CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦ · His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (2024)

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (1)


Thesis by

Rebecca Adler

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science

History and Philosophy of Science


Pasadena, California


(Presented May 26, 2006)

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (2)


© 2006

Rebecca Adler

All Rights Reserved

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (3)



Many people have helped me write this thesis, and I would like to thank all of them. My thesis advisor, Diana Kormos Buchwald, provided me with encouragement not only to learn as much as I could about Clair Patterson, but also to enjoy research in the history of science. I first worked Diana the summer after my freshman year, as a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow with the Einstein Papers Project, and my interaction with her then and since has made clear that she has a passion for her work and cares deeply about her students. The staff of the Caltech Archives, particularly Kevin Knox, Bonnie Ludt and Shirley Erwin, allowed me to work in the archives for an entire term and were incredibly helpful, supportive, patient, and kind. Professor Leon Silver, a close friend and colleague of Pat’s for nearly 50 years, met with me on several occasions and provided me with information critical to understanding Patterson as an individual and as a scientist, and also help me put Patterson’s work into the context of the field. Professor Silver also helped edit the technical section of my thesis and generally kept me on my toes towards the later stage of my project, even though he was not obligated to do so. Dorothy Settle, who worked with Patterson for over two decades and became a close family friend, not only shared her memories of Patterson and explained various aspects of the papers she co-authored with him, but also sent me many photos of Patterson she had acquired over the years. A number of Clair Patterson’s other friends and colleagues also helped me to better understand Patterson’s unique personality. Bruce Murray, Don Burnette, Ed Stolper, and Joe Kirschvink shared some of their greatest, most telling memories. The George Housner Fund provided me with funds to support my research. Through the six months I spent researching Patterson’s life and mission, my friends encouraged me to keep going even through moments of discouragement. In particular, this includes Shelby Montague, Michael Turk, Alex McCauley, Scott Miserendino, and everyone at the Caltech Y. Bob Kopp deserves special thanks for his continued guidance throughout this project. His expertise in geology and his willingness to help edit and discus parts of my thesis undoubtedly helped me to produce my best quality work. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family. Mom, Dad, Sara, and Adam without your help, I would not have been at Caltech. You have provided love and support in so many ways over all these years. But most importantly, thanks for an unanticipated contribution to my success - annoying me. By trying my patience more or less continuously sinceI was about two years old, you have helped me develop the necessary tolerance threshold to have made it through the Caltech experience alive. Thanks for everything!

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (4)



Few scientists have combined their interests in the basic sciences with their passion for social welfare and moral excellence in the same way as Clair Patterson. Although Patterson’s scientific contributions merit much attention in their own right, they have also been critical in protecting environmental and human health through the elimination of leaded gasoline, paint, food packaging, and other commercial products. His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy.

Patterson risked his scientific reputation by seeking to promote his research findings, even in the face of tremendous criticism, to lead to regulatory change. His distinctive personality contributed to his ultimate success. Patterson operated as if he was immune to social pressures and expectations and refused to be inconvenienced by formality, procedure, or negative media campaigns.

Patterson’s struggle also highlights the difference between two major philosophies of how to use scientific evidence to guide new regulations and illustrates the techniques used by industry to fend against regulation of industrial chemicals. While Patterson’s research led him to believe that the risks posed by the anthropogenic disruption of the natural lead budget called for immediate, large-scale action, the lead industry, represented particularly by pathologist Robert Kehoe, insisted that no regulations should be made in the absence of a scientific consensus. The lead and oil industries also produced their own, often poorly-controlled studies, limited the release of scientific data from the research they funded, and influenced governmental agencies responsible for establishing lead emission standards, in order to manufacture confusion about what was known about lead.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (5)




The History of the Environmental Movement 7

Clair Patterson’s Role in the “New” Environmentalism 12

The Significance of Patterson’s Work 15



A Brief History of Scientific Research to Determine the Age of the Earth 31

Clair Patterson’s Science 40 Stage 1- Basic Work in Nuclear Chemistry 40 Stage 2 – Refinement of U-Pb Dating 43 Stage 3 – Measurement of Lead in Sediments 46 Stage 4 – Measurement of Lead in the Modern Environment 50

Moving Forward 58


Lead’s Use in the 20th Century 61

Patterson’s Battle Begins 74


Difficulties in obtaining a scientific consensus 93

The use of basic science in policy 94


Scientific Impact 99

Lead legislation 100

What happened to the Lead Industry? 103


Biographical Timeline for Clair Cameron Patterson 105

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (6)


Timeline of Clair Patterson’s Major Political Contributions Regarding Lead Legislation 107

Photographs of Clair Patterson 108


CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (7)




The History of the Environmental Movement

The relationship between clean water, air, and soil and the health and prosperity

of nations has been long recognized; the environmental movement, however, is recent.

Modern American environmentalism is the product of changes in the way people

understand the relationship between man and the environment. Only a few decades ago,

the average American would not have heard of environmentalism, yet today awareness of

environmental issues permeates our culture, as evident in our frequent discussions of

climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, nearly universal adoption of citywide

recycling programs, and widespread concern over the swift depletion of natural

resources. In fact, polls suggest that approximately 86% of Americans are highly

concerned with the use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.[1]

Environmentalism as we know it today developed in several major phases,

beginning with a focus on conservation and preservation in the mid to late 19th century,

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (8)


and succeeded by a political, social, and moral movement that began in the 1920s and

1930s and expanded and evolved over subsequent decades. Three major factors were

especially important in fostering the rise of the environmental movement over the past

one and a half centuries: the diffusion of post-industrial social values supportive of

environmental regulation, the emergence of an ecological consciousness troubled by the

uncertain impacts of many industrial practices and limited resources, and the appearance

of new organizations that framed important issues and guided the movement itself in an

organized fashion over several decades. [2, 3]

The modern environmental movement began in the second half of the 19th century

with the development of increased interest in conservation and preservation beginning

around 1850. This heightened consciousness about the environment first emerged as a

complex, broadly popular political and cultural movement, based largely on a growing

appreciation among Americans for the importance of nature as an economic, aesthetic,

and spiritual resource. Motivated by concerns over the protection of the wilderness, early

environmentalists popularized a new environmental philosophy that grew out of the

Progressive movement. Progressive environmentalists, led by Gifford Pinchot,1

emphasized the importance of using the government to restrain the free market and

establish appropriate programs, policies and regulations to protect the environment and

ensure efficient use and conservation of natural resources. A biology-centered approach

1 Gifford Pinchot (1865 - 1946) was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt the first chief of the United States Forest Service in 1898 and later became appointed the Chief Forester of the United States Forest Service. Under Pinchot, the number of national forests in the country increased from 32 in 1898 to 149 in 1910 and grew to include 193 million acres. Pinchot and Roosevelt worked together to make environmental conservation part of United States domestic policy.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (9)


arose in the preservationist philosophy of John Muir2 and land ethic of Aldo Leopold, 3

which together resulted in the preservation of land in the form of national parks and

wilderness areas. Also, during the late 19th century, environmental groups such as the

Appalachian Mountain Club (1876)4 and the Sierra Club (1892), which served mainly as

lobbying organizations, were established. These groups mainly echoed the concerns of

the middle-class centering upon conservation, the protection of parks and open spaces,

wildlife protection, and the potential harm to the environment that could arise from

industrial pollutants.

This movement continued to gain support through the early 20th century as more

governmental agencies began to focus on environmental concerns. Scenic tourism,

which began as Americans traveled to see Yellowstone and other National Parks by train

and eventually by car, led to a growing recognition of its economic importance.

Additionally, as the United States found itself involved in the world wars, the country

echoed the importance of conservation and need to unite in order to preserve our

resources to support the war effort.[3]

2 John Muir (1838–1914) was the founder of the Sierra Club and is known for his promotion of the idea that that the wilderness has spiritual as well as economic value. The Sierra Club was established by John Muir based on the Alpine clubs in Germany and the Appalachian Mountain Club in Boston, representing the beginning of a grass-roots environmental movement to save the forests. To this date, the Sierra Club remains an active lobbying organization.

3 Aldo Leopold (1887–1948) a professor of wildlife management, who believed that man should be viewed as a part of nature, rather than as a supreme conqueror of the environment was pivotal in the designation of Gila National Forest in New Mexico in 1924 as America's first national wilderness area. His essays, compiled posthumously in A Sand County Almanac (1949), had a significant influence on later biology-centered environmentalists.

