that to stop us. I don't need to be a Prince, I don't need a cushioned life."

Kaeya was silent for a moment, overwhelmed by knowing his lover had been attacked by his own father while also hearing such a proclamation.

"I want to be together always," Diluc brought a hand to his cheek, "As you know, I don't like being told what to do...but this kind of fate, I don't mind accepting."

"Diluc...the King..." Kaeya's face softened as Diluc touched his face, his hand cradling it to his face, "If this is how he reacts when you deny his wishes...I."

"Teach me how to fight, without my vision...without my sword. Teach me how to hold my own in hand to hand combat. I want to be happy Kaeya, if I have to run away and leave this Kingdom...I'll do it."

"If I have to...knock the king down from his throne to be with you I will do it!"

The passion that had hidden behind the haze of heartbreak and depression appeared on the Prince once more and left Kaeya in silence. The words were such a strong promise, Kaeya wanted nothing else but to scoop up Diluc and wisk him away. To take him to the Abyss, to tell him everything that he knew and keep him protected from Crepus.

Kaeya wanted to cloak Diluc in a protective veil like the Queen had- but where did that get the Prince? Years ago Kaeya had been showing him skills that had been stopped by the King, the Queen never taught compliance but there was only so much she could do.

Kaeya was silent for a moment, knowing just how difficult it would be to be a traitor of Mondstadt, to go from being a beloved Prince to a criminal. To lay hands upon a King who was slowly losing what made him human, putting himself at risk. It made his stomach churn how desperate the King was making them feel for something as simple as happiness.

"Did you tell him that it's me?" Kaeya had some hope in his voice, thinking that maybe if the King knew it would be his strongest Knight, it would be alright.

Diluc shook his head, "If I did, it would not matter...he wants..." Diluc was silent, pursing his lips before lowering his head, "He..."

The Alpha pulled him in close, gently running a hand through his hair, letting Diluc know that it was alright for him to stop there. Diluc didn't have to explain anymore of the horrid things his father wanted from him.

The crickets chirped around them but the night remained peaceful, surprising from the turmoil that Diluc had just experienced.

"Kaeya," Diluc's arms wrapped around Kaeya as he spoke, "I want you to mark me."

"Di-Diluc?" Kaeya pulled them apart, his lips parting as he gazed down into Diluc's eyes, "That...that's!" His cheeks began to flush a heat rising so quickly that he was not able to cool himself down.

"No wait!" Diluc's hands shot up as he covered Kaeya's mouth, turning his head away briefly to avoid how intense his gaze was, "Just...just mark me we can...I'm not ready for the other part yet!"

The Prince felt Kaeya's mouth completely drop open behind his hands, he had to will himself to look back towards Kaeya as his heart began to pound against his chest. He felt as though he had just asked Kaeya to marry him; which technically he did.

Kaeya's hands grabbed onto Diluc's as he gently kissed his knuckles, "Are you asking me to mark you because you want me to or because it will prevent your father from using you?"

"I want it, more than anything Kaeya."

"You understand the danger that it will put you in, when he finds out?" Kaeya let go of Diluc's hands before gently cupping his cheeks.

His thumbs were gentle as they stroked Diluc's face, the bruises proof that Crepus would go to any length to get what he wanted.

"If he wants you to marry someone else, nothing would stop him from forcing you into it. If you are forced after being bonded...it could kill you," Kaeya's voice quivered as he spoke.

Diluc being marked meant nothing to Crepus, he'd rather see his son die before him than let him do what he wished. Kaeya marking him would only make Diluc's situation worse.

"I can't have you go through that Diluc, I can't see you hurt anymore."

"We hide it from him for as long as possible, I reject every mate he presents to me. If he still can't let me live my life, we leave without a second thought."

"I can't live my life pretending to be with someone I don't love because my father wants it for me, I don't care about the pain it takes to get there. I want to be with you, being with someone else would be worse than anything else," Diluc turned his head, one hand pushing his hair out of the way to reveal his neck.

Kaeya moved his hands from Diluc's face and placed one upon his hips, the other wrapping around his back to hold him steady. A moment like this should be cherished no matter what circ*mstances it was under, Kaeya wanted to mark Diluc. Their goal in the long run was to end up together, Diluc was right...what did it matter how they got there?

The Abyssal Prince leaned forward over the soft white skin of Diluc's neck, the aroma lifting around his nose as it enticed his fangs to emerge from their hiding place before he opened his mouth wide.

As they broke skin and blood began to seep into his mouth, he felt Diluc's body tense before going completely limp in his arms. A breathy moan escaped his lips as his hands gripped onto Kaeya'a for more support, the stubborn Prince attempting to keep himself up on his own accord.


Retracting his fangs back into his gums Kaeya kissed and licked away the extra blood before lowering Diluc down to the ground.

Diluc slumped forward into him, his breathing turning into short gasps as a tingling feeling ran through his body. His fingers and toes felt numb and his vision grew hazey, it was euphoric to be marked. An intense feeling of love saturated him as he rested his head to Kaeya's chest, feeling his heart beat pump and his scent envelope him.

"Don't sleep yet my dear," Kaeya hummed, lifting Diluc up so his face was to his own neck, "It's my turn."

It was an invitation that Diluc couldn't refuse, he parted his lips and returned the favor.

Chapter 10: Hold On


Back to the present.


Sorry for the shorter chapter! In the midst of moving.

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The day of the Diluc's Courting Ball, Diluc turned away each mate that had been paraded before him.

The day of Diluc's Courting Ball, he announced his love for his most Loyal Knight to all of the Alphas who stood in the room. To those within, they stood in awe and the admission of a fated pair; honored to even have been in the room with the pair.

The day of Diluc's Courting Ball, Crepus could not handle the disrespect, while the room rejoiced at the showing of true love Crepus snapped and his delusions had finally reached their peak.

The day of Diluc's Courting Ball, the King decided that he was going to get what he wanted no matter the cost.

The day that Kaeya died Diluc swore that Kaeya had been stabbed by the hand of his father, nearly beheaded and thrown from the castle walls.

The day that Kaeya died Diluc was ready to kill his father but the resentment was not strong enough to end his life.

The day that Kaeya died, Diluc nearly followed him by jumping into the moat that surrounded the castle.

The day that Kaeya died, Diluc was thrown into the dungeon and suddenly, everything that had happened within his life became clear.


At their tail, the castle had burst into chaos. The Snehnayain prince had Adelinde at his side and a look of complete excitement upon his face. His hands were freed and his vision prepared beside him, his dagger formidable against the confused Knights.

Adelinde had her own weapon of choice, a sword that remained hidden beside her as they made their way out of the castle and into a carriage. Despite her parent's age, they stood at the ready, her father ready to meet Kaeya and the crack between Teyvat and the Abyss while her mother stood with bow and arrow in hand.

The Knights who were incredibly loyal to the King followed in pursuit while those who carried more for the family than they did the personal matters of the King, stood in confusion. They wouldn't dare attack Childe, knowing that would mean a catastrophic war between the two nations along with wanting to avoid harming the Queen's attendants.

"If I didn't respect Firebird, I would kill each one of you!" Childe laughed as he hopped into the carriage, "I hope you know just how hard it is for me to just walk away from such a threat to Snezhnaya."

The maid rolled her eyes as she shut the carriage door and her father led them away with haste. Her eyes watched the road before darting up towards the sky, she couldn't see Kaeya anymore against the moonlight and the starry sky.

"Respectfully, Prince...Tartaglia please don't antagonize them anymore," Adelinde sat down as her mother hung off the back end of the carriage, their speed picking up ever so slightly.

The Prince scoffed before sitting down, his blood lust wasn't satiated but in a sad reality he knew that it would cause more trouble than it was worth. Blood coursed through his veins along with anger; he had nearly betrayed his own lover.

He swallowed his pride as he leaned backwards, his fingers starting to ta against his lap before changing the subject. It didn't matter how cruel the world had been to him in the past, the events that just occured did send a shiver up his spine.

He couldn't imagine his own father performing such an action on him, in fact his father didn't even question when he opposed going to the Mating Ball. His own family knew where his heart was and they didn't force it. The only reason he came had been for appearances sake, after this he was to get Zhongli from Liyue and bring him to his homeland. To take the lonely man from his home and introduce him to his family, to officially invite him in.

Bile rose in his throat at the very thought of disappointing him, his beautiful dragon. Dragon?

"So did Sir Kaeya fly away with Prince Diluc?" Childe turned to Adelinde, his eyes narrowing.

Adelinde sighed, her shoulders falling a bit as she placed her tongue within her cheek. They were on their way to meet Kaeya and Diluc anywhere, it wasn't like she could just release Childe into the wild with what he had seen without some type of explanation.

"He did."

"Huh," Childe crossed his arms, "I thought I knew the only Dragon..." he muttered to himself.

"What do you mean you thought you knew the only dragon?!"

Childe flapped his hand in the air as if he disregarded her comment, realizing that he had let a little too much information slip, "It's nothing it's nothing."

"How did you know?" Adelinde questioned, "Seriously."

A smirk came across Childe's face, "There are ways to tell," he put his finger into the air, "Sometimes their features slip. Once you spot one, you can spot them all."


Consciousness appeared to be a fleeting dream for Diluc, the strain his body had gone through after spending such a time in the dungeon was detrimental to his health. His body felt light as he was pressed against a warm chest, as a cold wind rushed through his hair. Those tired eyes only could part for a moment, black wings and navy hair lingered in his vision.

Had the two not been bonded, Diluc's exhausted body wouldn't be able to determine who it was that held him so; but the decisions of the past granted him the solace of knowing his alpha was alive.

Words could not be brought to his lips, only a whimper.

Kaeya, I missed you.

Kaeya, I'm so happy you're alive.

Kaeya, I love you.

The pain that radiated through his body was immeasurable, the adrenaline and spite that allowed him to wake every morning had been washed from his body. It was as though he was holding out hope to see Kaeya one final time before succumbing to his wounds.

Of all of the things that he wished to express to Kaeya; the joy and relief of knowing he was alive, the intense feeling of love, and the damning sadness of thinking that this was it, that whimper was all he could muster as his heart beat began to slow.

Every memory came in tiny fragments, scattered through the course of his life. Both happy and sad, there wasn't a single filter as he felt less and less of his body.

The heart that beat against his cheek, that comforting smell of his Alpha.

Ah, a smile rose to his face, no matter how weak his muscles felt, he couldn't fight the tug of his cheeks, He's calling my name…

My Alpha, My Kaeya.

Kaeya was flying as quickly as he could, Diluc pressed to his chest as he headed towards his home in the Abyss.

"Almost there!" he called in the hair, he spoke as loudly as he could in order to rouse him, "Give me a few more minutes."

Diluc's whimper was all Kaeya needed to hear as he lifted his wrist to his mouth, he bit down without a second's hesitation before he pressed it to Diluc's lips. If only a drop could slip into his lips, he would win himself enough time to save Diluc's life. Just a drop of his dragon blood would be enough.

Unlike the first time he had let Diluc consume his blood, Diluc's tongue didn't lap at the crimson liquid and his lips didn't part for him to suck. His mouth only hung limply open as Kaeya forced his wrist to part chapped and cracked lips.

Within seconds Kaeya had carried Diluc's limp body into the Abyss and into a little cottage in the woods, the door flung open with the wave of his hand and the creatures around the home scattered.

This was a place he would go to for solitude or to complete his tasks as the Abyssal Prince, the gatekeeper. The Princely Duties here were much different than the world that Diluc had known, there wasn't a castle here with many knights and riches.

This place of solitude, made just for him, now held Diluc's battered and bleeding body. Seeing Diluc so malnourished made him feel ill, seeing him barely clinging onto life made him feel all the more rage.

Kaeya had never been more afraid in his life, though he had been so co*cky while he spoke out against the King just moments before, his lover faltering on the edge of death humbled him.

Did I make the right choice?

Diluc was placed upon the bed and Kaeya opened his mouth, placing his wrist again to his lips as he ensured a few drops slid down his throat. All he needed was a little bit to keep him alive, if he could wake him enough to drink his fill to heal fully he would, but for now, just a few drops.

The Prince's chest shuttered as Diluc took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering open as he began to pull air back into his lungs. Those first breaths of consciousness again enveloped him with the somforteling smell of his alpha, his eyes that blurred began to notice the shadows of Kaeya's form.

Only the shadows weren't familiar, horns grew from the top of his head and wings fanned out around him. Diluc noticed both of Kaeya's eye held a light glow, but the one that usually remained hidden shine even brighter.

