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    • 2. 7. 2021, 16:09 Uhr
    • Gesellschaft
    • Reportage und Recherche
    Texas fürchtet EnergiewendeEin Herz für ÖlDie US-Stadt Midland lebt vom Öl. Präsident Biden stellt das Geschäftsmodell auf den Prüfstand. Manche fühlen sich verraten.  Hansjürgen Mai

      ... einer Erdöl- und Erdgashochburg wie Midland erneuerbaren Energien nicht ablehnend gegenüberstehen... Frawley. Auch wenn oberflächlich in West-Texas keine schwerwiegenden Umweltschäden mit...

      ca. 494 Zeilen / 14806 Zeichen

      Quelle: taz

      Ressort: Schwerpunkt

      Typ: Longread

      • 30. 7. 2018, 19:30 Uhr
      • Kultur
      • Musik
      Iggy Pop über „Trainspotting“„Cream Tea ist der neue Rock ’n’ Roll“Der Autor Irvine Welsh, Iggy Pop und Underworld im Gespräch über Drogen, Geldgier und die Verschmelzung von Punk und Techno.  

        ... in Michigan, Karl in den West Midlands nahe Birmingham. Später, als Karl... „I’m Bored“ vom Album „New Values“ denkst und den Text...

        ca. 439 Zeilen / 13158 Zeichen

        Quelle: taz

        Ressort: Kultur

        Typ: Interview

        • 25. 2. 2018, 11:04 Uhr
        • Kultur
        • Musik
        Werkschau von Lawrence und FeltPop für die ZeitkapselLawrence Hayward wird als Musiker verehrt. Nun gibt es die Werkschau seiner Band Felt und ein Album seiner aktuellen Band Go-Kart Mozart.  Aram Lintzel

          ... Mozart: „Mozart's Mini Mart“ (West Midlands Records) Er wollte berühmt werden... wunderschöne Refrains wie in „A New World“ . Die Musik mag enthusiastisch... Stücken wie „ A Preacher in New England“ einen sublimen Zeitlupeneffekt. Weniger...

          ca. 265 Zeilen / 7950 Zeichen

          Quelle: taz

          Ressort: Kultur

          Typ: Bericht

          • 26. 5. 1992, 00:00 Uhr
          • Inland, S. 3
          Der Barrakuda im Goldfischteich■ Musikalisch bringt die derzeit erfolgreichste Hardrock-Band der Welt nichts Neues. Doch ihre Platten erzielen in kürzester Zeit Platin-Status, 17 Millionen Mal ging seit 1987 allein ihr Debütalbum ...  karl wegmann

            ... Castle Donington in den englischen Midlands. Als die Gunners um 14... brauchte die Plattenindustrie an der West Coast nicht. In den folgenden...-Band der Welt“, und der 'New Musical Express‘ erschauderte ehrfurchtsvoll vor...

            ca. 328 Zeilen / 11604 Zeichen

            Quelle: taz

            Ressort: Inland

          Suchformular lädt …

          ').append($(xhr.responseText));}if( this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function ){this.loadable.opt.on.receipt( data, status, xhr );}this.loadable.mount( data );}}; // proto.on// === AsyncLoadable prototype(function(){var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object;proto.submitAsync = function(){if( this.flying ) return false; this.flying =true;if( this.isForm ) {if( sentForm ) return false;sentForm = this;}// collect form datavar post = this.jQ.serialize();// deactivate (form?) during transferthis.jQ.attr({ debug:'001' });this.block();// mark request as xhr, then flatten url to dump complexitythis.url.setParams({ xhr:true });//this.url +='';// send data, normalize and deligate responsevar on = this.on;$.ajax({type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET',url: ''+ this.url,cache: false,data: post,dataType: 'html', // 'xml',xhrFields: { withCredentials: true // ! JQ3Mig --> request with cookies },// have response preparsed to DOMbeforeSend: function( xhr, settings ){xhr.responseType = 'document';},// data was acceptedsuccess: function( data, status, xhr ){on[200]( $(data), status, xhr );},// apparent errorerror: function( xhr, status, message ){//console.log('status: '+ status +' :: '+ message );//console.log( xhr );var data = $( xhr.response );// normalize payload to DOM fragmentif( !data.length ) {// data is not documentvar text;try {text = xhr.responseText;if( text ) text = text.replace(/http:/g, "");//console.log('response text: '+ text );data = $('