4 The Appalachian Mount Club originated in Boston, and served as a model for many other environmentalist lobbying groups.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (10)


Following the vast social and economic changes that took place in the United

States subsequent to World War Two (WWII), the environmental movement began

gaining momentum. As incomes and standards of living rose, values changed. The

expanding middle-class, which before the 1930s valued natural resources for their short-

term economic utilization, became more concerned with environmental health: the

importance of clean water and air and an increasing awareness of the direct relationship

between industry and pollution. Public interest in the environment rested in part on

aesthetic objectives; and the concern for pollution had roots in new attitudes toward the

biological environment as well as towards human health. Although there were efforts to

deal with urban environmental problems and waste disposal beginning in the 19th century,

it was not until the 1960s that these efforts gained widespread support and led to equally

widespread action.[3]

Beginning in the 1960s, the various philosophical strands of environmentalism

were given expression through the establishment of political movements as activist

nongovernmental organizations or environmentalist political parties. The political goals

of the modern environmentalist movement in the United States and elsewhere throughout

the developed world focused on changing government policy and promoting

environmental social values. The 1960s were activists and employed unusual strategies,

often involving protests, to draw attention to environmentally harmful policies and

practices. Other methods included public-education and media campaigns, as well as

conventional lobbying of policy makers and political representatives. The movement also

attempted to set public examples to increase awareness of and sensitivity to

environmental issues through the establishment of large-scale communal projects

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (11)


including recycling, green consumerism, and the establishment of cooperative

communities. Activists and scientists wrote popular books and newspaper articles to

expose the harm of various industrial practices. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, written in

1962, exposed the hazards of the pesticide DDT and is credited as setting the stage for the

modern environmental movement as we know it.[3] Some have stated, that during the

1960s, ecological issues “burst into American consciousness” with “unprecedented speed

and urgency” as a “miracle of public opinion.”[1] The environmental movement

continued to gain support until Earth Day 1970, and then began to decline rapidly until

the Reagan Administration took office in 1980. The resurgence in environmental

awareness was a response in part to Reagan’s lax environmental policies and in part to

the introduction of new environmental concerns, including the depletion of the ozone

layer, the Exxon Valdez oil spills, contamination of water supplies, and global warming,

which were all heavily covered by the news media.[1, 3]

Although environmentalists have raised concerns about industrial waste products,

radiation, toxic metals, pesticides, and other harmful compounds for the past half century,

the impact these local pollutants could have on the global environment or upon human

health was not widely acknowledged until fairly recently. Although people may have

understood that a given chemical could cause harm to an individual if there was direct

contact, there was no understanding of how dangerous this chemical could be to

individuals with exposure to the chemical after it was released into the environment, or of

how and to what extent a given chemical would accumulate in the environment and to

what effect. For the most part, the wilderness was still viewed as pristine, isolated from

anthropogenic pollution. This idea was perpetuated in part by popular misconceptions,

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (12)


but also through rather visible industrial campaigns that emphasized the safety and

necessity of their products for both human and environmental health. While the deaths of

several industrial workers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries called attention to the

fact that some industrial compounds were toxic, the effects of these substances on the

environment were generally unknown since there were no accurate scientific methods to

measure trace contaminants in the environment. Although environmentalists emphasized

the importance of these issues, it was impossible to show definitively that impurities in

the air, water and soil were accumulating unnaturally, and environmentalists were too

political and activist to be taken seriously by the media and the public. Without solid

evidence, there was no way to convince anyone of their views.

For this reason, enactment of regulatory changes has often required efforts by

individuals within the scientific community, not only to develop the appropriate scientific

methods, but also to challenge incorrect assumptions, misunderstandings, and financially-

motivated disinformation campaigns about the environmental effects of new technologies

and industrialization. Even though our society extols scientific advancement, there are

few examples of discoveries relevant to environmental health being quickly applied in

governmental policy and few scientists working to help shape those policies. Often,

scientists whose work catapults them into the policy realm are viewed as activists, or –

even worse – as specialists who do not have enough common sense to mind their own


Clair Patterson’s Role in the “New” Environmentalism

Clair Cameron Patterson, a geochemist from the California Institute of

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (13)


Technology, realized how difficult it was to be taken seriously by both scientists and

politicians as a scientist in policy working on issues which pertained to environmental

and human health. After producing the first accurate uranium-lead isotope dates for the

age of the Earth and the Solar System in the 1950s,[4] Patterson became a public figure

in 1965 when he published “Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man” as a

popular article in Archives of Environmental Health.[5] Patterson originally began his

research on lead with the intent of compiling data to be used to formulate a better

understanding of the history of the Earth by determining the age of different continental

plates through his technique for measuring micro-quantities of lead isotopes in sediments.

But he soon felt obligated to report his findings pertaining to the accumulation of

unhealthy levels of lead in the air, water, and soil. Although Patterson was not an

environmentalist, he presented evidence suggesting that four decades of adding tetra-

ethyl lead to automobile fuel to reduce engine knock had produced high levels of

environmental lead contamination, which he believed was harmful to human and

environmental health. His goals of reducing environmental lead levels by removing lead

fit within the agenda of his environmentalist contemporaries.

Following Patterson’s startling revelation that there were dangerous levels of lead

in the environment, Patterson continued to investigate environmental lead levels and,

after realizing the magnitude of lead contamination accumulated since the beginning of

the industrial era, began to find scientific evidence of its accumulation in human beings.

He also found that lead in gasoline was not the only concern. Subsequent research

suggested that lead used in any public goods was harmful. As Patterson continued to

pursue this work, his findings were supported by several epidemiological studies showing

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (14)


that young children were at especially high risk for extensive exposure to lead from

sources including food packaging, glazes on pottery, pewter dishes, pesticides, and lead

in paint.[6-9] Patterson argued that widespread exposure was responsible for a thousand-

fold increase in the amount of lead in the bloodstream and was becoming noticeable in

the population through preliminary signs of lead poisoning.[10] Although Patterson was

not a health professional, he felt obligated to inform the public about the dangers of lead

and urged the government to ban the addition of lead to gasoline and to change other

regulations pertaining to the use of lead in public goods.

The timing of Patterson’s scientific discoveries in the midst of the acceleration of

the modern-day environmental movement, along with his fiery personality, and vehement

objections to his findings, primarily from those who would be hurt by anti-lead

legislation, put his work on environmental lead contamination on the front pages of

newspapers all over the world. In his campaign to remove lead from gasoline, he fought

tirelessly against the Ethyl Corporation, DuPont, the American Petroleum Institute, the

lead additive industry, government scientists, and policy makers. Nonetheless, other

scientists who disputed Patterson’s findings made it difficult to convince policy makers

that changes in lead regulations were necessary. It was not enough for Patterson to

present his data; he also had to demonstrate that conflicting results obtained by others

were due to contamination of samples and laboratory equipment and to show that the

increased levels of lead in the bloodstream were indeed a health risk. Resistance to

Patterson’s findings can be attributed to politics and professional pride: Patterson’s lead

data had the potential to change the lead and gasoline industry, put many people out of

business, and indicated that lead measurements made over the preceding decades may

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (15)


have been measurements solely of contaminants.[11] Patterson, however, was

determined to continue his pursuit of truth and to disseminate accurate information to the

public. He worked through official channels and through informal interactions with other

scientists and governmental representatives.

The Significance of Patterson’s Work

Few scientists have combined their interests in the basic sciences with their

passion for social welfare, moral excellence, and social justice in the same way as Clair

Patterson. Although Patterson’s scientific contributions alone merit much attention and

have had a tremendous impact on basic science, not only in geology and chemistry, but

also in archeology, meteorology, oceanography, and the environmental sciences, the

social consequences of his scientific work have been critical in protecting environmental

and human health through the elimination of lead from gasoline and from other

commercial products.[12] His scientific brilliance, persistence, and gifted research

capabilities resulted in key legislation to protect us from environmental lead poisoning

and eventually led to changes in the food processing industry, the Clean Air Act of 1970,

removal of lead from paint in 1978, and ultimately to the removal of lead from all

gasoline in the United States in 1986. Lead levels within the blood of Americans dropped

by more than 80% soon after these legislative changes in 1986.[13] Now, lead has been

removed from most manufacturing processes in the developed world and some parts of

the developing world.

Patterson’s experience in removing lead from gasoline, paint, food packaging and

other goods thus exemplifies how basic science is relevant to policy decisions and

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (16)


emphasizes how difficult it can be to provide sufficient scientific evidence to change

public policy. In the case of lead regulation, there was substantial evidence to support the

conclusion that lead in gasoline was directly linked to elevated levels of environmental

lead contamination, which was having substantial health related effects on all people.

Still, no legislative action could take place without a general consensus from within the

scientific community and a clear understanding of what data was meaningful and reliable.

Not only were there scientists and spokespersons from the lead and petroleum industries

disputing Patterson’s work, but there were also disagreements within the scientific

community. These arguments mainly centered on how to make policy suggestions with

imperfect information. More specifically, it was difficult for various scientists to speak

about threshold levels of lead which were safe to have in the environment if they were

unable to take statistically relevant measurements of quantities of lead, and there was no

conceivable way to measure levels of contaminants since there was no existing, non-

contaminated system to which to compare samples.