Those differences did not frighten Diluc, nor did they confuse him, he grew amazed with these features and for a moment questioned if this had been the afterlife. The idea that he was dead though, quickly vanished when his body revolved in pain. A smile was pulling at his cheeks but his face wanted to contort into the expression of complete and total agony.

A salty sweet flavor hung in his mouth and he was unable to determine if it was his own blood or a delicious honey. Whatever it was, the sweet ambrosia revitalized him.

Tears came to his eyes, filling quickly as he fought with his emotions as his vision again began to fade. Everything was so overwhelming, his head was throbbing.

"Kaeya," he gasped, attempting to reach out towards him, "Kaeya is it...really you?"

"Sh," Kaeya coddled him, clasping his hand into his before lowering it down in order to ease his pain, "It is, I'm here."

His voice was omnipresent, Diluc felt it within every fiber of his being. The touch reassured him, his muscles gave way and he shut his eyes once more. The Prince had not ingested enough blood to heal him fully, but enough to pull him a few inches away from the precipice of death.

"Kae..." Although it was a whimper, it held so much happiness, "I'm so ha.."

One of Kaeya's hands gently stroked Diluc's palm, his talons gentle as they touched his skin, "Can you drink? My love, I can heal you a bit every day, I'm sorry I can not do it instantly...but you have to do something rather..."

Obediently and without hearing the rest of Kaeya's words, Diluc opened his mouth and gently moved his tongue.

Kaeya signed, staring at his lover with pure adoration as he again caused his skin to weep above Diluc's lips. This time, his lips formed against Kaeya's skin and his tongue gently lapped at the wound, pulling more blood within his mouth and down his throat.

The elixir calmed him, a familiar feeling that he was attempting to place as his body took in any bit of nutrition it did.

Then he felt his bones shift and crack, his drinking halted as he cried out in pain, his burned as the bones began to mend themselves together. The feeling of his bones shifting beneath his skin, his muscles moving against nerves made him nauseous. Briefly, Diluc thought that the break was less painful than this.

Diluc wanted to continue his treatment despite the misfortune of the process, but Kaeya pulled his wrist away and grabbed both cheeks. Kaeya leaned forward and kissed away the tears that now trickled down his cheeks.

His chest heaved with every breath he took, no matter where he sat he was in pain only when Kaeya's cool hands were placed against him or when his lips peppered his face. Diluc continued to cling to Kaeya's existence, this time using it as a motivation to keep conscious.

"The pain will pass, the rest shouldn't be as hard..." Kaeya peppered his face and Diluc's eyes finally showed every detail of Kaeya before him, "You're incredibly Diluc, Thank you for holding on."

"Thank you for fighting,"

"You..." Only one of Diluc's hands had the ability to move, and he gently lifted them up and stroked Kaeya's hair, "You are the most beautiful...Kaeya."

The Abyssal Prince, the Gatekeeper, was left completely speechless at the words that came from Diluc's lips. For years he had feared what Diluc would say, thinking that Diluc would shun him or even fear him, but he lay there with blood upon his lips calling him beautiful.

The Prince of Mondtadt's hand began to fall downwards, despite wanting to keep his hand upon the side of Kaeya's head. Feeling this, Kaeya held his hand in place, respectfully on the side of his face to stroke his hair.

No hesitation and no disrespectful prodding at his horns, for the first time ever, Kaeya was able to see the adoration he saw in Diluc reflected to himself.

All the times that Diluc gazed upon him, those looks were well noticed and Kaeya was aware of its existence. But this time, he saw true to himself and Diluc's love didn't waver a bit; the power in which Diluc's eyes looked at him, the softness in such a state brought heat to Kaeya's cheeks.

"Kaeya," Diluc's brows shifted a bit, but a chuckle came to his lips, "Your tears, let me kiss them away."

There had been a few times, tears had left his eyes and when they did they quickly turned to snow, but today there weren't any reservations. Liquid dripped downwards and he headed his request, bowing his head as droplets landed upon Diluc's hair and face.

With the strength he had left, Diluc kissed his tears away, a look of peace returning to his face as the initial shock of healing subsided. Kaeya was alive before him, the pain proved that it was real and with his lips pressed to the scales upon Kaeya's face, he fell asleep.

While Diluc slept, Kaeya kept his eyes towards the tear in anticipation for Adelinde and whomever aided in Diluc's escape. This would be the only place they would be safe and away from the dreaded hand of the King.

Every half hour Kaeya returned to Diluc's side, often forgetting to check the gate in order to remain beside his mate as he suffered silently in his nightmares. At first his sleep would be peaceful, only for him to remember the torture he experienced at the hand of his father.

In his panic he would awake, thrashing against his healing wounds until Kaeya held him close and soothed him back into a calm slumber. The Omega needed every bit of rest he could if Kaeya wanted him to eat real food, his blood worked wonders but not all might.

Diluc whimpered and sobbed while he slept, "It hurts, Father-" he would beg, his body fighting the urge to contort in a way Kaeya hoped to never see again, "It hurts."

Kaeya lay beside him, his hand running through his hair until his breathing slowed gently blowing cool air towards the back of his neck. It sent him a shiver but scared the nightmares away.

How long had they been apart?

"I returned as quickly as I could," Kaeya whispered, "He will never lay a hand on you again..."

The coolness would wake Diluc briefly, where he would try to whimper as close to Kaeya as possible.

"Kaeya? Kaeya are-are you here? This is real...right? You're here?" The Prince's voice cracked, his throat sore.

Kaeya could only carefully cradle him, cooling his body as he gently stroked the nape of his neck.

"It's real, You're here with me,"

"Where....where is Father? Where is..." Diluc was trying to keep himself strong, to remember that what he was seeing were nightmares and memories of a very recent past.

The Omega could feel Kaeya and hear him, but the images that flickered before his eyes were not of his lover.

"Back at the castle. We are very far from there," Kaeya spoke softly as he pulled back to look at his face, "A deep breath for me?"

Though it was difficult, Diluc did as he was asked and was gifted with the fresh air of the cottage. A smell that did not remind him of the musty dungeon that he was trapped in. The scent mixed with Kaeya began to slow his frantic emotions into a peaceful slumber.

When the time came where Diluc awoke without fear, Kaeya allowed him to drink his blood once more to assist in the healing process. The pain wasn't as intense as the first one, but he still groaned and hissed as he felt his body heal at an unusual speed. This time, Diluc had the strength to be able to sit up and eat a tiny meal to ease his stomach.

Diluc's shoulder was a work in progress so Kaeya happily spoonfed Diluc, a loud purr rumbled from the omega's throat. Kaeya spoon fed him a hearty bite while keeping his comments to himself, otherwise Diluc would insist on feeding himself.

"Honest, my love...any pain?" Kaeya tilted his head to the side, his tongue licking at his lips.

The omega swallowed his bite before checking in with himself, for a while Diluc had thought that resisting his father had become a baseline, feeling strength return to his body and warm food entering his stomach really made him feel as though he was in heaven.

"Yes, but it is much better now. Thank you," Diluc's smile was bright despite the dirt that covered him.

"Would you like to be washed up?" Kaeya asked carefully, knowing that Diluc had always been insistent of his own independence, "I can help."

There was a brief silence before Diluc nodded a bit, "Yes please... I feel disgusting."

"If I'm too rough, let me know," Kaeya finished feeding Diluc before getting the wash bin ready.

The grime and blood came off his skin quickly with the waters in the Abyss, Diluc needed to become submerged in order to feel revitalized and perfectly clean. During this time, his eyes would close as he enjoyed the warm water dance across his skin. Kaeya's hands were gentle and his talons felt heavenly as he scratched his scalp when he washed his hair. Every second was soothing, tempting him to fall back asleep.

"It's alright, Luc," Kaeya whispered as he gave Diluc a kiss upon the ear, "We can catch up when you wake."

Diluc was stubborn, but his body continued to demand rest and he fell back asleep. Kaeya clothed him in a loose pair of his pants and one of his own shirts. As he bathed him he watched the womb tattoo's color shift to match the one that filled the bondmark on his neck.

It was beautiful to see such harmony in the omega's body, to know that Diluc felt safe even without saying.

While the Prince slept, the carriage arrived with their comrades and Kaeya was alerted by those he placed at the tear. Kaeya was quick to meet them on the way and walk them to the cottage, he didn't want to invite them in while Diluc slept but he could not deny hospitality to those who helped save the Prince's life.

The Abyssal Prince led the group towards the cottage and parked them nearby, he helped Adelinde's parents from their places along with Adelinde. Childe did not receive this assistance, but he did get a nod of appreciation as he hopped out.

"I'm glad you made it out," Kaeya tipped his head, no longer hiding any of his dragon features, "What was the state of the castle when we left?"

"Total chaos," Childe tossed a hand into the air before raising an eyebrow, "How's Firebird?"

A darkness flashed in Kaeya's eyes at the comment, for a moment he wondered if Childe had noticed that something was mythical about Diluc only to realize that it wasn't possible. There wasn't a single thing that Diluc had done that would hint at it. The only time either of them took note of the possibility was after his mother had passed. They never were able to recreate that moment and all of the tales of the Phoenix had been lost to the Abyss.

"Healing," Kaeya was quick to control his gaze, not wanting to start something while his lover was resting peacefully, "Miss Adelinde, I hope the trouble wasn't too great-"

"Prince Diluc!" Adelinde gasped, her hands raising in a panic as the Prince leaned against the opening of the cottage, "What are you?"

Kaeya's head could have broken with the speed he had turned his head towards the door. Diluc was gripping onto the doorway, blood dripping from his nose with a pale face. His body shook as he attempted to stand himself up.

"Diluc!" Kaeya dashed towards the cottage, catching him right before he hit the dirty ground.

"Too..hot..." Diluc muttered.

Kaeya could feel just how warm Diluc was from approaching him, his body felt as though he was on fire. It wasn't the heat of something as simple as a fever…

It was the heat of a phoenix burning before rebirth.

Chapter 11: Letting Go


Closure for our Prince.


I wish we knew Diluc's mother's name, idk why but it feels weird to give her a name myself.
More moving things this week, hopefully I can save some type to write! Only a few chapters left (Ah I feel this one is so rushed compared to Entangled Roots/Lamp Lilies, this might just prove I like semi long winded fics...)

Once again, something that was only supposed to be a few chapters is much longer than anticipated!
I did so much world building for this fic and much of it might not even be used, maybe after I finish it I will revisit! We will see, I don't want to make any promises I can't keep.

Thank you for reading, thank you for enjoying even though it's not as in depth as my other pieces!
(and bless you for reading my unbetaed work)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nimble fingers ran through his hair, braiding flowers and leaves into fluffy red locks. A sweet perfume hung in the air and the hum of his mother brought him comfort in the darkness. Without opening his eyes, Diluc knew that the Queen was there beside him.

The Prince didn't question a thing as he lay there, picturing the warm smile of his mother as she pampered her only son. To hear her joyful hum once again called him forth, his eyes opened and he saw her once more.

Though she did not look as she had the last time they shared a moment together, her skin was no longer pale and hollow. A heavenly glow radiated from her skin, her eyes were golden and her hair full and lively.

She was the Queen, but she didn't wear any clothing that he had ever seen her in before. Her gown was that of the tales long ago and blazing wings sat upon her back. Despite the flickering of those wings, the crackling of the fire, there was no additional warmth that licked at him.

Diluc sat up from her lap with a smile, excited to see her once more as he intertwined his fingers into hers.

"Mother!" He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, wanting nothing more than to hug her but fearful of the fire that bloomed at her back.

The Queen sensed this and pulled her son into her arms, giving him a strong hug and a kiss upon the temple.

"My beautiful baby," she cooed as she put her hands to his cheeks and examined his face.

Unbeknownst to Diluc, the Queen saw him as he looked in reality unlike how he saw her. While she looked healthy and in her prime, Diluc looked as though he could die any moment now.

Tears filled her eyes as she cradled his face in her fingers, knowing exactly why he was sitting before her before he even did.

"I know it seems like you can just start over," her words echoed in his ears, "But there is no way to retain your current life if you burn away."

Diluc's big eyes seemed to awaken from the joy of seeing his mother, the reality of her words setting in as he felt the warmth of her touch.

"If I could just shed my old body and have a fully fleshed out one emerge from the Ashes, I would have done so...but that is no longer without our power," she kissed the bridge of his nose, "If you self destruct, you will be reborn as you are...but not here."