          ').html( text );}catch(e) {//console.log('error reading responseText: '+ e );}}if( !data.length ) {try {//console.log( xhr.response.head.parentElement.outerHTML );}catch(e) {//console.log('error reading response.head: '+ e );}}// deligate handling according to response status code// * IE9 will end up here w/ code 200on[ xhr.status && on[ xhr.status ]? xhr.status : 0]( data, status, xhr, message );},// finalize transfercomplete: function( xhr, status ){//sentForm = false;}}); //ajax}; //proto.submitAsync// make myself garbageproto.remove = function(){var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable;this.jQ.remove();// unregisterallAsyncLoadables[ registerID ] = null;//console.log( '-'+ allAsyncLoadables );//DEBUG};// mount new subtree from response payload replacing originalproto.mount = function( data ){// show replacement(s) from response bodyvar opt = this.opt;//alert( data[0].documentElement.outerHTML );/*// find my package in payload//var pkg = data.find('fragment#'+ opt.fragmentID );var pkg = data.find( opt.package || 'body' );if(! pkg.length ) pkg = data.find('body');*/var pkg = ( data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement )? data : data.find('body');if(! pkg.length ) pkg = $( data[0].documentElement );if(! pkg.length ) alert('this should not happen ', data[0] );// take from package …var pick = pkg.find( opt.pick );//|| 'form');/*if( !pick.length ) {//alert('server response fails expectations: respective content not found.');this.unblock();return false;}*/var me = this;var replace = [ { treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true } ];if( opt.replace instanceof Array ) replace = replace.concat( opt.replace );$.each( replace, function(i,r){var i = i, old = $( r.treatee ), nju = $( r.pick, data );if( !old.length ) return;var isPrimary = i ==0;// or old == me.jQif( !nju.length && !r.remove ) {if( isPrimary ) {me.unblock();me.flying =false;// seem to loose submit handler here?if( me.isForm ) sentForm = false; }return;}//var o = $.extend({ a_DEBUG:true }, r, opt );// first winsvar anchor = $('').hide().insertBefore( old );var id = old.attr('id');if( id ) ( nju.length ? nju : anchor ).not('script').attr({ id: id });old.slideUp( function(){ old.remove();if( isPrimary ) {me.remove();if( me.isForm ) sentForm = false;}});var last = anchor;nju.each( function(i,e){var jQ = $(e);var scripts = false; // Script tags are not ignored anymore on DOM manipulationif('script')) { // Following animation stuff will set script tags style to 'display: block'$('body').append(jQ);return;}if(0 < jQ.find('script').length) { // original position of script tags might break stylesheet (e. g. :last-child)scripts = jQ.find('script');jQ.find('script').remove();}//jQ.find('script').remove(); // don't import any scriptsvar next = { isForm :false };if( typeof r.ajaxify =='undefined' || r.ajaxify ===true ) {next = new AsyncLoadable( jQ, opt );jQ = next.jQ;}else if(!( r.ajaxify instanceof Array )) r.ajaxify = [ r.ajaxify ];if( r.ajaxify instanceof Array ) $.each( r.ajaxify, function(i,ax){var o = $.extend({ fallback: [ r, opt ] }, ax );new AsyncLoadable( jQ.find( fallback(o).treatee ), o );});/* TODO new AsyncLoadable(…) extrahiert Fehler und zeigt sie modal an. Dabei wird das Form kopiert und nach Bestätigung wieder eingestzt. Mitgeliefertes JS ist hier aber noch nicht gelaufen, geschieht erst beim einsetzen in den DOM … */jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter( last ); // add this new el… <--hier(function(){// set positional classes according where we are mountedvar prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible');var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible');var pos = ''; // prev %2 ? 'even' : 'odd';// bad result in Archiv w/ two forms mounted from one sourceif( prev.length ==0 ) pos +=' first';if( next.length ==0 ) pos +=' last';jQ.addClass( pos );next.removeClass('even odd');// … so remove uncertain positional attributes})();if(false !== scripts) {$('body').append(scripts);}jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange');last = jQ; anchor.remove();//mountedForms = mountedForms.add( jQ );jQ.slideDown( function(){jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange');( me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function ) && me.opt.on.mounted( jQ );});// friendly focusif( next.isForm ) {var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible');if( opt.tabindex >0 )ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex );if( opt.focus >0 )ctrls.first().focus();}});}); //each replace}; //mount// demand reload of page w/ https before allowing access to formproto.demandPageReload = function() {this.showMessage( '', {block: true,onConfirm : function(){location.protocol ='https';return false;},html: '

          Um Formular-Inhalte gesichert übertragen zu können, muß bereits '+'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser neuere Technologie'+' nicht unterstützt.


          Vielleicht sollten Sie einen moderneren Browser'+' verwenden.

          ',hint: 'mit https neu laden'} );};proto.showMessage = function( message, opt ) {var opt = ensureObjType( opt, Object );if( opt.block ) this.block();var form = this;var me = $('

          ').on ('submit', function(){var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() ==false;me.slideUp(function(){ form.jQ = form.jQ.not( me );me.remove();});if( !blockOn ) form.unblock( opt.replacement );return false;}).html(( opt.title ?('

          ') :'' )+'

          '+( message ?('

          '+ message +'

          ' ) :'')+( opt.html || '' )+''+'

          ').hide().insertAfter( this.jQ );if( opt.slide ) me.slideDown( function(){me.trigger('TAZboxChange');}); else;form.jQ = form.jQ.add( me );};proto.block = function() {var form = this.jQ;this.restore = form.clone(true);form.submit( function(){return false;} );form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 });form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled : true });form.find('input:submit').fadeOut();return this.restore;};proto.unblock = function( replacement ) {var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if( !replacement ) return false;this.replaceForm( replacement );this.restore =null;};proto.replaceForm = function( replace ) {var form = this.jQ;var replace = $( replace );replace.hide().insertAfter( form.last() ).slideDown( function(){replace.trigger('TAZboxChange');});form.slideUp(function(){ form.remove(); });this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0];//added by mar to prevent css breaking after form replacethis.jQ.find('>.sectbody, >fieldset>.sectbody, >.rack>fieldset>.sectbody').addClass('jsForm');};})(); //AsyncLoadable.prototype// === private "class" functionsvar ensureObjType = function( obj, Type ){var obj = obj, Type = Type;( typeof Type =='undefined' ) &&( Type = Object );if( typeof obj =='undefined' ) obj = new Type;else if(!( obj instanceof Type )) {alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: '+ obj +' is not of demanded type '+ (new Type) +'.');return undefined;}return obj;};})();//

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          Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

          Last Updated:

          Views: 6125

          Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

          Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

          Author information

          Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

          Birthday: 2000-07-07

          Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

          Phone: +2556892639372

          Job: Investor Mining Engineer

          Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

          Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.