Additionally, scientists faced the challenge of having to coordinate between the

incompatibilities of the research world and the policy world. Patterson found, as did

many other scientists, that many of the underlying methodological concerns in

developing the appropriate scientific conclusions necessary to make policy

recommendations cannot be adequately discussed in National Research Council (NRC)

forums. The scientific community and the political community work on different time

scales. While it is acceptable for academic researchers and university affiliates to take

several years to develop theories and publish findings, politicians are used to producing

policy recommendations with much faster response times. The inherent incompatibility

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (17)


of the scientific research world and the policy world makes it difficult, therefore, for

scientists to come to an agreement on how the scientific community views these issues

and their relevance in policy decisions in the course of a few days a few times a year.

The lead debacle also calls attention to the difficulties in forming uniform

regulation of a single substance. In this case, the regulation of lead required several

different congressional hearings, NRC committee meetings, and other focus groups and

coordination through several governmental agencies including but not limited to the

FDA, OSHA, HUD, CDC, and the EPA, which can not be done in short meetings

scattered throughout the year to develop consensus reports. This calls attention to the

necessity to know where certain data is coming from, who is participating in each

meeting, what potential biases are likely to surface, which scientists are performing

disinterested research and which scientists might be biased by funds received from parties

with an economic stake in the decisions.

Patterson’s dedication to the issue itself also introduces crucial questions about

what provokes scientists to pursue these social, political and moral issues, rather than

focusing intently on their scientific pursuits alone. Surely, there are other scientists

whose work could have led them to venture beyond the confines of their laboratories, but

they instead chose to stay quiet and focused on their science. There is something unique

about Clair Patterson and the other very few scientists who chose to adopt issues of the

heart, rather than just those of the mind, yielding to no one until they find answers and

get results.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (18)




It was eleven o’clock PM on December 29, 1970 and the heavy wooden door to

North Mudd, the geology and planetary science building at the California Institute of

Technology, swung open. Under normal circ*mstances, only madmen and graduate

students venture away from their families and into work at such an hour, but this night

was not normal. Assistant Professor Clair Cameron Patterson, known as “Pat” by friends

and colleagues, wasted no time as he swiftly carried his tall, thin frame from the

entryway, through the long, narrow, dimly lit hallway, up two flights of steps, in through

two sets of double doors and into his soundproof office. Unfortunately for Patterson,

good work needed to be done and, for him, this work was urgent and could not wait until

early the following morning.

Upon entering his cave, Patterson made his way to his chair and sat behind his

desk, surrounded by an avalanche of papers, lab notes, maps, and books, pen in hand,

while he toiled away, tormented by the painful reality that he may have been the only one

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (19)


to recognize the danger introduced by increasing levels of lead in the environment. He

collected his thoughts and etched his ideas onto his notepad. Patterson had been excluded

from a National Review Council (NRC) committee on Biological Effects of Atmospheric

Pollutants meeting on lead, and after being overlooked in favor of industrial toxicologists,

it was easy for him to believe that, if it were up to anyone but himself, the lead industry

would continue to compromise social welfare by allowing lead to gradually contaminate

the environment. Although Patterson was a scientist, he had absolutely no intention of

standing by, quiet and useless waiting for policies, founded on misconceptions of lead in

the environment, to change miraculously through conventional methods. He continued to

transfer his thoughts to paper, “Lawyers are not scientists and neither are government

bureaucrats– and when the bureaucrats are elected by people, the majority of whom

believe in astrology and do not believe in evolution, then this sort of thing can be

expected. My government still does not understand what the lead exposure situation is.

They are still concerned with shaded area, and still believe in thresholds.” [14]

When it came to important matters, Patterson planned out every move with

extraordinary detail, and knew exactly how he wanted things done, often exhibiting his

brilliance and caring nature while also being driven, uncompromising and rather

unorthodox. At this point, as far as Patterson was concerned, there were only a few

options: 1) run for Congress 2) convince a friend to run for Congress or 3) to write his

former mentor, Harrison Brown, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, who

may be able to convince others that he, as a geochemical expert on lead, should be

included in the NRC meeting. Patterson was not a politician, he knew he was not a

politician, and did he have a particular longing to be one; however, nothing could amount

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (20)


to the dissatisfaction he felt with the way things were being handled in Washington, D.C.

Since the first option was doomed to failure from the start, he began a letter to Brown[15]

and began to think of how he would convince another science minded fellow, like

himself, to run for political office. Bruce Murray,a Caltech professor of planetary science

and geology, recalls Patterson rushing into his office, exclaiming, “Bruce, you’ve got to

run for congress!” He proceeded to rant about the problems in Washington pertaining to

science and technology policy and expressed his desire for change.[16]

Patterson’s unique, over-the-top, character contributed to his being greatly

misunderstood both within the political arena and within academic circles. His

persistence and tireless dedication to doing the right thing and pursuing scientific truth

were appreciated by almost everyone that knew him. His distinctive personality has been

eloquently portrayed in Saul Bellow’s novel The Dean's December, in which Patterson is

the model for the character Sam Beech, an eccentric professor who goes to great lengths

to warn people of the imminent dangers of lead.[17]5 The name Sam Beech was derived

from the phrase “son of a bitch,” which, according to his friends and colleagues,

including Bellow himself, fit Patterson well.[18] Indeed, it took a persistent “son of a

bitch” to confront well respected scientists and prominent policy makers aggressively for

over twenty years, and to continuously respond to letters-to-the-editors from newspapers,

scientific journals, and popular magazines. These qualities took years to fully develop

but were evidenced in his behavior as a young child and throughout his early adulthood,

and undoubtedly contributed to his success.

5 Saul Bellow and Patterson were good friends. Bellow was a visiting professor at Caltech and the two met each other when Patterson sat in on one of Bellow’s classes on the early 20th century novel. Pat had a lasting impact on Bellow and the two often had lunch together at the Athenaeum, Caltech’s Faculty Club.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (21)


Clair Patterson was born on June 2, 1922 in Mitchellville, Iowa, a small,

traditional, rural Midwestern town. Both of his parents were liberal, college educated,

and had reliable jobs: his father was a postal worker, and his mother frequently helped

out at his school and was on the school’s board of directors. His parents instilled in their

three children a strong work ethic, which contributed to the unusual rigor with which

Patterson pursued his academic studies, and a deep sense of morality which undoubtedly

aided him in the altruistic focus of his later work.[18] Patterson and his brother and

sister, along with the other neighborhood children, established a sort of “tribal

society”[19] in which none of the children were without other youngsters with whom to

play. This close-knit interaction between the children was promoted further by schooling

of all children, grades K-12, at a single school with no more than 100 students. [19, 20]

Patterson’s affinity for science and mathematics was evident at an early age and

presented itself through his social and educational experiences. He enjoyed learning

about plants, animals, and the geography of the areas which surrounded his home and

frequently wandered off into the wilderness to navigate the great outdoors, go fishing,

hunting, swimming, or to learn about the natural sciences by putting together animal

bones.[19] His interest in chemistry was fostered by Patterson’s parents and teachers.

His mother purchased a chemistry set for him when he was in elementary school, and by

the time he was in 7th or 8th grade, he set up a lab in his basem*nt with chemicals

purchased for him by the superintendent of his school, who was also his math teacher.

Beginning in 9th grade, he took an interest in learning college chemistry from some

textbooks and laboratory manuals given to him by an uncle who had been a chemistry

student at Iowa State College. There was no doubt he was gifted: Patterson was a top ten

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (22)


finalist among high school algebra and geometry students in state-wide early tests given

by the University of Iowa.[19]

His unique academic talents allowed him to take on a mentoring role in the

classroom, offering explanations to other students and teachers on how the world worked

scientifically. The students, teachers and parents accepted Patterson’s outspokenness and

there was, according to Patterson, “no retribution for being outspoken or a dissident—if

there was quality in what you were doing . . . my parents always allowed me to go off in

any wild direction I wanted to go, provided it had a sound basis—if it could be

demonstrated to be a worthy thing. . . I was always different from most youth.”[19]

Following his graduation from high school at the age of sixteen in 1939, Patterson

went to Grinnell College. He remembered it as being “a very small, excellent college,

also in Iowa. There the faculty treated us just like they were parents. There was a close

interaction between the faculty and the students.”[19] The intimacy of the school, with a

total of 800 students, encouraged Patterson to channel his non-conformist energy

positively to his studies. While he was rather lackadaisical about mathematics,

homework, and studying, he excelled in chemistry and physics. The Grinnell faculty

recognized Patterson’s brilliance and allowed him to function again as a renegade, giving

him the freedom to move ahead on labs and explore his passions with excitement.

At Grinnell, Patterson met his future wife, Lorna McClearly (Laurie). Although

their mothers had grown up together in a small town in Iowa, they had never heard of

each other prior to becoming lab partners in Chemistry. The two worked well together as

a team, and Patterson’s superior scientific reasoning and advanced laboratory skills

helped Laurie to receive top grades. Patterson, on the other hand, never had particularly

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exceptional formal grades due to his rebellious behavior and failure to turn in many

assignments, which he viewed as busy work; however, his close relationship with his

chemistry professors enhanced his scientific skills and led to much academic and

personal growth during this stage of his life. His chemistry professors, Leo Sherman and

Bill Oelke, encouraged him to continue studying after obtaining his bachelor’s


Although many of Patterson’s professors recognized and embraced Patterson’s

uniqueness, senior school administrators wanted to break his mold, so to speak, to

prevent his non-conformist attitude from holding him back later in his life. The dean,

however, was hesitant to take disciplinary action too early for fear that Patterson would

rebel against punishment and drop out of college. For this reason, he waited until

Patterson was close to meeting graduation requirements, and had already applied and

committed to attending a masters programs, before expelling him for a few weeks.[18]

Although this punishment was meant to teach Patterson the importance of respecting

authority and following rules, Patterson’s future behavior shows us that this punishment

was rather ineffective.