"Does...that mean you will be reborn as well?" Diluc was an adult now, a strong young man, though the innocence in his voice pulled at her heart.

She sighed with a smile, "I will be when the time is right. I am waiting for your father," she spoke honestly as she moved her hands from his face and placed them upon her lap.

"I want to know where he will be, when the time is right."

"Have I...died?" Diluc looked around, noticing that they knelt in a forest.

"As a human, yes."

"But..Kaeya! I...I can't die yet, I finally got to see him again, I got to be with him again!" Despite his realization, he didn't feel his body react as it should have.

There was no pain in his chest, no attempts to catch his breath or flashes of hot and cold. There was nothing but the existence that he felt while he knelt before his mother.

"I...I didn't know I was burning myself-" his mind was racing.

"Mother we were fated, we were bonded! I abandoned him!" Only his voice and expression held the turmoil he felt.

"I can't move on...I..." The thought of parting with Kaeya when their lives were about to begin anew broke his heart, he couldn't bare to think about leaving him in such a position.

Not only would he be leaving Kaeya alone, but he wouldn't be able to be with him either. He would be grieving that he would never see Kaeya again while Kaeya grieved over Diluc.

"You can stop it," she held his hands tightly, her eyes twinkling with encouragement, "You have not released any flame, you can return if you focus. A human would be dead but you are simply not a human."

"I am sorry I never told you of your origins or even attempted to teach you how to use them. My sweet baby, my little boy, has come of age... Concentrate and you will return back to your alpha."

The Queen knew of their bonding without being alive to see it, there was nothing that her mother's intuition couldn't tell by the moment she gazed upon her son. Her face remained calm and hopeful, anything to help keep her son's panic at a minimum.

"Concentrate and you will cool down once more. You can use pyro without your vision, it was bestowed upon you to my surprise, but you don't need it to control the flames. Continue as you do, nothing can stop you from unleashing your wings."

"You will soar with Kaeya beside you," she promised, her grin so wide her teeth peaked through.

"You know that Kaeya is..." The realization hit Diluc like a roaring tide.

The naivety of his childhood never led him to question Kaeya's origins or even how he appeared at the perfect time. Not once did he wonder why a stranger was welcomed into the castle with open arms without any questioning from his parents.

Knowing what he did, it made sense that his mother would know more about Kaeya than he had. There were things about Kaeya that he would question but never vocalized, again being rather naive as he grew.

How one of his eyes was always covered, how when they kissed too much sometimes Diluc would end up with a cut on his lip, how his bond mark looked as though it was filled with an icy substance but the temperature never changed.

Or, how he had one snuck out of his own room in the middle of the night to check on Kaeya, his bond mark burning on the back of his neck as he whimpered for attention. Knowing that Kaeya wouldn't go all the way with him until the time was right and it was safe for Diluc, he wanted to just slip in beside him and bask in his scent for a bit.

When he crept into the room, whispering Kaeya with a shiver as his scent pleased his senses, he noticed that Kaeya was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that Kaeya might have just gone to the washroom, Diluc invited himself into his bed and snuggled up into his sheets. For the first time in his life, Diluc made a little nest, totally unaware of the behavior as he thought he was only making himself more comfortable. Yet Kaeya didn't return and Diluc ended up falling asleep in those sheets, only to awaken in his own room the next day.

He asked Kaeya if he had seen him that night and Kaeya agreed, saying that as much as he wanted to snuggle up to him he couldn't do it and brought him back. But Diluc had been up for quite a bit waiting for him and he never came. Something about it seemed strange.

He trusted Kaeya with his life, but he wondered what business he had at night, he had been incredibly curious.

"I knew. Even if it wasn't written in the stars, I knew." her voice was warm.

"How? What else do you know about him?" Diluc gasped, "Was he always a dragon?"

"It would be rather inappropriate of me to tell you his history. That is for him to do," she chuckled.

"This whole time...did you plan this? Does he actually..." he had never doubted the choices of his mother, but it was a question he needed to know the answer to.

Was this all just some job that had to happen.

"The only thing I requested from the Abyss was someone who could give my son strength in times of weakness. Someone who could remind you of the light in the world when you could not find it yourself."

"Fate lies within the stars, but even those are born and collapse. You are a fated pair but you chose to bond, you fell in love and that was of your own will," her smile remained warm.

"How is that even possible? Stars last forever..! how could something like that change in a lifetime?" Diluc had no connection to any previous lifetime, he had no memories of something prior to this and he had never known the truth of what he was besides the single time he suspected it.

"The stars did not predict your father," the joy within her eyes faltered a bit, a sadness attempted to crack through her smile, "The beasts of the past live many lives, the souls of humans are recycled....while the souls of dragons...or phoenixes act much differently."

"They've existed longer, long before one could even fathom. Your father was not my fated nor was he a twinkling star upon my womb, a flicker of light amongst the constellations that outlined my story...maybe. A burst seen from a distant world, a star collapsing upon itself in a radiant act of brilliance."

"But he was no star."

"Did...your stars tell you who it should have been?" The Queen had lived for thousands of lives, rising again and again from the ashes to continue living while she could have simply waited in this space.

Why did the Queen keep returning to life?

Where did the rest of the phoenix go? Shouldn't they be reborn as well?

"They did," a great sadness led her words but her eyes did not hold an ounce of regret, "And I loved him for thousands of years."

"Then why..." Diluc reached forward and grabbed onto his mother's shoulders, "Then why do you wait for Father? Why did you leave the one you loved?"

Again the Queen smiled, "One day, the brightest star I had ever seen was born and I needed to do whatever I could to let it burn so brightly in the cosmos."

"That star gave every day of my long life purpose...and in his own stars, he saw one suddenly shine just as bright. But his was born much sooner than mine yet around that time, the few that connected us began to fade away into the beautiful night sky."

"Those two stars meant everything to us and we knew it was time to part. Those stars were reaching out to one another..."

"You are my brightest star and I would go through every cycle again if it meant that I could be your mom once more," the queen gave her son a final kiss upon his forehead, holding him extra tight as she told her story.

After this, she would wait in limbo for his father. This would be their last chance to speak as mother and son.

"I loved your father just as intensely as I loved the one I spent thousands of years beside, just as he loved his own wife. I wait here to walk your father into his next life, where he could be given a chance that is not tainted by delusions and darkness...maybe in a time where worlds can coexist."

The two remained in silence, with so many answers Diluc only had more questions. Those questions though, had answers that were right in front of him and some he had to uncover the answers to through his own lifetime.

Swallowing hard, Diluc steadied himself and began to concentrate on the heat that increased in his middle.

"If I go back, I won't ever see you again, will I?" she pursed his lips as his throat became dry.

Diluc would always choose to return to Kaeya, but the temptation to remain with his mother still existed. He had been a mama''s boy ever since he had been born, when father first turned she was the only one he had. Until he met Kaeya, she was the only one that he had.

"You won't," she pulled her hands away from her son, not wanting to make this any harder. She wouldn't make a decision for him, she knew that he needed to return to Kaeya, that he wanted to, "But it's okay."

"My ashes will reach every end of Teyvat, you will smell me in the wind and hear my songs in the rain. You will not see me, but you will feel me."

The dam had broken and a waterfall of tears burst from Diluc's eyes as she pulled away from him, he was thankful that he was given this chance to say goodbye, he was thankful that he was able to see her with her strength.

How blessed was he, to have the strongest woman in the world as his mother.

"I will bring father to you," Diluc's voice shook but he held determination in each syllable, "You won't wait long, I'll save him. I'll save him before it's too late."

His vision began to morph like a kaleidoscope, "I will return your kindness mother!"

For sacrificing your own love to give me life.

For every single thing you have ever done for me.


A primal roar erupted from Kaeya's calm and composed posture as Diluc's body temperature continued to increase. A layer of sweat had formed over his body and the color once again was fading, fear overwhelmed him as he called out to Diluc.

The world around him began to fall to chaos, the very reality of the Abyss warping into a that of a nightmare.

"Diluc wait!" he cried out, the cottage shaking from the power in his voice.

"Diluc!" Begging him as flames were born upon his chest, rising and failing as Diluc's body prepared to burn itself to ash.

Kaeya had scooped him up and held him close, his legs collapsing as he formed a layer of ice upon his own skin. In vain he was attempting to cool Diluc but this eternal flame was impossible to smother. As he attempted to encase his body in ice, steam grew from his body.

The flames grew slowly as Kaeya pulled them chest to chest, not once burning his own flesh as his mind began to race. Kaeya had let his guard down, thinking that the little bit of blood had healed him enough to get him out of the woods. How foolish he had been to think it would be so simple. He hated himself for taking a step away, for not giving it to him more frequently.

He was mear seconds from being alone for eternity, without the love of his life beside him. This entire journey was about to come to an abrupt and lonely end despite such a wondrous and sad journey.

The sky darkened to purple and black, rolling in the sky brewed a storm with thunder that echoed his cries of anguish. Kaeya had never once lost control of himself, his emotions always remained in check.

Wind wiped past them, startling the horses at the carriage and causing the attendants to duck for cover. Trees began to bend as a hail storm rained down around them, the forest had gone completely silent.

"Kaeya!" Adelinde called, ducking low to the ground as she ran towards him.

She had only made it a few feet before Childe grabbed her by the arm and yanked her down to the ground.

"Girlie you do NOT want to get between a dragon and his hissy fit," Childe called over the howling winds, flattening himself to the ground.

"If she freezes him like that, he'll die!" Adelinde shouted back, attempting to pull herself from the ground and head over to him.

She had made a promise to the Queen that she would protect Diluc from anything. But, she also thought of the Prince as a friend, as inappropriate as it was to think, she always held him and Kaeya close. Adelinde would never admit that, knowing that she would be punished by the King for even thinking a friendship was possible between someone like her and royal blood.

But...Diluc had mentioned it before, that he didn't want her to do things she didn't want to do and how he wanted them to act more like friends when they secretly hung out after hours.

The three of them, laughing over sweets in the candle light as they told jokes and made up fantastic tales.

She promised the Queen, but she also wanted to protect those she cared about. If Diluc were to perish, Kaeya would follow after.

"Asshole, Let me go!" She slapped Childe, but he kept her firmly in place.

The Snezyniahan prince was much stronger than she was, "Dying in front of you lovely parents would even pull at my heart strings, stay down!"

Adelinde fought back the tears that wanted to spill from her eyes, biting her lip as she turned her face away. Closing her eyes tightly she listened to Kaeya's cries, the panicked calls of her parents and the rushing of the wind around them. As she lay there she begged for this to stop.

Kaeya was blind to the world around him, the only thing he could think about was Diluc. Hadn't Diluc nearly died in his arms already?

The final option Kaeya had was to cut himself open and hope that amount of blood could save his life. Throwing his hand into the air as his talons shone in the dying light of the forest. Just as he was about to pull them across his throat as Diluc's hand intercepted his own.

Kaeya's entire body froze as he looked at the hand first, how weakly yet firm it held onto him; the temperature not being as warm as the rest of the body in his arms. Then his eyes fell downwards to see Diluc's wide red eyes gazing back at him, blood stained his lips but the color returned to his face.

Those beautiful eyes stared back at him, the light returning to them as his eyes scanned Kaeya's face. He looked guilty and exhausted, but he did not wait another second as he pulled himself upwards to place a kiss upon Kaeya's lips. Diluc's grip tightened on his hand before he fell into Kaeya, his body still weak as he fell into Kaeya.

"I've got you!" Diluc whispered, a shiver from the cold that Kaeya was attempting to wrap him with.

Kaeya's was in shock, for a moment unsure if what he was seeing was actually real or a manifestation of his pain. The kiss upon his lips caused his emotions to taper, the taste of Diluc's blood upon his lips and then his voice overriding the roaring wind around him.

He felt Diluc fall into him, his heartbeat thumping gently upon his chest. Kaeya retracted his talon's his hands wrapping around Diluc as he held him tightly, noticing that his body was not as hot as before.

Diluc had fallen into him, his hands awkwardly holding Kaeya as he slid down a bit, having not burned himself to ash he still had to deal with the slow healing they were doing.

"I've got you," Diluc chuckled with relief, closing his eyes as he nuzzled his face into Kaeya, "I can control it, I'm going to be alright."

"I promise, Kaeya."

The Alpha's arms wrapped around him, his wings fanning out to block wandering eyes from watching their intimate moment. Kaeya couldn't resist kissing Diluc again and again, each time with more passion than before even when Diluc was gasping gently for breath. His lips turning pink against his fangs and lips, his body tired but allowing it regardless.