Immediately after graduating from Grinnell, Patterson began a masters program at

the University of Iowa at Iowa City under the mentorship of George Glockler, a

molecular spectroscopist. In keeping with his interests in physical chemistry, Patterson

undertook a project pertaining to the extent of depolarization of certain modes of

molecular vibration in halogenated organics using Raman spectroscopy.[12] Though he

spent a great deal of time working as a teaching assistant, he managed to obtain his

masters degree and complete his thesis in under nine months. There, he and Laurie

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married and the couple began to be heavily focused on joining the war effort like so many

of their peers. [12, 18, 19]

Patterson’s masters research, along with his strong chemistry and physics

background, prepared him well to contribute to the Manhattan Project, which was being

conducted at three locations: Oak Ridge in Tennessee, University of Chicago in Illinois,

and Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. In 1944, both Patterson and Laurie moved

into an apartment in Chicago, and Patterson began doing work as an atomic

spectroscopist in an analytical laboratory at the University of Chicago.[19] Patterson’s

major responsibility was to run studies of trans-uranic and fission product elements,

which were related to finding information concerning nuclear fission. Although they

were originally excited about their ability to help the nation, they were quite “unhappy in

the city, doing work we thought would ‘let the genie out of the bottle’ much too

soon,”[19] and disliked the fact that they were among the youngest scientists working on

this project in Chicago. After just a few months, the newlyweds returned to Iowa for just

long enough for Patterson to enlist in the U.S. Army. Lorna applied for the WAVES,

Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. Patterson had applied once before

to the Army during his senior year of college, but was rejected because of near-

sightedness. By 1944, however, the physical requirements had been lowered, and he felt

he would be accepted. Three days later the draft board reported they could not draft

Patterson because of his high security rating, and that he must return to the University of


The colonel in charge of the Manhattan Project at Chicago suggested Patterson

and Laurie go to Oak Ridge for the duration of the war, where there were plenty of young

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scientists working on electromagnetic separation of uranium, in particular the production

of 235U atomic bomb fuel.6 Laurie had not turned in all of her required papers to join the

WAVES, so they went together to Oak Ridge and began working at the Tennessee

Eastman Y-12 segment of the Oak Ridge plant. Both worked in analytical labs

measuring the purities of the materials used in the project. Patterson soon changed

assignments and began maintaining small mass spectrometers to check isotopic purities

of the enriched bomb fuel at different stages of its production.[12] These mass

spectrometers were also used in analytical laboratories in academic research and would

be the machine Patterson used for measurements later in his scientific career.

Following the war, many scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project,

including Patterson, felt a sense of regret for the Japanese lives lost as a result of their

work; however, for the most part, scientists believed what they did was imperative to

protecting democracy and avoiding the loss of even more American lives in an invasion

of Japan.7 Having so many American scientists working on the Manhattan Project

restored a sense of enthusiasm about physical chemistry and, as scientists returned to

academia, the University of Chicago benefited greatly. Indeed, it managed to entice

6 235U atomic bomb fuel was produced by using large mass spectrometers with uranium hexafluoride sources, milliamp ion currents, and collector boxes of slotted graphite. These huge machines, which were called calutrons, were so enormous that their coils had to be made from the US Government’s supply of silver supplied by the treasury. The vacuum beam path of each machine was in a 15 X 20 foot plane isolated in separate steel boxes placed approximately ten feet apart from each other. The beams were wrapped, wound magnets connected in a magnetic loop approximately the size of a football field perimeter. By repeating this process multiple times, common uranium was purified and the 235U was collected between each stage of enrichment. Davidson, C.I., Clean hands : Clair Patterson's crusade against environmental lead contamination. 1999, Commack, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. xlii, 162. 7 For the rest of his life, Patterson felt deep regret for his involvement in working on “that damn bomb” and considered himself “a murderer.” Settle, D.M., Inverview with Dorothy Settle, R. Adler, Editor. 2006: Pasadena, CA.

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some of the strongest geochemists in the world, including Harold Urey,8 William Libby,9

Mark Inghram10 and Harrison Brown. Patterson and Laurie were also drawn to Chicago,

where Patterson began work towards his Ph.D. under the guidance of Harrison Brown,

and Laurie obtained a position as research infrared spectroscopist at the Illinois Institute

of Technology to support their family while Patterson pursued his degree. [18, 19]

In the 1950s, Linus Pauling suggested that the geology division offer Harrison

Brown a position as a Caltech associate professor to help build up a more competitive

geology program. Brown agreed to make the move from the University of Chicago and

brought Patterson, Sam Epstein and Chuck McKinney along with him.[18] At the time,

the geology division had forgotten most of what they had learned of isotopes in

elementary chemistry courses. They did not know the new students, but were willing to

8 Harold Urey (1893-1981) is known for his research concerning the entropy of diatomic gases and problems of atomic structure, absorption spectra and the structure of molecules. In 1931 he devised a method for the concentration of any possible heavy hydrogen isotopes by the fractional distillation of liquid hydrogen: this led to the discovery of deuterium. Together with the late Dr. E.W. Washburn, he developed the electrolytic method for the separation of hydrogen isotopes and he carried out thorough investigations of their properties, in particular the vapor pressure of hydrogen and deuterium, and the equilibrium constants of exchange reactions. He later worked on the separation of uranium isotopes and the measurement of paleo-temperatures, investigations into the origin of the planets, and the chemical problems of the origin of the Earth.

9 Willard Libby (1908-1980) is known for his development of the C14 radiocarbon dating method in 1947. He tested his process on artifacts with known ages, and it was proven to be reliable for dating objects up to 70,000 years. This work not only served as a valuable tool for geologists and anthropologists to date the age of organic matter, but also won Libby the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1960. In 1954, while at Chicago, Libby became the first chemist appointed to the Atomic Energy Commission where he headed Eisenhower’s international ‘Atoms for Peace’ project and studied the effects of radioactive fallout.

10 Mark Inghram is known for helping to determine the age of the Earth, helping to determine the half life of radioactive carbon, but most of all for his experimental work and an inventor and developer of mass spectrometers. Of particular relevance to Clair Patterson is the fact that he permitted Patterson to use his mass spectrometer.

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take risks and give them a chance. It was with great enthusiasm that these young

scientists pursued their goals and made efforts to fit in, both academically and socially

with the other Earth scientists. Patterson enrolled in field camp, took great interest in the

departmental activities, and made extraordinary efforts to stay in shape so that he could

stay healthy and participate in the various outdoor activities.11 In time, both Patterson

and Epstein began to direct renovations to North Mudd into real geochemical laboratories

by building their own equipment and overseeing the construction and renovation of new

facilities. Robert Sharp, a Caltech geologist, recalled:

Pat’s lab was particularly difficult as he needed an ULTRA CLEAN environment in which to work. His PhD thesis at Chicago had dealt with lead-isotope ratios in iron meteorites. That work suffered lead contamination from various extraneous sources. From it Pat learned that he had to have a totally lead-free environment in order to get reliable measurements of the very small quantities of the different lead isotopes in iron meteorites. Very precise rigorous chemistry was required and no contamination could be tolerated.. . It was during construction of this laboratory that we all learned what a no-compramise [sic], intense, dedicated, demanding, zealous character we had on our hands in the person of Clair C. Patterson: a satisfactory laboratory would never have been completed without his total dedication to the task.[18]

Patterson’s work in creating the clean lab was well worth it, and since Brown did not do

much laboratory work himself, the space became his entirely. With the help of Harrison

Brown and Robert Sharp, Patterson secured adequate funding for his work, and he was

able to conduct the experiments, obtain the data, and write the publications. Patterson

11 Patterson cared a great deal about his health throughout his lifetime. He ran around a track near his home every morning, and even in his middle age, competed against high school students. He was so intense about his exercise regimen that he gave himself foot problems. He also watched what he ate. Despite his thin frame, he ate healthy portions and refrained from eating deserts and other processed foods as much as possible.

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never had any great desire to package his work in a way to get funding, which made this

cooperative relationship with others in his department was crucial to his success.

In 1953, Patterson was officially hired as research associate and he became not

only a tremendous asset to the institute, but also somewhat of a liability.[16] His brilliant

scientific contributions, which will be discussed in detail in the later sections, drew

world-wide publicity from the scientific community as well as the news media. Over the

course of his career, he acquired several honors, prizes, and awards including honorary

degrees from Grinnell College in 1973 and the University of Paris in 1975, the J.