Between each kiss, Kaeya bit his own lips, allowing more of his blood to slip into Diluc's mouth. The omega licked at the cuts on Kaeya's lips, pulling the honey like blood into his throat. It's purpose was for healing but Diluc became a little high from tasting it, it was a little gesture that meant so much.

Still Kaeya was careful with the amount of blood he gave, seconds before he was ready to bleed every last drop of his to bring Diluc back. Having calmed a bit, he knew how dangerous that could be for his gorgeous phoenix.

Once he had thoroughly kissed Diluc into a giddy state of half consciousness, he pulled his wings in and picked him up. The typical sounds of the forest reappeared, acting as though nothing had happened as the sky returned to it's normal hues of pink and blues. Even the horses that pulled the carriage calmed.

The humans that witnessed what had happened, weren't as quick to act as though everything had gone back to normal. Adelinde's parents stuck their heads out with their mouths open, they knew of the Queen's secret along with Kaeya's…

They had seen the original Gatekeeper of the Abyss but they had never seen such a magnificent show of raw power. The pair had been absolutely speechless, staring as Kaeya simply carried Diluc into the cottage as though they didn't exist.

"Can you imagine...the power that his father had?" the father whispered to his wife.

"He had the power to bring Teyvat down on his own, as does his son...but they have the strength to not," she whispered, shutting her mouth and pursing her lips, "Now where is that little shack that's for us? Do you remember where that little safe haven is?"

"Ah yes! Just a bit to the west, Adelinde....Prince Tartaglia, why not let the two have their time alone? We will bring you back in the morning, yes yes?"

Adelinde was already standing, her hands out slightly as she turned from her parents to the cottage. She wanted to check in on them, but realized there was no way she would be able to get to them. Diluc probably needed rest and Kaeya simply needed Diluc, with a sigh she fixed her clothes and bowed to Childe.

"Your sleeping quarters, Prince Tartaglia."

Sharp laughter erupted from Childe, "That's Asshole Prince Tartaglia. Question, why aren't you in the Knights?"

The question took her off guard but she smirked and motioned for him to follow her, "Asshole Prince Tartaglia, such a job would bore me...no one expects a wee maid to end their life in the dark."


"I saw her," Diluc whispered with a smile, leaning into Kaeya as he carried him towards their wash bin.

Kaeya couldn't allow Diluc to go to sleep with blood on his face, "Oh?"

"She taught me how to control it," Diluc spoke in a dreamlike state, his insides tingling from the blood as it worked to heal him again, "She told me why you're here.."

Kaeya froze as whipped off the first bit of blood, "...Are you upset?"

Diluc opened his eyes and leaned into the wet rag, letting Kaeya finish the final bit of cleaning, "No, You could never fake something like this. You would have told me one day, when you were ready."

"I would have found out eventually, especially when we escaped to the forest," Diluc hummed as Kaeya walked him over to the bed.

Kaeya made his wings vanish so he could slide into bed with Diluc, snuggling up to him as he inhaled deeply. Gingerly he began to run his hands through his hair before feeling his mate purring softly.

"Tomorrow, we will make a plan," Diluc yawned, "I...I need to stop this..."

Kaeya waited for the words, for Diluc to say he had to kill Crepus...but when he was met with silence he lifted ever so slightly to see that Diluc had fallen fast asleep. Contrary to what Kaeya thought, Diluc didn't look fearful or sad as he slept. Insteady he looked at peace, like the answers he was looking for had been answered...that he was at ease at Kaeya's side and having closure with his mother.

The Abyssal Prince grinned, propping himself onto his elbow as he watched Diluc's chest rise and fall as he dreamt. In the morning he would prepare breakfast for his omega and check on his healing, they would have the ability to catch up and update one another before checking in with Adelinde.

Kaeya had in fact forgotten about them, it wasn't until he officially lay down for bed did he remember they had even arrived. Silencing his laughter he nestled his face into Diluc's hair, the world around him could have burnt down and he wouldn't have noticed. Loving Diluc was dangerous for bystanders.

Outside, the Abyss was at peace and all was well while in Teyvat, Mondstadt had fallen to pieces. In his madness, the King released every Knight on his side to look for any trace of his son or those who had escaped with him. Blinded by his ire and selfish determination, the King would not rest until his son was again within the palm of his hand.

Diluc needed to return him and he needed to have his mark removed so he could be marked anew with a fitting Alpha. Once Diluc was mated and bred, Crepus could consume his plan with whatever nation he could to expand his lands.

In war or in peace, Mondstadt would not fall. It would rise so far into the sky, he would be able to see Celestia. He would be able to reach out and touch the gods with his fingertips, having owned so much land in Teyvat they would have to recognize him.

As he stood at the highest tower, eyes searching into the night as fires were light across his Kingdom the wind whispered to him.

My dearest, it's time for rest, come home to me.

The voice was sweet, honey lidden and gave the king great pause. With a deep breath he shut his eyes and listened to the wind, smelling the Queen in distant notes in the breeze. But a bang in the distance broke his momentary peace, his eyes opened just as bloodshot as they had been when they closed.

A ghastly smile appeared on his face as he formulated a plan, there was no way his son would disobey him if he physically couldn't.



Chapter 12: Final Steps


Commissioned art by: Koko @k_luv20_06 on twitter! It's a beautiful piece and I love how they drew Diluc!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As much as they knew it was important that they returned to Teyvat, they couldn't until Diluc had better control of his newest abilities and had better healed. With that, they wanted to take advantage of this time together because outside of their little safe haven, they were about to embark on their most difficult journey yet.

While they worked together to strengthen Diluc, in more ways than one, they were in contact with Adelinde who frequently ventured back into the world in order to gather information. For now it seemed that Mondstadt was quiet, but the amount of Knights hiding within the villages had increased. Many were asking questions about the Abyss in a desperate attempt to find this tear that Kaeya had guarded.

It was something that was hidden so deep in their lore, so many tales that had been spun through the years that the people had forgotten the events had been real. That when Khaneri'ah had fought against the gods, they had been shoved into the darkness for their rebellion.

The Knights had located the village, but the people had always been loyal to the Gatekeeper and did not say a word. They were surprised when they heard about the Prince and the events that were happening without showing a single bit of nervousness.

The Knights accepted their answers and only kept a single Knight there, simple enough but word had reached Snezhnaya that their own Prince was missing causing a complete uproar in the other nation. As they worried what would become of Mondstadt during its internal turmoil and then a war, the group began to debate what they should do next.

With Diluc strong enough to meet with Childe and Adelinde, the four of them sat at a table within the little cottage. Adelinde’s parents remained at the other location as the youngsters determined that they had done their share of work for Mondstadt and deserved a safe rest. The two did not agree to this easily, allowing their daughter to take down their king without their assistance made them a little uneasy.

The four sat at the table as they spoke of their plans. Adelinde updated the two about the current status of Mondstadt and the increased number of Knights in every corner of the Kingdom. She also took note that a large number of Knights were placed upon the edge of Liyue.

Only the Knights stationed there in order to hinder the group on an escape.

A new Cavalry Captain was leading a few heavily guarded and blanketed carriages to the border. The trail smelt of fire and powder, the faces on the men that of dread and worry. Under the guise of looking for his son, he was ready to attempt an expansion into Liyue.

“Father has lost his mind,” Diluc muttered, leaning his elbows onto the table as he ran his hands through his hair. His head began to spin with the information as he searched for the motivation.

“Liyue is our neighbor...Liyue is…”

“Much stronger than Mondstadt,” Childe chimed in, leaned back in his chair in a lackadaisical manner, “They have Adeptus...dragons...and the Geo Archon looking over them. I can’t imagine your father received approval from the Anemo Archon to attack…”

“You’re right, Mondstadt would be no match, especially with the army we have...and everything we stand for...A kingdom of Freedom should never attempt to spread its borders…” Diluc lowered his hands and attempted to make himself more comfortable in his seat.

Certain bones still ached, even with Kaeya’s healing techniques he still had to detail with some residual pain. Kaeya, sensing this, ran his hand over Diluc’s and held it softly. Just the simple touch gave him relief and strength.

“That Delusion has a grip on his mind if he thinks such a plan would work!”

“Oh? Your father has dabbled in the Snezhnayain magics?” Childe laughed, “That explains a lot!”

Diluc raised a brow, his hand flipped in order to intertwine his fingers with Kaeya’s, “It’s a Snezhnayain magic? Do you know much about it?”

“Of course I do, I have practiced myself.”

“If you have, how are you…” Adelinde started, looking rather baffled at the differences between the King and Prince Tartaglia.

Childe leaned forward in his chair, his eyes darkening as a menacing smile replaced the one of friendliness, “Some of us are much better at controlling the blood lust, the need for dominance...the pleasurable sound of destruction. Those who have Visions have a layer of protection though, not allowing the madness to sink in too deep.”

“Has he just recently encountered the magic?” Childe questioned, looking at Diluc.

“It’s been years,” Diluc spoke looking to Kaeya, “Far too long.”

“Years?! I’m impressed, he must have had some help along the way...unless his will is that strong. Did people around the town randomly go missing? There has to be a reason why he has fallen to this urge to fight now.”

Diluc’s hand seemed to freeze as he thought back, no one had ever gone missing other than him. The days when he would be locked away in his bedroom, hiding in terror about how Alphas could come and destroy him. Crepus never lay a forceful hand upon anyone else Diluc, it appears that the need for dominance was satiated when his son cried in fear.

“It is a King,” Kaeya pulled Diluc’s hand from the top of the table, bringing it upon his lamp so the tiny circles he made were much more private, “He had an entire Kingdom he could control, there was no need for him to murder random people.”

“That shouldn’t have been enough, there’s a want for blood…” Childe spoke before his eyes landed on Diluc.

It was then he realized the ordeal that they had just gone through, Childe hadn’t been captured first on that day. Diluc had been, his own son had been stripped bare and chained to a wall. Drugged and beaten.

The atmosphere in the room took a quick and drastic turn and the look that Kaeya shot Childe made him wish he never said a word. Just as Childe opened his mouth in an attempt to change the subject, fire surrounded Diluc and blinded the three others in the room.

This fire didn’t feel dangerous, the flames that expanded to the table and those closest were not harmed in any manner, but the temperature was hanging on the edge of discomfort. Seeing this, Kaeya’s hands squeezed onto Diluc’s before he stepped into the flames. Wrapping his arm around Diluc’s waist before sliding, attempting to cool him down.

Childe wasn’t sure if he should attempt to douse the two and by the time he decided against it, Adelind grabbed onto him and dragged him out of the cottage.

Once outside, The Prince of Snezhnaya was given quite a lecture on conversation ethics by a young maiden from Mondstadt.

Because he had me, Diluc thought as darkness settled in around him, it was almost as though he had been thrown back into the dungeon.

Only his memory went even farther back, not just in recent events but from when they had started when he was just a young boy.

If Mother wasn’t there, if Kaeya wasn’t there...if Adelinde wasn’t there...just how far would father have gone?

Unsavory memories began to bubble up from a stiled sea, stagnant waters rippled as a disgusting smell rose to his nose. Phantom touches and a stabbing pain arose to Diluc’s neck. Breathing again became nearly impossible as he brought both of his hands to his throat.

The world around him spiralled into darkness as he went to claw at his neck. The thick smell made him want to vomit but the lack of air made such a need impossible.

A cool hand was placed on the back of his neck, initially he flinched fearing that it was another spiked collar being placed around his neck but he quickly noticed it was not. The coolness at the back of his neck gently brought him back to the present.

Another hand wrapped around him and lowered him onto the floor, he felt Kaeya’s hands going from the back of his neck to his forehead, cooling him while speaking to him.

The ground was stable and didn’t spin, it was cool and Kaeya’s form peaked through the darkness like a beacon of hope. What the alpha was saying no longer sounded garbled and he was able to hear the calm words of his lover.

“There you go, another deep breath,” even his voice lowered Diluc’s temperature.

Now Diluc realized just how warm he had become in that moment of panic, he felt the gentle licks of flames as they began to deplete and vanish. His heart still beat hard against his chest, but it was a positive start.

“Ah,” Diluc inhaled awkwardly, forcing a smile, “I hope I didn’t burn your table.”

“The table is fine, worry not my love,” Keaya returned the smile, only his was still laced with concern, “That Prince isn’t the brightest star in the sky.”