Lawrence Smith Medal of the National Academy of Sciences in 1973, the Goldschmidt

Medal of the Geochemical Society in 1980, the Professional Achievement Award from

the University of Chicago in 1983. Additionally, an asteroid (2511) and a peak in the

Queen Maude Mountains, Antarctica, were named for Patterson early on in his career.

Patterson was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1987. The last and most

meaningful award, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, was granted 1995,

just months before his death.

The fact that Patterson was not a recluse, however, did stir up some commotion in

Caltech politics and even upset a member of the board of trustees affiliated with one of

the large oil corporations.[18] Patterson was intense and principled, and he was not

affected by the political consequences of his actions, nor was he interested in being subtle

about issues he felt were important. For this reason, he was regarded as a “loose cannon”

or as “a little bit crazy”[22] by those in the department who did not completely

understand him. In particular, Patterson refused to become a tenured professor out of

principle, and although he received many of the benefits of being a full professor with the

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exception of the higher salary, he was excused from many of the major responsibilities

such as teaching classes. He believed that the people who really needed the job security

were the young scientists who needed some flexibility and understanding to allow for

them to make naive, creative mistakes, and that the older professors, with their wisdom

and experience, should be the most productive. In accordance with these views, he

underwent periodic review by the department, filing what many would consider

unnecessary, annoying paperwork and actively searched for other professors who would

join him in attempting to abolish the tradition of tenured jobs within the academic


Patterson was as dedicated to his family as he was to his science. Together, he

and Laurie had four children: Cameron, Claire, Charles, and Susan.[23]

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“True scientific discovery renders the brain incapable at such moments of shouting vigorously to the world “Look at what I’ve done! Now I will reap the benefits of recognition and wealth.” Instead such discovery instinctively forces the brain to thunder “We did it” in a voice no one else can hear, within its sacred, but lonely, chapel of scientific thought.”

Clair C. Patterson [24]

Clair Patterson made several seminal discoveries during his half-century long

scientific career. He is widely known for having determined that the Earth is 4.55 billion

years old and for recognizing that lead from anthropogenic sources had been

accumulating in the environment, in some cases to toxic levels, since the Industrial

Revolution. These two contributions are not independent. Instead, they form part of a

progression of accomplishments that begins with Patterson’s graduate research, alongside

George Tilton, Harrison Brown and Mark Inghram, developing accurate methods to

measure the abundance and isotopic composition of minuscule quantities of lead in

samples, which he then applied as a post-doctoral researcher to date the Earth and, during

much of the remainder of his career, to study how lead emitted from anthropogenic

activities affects environment and human health.

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In this chapter, I will discuss four phases of Patterson’s scientific


Stage 1: Basic work in nuclear chemistry developing accurate techniques for

isotopic and elemental analyses.

Stage 2: The refinement of the uranium-lead dating method and the application of

isotope geochronology to the determination of the age of meteorites and the Earth.

Stage 3: The application of his analytical techniques to the measurement of lead

in sediments and the development of the lead isotope system as a tracer of

sediment provenance.

Stage 4: The examination of lead in recent environments, which led to the

development of his hypothesis that anthropogenic activities were increasing

environmental lead concentrations and human exposures by orders of magnitude

since the Industrial Revolution.

Although Patterson’s work can be divided into four major stages, these built upon each

other and were not entirely separate. Each phase of his career built upon and grew out of

his previous research.

A Brief History of Scientific Research to Determine the Age of the Earth

The currently accepted age of the Earth stems directly from Clair Patterson’s

work on radiochronometry, using radioisotopes to determine the ages of rocks. The

evidence and logic that led scientists to conclude that the Earth and other parts of the

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solar system are indeed 4.55 billion years old, however, grew out of a discussion that is at

least as ancient as the written word.

The popular understanding of the age of the Earth originated from religious

accounts of creation, popularized through various texts, many of which arrived at

dramatically different conclusions. For example, the Western understanding of the age of

the Earth stemmed from the creation story set forth in Genesis. In 1654, Archbishop

James Ussher used a literal interpretation of Biblical chronology, combined with counting

of astronomical cycles, historical accounts and numerology to calculate that God created

the Earth on “the entrance of the night preceding the twenty third day of October in the

year of the Julian Calendar Callendar 710,”[25] that is to say October 23, 4004 BC, thus

indicating that the Earth is approximately 6,000 years old.12 According to Hindu

cosmology, the Earth is measured in relation to the birth and re-birth cycle of Brahma,

the creator god, and the universe is understood to be timeless. The current creation,

according to this view, is believed to be in its 51st year of the present Brahma, implying

that the Universe is about 155 trillion years old. By the beginning of the 18th century,

however, natural scientists started to question these religious views and began to develop

scientific methods to measure the age of the Earth based upon experimentation,

observation, and scientifically based reasoning.

In the mid to late 1700s, the age of the Earth became “one of the most hotly

debated subjects of science.”[27] Scientists interested in this question could largely be

12 According to Reese et. al, the 4004 BCE date was not originally calculated by James Ussher, but had been around since St. Basil the Great in 379. Reese, R.L., S.M. Everett, and E.D. Craun, The chronology of Archbishop James Ussher. Sky and Telescope, 1981. 62: p. 404-405.

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separated into two major categories: 1) physicists who sought to calculate the age of the

Earth based upon a set of initial conditions, including the cooling of the Earth and the

accumulation of salt in the ocean, and 2) geologists and biologists who attempted to draw

conclusions about the Earth’s age based upon observations of the rock and fossil record.

The age of the Earth as calculated by physicists in the 18th and early 19th centuries varied

dramatically from thousands of years13 to several millions of years. Uniformitarian

geologists extrapolated the Earth’s age from the vast number of different layers of rock

they observed and concluded that the Earth must be millions, if not billions, of years

old.14 James Hutton, the founder of uniformitarianism, famously wrote that he observed

“no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.”[28]

There was no single estimate of the Earth’s age in the mid 1800’s and there was

certainly no good way to arrive at one. Various attempts were made to estimate the

Earth’s age, from sedimentation rates and other geological phenomena. The attempts

produced estimates from about 100 million years up to several billion years. There were

two major problems with such efforts: the first is that geological history was incomplete,

the second is variability and incomplete knowledge of the rates of geological processes.

13 Comte du Buffon, a French naturalist, pioneered the first attempt to calculate the age of the Earth in 1779. Using the assumption that the Earth was created from a solid ball of molten material, he attempted to measure the age of the Earth by calculating rate of cooling of Earth-like material, using this to infer creation taking place approximately 75,000 years ago. 14 Building upon Steno’s Principle of Superposition, which states that younger layers of rocks are laid down atop older rocks, William Smith of England suggested that two layers of rocks located in two different geographical locations containing the same fossilized remains were likely from the same geological time period. Using this major concept to compare various fossil remains from different locations, Smith’s student, John Phillips, calculated that the Earth was at least 96 million years old.

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In 1862, British physicist William Thompson, later Lord Kelvin,15 estimated that the

Earth was 98 million years based upon its rate of cooling. In 1897 he revised his estimate

downwards to between 20 and 40 million years. Geologists were stumped by how the

observed diversity of Earth’s stratigraphy could have been produced in such a short

period of time. Similarly, contemporary biologists, including Charles Darwin and

Thomas Huxley, were mystified by how evolution by natural selection could have

possibly occurred in such a short time frame.[27]

In 1895, however, German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen observed energy being

emitted from a cathode-ray tube that caused paper coated with barium platinocyanide to

luminesce, even when the paper had been separated from the tube with a layer of

cardboard. These invisible rays, which Roentgen called x-rays, inspired a French

chemist, Henri Becquerel, to study rays emitted from uranium salts. In 1896 Becquerel

found that the radiation darkened a wrapped photographic plate and induced electrical

conductivity in gasses. Two years later, in 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered that

similar radiation was emitted from thorium, coined the phrase “radioactivity,” and

determined that radioactivity was a property of specific elements. The discovery meant

that a key assumption on which calculations of the age of the Earth were based,

specifically that the Earth and the Sun were created at some point in the past and have

15 William Thompson, also known as Lord Kelvin, was an extremely productive scientist and over his scientific career he published more than 600 scientific papers and books on a wide range of subjects including electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, atmospheric electricity, geomagnetism, tidal theory, and the age of the Earth. His work on dating the age of the Earth inspired primarily through his research in thermodynamics and a natural extension of his work to determine the age of the sun based upon the dissipation of heat from one body to another. His studies were largely controversial and were contested by numerous prominent geologists and physicists of the time.