Diluc muffled a laugh before closing his eyes, focusing on the cool relief that began to spread throughout his body.

“This is….rather embarrassing,” Diluc signed.

“Mm?” Kaeya placed a hand upon Diluc’s cheek, pinching it softly to see that the color had returned, “Any second I get to lay beside you is rather enticing, I wouldn’t worry too much about the others.”

“Kaeya that is not the embarrassing part!” Diluc’s eyes opened as he looked to Kaeya, who’s smile was smug and prideful.

“Which part?” Kaeya hummed, his hand now combing through Diluc’s hair, in no hurry to get back up.

“The part where I panicked.”

“My love, that Prince doesn’t know the difference between a Lamp Grass and a Calla Lily, you were ablaze too quickly for him to notice your panic. But even if he had, it’s understandable given what you had gone through… surprising enough I think he nearly apologized for bringing it up.”

Diluc snuggled up to Kaeya for a moment before nodding, “Alright.”

Kaeya tapped him slightly, giving him a kiss before helping him back up towards his feet, “Are you feeling alright?”

“Much better,” Diluc hummed before straightening out his clothing, “I just thought of everything all at once...I could see it all.”

There was a brief moment of silence where Diluc did not take another step towards the door to collect the others, instead he turned to Kaeya.

“He wasn’t always like that, he used to be...an amazing dad,” there was resolve in his voice as he kept his chin up, “I want him to be at peace before he does something his soul can’t recover from.”

“For my mother, I will end his life…”

Kaeya’s eyes widened a bit, his mouth opened slightly before nodding. This was something that he knew that he would never understand, he had a supportive and loving father who always asked for his two cents. He knew that he hadn’t met Crepus in his prime and was only able to see the trickles of it as they grew up together…

Yet for some reason the Queen still fought for him and now so did Diluc.

The horrible man hurt and traumatized him, yet Diluc wanted to save him from himself before it was ‘too late’. Kaeya refused to ask what too late meant, was the abuse something he was able to forgive? Was too late when Mondstadt knew of how terrible the King was?

Too late should have been the moment he had raised a hand at Diluc.

Though Kaeya couldn’t complain either, Diluc wasn’t trying to make excuses for his father nor was he attempting to save him in this life.

The Alpha began to debate about what to say to Diluc, he was doing mental backflips before he had a sniffle from beside him. He refocused his attention on Diluc, watching as he fought himself against the tears that were attempting to come.

“I just wish I knew why,” Diluc swallowed, his voice growing dry, “Why me? Why did he….dabble with something he knew he couldn’t handle? Why...why did it change him?”

Kaeya stepped forward and held him close, again ignoring that two people were waiting for them outside the cottage once more.

“I wish I could tell you,” Kaeya rubbed his back.

“I want to think he did it to protect us...I want to believe he did it for a good reason. It’s not like he was preparing for a war or some type of...expansion until recently. But back then, why would he do it? I know I am just trying to make myself feel better...I know I’m just trying to make him seem like my dad again but...I just wish I knew why.”

The hands upon his back were comforting even if Kaeya was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say while Diluc spoke his thoughts out loud. Even if Kaeya said little, it made Diluc feel better to let it out, to explain his bits and hear his ideas out loud.

It was as though he was checking their legitimacy.

Swallowing his tears, Diluc gasped and ran back towards the door leaving Kaeya’s arms empty and open.

“Everything is alright,” Diluc assured as he pushed the door open to see Adelinde’s finger waving towards Childe, “Miss Adelinde!”

She turned quickly on the heel and placed her hands upon her hips, side eye Childe, “Certainly hard to believe that you have a mate!”

His eyes narrowed but Kaeya and Diluc broke the tension once more by pulling them back inside to resume their previous conversation.

They found their seats back at the table, underneath the wood Diluc and Kaeya’s hands intertwined once more. The tension between the two began to deplete as they rolled over a plan.

“Once I am better acquainted with...my newest skill set,” Diluc’s eyes seemed determined, “I think we must infiltrate the caste and remove Crepus from the throne.”

“Diluc, when we do this...you know that you will be hunted down for it...right?” Adelinde spoke slowly, knowing that at this point it didn’t matter, “You wouldn’t be able to take the throne after.”

“I don’t want the throne and I am fine with returning here,” Diluc’s hand tightened its grip on Kaeya’s hand, “I don’t need to lead the kingdom.”

Kaeya gave Diluc’s hand a gentle squeeze, knowing just how much Diluc had wanted to be King growing up...knowing how much he looked after his father. His thumb gently stroked his hand as he continued to listen.

“My Prince,” Adelinde interjected, “I do worry that things are going to escalate rather quickly, the Knights are beginning to look more nervous...things don’t feel right.”

“As soon as Childe has checked in with his family, we can move into the castle. If we have enough manpower, it shouldn’t matter if I have full control over my abilities or not,” it wasn’t ideal, but Diluc was not willing to risk endangering the people.

A plan was now set, although Kaeya could care less if the world outside of the Abyss burned as long as Diluc was alright and at his side he knew how important Mondstadt was to him. With this extra time, they settled with mild small talk before they waited for Childe’s escort back to his homeland. Lo and behold, it was the lover he had been so loyal too.

Kaeya was quick to allow the guest into the Abyss and the man walked down the math to the cabin as though he had visited many times before. He was clad in traditional robes from Liyue, horns protruding from his brunette hair as a sharp tooth peeked through his lips. The red eyeliner he wore brought attention to his eyes, those slit pupils that gave way to his true form.

A long tail ran behind him though it moved gracefully as he greeted the ground that had ventured outside to see. Seeing the four, he bowed respectfully before smiling warmly, “Thank you for welcoming me into your realm, Gatekeeper. You are doing a beautiful job,” he glanced around before nodding, “Your predecessors would be pleased.”

"Mr. Zhongli!" Childe clapped as he rushed towards him, “You’ve been here before?”

“Prince Tartaglia,” Zhongli nodded, “I have been to many places in my lifetime. Though each time I visit here, it grows in its beauty.”

“Anytime,” Kaeya was much less former with the dragon, but it was obvious the two had met years in the past, “I assume you have been told of the situation?

The dragon traited man smiled softly in his direction, before looking to Kaeya and bowing his head, "Yes, Thank you for sending word, I will ensure he makes it home quickly and safely," he turned over to Childe before he reached his hand out to his face.

The expression on his face was filled with love and concern, "I am happy you are safe." It was obvious that Zhongli wasn’t the biggest to public displays of affection so Childe didn’t push it more than knew he could.

"Ah~" Childe grabbed onto his hand and pressed it to his cheek, "I am I am! But once my parents see me, we have to come back! Things are about to get interesting and I am ready for revenge."

“I will do what I am able, there are a few contracts I still must abide by so please forgive me if I can only provide safe passage. The people of Liyue are independent and have much strength, even without assistance. I believe they would be victorious in defending their land,” Zhongli spoke with grave and confidence.

“That is true, the Mililith is incredibly skilled but I would like to avoid any type of causality for an unnecessary war. Thank you for being so understanding with the situation,” Diluc offered his thanks, “King Crepus is not in his right mind, I worry for those along the border along with our people.”

“I will return swiftly with whatever aid we can.”

“We will appreciate anything we can get, thank you.” Diluc bowed his head down as the two left.

Quietly the two parted but in the wind Zhongli muttered, "Mr. Zhongli? Xiangsheng? Am I not your lover?"

“You are you are!” Childe stopped them in their tracks, grabbing onto his face with a smile, “It was out of habit!”

Zhongli smiled warmly, placing his hand upon Childe’s, “Are you alright? I can’t imagine what you went through…”

“From what I’ve seen, It was a walk in the park.”

With that, Zhongli transformed into his dragon form and Childe hopped onto his back. They would return once certain war was avoided between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya, buying the group more time to devise a plan and ensure that Diluc was ready. He couldn't just be physically ready, he needed to be mentally ready to take down his father.


The moment that Adelinde was out of the view of the cottage, Diluc’s arms were thrown around Kaeya’s neck and he was lifting himself onto his tippy toes to reach his mouth. Kaeya was pleasantly surprised, but didn’t deny the kiss. One arm went around Diluc, while the other ensured that the door was locked and the windows were shut.

Words were not exchanged between them as their lips were too busy with one another, Diluc walked backwards and guided them both to the bed. Everything in his life was coming to a head and he wasn’t going to let it reach its peak without getting a chance to officially have sex with his bonded lover.

They had been apart for what seemed like forever, knowing their relationship was damned and nearly thinking the other had died. Time could no longer wait, Diluc wounds had healed enough and Kaeya would be gentle if they weren’t. Though he was nervous, Diluc was more than ready to take this next step.

Their clothes slipped off and Diluc lay backwards upon the sheets, Kaeya leaned forward and began to nibble at his neck. Leaving mark after mark as Diluc’s body shivered beneath him, a touch that would scare him so- the hands and lips upon Diluc’s neck begged for more from Kaeya.

Diluc’s legs opened, allowing Kaeya between him as the alpha sat backwards to gaze upon his mate. There would not be a single world to describe how Diluc looked upon the sheets, his hair undone and a mess around him, the blush upon his face and the distinct glow of his tattoo. Diluc fought to keep his yearning to himself, attempting to not embarrass himself in front of his lover while the tattoo couldn't lie.

Abyssal Halfling - Corkyno - 原神 (2)Abyssal Halfling - Corkyno - 原神 (3)

It was a beautiful mark that Kaeya couldn’t wait to watch shift from one color to another, without waiting another moment he lowered himself down to his abdomen and began to kiss at the mark. The color became stronger as goosebumps grew upon Diluc’s skin, already growing hard from such a simple touch.

“Kaeya…” Diluc whispered, laid bare and still nervous about it’s appearance.

Kaeya's hands gripped onto his hips as he pulled him closer, his fingers lightly circling his skin. A hunger grew within him, his mouth wanting to take in that salty sweet of Diluc's flesh, tasting every inch of it.

Lowering down Kaeya began to nibble at Diluc’s inner thighs, feeling how his body tensed and gentle gasps left his lips. Diluc was already dripping slick despite not being on his heat, their bonding only amplified each touch.

“Kaeya,” Diluc gasped, grasping at the sheets as he moved his hips upwards, he was craving Kaeya’s touch...he was craving Kaeya inside of him.

It was something they hadn't done before, but Diluc’s body acted as though it was a master of it.

“Diluc you are surely a temptress, the way you say my name,” Kaeya hummed as he nipped at his hip bone, glancing at the tiny co*ck that wanted attention, “a forbidden song I wish to hear more and more,” his lips parted as he kissed the tip of it.

Diluc moaned with frustration, even if it felt great to have such a place touched and kissed it was not what he needed. A bonded Omega wanted nothing more than to be knotted and filled by his mate, if it weren’t to happen he would fear the world would end.

“Ah, another time then,” Kaeya teased as he lifted his head up once more, his hand lowering to Diluc’s entrance as he began to kiss at his neck.

Slick dripped from his hole, welcoming Kaeya’s first finger without much resistance at all. Maybe they had cheated when they bonded before bonding officially; but that didn’t mean that Diluc didn’t need to be prepped a little bit.

Kaeya’s size was nothing to joke about, even relaxed the alpha worried that Diluc would push himself too hard.

A second finger slid in and Diluc was whimpering, his hands going into Kaeya’s hair as he tugged at it gently. His hips rocking in tune with Kaeya’s motions, each feeling gave him just a little bit of pleasure...but not enough.

Not what he wanted.

Diluc was patient but very quickly he didn’t care whether he was perfectly stretched, he needed it now and tears from the teasing had already trickled down his cheeks.

“Kae-ya, please!”

“Of course my love,” Kaeya hummed, grabbing his length before lining it up.

He would have told Diluc to mention if it was too much, but both of them knew that Diluc was much too strong willed for that. Without words, Kaeya watched for Diluc’s body language. As he slid in, he felt how tight Diluc was- he heard how he inhaled sharply and gripped at his skin.

He noticed how Diluc’s legs tensed and twitched at the sudden feeling, how his chest rose as he became adjusted. Once his omega was head, he began to thrust in and out; the slick making sound that matched Diluc’s breathy moans.

It was heaven on earth and soon enough, he couldn’t keep himself composed.

The bed rocked and cracked, the bowls on the table beside them fell to the ground and shattered. Neither took notice though, Diluc’s hands went from gripping Kaeya’s hair or clawing at his lips, Kaeya’s name the only word he remembered. Kaeya held Diluc tightly, shifting position in order to get as deep as possible as he whispered praise.