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been steadily cooling ever since, was incorrect. Based upon their observation that

elements, like thorium, could in some circ*mstances release heat in the form of radiation,

the Earth’s temperature now is warmer than it would be without the radiation. In this

sense, a temperature calculated based upon steady cooling would produce a drastic

underestimate for the age of the Earth. [27, 29]

Within a few years of the initial discovery of radioactivity, Ernest Rutherford

began to characterize radioactive elements and to study their decay patterns. Through

these studies and his collaboration with Fredrick Soddy, a paper was produced in 1902

which introduced a new model for rates of radioactive change by observing the

exponential decay in radioactive gas emitted by thorium. This decay of the atoms in

radioactive material, they concluded, occurs as an unstable parent element spontaneously

degrades into a daughter element, releasing radiation in the form of alpha or beta

particles. In 1903, Rutherford and Soddy published another paper suggesting that the

decay products may be helium atoms. Subsequently, in 1905, Rutherford suggested that

radioactivity could be used as a way to measure time in the geological record:

The helium observed in the radioactive minerals is almost certainly due to its production from the radium and other radioactive substances contained therein. If the rate of production of helium from know weights of the different radio elements were experimentally known, it should thus be possible to determine the interval required for the production of the amount of helium observed in radioactive minerals, or, in other words, to determine the age of the mineral.[27, 30]

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The first attempts to use radiometric dating to measure the age of the Earth

occurred shortly after the initial discovery of radioactivity;16,17 however, these efforts

were futile since many of the methods and tools necessary to calculate the age of the

Earth had not yet been discovered or invented and it would be several decades before

radioactivity would be understood sufficiently to be useful for this purpose. These failed

attempts, however, fueled even more curiosity about the stable products of the decay

series of uranium, thorium, and radium and determining their abundances and half-


Each particular radioactive isotope of an element decays into an isotope of

another element at a specific rate. The characteristic time it takes for half of a given

isotope to decay is known as its half-life. As Rutherford and other scientists began to

characterize the radioactive isotopes, they found that some have relatively short half-lives

while others have relatively long ones. Additionally, each isotope has a characteristic

16 The first attempt to use radioactivity to date the Earth was made by Bertram Boltwood and Rutherford in 1904. Their experiment relied on the idea that alpha particles released in the decay of radium would be trapped in the Earth’s sediments as helium atoms and not released over time. According to this thought, measuring the concentration of helium in any given sample would reveal its age. Using this technique and the half-life, they dated an Earth rock to 40 million years. 40In 1905, Bolwood suggested lead was the final stable product of the decay of radium, and also an intermediate product from the decay of uranium. Using what he knew about radium-lead decay, he aged rocks from 250 million to 1.3 billion years old. Although his estimate of the Earth’s age was inaccurate, his paper, published in 1907 made clear that sediments from the same layers had similar uranium-lead ratios and that generally, samples from younger layers had a lower proportion of lead. 40In 1905, Bolwood suggested lead was the final stable product of the decay of radium, and also an intermediate product from the decay of uranium. Using what he knew about radium-lead decay, he aged rocks from 250 million to 1.3 billion years old. Although his estimate of the Earth’s age was inaccurate, his paper, published in 1907 made clear that sediments from the same layers had similar uranium-lead ratios and that generally, samples from younger layers had a lower proportion of lead.

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decay series, which is a series of unstable and stable isotopes of other elements into

which each radioactive isotope decays. This observation was promising for geologists

who sought to use these radioactive isotopes to measure the age of the Earth. Elements

like uranium and thorium were known to have half-lives long enough so that both parent

and daughter isotopes remain in the Earth crust. The proportion of the parent isotope to

the daughter isotope would be directly related to the Earth’s age.

Scientists continued to study and characterize the decay patterns of radioactive

isotopes over the next several years. The new fields of nuclear physics and nuclear

chemistry grew out of studies of radioactivity, the structure of the atom, and the

measurement of isotopic abundances using sophisticated machinery including mass

spectrometers and spectrographs. Leading up to World War II, there was an increased

interest in learning more about the structure of the atom, subatomic particles, and the

applications of the new knowledge. In 1942, the Manhattan Project began, and the

nation’s physical scientists began working furiously, not only to understand more about

physical chemistry, but also to employ it in new, different ways. World War II brought

about a sense of unity among young scientists, and many, including Patterson, became

increasingly familiar with mass spectrometry and radioactivity.

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Figure 1: Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation emission: A. α radiation occurs when a nucleus of an unstable isotope emits an α particle, which is composed of two protons and two neutrons and is also equivalent to the nucleus of a helium atom. B. β radiation occurs when an unstable nucleus emits an electron. As the emission occurs, a neutron turns into a proton. According to the quantum-mechanical model of the atom, an electron's probability is zero in the nucleus, so the electron will be emitted as soon as it forms. γ radiation occurs when an unstable nucleus emits electromagnetic radiation. The radiation has no mass, so its emission does not change the element. However, gamma radiation often accompanies α and β emission (picture not shown).

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Radioactive Isotope


Stable Isotope




Decay Constant, λ

(yr-1) 238U 206Pb 4,470 1.55125 * 10-10

235U 207Pb 704 9.8485 * 10-10

87Rb 87Sr 48,800 1.42 * 10-11

40K 40Ca 1,250 5.81 * 10-11

147Sm 143Nd 106,000 6.54 * 10-12

187Re 187Os 43,000 1.612 * 10-11

232Th 208Pb 14,000 4.948 * 10-11

176Lu 176Hf 35,900 1.93 * 10-11

Table 1: Common radioactive isotopes used in radiochronometry: In the above table are common radioactive isotopes used in radiochronometry, their stable isotopes, and the corresponding half life. Notice the half lives and decay constants have a wide range. (ma is used to denote million years.)[27]

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Figure courtesy of Ohio State University, Department of Astronomy

Figure 2: Pictorial representation of uranium-lead decay over time: Consider a rock that solidified containing both 238U and 235U. 238U decays with a half-life of 4.47 Gyr, ending up eventually as 206Pb, a stable lead isotope while 235U decays with a half-life of 710 (704) Myr, ending up eventually as 207Pb, a different stable lead isotope. Over time, in the rock, there will be less 238U and even less 235U since it has a smaller half-life. There will also be more lead of both isotopes, but in different isotopic proportions because of the different radioactive decay rates of the parent uranium isotopes.

Clair Patterson’s Science

Stage 1- Basic Work in Nuclear Chemistry

Towards the end of the war, geochemists and geophysicists began once again to

investigate aggressively the age of the Earth. Few radiometric ages of common rocks had

been determined. Alfred Nier, having established quantitative relationships between

various lead and uranium isotope abundances and decay rates, had measured the ages of a

few uranium-ore deposits from the elemental composition of large zircon crystals, which

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are rich in uranium and poor in non-radiogenic lead.[18] Although the concept of using

uranium and lead isotopes to date common igneous rocks and meteorites seemed

straightforward, a problem arose because there were only trace quantities of uranium and

radiogenic lead in small zircon samples and there were no known methods able to

measure their isotopic composition accurately.

After World War II, Harrison Brown was interested in measuring trace elemental

and isotopic abundances using new, spectroscopic techniques developed during the war.

As a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University before the war, Brown had pioneered

the use of the mass spectrometer in cosmochemistry for work on cobalt isotopes in the

context of nuclear formation of elements in stars. This investigation led him to think

about how he could use the measurements of isotopes to determine the age of the Earth

from measurements of meteorites.

In 1947, Brown and Patterson published a paper which outlined the abundance of

light elements: sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium, calcium and titanium

and others, based upon the analysis of 107 separate stony meteorites. In this paper, they

discussed the distribution of elements among three major phases of meteorites: 1) the

silicate phase, composed of silicon, magnesium and iron oxides, 2) the metallic phase,

composed primarily of iron and nickel and 3) the troilite phase, composed of iron sulfide.

Although the concentration of an element could be determined in a single phase of the

meteorite, the relative abundance in the entire meteorite was difficult to determine. By

using the lithophile elements, which include oxygen, magnesium, calcium, sodium,

potassium and titanium, which are found only in the silicate phase, they were able to

calculate the abundances for individual species of light elements.[31]

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After successfully determining meteorite composition, Brown suggested Patterson

work with George Tilton, another graduate student, to develop new measurement

techniques to analyze the isotopic composition of the minuscule quantities of uranium

and lead in meteorites. Tilton was measuring uranium using alpha counting, and

Patterson worked to develop chemical and mass spectrometric techniques for measuring

both the abundance and isotopic compositions of trace amounts of lead in the rocks.