By the end, Kaeya stopped when his knot was in and he had filled Diluc to the brim laying beside him as he felt their heartbeats slow.

It was here Kaeya noticed that the tattoo upo his skin had disappeared, but exhaustion from their coupling bid the thought no mind. A kiss upon his temple and Diluc’s satisfied mewling was all he needed, they lay in one another’s embrace.

“I wish to stay in your arms forever,” Diluc sighed, his scent permeating the air.

“When all is said and done, I’ll embrace you as often as the gods allow.”


Commissioned art by: Koko @k_luv20_06 on twitter! It's a beautiful piece and I love how they drew Diluc!

Chapter 13: Hell on Earth


Next chapter, we will reach our climax (just like Kaeya did in Diluc- whooops)
TW: Blood, gore and remember there is Character death in this story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The village that refused to give up the gatekeeper was lit aflame, those citizens of the Kingdom ran but not into the direction of the Abyss. Their sole duty had been to protect the sanctity of the space, to run into it with a fire at their tales would be damnation. The border between Liyue and Mondstadt burned, futility the Knights were sent to create havoc along each corner of Teyvat.

The King stood at the highest tower of his castle, watching the world around him burn at his will. A smile pulled strongly at his cheeks, his teeth showing as he stared wide eyed into the darkness. Smoke filled the air, darkening the skies as he lay in wait.

An expansion would make him a better King, but an expectation into the Abyss? An Expansion with his son locked away in the safety of the dungeon, prepping an heir worthy enough for the throne...that was enticing.

Have you lost your heart Crepus?

I have no heart.

The King watched the fire burning, thinking of his beautiful wife but no longer able to see her face. What were the color of her eyes? How did her voice sound as she sang to their only child, nestled within her arms.

What was her name and where did she come from? The wings she clipped just for him, where did they hang her long life and countless battles?

As she burned to ash before him, did he truly not remember what she was?

A pain struck his heart, his hand clutched at his chest as he leaned forward with a gasp. A throbbing pain sent ripples through his blood, a plea to throw himself from the window of the tower before he damned himself more.

My son! A voice cried from the back of his head, My Kingdom, My Wife!

“Why?” He spat, blood filling his mouth as he coughed, forcing himself to breathe once more, easing the pain by gazing again at his burning kingdom.

“You parasite,” he turned a step backwards, his reflection staring back at him.

The man before him smacked at the glass, a youthful and hopeful version of himself. A version that he no longer remembered.

….This is not what Mondstadt stands for!

Fooled by the illusion brought upon his pain, he could have sworn that the glass began to crack as the illusion of a weak man beat upon it.

Freedom! Freedom!

Each beat seemed to echo, driving the pain deeper into his heart as it pumped fruitlessly against his chest.

We’ve lost it all, bloody hands ran down against the cracks, the man sliding down against the window. Giving the illusion of a massacre of red stained glass, For what? We never saved anyone.

We’ve done the opposite.

The King grabbed the closest thing to him, a broken bust of his father soared through the window. His fantasies ended, the man on the other side was gone but blood still littered the glass from the inside. His hands shook and his face was pale, shaking his head he began to wipe his mouth off in an attempt to collect himself.

Clearing his throat his eyes remained wide, his hands smearing his own blood around in an attempt to wipe himself clean. The smoke continued to roll in the distance, the fires continued to spread.

Soon the damned Dragon would return with his son and the world would once again be at peace.



They tore through the void upon the back of a dragon, Diluc’s chest tightened as he watched the village burning. Childe did what he could in order to smother the flames, the dragon flying through the sky enough to distract the Knights from their mindless violence.

Childe sat at the head, Kaeya and Diluc behind him with Adelinde in the back. Each silent as they took in the red and white world they had entered into, hearing the sounds of men shouting and people coughing. The world around them was in panic, the Hydro mages that hid within the Abyss came out and began to water the fire in an attempt to stop the chaos.

A common theme was appearing all across Teyvat, those who were skilled with water no matter their status of being human rallied together in an attempt to stop the fire from spreading. The people of Mondstadt, alongside the very thing they had feared and killed, fought tirelessly beside them to stop this madness.

Kaeya’s eyes darkened as he looked for any of the villagers, they were no place in sight and he only hoped that they had each made it far enough. They did not harbor any fugitives, but for hundreds of years they had turned a blind eye to the abyss and those who emerged from it. The calls he heard very well could have been from the Knights as they did not sound like the cries of those being burnt alive.

A town where the people knew of the truth of the past, hanging in limbo. The true Gatekeepers between the two different worlds.

Zhongli flew lower, ensuring that each Knight would be able to see that Diluc and Kaeya rode upon such a force. Kaeya could have spread his own wings, but Diluc insisted that all four of them on the same mode of transportation would be faster.

While they flew, Kaeya placed his arm around Diluc as they flew, rubbing it reassuringly as they headed towards the castle.

“They’ve started for Liyue,” Childe grumbled, his bow and arrows prepared as he sat at the front, “What kind of tactic is there?”

“The bastard really wanted you out of hiding…” he scowled before turning to the love birds behind him before lowering himself against Zhongli.

“Do you want me to hold you like that?” He whispered.

“Childe, you are riding upon my back.”

“I know but…” Child felt slightly intimidated by a couple that showed as much affection in public as he had with Zhongli, “I can figure something out.”

“If we plummet to the ground, I will ensure we land on you,” Kaeya slapped Childe's back in order to get him to focus once more on the task at hand.

“Father worked so hard to get supplies to each village outside of the castle...every outskirt had a steady flow of supplies…” Diluc spoke in a low voice, the speed they flew at starting to make him feel nauseous.

Being an attentive Alpha, Kaeya pulled Diluc’s head into him hoping that something holding him still would help with that bout of sickness. This was only Diluc’s second time soaring through the air, Kaeya couldn’t even remember a time when he felt sick in the air but he did remember that humans didn’t usually fly.

In two weeks they had in the Abyss, Diluc wasn’t able to bring out his wings so he had been completely unable to fly. They didn’t have time to keep practicing but Kaeya promised that if Diluc was in need of flight, he would be there to lift him up.

Diluc didn’t have time to feel bad about it either, when Adelinde came with the news that Mondstadt was burning and that Crepus wasn’t letting up on the violence of the people under the guise of looking for the Prince. The people were incredibly confused with their buildings burning down, stating that the Prince had been kidnaped by a member of the Abyss…

By the Prince of the Abyss.

Each person would have happily stepped aside to allow the Knights to search, but those who checked insisted that the building could no longer stand. It would be easier for them to hide in any crack or crevice, just as it would be easier to guilt the two into regretting what they have done.

Adelinde sat in silence as she watched the world around them fall apart, her hand gripping onto a sharpened sword sat sheathed at her hip. Today she would reveal herself as one of the strongest and most skilled rogues within the castle; her swordwork reflecting that of the Queen and her dexterity unmatched amongst the knights.

The Queen had told her, Protect Diluc, not just as a Prince, but as a friend.

Becoming a traitor to the King didn’t feel like a duty to her, an unwanted burden that made her fingers tremble at the thought.

Lifting her eyes she gazed upon the back of Diluc and Kaeya, her heart warming as she remembered each moment that they shared together in the past. Diluc’s hair was tousled widely in the wind, just as the Queen’s did.

This feeling of excitement made her wonder if this is what Childe had spoken about the day she helped him escape from the dungeon. This want for revenge along with a strong will to remain loyal to those who mattered most to her. The crown was not her master.

“Prince Tartaglia,” Diluc spoke formally, “This magic...is there any way to stop it as an outsider?”

“It roots itself into a person, a vision bearer would be able to balance the two, abandon it or survive an extraction.”

“Extraction?” Diluc muttered.

“A curse like this would have to be extracted from the heart, there is a short time where you can purify a person but it’s impossible to purify someone this far gone. Of course, you could lock him up and let the madness eat him alive or you could rip it from him. It’d kill him but at least he could have peace in death.”

“What if we just kill him?” Kaeya asked, his voice cold.

“If you kill him without extracting it, there would be nothing left of him. No afterlife, no limbo...just nothing. Of course, we have no proof of any of this...I could only ask Zhongli about the afterlife,” Childe hesitated for a moment before adding his final bit, “When the time comes, you are going to have to choose how you want your father to meet his end.”

Diluc decided upon silence as they continued their flight, he was barely coming to terms with having to kill his father. He thought it would be something simple, to kill him and allow him to rejoin his mother in the afterlife.

That wasn’t true, he had another option. It wasn’t a simple swing of the claymore that would stop the problem. If Diluc wanted to, he could end his father’s cycle through the existence of mankind. Completely destroying him and making it impossible for him to come back.

Retribution would be letting him pay for what he had done, correct?

Would he be justifying what his father did if he was kind enough to return him to his mother? Would that erase all of the pain that he had gone through, every single strike he had collected over the years. The bruise and cuts upon his skin that healed over time, would it vanish just as quickly off his soul?

Yet at the same time, Diluc didn’t want his father to suffer. Each person upon Zhongli would likely make a different choice and that each would justify it in a different manner. It’s possible there was no correct answer.

Diluc didn’t want to justify a single thing his father had done to him, he would live with it for the rest of his life but something didn’t sit right with killing him in revenge. Had he never made the choice to dabble with the delusion, he would have had the loving father that he had years before.

The Prince wanted to know why, he wanted to know if it was worth it; had the threat been that great all of the suffering was alright.

Kaeya held Diluc tightly, releasing the tiniest bit of hormones as he nestled gently into him. Although Diluc was experiencing the greatest turmoil. Although Kaeya did not understand...he knew the choice that Diluc would make. It would tear him apart either way, no matter the choice, but Kaeya knew he would show his father mercy, he would do it for the queen.

My Queen, Kaeya thought with a sigh, You’d never use your son as a pawn, but did you know the truth of the Delusion? Did you know the request you had made would hurt the victim? What did you see in the stars?

While they flew they saw the gathering of the citizens who had yet to flee, gazing up at the dragon that zipped through the sky. Upon the dragon’s back they saw flowing red hair, unsure if it had been the King or the Prince riding upon its back.

Quickly conversation stirred, the Knights wondering if the Abyssal Prince was being kind to them, seeing the chaos erupt around them and decided to return the Prince. That or the righteous Prince was able to convince the other to return him to his people. There would be plenty of time for damage control, once the King was stopped.

The closer they got to the castle, they were able to see the shifting of artillery and the rushing of Knights too and fro. Internal conflict had begun, as such acts of pillaging did not feel right.

Despite the clashing below, those who were faithful to the King without a fault halted their conversation in order to start shooting upon the dragon.

“I think it’s safest if you drop us up at a tower,” Kaeya shouted while Diluc peaked his head out from his chest. Even with the whirring of the world around him, he wanted Knights to know what they were shooting at.

“Stop shooting you idiots!” Someone called, “He has the Prince!”

“Is Kaeya upon his back as well? Who is this dragon?” confusion caused the Knights to scatter into different directions, those who were loyal to the King wanted to alert him as soon as possible while others attempted to formulate a plan to be the hero.

“Jump over the moat My Prince!” One shouted.

“The Prince can’t swim you Fool!”

“Let him go foul beast!”

“Childe’s forehead furrowed, angered by such unnecessary comments being thrown at the love of his life, enraged him. Zhongli sensed Childe’s anger and the very last minute moved upwards to purposely cause his shot to miss.

“I want to show these bastards an ugly beast!” Childe grumbled as he aimed again, only to get a gentle bounce from the ride and ceased his vengeance.

“Wait until the time is right, we do ot want innocent people harmed. I worry not of the words of others,” he spoke before voiced Diluc, “Which tower?”

It was as they lifted that Diluc made direct eye contact with his father, he stood in a lower tower with eyes as wide as saucers. It sent a chill through his body, the look of weather caused his skin to crawl and he questioned if he would be strong enough to do this.

His alpha rubbed his arm in a reassuring manner as Zhongli pulled them to the tower, it was far enough to give them time but close enough for them not to be bombarded by Knights before the King.

Even if they wanted to land beside the King directly, Diluc advised they not do so. Direct contact could endanger everyone without necessity. They were close enough, the trio knew the castle lay out like the back of their hand. The four hopped off and Childe gave Zhongli a kiss upon his snout before he flew off into the clouds.

Diluc took a deep breath, his hand resting upon his chest as he felt how hard his heart was beating. His face morphed into determination and he led the way through the door and towards the hallway heading to Crepus.

Childe guarded the back, waiting for any Knight to run down the hallway and into his arrows.

“Try not to kill anyone unless they show a threat to the Prince,” Kaeya was stern, “We are trying to avoid war.”

One row of stairs and a clear opening, a small library that was specifically about the history of Mondstadt; much smaller than the Royal Library, but still expansive and thorough.

“Welcome home,” the voice sounded omnipresent, the group paused and looked around.

The King was nowhere in sight yet his voice caused their bones to vibrate in their bodies. Fear hadn’t crossed Diluc’s brow, his eyes scanning for a hint of where his father was. Kaeya took a step forward, blocking Diluc from the doorway that led to the next line of stairs, not wanting to risk anything happening to Diluc if the King came through that door.

Crepus nearly killed Diluc, there was no telling the extent he was willing to go.

“Show yourself Father,” Diluc’s voice boomed, his hand going to the side as he was about to summon his claymore.

Breaking glass followed by the clanking of chains stormed in from the window, moving so quickly that Kaeya was unable to block them as they wrapped around Diluc’s body. The Prince was thrown from his feet as they wrapped around his thighs and arms, his body crashing into the table and a chair that blocked the way before he was dragged towards the window.

“Diluc, no!” Kaeya shouted, stepping forward as another string of chains broke through the door, catching his arms and legs and pulling him back against it’s wooden frame.

The Alpha struggled against the chains, angered that they had been fooled by a simple sound trick. Childe aimed his bow, yet he had no target, he knew the magic being used and there was no chance a simple arrow could prevent it.

Grunting he ran forwards towards Kaeya and began working on the chains at his wrists, Crepus couldn’t hold them both still for long.

In an attempt to break the chains, Diluc released the hottest fire he could but it was no use against the chains of the delusion. The black and red mist that surrounded them blocked the flames from causing the metal to bed and warp. Tried as he might, he could not free himself, his body was pulled out the broken window glass stabbing into his arm and side as he once again felt the cool air.

An additional weight slowed the pull as Diluc hung upside down hundreds of feet from the ground. Adelinde had gripped onto the chains, her hands were not burned from the residual heat from Diluc’s attempted escape. Her feet rested on the lowest wrap around Diluc, balancing as well as she shifted her balance, not wanting to cause Diluc discomfort.

The Young Woman glanced down as they were quickly pulled upwards and then across the courtyard. They went from being vertical to horizontal and Adelinde hung onto the chains for dear life, her face remained determined- she knew exactly what she was doing. The whirling made Diluc sick, closing his eyes as he waited to be slammed against the castle walls.

With a violent crash the two were thrown onto the stone flooring, a whimper and a groan as they attempted to recover. The chains loosened from Diluc, but the nausea only reached its peak as he began retching, his head throbbing.

Diluc was expecting to hope right back onto his feet, strike down his father, and escape with Kaeya but the stress and anxiety of everything made him feel otherwise. His strong will was being interrupted by this dizziness that he couldn’t shake.

Adelinde recovered from her fall, placing herself between the shadows in the corner of the room and Diluc. She could hear how her blood pulsed through her body, but she held the sword tightly in her hands.

“Stand down Miss Adelinde,” the voice echoed in the room in an attempt to disorientate her, but she kept her focus.

She was not afraid.

“Do you disobey your King?”

Her eyes narrowed as a shimmer of chains flew at her but she did not flinch. Swiftly she knocked them from wrapping around her and found her steady ground again, the force of the attack had pushed her back slightly.

“Young Lady,” Crepus spoke as he stepped from the shadows, “You have protected my deer son for years, I can see why you still do so now...but to deny my request is fatal for a servant of the King.”

“I served the Queen,” Adelinde spoke, taking a step forward, “I now serve the Prince.”

“It is a crime to raise a sword at the King,” Crepus laughed as he took another step forward, his hand raising as chains began to rise around him, “Punishable by death.”

Adelinde held her ground, blocking shot after shot as it began to wear her blade down and back her closer towards Diluc.

Despite feeling sick, Diluc was tired of being a damsel in distress unable to do anything. Tired of having everyone look after him, dancing around him to distract him from the dark realities that loomed feet away. Tired of being coddled, he had trained and fought hard to be a normal person-this should not have been happening.

Throwing his hand to the side he summoned his claymore, the vision at his side gleamed as he brought himself to his feet. Clearing his face before he gripped the handle with both hands, pulling it over his head and stepping around Adelinde. She stood in his way, distracting the chains as he rushed towards his father in preparation to swing.

It was here when complete rage appeared on Crepus’s face, his eyes darting up and down Diluc’s form. Complete and utter hate appeared on his face as he scrunched his nose, disgusted by what he smelt.

“You dared,” his voice cracked as he stepped forward, “You could have made this easy for me Diluc but now...now I have to hurt you again.”

A chill ran up Diluc’s spine, causing his heroic attack to stop as he was overwhelmed by the horrifying smell of his father. It was menacing but now smelt of rotting flesh.

“I’ve tried to protect you from this fate, but you just couldn’t trust me. You couldn’t think of the Kingdom. To be bred by something from the Abyss?” he spat as he stepped forward, the white of his eyes turning black, “I suppose with the most skilled healers...we could try again with someone much more worthy.”

Chains shot forward once more but Diluc was frozen in space.

“Diluc!” The Alpha’s voice came from the window, but Diluc couldn’t turn his head from the chains heading towards his stomach.

Diluc’s body hit the floor and his alpha’s arms were quickly wrapped around him. The scent of blood brought sense back into Diluc’s body, the sickening sound of blood exiting the body and dripping onto the floor forced his eyes to where he once stood.

Kaeya’s arms were around him, softening his fall but he no longer stood in place. Adelinde threw him to the ground and now stood, impaled and bleeding in the room. She coughed up blood before gripping at the chain, her knuckles white.

“Diluc,” she huffed as her mouth filled with crimson, “You can’t smell him anymore.”

As blood spilled from her wound, the chain retracted from her body as she collapsed onto the floor-her sword falling beside her.


“Two inches to the right” she spat, “from...the heart...”

Her training had come in handy, she could see the source of his weaponry.

Diluc, she thought with a pleased grin, To shield a friend is to give you that chance to strike.

End this.


Couldn't ignore the fact that he's traumatized by Crepus's scent now, but as you can see...there was a solution.

Chapter 14: Time to Rest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mondstadt was on fire and Adelinde lay bleeding on the ground, her eyes flickering shut as she found peace in her decision. But in that room, she was the only one who found peace, Crepus laughed as Diluc and Kaeya stared horrified at their fallen friend.

“I gave the girl a warning,” Crepus shrugged as he stepped forward, his scare tactics no longer holding water.

Diluc stood up, his claymore again in his hand as he stared at his father with a look of hatred.

“Kaeya,” his voice didn’t crack or shiver, it darkened, “Please help Adelinde and put the flames out in Mondstadt.”

“I will finish this.”

The King laughed at his son, watching as Kaeya stood up and followed Diluc’s request. With his eyes on Crepus, he scooped Adelinde up and nodded to Childe to follow suit. Kaeya did not want to leave his lover, but he knew that Diluc would be able to handle this himself.

With their friends' blood filling the room, there was nothing that Crepus could do that could cause Diluc to falter again.

“My Son, what can you do? Omega’s are nothing to an Alpha’s strength. Why can’t you see that? I would hate to kill you along with the monster growing within.”

“You know, for a short while I thought maybe it would be a good idea to let you breed with him. It would produce a strong heir...but i fear I wouldn’t be able to control it.”

Kaeya frozen in place, hearing Crepus’s comment he turned back over to Diluc with growing concern once more. Diluc, though, narrowed his eyes and didn’t miss a beat as he picked up Adelinde’s sword and tossed it at his father’s feet.

“Prove it, prove that you can beat me without the delusion,” Diluc’s grip tightened as his legs spread into a fighting stance, “Beat your whor* of a son. Then I will submit to you.”

“Diluc…” Kaeya’s grip on Adelinde tightened that was received with a distressed and wet gasp, “Wait…”

“Sir Kaeya,” Diluc’s throat grew dry, the words that rested on his tongue were ones he never hoped to say, “Help Adelinde, save Mondstadt. That’s an order.”

Hearing this type of news shouldn’t have been such a distressing experience for Kaeya, it shouldn’t even become a pawn in this sick game of chess. Kaeya had just moments before solidified that he trusted Diluc to win against his father, he trusted that this was something Diluc had to do.

Swallowing hard Kaeya’s wings spread from his back as he followed Childe who had leapt from the window and onto Zhongli. Kaeya leapt onto the window sill and peered over his shoulder, his response formal but not cold.

“As you wish, My Prince.”

As the wind caught on Kaeya’s wings and he navigated Adelinde and himself to a safer location, he remembered that Diluc was more than capable of taking on his father. Even not being able to fly, his swordsmanship was phenomenal. It had been years since either of them had seen Crepus actually pick up a sword, Diluc had the advantage.

The look in Diluc’s eyes, when he shot his only order, showed just how confident he was in his predicament. Even if the cards seemed poorly played on the outside-Adelinde needed help and Mondstadt was burning, in a battle he could not fight he had to go.

Diluc held his claymore up, eyes narrowing with a solemn look of determination on his face. If he hadn’t just watched Adelinde bleed out before him, maybe he would be in shock over hearing that he was carrying Kaeya’s child yet was about to slay his own father.

Maybe, but Diluc wasn’t that thick in the head and had a feeling in the upcoming days. Denial was something incredible but the news would leave him jumping for joy later.

Shifting his weight he lunged forward at his father, who quickly blocked his shot and swung back at him. Diluc’s sword was heavier, but he was able to nimbly move his body to avoid the strike. It was difficult to block the movement of the lighter sword but Diluc had trained with Kaeya, learning how to maneuver his body and weapon to avoid a strike.

It was clear that his father was striking with murderous intent despite wanting to use him so badly, it didn’t make him sad anymore, it simply made him angry. The Delusion was even clouding the things that Crepus had thought he wanted. If Diluc was to be kept for an heir, then making him wouldn’t be that beneficial if he were to nearly perish. This was no longer about bearing a worthy child, it was about power.

The battle went on for what felt like hours, Crepus already began to lose his breath and decided that his honor did not matter to his son. His delusion activated and he prepared to restrain Diluc when phoenix flames grew from Diluc’s back and pulled him to the side.

“Cheater,” Diluc scowled, the flames growing on his back before completely melting the chains.

These weren’t simply the works of his Pyro Vision, these were the flames of the past. Nearly unstoppable in their ability to have a controlled heat.

Crepus’s eyes widened, the wings sprawling from Diluc’s back causing him to see a flicker of his mother.

The King hesitated, stopping with a whisper, “My Queen?”

“She’s waiting for you,” Diluc’s face wasn’t full of love or sadness, it still sat with anger, “I don’t know why but she’s waiting for you.”

Humanity flickered upon the King’s face before vanishing, he shook his head and laughed. Words escaped him as he ran forward once more towards Diluc, whispers of a man long gone cried out.

It’s time for rest.

Instead of lifting the sword up for a complete block, the King attempted to raise his sword high above his head but was met with resistance by his own body. His feet came to a halt, failing to attempt to make his final blow successful; it wouldn’t have been had he kept moving. A chest that was so full of pride extended forward, willingly waiting for the fatal kiss of Diluc’s blade.

The King and the Prince’s eyes locked for a moment, the rage within them beginning to dwindle as the two accepted their fate. The Prince was destined to end his father’s life in this lifetime, a star that was so prominently in his constellation there was nothing his mother could do to avoid it. The only thing she could do was prepare him for this moment.

Fate meant nothing in terms of love as emotions can burn, flicker, and dwindle down to ash but certain truths held bright in the sky. Khaenri’ah was would fall and the gods would give their kingdom’s to their people, the Sacred Beasts would mingle with that of the humans as their ground became equal…

Those few things held true as Diluc’s feet planted into the ground and he struck down upon his father.

The sword cut through the King's chest like butter; the blade locking in place like it was it's shealth a home perfectly crafted for it. The venomous seed that had been implanted in his chest now stuck at the end of the sword. The vines that grew from it had been torn by the traumatic cut, finally allowing the King to see the world as it was.

He sat upon his knees as warm blood dripped from the wound, his eyes began to blur as the miasma of rage began to dissipate. Despite the metal that pierced him, his chest no longer felt heavy. The evil magic that he had traded his soul for was gone, the feeling of total helplessness was bliss.