Combining these uranium and lead data with Nier’s previous macro-scale studies and a

correction factor for lead contamination would yield ages of the rocks.[12]

Patterson’s work measuring lead concentrations began in 1948 in the University

of Chicago’s Kent Hall, which was overly dusty, did not have laminar air flow and air

filtration, and lacked Teflon containers.[12] Nonetheless, he reduced his sample blank to

0.1 microgram per gram, which was impressive by the standards of the time. By 1950,

working with milligrams of minerals separated from kilograms of rocks, Tilton and

Patterson devised techniques measuring micrograms of uranium and lead that provided

the first accurate radiometric ages of a ubiquitous type of igneous rock. In parallel with

the lead work, Patterson participated in an experiment to determine the branching ratio

for the decay of 40K to 40Ar and 40Ca. Patterson measured 40Ca within 4% of the accepted

value.[32] Although most of Patterson’s future work relied upon uranium-lead and lead-

lead data, he did in some of his earlier work verify his methods by looking at the ratio of


In 1951, Patterson submitted his dissertation, which presented lead isotopic

compositions for minerals separated from a billion year-old Precambrian granite. This

project was inspired years earlier by Brown’s visit to the United States Geological

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Society (USGS) to meet with Esper Larsen, Jr. Larsen was working on a method for

dating zircon in granite using both the alpha-lead method, which was a measure of

uranium and thorium content, and emission spectroscopy to measure the decay of

uranium and thorium.[12] Although Larsen obtained reasonable dates on rocks using this

method, Brown thought they could do better, and therefore arranged for Paterson to study

one of Larsen's rocks. Patterson obtained uranium-lead data on all of the major minerals

from the rock and found highly radiogenic lead in zircon, which showed that a common

accessory mineral in granites could be used for measuring accurate ages.

Stage 2 – Refinement of U-Pb Dating

At Caltech, Patterson continued work with Brown and hoped to determine the age

of the Earth. To measure the age of the Earth correctly, he and Brown realized they

could not rely on measurements of uranium and lead in Earth rocks alone. They believed

the constant recycling of the Earth’s crust, through plate tectonics, weathering and

erosion, adversely affected isotopic dating mechanisms. For this reason, conventional

isotopic dating methods, applied directly on samples of the Earth’s soil or rocks, would

not produce accurate measurements of the age of the Earth itself. Rather, these would

yield a measurement of that sediment’s age. To circumvent this problem, Patterson made

the assumption that the Earth was formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system.

Meteorites formed at the same time as the Earth, existed in a closed system since their

creation and contained lead and uranium of the same isotopic composition as that on

Earth. Meteorites could therefore be used to make the appropriate measurement for the

age of the Earth and the solar system.[4, 12, 19]

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In 1953, Patterson began a study of the troilite phase of the Canyon Diablo iron

meteorite, hoping to use the age of the meteorites to determine the age of the Earth. He

chose the Canyon Diablo meteorite because it contained sulfide minerals in three distinct

phases.[33] Three distinct separations between troilite, metallic nickel-iron alloys, along

with silicate minerals would allow for investigation of Pb-isotopic composition and the

uranium and lead concentrations. Patterson’s measurements of the meteorite were based

on lead-lead dating techniques, which are rooted in the decay of the uranium isotopes

238U and 235U, to lead isotopes, 206Pb and 207Pb, respectively. Since the two decay

processes occur at two different rates, their ratios can be used to come to a robust

conclusion about a particular rock’s age.[18]

The Canyon Diablo troilite had the lowest lead ratios that had ever been measured

and had extremely low concentrations of uranium. These findings indicated that its lead

composition must not have changed significantly since the meteorite came to Earth, and

supported the idea that Canyon Diablo could be used as an indicator of primordial lead at

the creation of the solar system. Based upon this information and measurements taken

later from the Columbia River Basalt and oceanic sediments, Patterson presented at a

conference calculations of the Earth’s age as 4.51-4.56 billion years old.[4]

Following this success, Patterson began to focus on dating meteorites directly

instead of inferring their ages from the Canyon Diablo triolite initial lead ratios. This was

accomplished by measuring lead isotope ratios in two stony meteorites with spherical

chondrules, which are called chondrites, and a third stony meteorites without chondrules,

called achondrites.[4] To do this, Patterson sought to develop a generic connection

between meteorites and the Earth by deriving the following equations:

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Pb206/Pb207 = 9.5 + 1.014 * 238U/204Pb

Pb207/Pb204 = 10.41 + 0.601 * 238U/204Pb

Measurements from any two of the unknown quantities in these equations from a modern

lead sample would satisfy these equations if the sample belonged to the meteoritic

system. In other words, if modern Earth lead falls on the meteoritic isochron, it must

have evolved in a closed system at the same time. He also sought to determine whether

or not Earth sediment would satisfy the two equations by analyzing pelagic sediments,

samples from the deep sea. These samples are useful since they are like “an Earth in a

blender” by containing sediments from a large volume of starting material and thus may

present average lead in the crust.

By using five samples, instead of one, he refined his measurement of the Earth’s

age to be 4.55 ± 0.07 billion years. The co-linearity from this data set representing such a

wide range of isotopic compositions indicated that the assumptions of the Pb-Pb dating

method were correct and that the slope of the isochron represents the initial formation and

differentiation of the meteorites and the universe (Figure 3). The isotopic ratio of

common Earth leads was on the same isochron as the meteors, which supported the

conclusions that “the time since the Earth attained its present mass is 4.55 ±0.07 billion


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Figure 3 - Lead isochron for ocean sediment and meteorites: The slope of the isochron indicates an age of 4.54 ± 0.07 Gyr.[4]

Stage 3 – Measurement of Lead in Sediments

After Patterson dated the Earth to 4.55 billion years, he sought to use his isotopic

methods to learn more about the Earth’s history, in particular how the concentration of

lead has changed through geologic time. Although he had used the uranium-lead dating

method to determine the age of sediments, a problem remained. He had not yet devised a

method to determine what happened to the lead on Earth over time. In 1955, he began to

measure quantities of lead in various sediments from around the United States, as well as

from pelagic sediments, which are marine sediments from the deep ocean.

One paper which characterizes Patterson’s work during this period was published

in 1962 and discussed the occurrence and significance of lead isotopes in pelagic

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sediments.[34] Considered “encyclopedic” by some,[12] “The occurrence and

significance of lead isotopes in pelagic sediments” introduced Patterson’s concern with

anthropogenic lead pollution as he presented isotopic data collected from sediment

samples from several locations on the sea floors of the Pacific and Atlantic using standard

gravity and piston coring techniques. According to Patterson and Chow, “The aim of this

study [was to] establish the mean isotopic composition of lead today in the Earth’s

crust.”[34] What was more important than the average value, however, was the

variability. They found a difference between lead isotopes in ocean water,18 as measured

from manganese nodules, and lead measured directly in the pelagic sediments.

Specifically, far more mechanically deposited lead accumulated in pelagic sections

during the past million years than in marine sections, whereas there is more particulate

lead entering marine sections than pelagic sections. Measurements published in this

paper also showed that current influx of dissolved lead in pelagic areas is currently seven

times greater than the input of lead into the oceanic environment one million years ago.

Additionally, the consistency in variation between different sites over the course of the

last million years suggested that ocean circulation patterns have been somewhat stable

and that the difference in the levels of dissolved lead from the upper to lower waters

results from a change in lead emission over time.[35]

Another key observation included in Chow and Patterson 1962, although not a

major focus, pertained to the influx of lead resulting from industrial activities over the

past several hundred years. They stated in the middle of the paper, as they are discussing

the patterns of influx and efflux of lead, in the world’s oceans that:

18 Sections of ocean water on which isotope measurements are taken are also known as “marine sections.”

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The rate at which dissolved lead is removed can not be readily compared with the rate at which it is introduced into the oceans because of the effects of industrial contamination and large uncertainties in available analytical data.. . .We believe that present soluble denudation is distinctly abnormal compared to the average for the last one my years.[34]

They also suggested that a large portion of the lead in young ocean water may be

contaminated by mined lead. Towards the end of the paper, more information is included

about the importance of investigating the specific effects of industrialization in regard to

lead emission. In notes seven and eight, Patterson and Chow include rates of lead

currently released into the environment and suggest “the increase in soluble lead

emissions could potentially establish tracer conditions for investigating mechanisms in

the weathering and marine cycles and the disadvantage of obscuring measurements of

true magnitudes in these cycles.”[36] These assertions, tucked away in the midst of 46

pages of text and included as an aside in the end notes, became the focus of Patterson’s

work, and motivated him to embark upon studying the impact of lead on our modern


Beginning in 1963, Patterson began to closely investigate the concentration of

common lead in the ocean. First, Patterson and Mitsunobu Tatsumoto from the USGS in

Denver, Colorado, measured the concentration of lead collected off the coast of Southern

California using isotopic dilution methods, and found that there was an abrupt decrease in

lead concentrations as one moved from the surface of the ocean to the deep sea.[37]

This difference, they proposed, resulted primarily from industrial contamination, the bulk

of which could be attributed to the tetraethyl lead (TEL) included in gasoline.