A glowing light burned behind the figure, a red haired person who's flaming wings spread behind their back. The King squinted his eyes, his hand dropping to the ground as the chains that held the figure faded away.

For a moment, he had believed his wife had returned to this earth to end his life, it wasn't until his eyes focused and he noticed the ethereal being before him wasn't the Queen.

It was Diluc.

It was Diluc who held the hilt of the sword in his chest.

Tears began to fill his eyes as he smiled, the realization of all of his wrong doings the past few years overwhelmed him. There wasn't a single word he could say that would atone for what he'd done, what he'd done to his son…

He saw the smoke rising from the corners of Mondstadt…

For what he'd done to his Kingdom.

Crepus Ragnvindr had gone against everything he had believed in, against his very family lineage. Mondstadt was supposed to stand for Freedom.

"Thank you," the King's voice was strong, but he couldn't fight the bittersweet smile that grew to his face.

He had allowed power to consume him, he allowed it to take everything away from him-he took everything away from himself.

Diluc's eyes held resolve but an incredible amount of pain as he watched his father bleed out in front of him. His thank you only caused his own chest to feel as though a hole had been stabbed through him.

"It's time you rest," Diluc spoke in a low voice, staring down upon his mortal father, "Mother is waiting for you."

Crepus slowly reached forward, placing his hand upon Diluc's as it held the hilt, "Is she?" he chuckled, "Why?"

The voice that spoke with him sounded forgein, it was softer and benevolent, kind and truthful. For years Diluc had longed to hear his father speak how he had when he was a child and here it was, with a blade running through Crepus’s chest.

The hand that had harmed him countless times lay upon him, causing a chill to run through his body. A nauseating feeling washed over him but the wings upon his back gave him strength, the warmth of his mother stood behind him and he knew that this man could never hurt him again.

That thing growing inside his father, using him as a pawn could never hurt him again.

"You'll have to ask her," Diluc spoke smoothly although he wanted to tremble.

"Remove your hand from the sword, Diluc," with the fleeting strength he had, he slid his hand from his son's onto the hilt, "If the wrong people were to see you, they wouldn't want a killer as a King."

Diluc struggled to remove his hand, fearing that this was another manipulative tactic his father had used upon him in the past. This time, he was sincere and the warmth at his back only spread within him, reassuring him that this was true. Swallowing hard, Diluc removed his hand from the sword he had plunged into his father.

Crepus’s other hand reached out slightly, as though wanting to lay upon Diluc’s lower abdomen in adoration and regret. Instead of pursuing it, he used that hand to grip the sword as well, ensuring that both were tightly gripping the hilt.

“Congratulations, I wish you health and happiness.”

"If you choose to take the crown," Crepus sighed, "You would make a Great King...you don't need it but...Kaeya and you...have my blessing..." With his final breath, he pulled the sword downwards a little more, severing the correct artery to lead for a faster death.

As the King fell, Diluc closed his eyes and spread his flames forward to encompass his father in warmth. The moment was brief, but it was a sendoff that Diluc hadn’t expected himself to give. In those final moments, he thought he’d strike without removing the Delusion, but that moment of hesitation that Crepus had gave Diluc the strength to free him instead of damn him.

The fire quickly dissipated and Diluc fell to his knees to stare at the body of his father, his abuser. The molten wings upon his back dimmed and vanished, Crepus's body didn't show a sign of the heat that had swallowed him.

Even if Crepus held the sword, Diluc knew who had placed that killing blow in his chest. It took a moment to realize it, but when he did his stony face broke as tears crashed around him.

The purple and red mass that had grown within his father for years blinked once before it shattered to pieces.

It wasn't fair that he didn't get his father, he felt absolutely disgusting for thinking that yet he couldn't help it. He wished that he had the chance to relieve his entire life without that damn delusion controlling Crepus's entire personality.

He wished his father had been a good person.

He wished his father had told him those things more frequently as he was growing up.

"I don't need your blessings," Diluc sobbed as he put his hands into his hair, "I needed you as a father- I needed you!"

"Why?" his voice cracked, no longer needing to fregin unwavering strength.

Within seconds of his father finding peace, he felt as though he was falling apart. Crepus's death should have made him feel free, but within him he could only feel turmoil. The missed opportunities- had his father truly been hidden away in there?

Kaeya remained nearby for support but knew that he should not intervene, only now did he approach Diluc and wrap his arms around him. If Crepus had done something that would have hurt Diluc any more than he had, Kaeya would have smitten him down to make it easier for Diluc, but his mate was strong. Diluc didn't need any help in battle, he just needed that light- that light to be there when he began to slip into the darkness.


Kaeya knew that Diluc wanted an answer, but knew none would come. He waited silently as support until Diluc turned to him, first giving him a once over to see that he was alright.

“Adelinde?” he whispered.

“My blood can only do so much for a human….she’s with our best healers right now,” Kaeya’s expression was solemn, not caring the carefree joy that he had carried in their youth.

Diluc nodded, knowing that the only thing that would help her would be time.

“How’s the City?”

“The fires have spread but Zhongli and Childe were able to have Liyue pull back their forces, we were able to stop many of our men from making dreadful mistakes…”

“We will have much to make up for,” Diluc whispered.

The Knights again surrounded them, seeing the King had been explained upon his own sword with a look of peace upon his face. There had been whispers as Kaeya comforted Diluc, knowing that his word meant little right now. They knew not of what to do, it wasn't until Diluc cleared his voice and demanded to those who approached.

"Stop the burning of Mondstadt, protect the people!" the Prince himself swallowed his tears, "Bring me my horse, we need every Hydro user to help!"

Kaeya kept his hand on Diluc's back as he shifted from a distressed prince, to an uncrowned King. To the soldiers who made it there first, it seemed incredibly ‘obvious’ what had happened, the King looked at peace and Diluc was bringing order back into the world.

Their mouths were shut as they nodded, glancing at one another as they repeated.

“King Crepus has ended his own life,” eyes saw the writhing delusion at the end of the claymore.

The gash within his body was so big, they shuddered at the very idea that Crepus was able to function much after. Swallowing hard they scurried to turn back, ensuring that the wrong Knights did not see what happened while enough of them were able to confirm the death of the King. It appeared that the King’s madness was no secret, most of the men looked relieved.

Since he was a child, he wanted to become King and make his parents proud, but now that he thought about all the problems that brought the kingdom under a Monarch. Though as he shared his fears, Kaeya assured him that when and if the people were ready, Diluc would be able to step down. For now, they looked to him with hope knowing that he had been the one to help whenever they could.


Diluc stood with a hand on his hip, the swell of his belly prominent as he watched Kaeya training their newest round of Knights. Although he longed to help them in their training, he knew that he was doing something just as important for Teyvat.

Upon a break, Kaeya walked over to Diluc as he pushed his bangs from his face in order to kiss him without getting sweaty hair into his face.

"How's my form?" Kaeya hummed into his lips, his hands wrapping around Diluc, "As perfect as yesterday?"

"Ah~ Absolutely stunning form My King," Diluc teased as he placed his hands upon Kaeya's shoulders, "Don't tucker them out too much, they may never recover."

"But they must be well trained! The Knights need to be ready for anything with our little one on the way! If word has gotten out we are going to have a little phoenix dragon we will have to increase security!"

"Are you expecting me to lay an egg?" Diluc grabbed onto Kaeya's face and pressed his fingers on his cheeks together, "We are both rather human looking, even with our traits."

Kaeya took his hand from his mouth and continued his joke, "A flaming lizard, the first of its kind.. is that why you are so round? A big egg in there?"

"Oh, after I lay this egg we are going to spar!" Diluc's face flushed.

"My Kings," a voice came from behind them, Adelinde stood with her arms crossed, "Regardless of what the child looks like, you must have some rest."

She wore the scar Crepus had given her like a trophy, everyone in the castle knew of her bravery and not a single person doubted her abilities. Although she kept her attendent's dress as her typical uniform, she was one of the highest ranking in combat among the Knights. When Kaeya wasn't training the recruits, she was ensuring that they knew the art of being quiet and efficient as well as keeping the Kingdom clean.

"Madam Adelinde," Diluc dipped his head as he wiggled himself out of Kaeya's arms, as though he wasn't pregnant with his child, "I have been sitting all day, I have been told walking is good for the baby."

"When your feet are swollen, I will not prepare the bath for you! I have warned you once," she held her finger up, "I won't warn you again."

"That is no longer what you are required to do," Diluc reminded her.

Adelinde smiled, "No matter my title, I have my duties."

"You can sit and watch me if you would like to," Kaeya suggested.

“Ah ah ah,” Adelinde shook her head, her hands going to her back as she unhooked the false skirt to reveal pants underneath, “You have to attend to your mate, these recruits are looking at little rusty on their agility King Kaeya,” Adelinde winked at Diluc before walking past them towards the group.

As she approached, the young men and women who had been training gasped and stood straight and tall, they each knew the respect that she had earned.

Kaeya wrapped an arm around Diluc, kissing him once more before nuzzling into his neck. Their love no longer needed to be hidden, so they no longer bothered in being prude. Together they already began to change Teyvat’s perspective on the Abyss, learning that King Kaeya had control over both countries. They had a long way to go, but having Mondstadt begin to change their views was a start.

Celestia’s eyes, although curious, still gazed in favor of the nation.

---Bonus: Kaeya’s father wanting to beat Crepus’s ass in the afterlife (like all of us)

A familiar smell overtook his nose as the fire surrounded him, an unburning fire that reminded him of times when life was different. The first time he sparred with the Queen and realized that she would be the woman he would marry, when he held Diluc for the first time or when he had taken his first steps. The feeling of joy he had when Diluc had first presented that quickly fizzled out when he decided to trade power for the family.

A power he thought that he could use to protect his family, his kingdom- instead he had destroyed it. There was no peace in knowing that, even as the warm fire licked against his skin he wished that it would burn him. That the pain he deserved would come to him.

"Crepus?" the voice of morning dew.

The King opened his eyes, no longer seeing the colors of fire but a sprawling field with his Queen kneeling down beside him. Her wings spanned behind her and a golden light lay around her, radiant in all of her glory.

"It's time for you to rest," her voice was warm as she placed her hand upon his chest, the spot where the wound had been.

"I wronged you so, why did you wait for me?" Crepus placed his hand upon hers, gripping it gently, "I deserve the fires of hell."

"Crepus Ragnvindr, in our next life...let's marry once more."

Tears filled his eyes as he tightened his grip upon her hand, "You would have me?"

"Your choices may have damned you, but in Mondstadt your son set you free. I will have you time and time again, your stars are bright my love."

"I must atone-"

"Shut up," a deep voice growled from a far, causing Crepus to sit up quickly and look.

In the distance stood two figures, a woman whose smile was rather mischievous and a tall man who looked rather familiar. The man pulled his chin up and glanced down to the Queen briefly before looking once more to Crepus, a smirk showing his sharp teeth.

The Mystery man's hair was as dark as night, holding a shine of a deep blue, his complexion deep and smooth.

"The church has misled you if you expect some sword of damning punishment," the voice was deep as he walked forward, the woman at his hip, "In your next life, fill cups with water and plates a plenty. Did you deserve a more painful way to die? Of course! Your son is truly kind, to let you torture him as so and then give you such a beautiful death-"

The Queen cleared her throat and the man pursed his lips.

"Now that we are all here, is it time to move forward? That little Lass is incredibly eager for us to move on," the woman with the mischievous smile hummed, “If I have to hear that dreaded Hilichurl song once more, I may cease to exist.”

"You are incredibly stubborn for waiting so long," the dark haired man sighed before glancing at the two on the ground, "I'm impressed she didn't kick you out."

"What's a couple....hundred years?" The woman teased, "Now, I am eager to meet my son again."

Crepus was incredibly confused as the Queen pulled him to his feet, the two before him spoke as though they had known him his entire life and for some reason he felt like they had. When he stood before him, he noticed the shape of his pupils and their star-like shape.

"Come come!" The Queen gripped onto his hands and kissed his cheeks, "To the next life."


Thank you for reading! I hope despite the ending being rather lackluster you enjoyed it.
As much as I hated Crepus in this fic, I wanted to stick to Diluc's "setting his father free" idea that is in canon. Crepus's actions, regardless of why he did them were inexcusable and Diluc knows that, he just couldn't damn the soul of a trapped man.

I can promise you I almost had that man lose his head.

Abyssal Halfling - Corkyno - 原神 (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.