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Figure 4: Lead concentration profiles in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Oceans: At the Mediterranean and Pacific stations, lead concentrations are high in surface waters and uniformly low in deeper waters. At the Atlantic stations, the concentrations do not follow a uniform trend with depth. In general, lead concentrations at the Atlantic stations appear to increase from surface to intermediate or deep waters and decrease again in deep waters. The length of the horizontal bar at each point denotes estimated analytical uncertainty.[38]

This study was continued during the same year as Patterson and Tatsumoto collected

more data to measure the influx of lead to the oceans in the Mediterranean and in the

Atlantic. This time, measurements were taken to better insure the accuracy of the data

and to look into some of the uncertainties that previously existed in analytical techniques

and sample preparation. To establish that the increased concentration of lead at the

surface of the ocean water was from TEL aerosols and not dust, snow from three separate

falls was collected and analyzed from an isolated meadow near Mount Lassen Volcanic

National Park. The lead in the snow samples was analyzed for silica as well as for lead,

and results were normalized. They wrote, “The lead concentration in snow was found to

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be 10-100 times larger than those measured in sea-water, so that only a small number of

years of such precipitation are required to provide the amount of lead now present in the

surface waters of the oceans of the northern hemisphere.”[39]

Results from the oceanic samples indicate that water from the past few decades in

the Pacific, Atlantic and in the Mediterranean contained three to ten times more lead than

older water (see figure 5). The Atlantic values, however, increases towards the mid-

ocean depths for multiple reasons. First and foremost, the stations in the Atlantic were

located thousands of miles away from industrial centers, thus resulting in less industrial

lead contamination. Secondly, the ocean current patterns vary in different parts of the

world which results in younger water towards the surface of the Mediterranean and

Pacific Oceans, while the younger waters in the Atlantic are located in the intermediate

and deep Atlantic.[38] This provided new evidence for disturbance in the balance of the

natural geochemical cycle for lead by anthropogenic lead input and emphasized that the

effects of lead contamination in the environment were not local.

Stage 4 – Measurement of Lead in the Modern Environment

Patterson’s dedication to reducing unnatural lead contamination in the

environment is eloquently expressed in his first popular article, “Contaminated and

Natural Lead Environments of Man,” published in 1965.[5] In this paper, he explains

that the current industrial level of lead is much greater than people think by explaining

the difference between natural lead levels and increased or contaminated levels. In the

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process, he refuted popular misconceptions about safe levels of lead in the human blood

stream. He wrote:

A prevailing belief is that industrial and natural sources contribute more or less equal amounts of lead to the body burdens of the general population. It is also commonly believed that the significant range of natural lead concentrations in the blood is not much displaced from the interval between an average natural level and the average toxic level. A new approach to this matter suggests that the average resident of the United States is being subjected to severe chronic lead insult. [40]

Patterson continued by explaining the degree to which lead was being used in

industrial processing, and emphasized that the air people breathe in the northern

hemisphere contains approximately 1000 times the natural level of lead. He also

explained why lead is dramatically different than “other kinds of industrial filth” in

that lead not only has the potential to shorten human lives, but also has a great

probability of leading to “intellectual irritability and dysfunction” in those that live in

large American cities.[41]

The poignant phrase “severe chronic lead insult,” which is repeated multiple times

throughout the paper, along with the introduction of startling statistics and powerful

descriptions of a lead filled future, clearly communicate the urgency of reducing lead

in the environment. In a laundry list format at the conclusion of the paper, Patterson

prioritized some issues he felt deserve consideration and support. These include:

Defining natural and toxic lead levels with greater care than in the past; investigating deleterious effects of severe chronic lead insult; investigating the dispersion of industrial lead into food chains; elimination of some of the most serious sources of lead pollution such as lead alkyls,

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insecticides, food can solder, water service pipes, kitchenware glazes, and paints; and a reevaluation by persons in positions of responsibility in the field of public health of their role in the matter.[42]

It is not coincidental that these activities were, in fact, what Patterson himself ended up

pursuing throughout the rest of his scientific career. This paper presents an outline for his

future scientific contributions and serves as evidence that Patterson’s scientific endeavors

did not change significantly over time, despite the opposition he encountered.

Following Patterson’s powerful 1965 paper, he began to publish concrete

evidence to suggest that anthropogenic lead had measurable consequences. These papers,

in combination, help to establish a lead budget. In one paper, “Skeletal Concentrations of

Lead in Ancient Peruvians,” written with Jonathon Ericson and Hiroshi Shirahata,

Patterson measured the concentration of lead in the human body introduced through

anthropogenic lead pollution by comparing lead concentrations in the bones of modern

humans to those in six ancient Peruvians, dated to 4900-5300 years ago.[43] The

Peruvian skeletons came from arid deserts, where there was minimal lead contamination

from soil moisture. Although other scientists had reported increased lead concentrations

in human bones following the industrial revolution, Patterson claimed that their studies

underreported the changes because they did not choose appropriate comparison

specimens. He wrote, “Bones of people who lived since 4500 years bp19 in the Old

World should not be analyzed for natural lead values because about 200 tons of lead per

year were produced after that date.”[44] Therefore, although other authors found a

difference between current and former lead levels, their data were not accurate.

19 BP, which stands for “before physics” or “before present,” is used to denote years before 1950.

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After thoroughly cleaning the bones of remaining soil and potential contaminants

added during the collection and transportation of the specimens, Patterson and colleagues

measured lead concentration within them. The lead came from two sources: 1) lead

accumulated from diet and 2) lead accumulated from soil moisture absorbed during

burial. To subtract the non-biological lead sources from measurements, they measured

the barium to calcium ratio as well as the lead to calcium ratio in the tooth enamel and in

the bone. In natural samples, the Ba/Ca and Pb/Ca ratios are known to be approximately

equal. Additionally, the ratio of lead to calcium increases with age in human skeletons.

Taking these two facts into consideration, Patterson determined that the lead

concentration in modern man is one hundred times greater than the lead concentrations in

ancient Peruvians.

In this paper, as in the past, Patterson not only presented his scientific findings,

but also emphasized the importance of acting upon the scientific knowledge in a

responsible manner. In particular, he emphasized the impact of industrial lead

contamination on the scientific community’s ability to measure controls, stating:

no one has yet studied natural interactions of lead in human cells, because all reagents and nutrients used in laboratory and field studies, as well as controls, have been excessively contaminated with industrial lead. Therefore, lead interactions observed now in typical human cells are probably unnatural because biochemical dysfunctions are proportional to variations in the degree of lead exposure, and present-day man is subjected to exposures that elevate concentrations of lead in skeletons about 500-fold above natural levels.[45]

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He encouraged other scientists and health professionals to “deal with” and “accept” that

there is a vast difference between natural concentrations of lead in humans and the

current high level of lead in humans and to work to develop solutions.[45]

In 1980, Patterson wrote a key paper with Dorothy Settle called “Lead in

Albacore: Guide to Lead Pollution in Americans,” which investigated one factor

contributing to the dramatic difference in the amount of lead consumed by modern

Americans and ancient Peruvians.[46] Patterson and Settle measured muscle from tuna, a

large carnivorous fish with the smallest concentration of lead measured in biological

tissue, ranging from 0.0005 to 0.03 ng/g in fish dwelling in surface sea water. They

found that three different commercial brands of water-packed canned tuna and two

varieties of oil packed canned tuna contained approximately 10,000 times this amount

due to food handling, processing, and packaging.

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Figure 5 – World lead production during the past 5500 years. The increase in lead production approximately 5000 years ago in the Old World suggests using specimens from these regions after 5000bp will result in inaccurate comparisons between ancient and current levels of lead.[47]

This information affirmed Patterson’s suspicions about lead in food packaging,

and he began to urge that lead-soldered cans for food be eliminated. Although

government regulatory agencies had previously measured lead in food before and after

packaging, there was a poor conception of how much lead leached into the food because

of other labs’ poor measurement techniques and high analytical errors, as well as a gross

overestimation of safe levels of lead in the human diet. In re-doing measurements taken

on plant and animal tissue in government labs, Patterson found “serious errors” in almost

every case resulting in measurements of lead that were off by a factor of 1000. This led

him to the conclusion that:

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Clearly the regulatory agencies lack the ability to correctly monitor the extent of lead pollution. The recent decline in the quality of most lead analyses (which is correlated with the increased volume of reported data) has been caused by a failure of investigators to recognize that proper acquisition of these data in meaningful samples is a challenging research problem that cannot be dealt with merely by using sophisticated instruments that reduce sample size and increase data output. The unusual sensitivity of tuna muscle to lead pollution can be used as a monitor that, combined with reliable new knowledge of the occurrences of lead and barium in wild plant and animal ecosystems and in bones of ancient humans can reveal the true magnitude of lead contamination in Americans.[48]

Additionally, he asserted that the governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug

Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency were not dealing adequately

with this problem “because they cannot accommodate this knowledge within their present

aims and obligations. This article places their obligations within a new context and

requires that they modify their aims. Regulatory agencies must understand that an

unrecognized form of lead poisoning may be affecting most Americans and a major

portion of the world’s population.”[49] Given the complexities of measuring lead and the

demonstrated lack of trained scientists in national laboratories and in other highly

respected universities, Patterson and Settle concluded the paper with a reminder about

how important it is in making measurements of lead to work in “ultraclean sanctuaries to

see whether natural biochemical processes differ from those in environments excessively

contaminated with industrial lead.” [50]

Patterson also conducted a number of studies looking at natural and current

concentrations of lead in ice and snow packs in the Arctic and Antarctic with the aim of

creating a lead budget by reconstructing the “natural, pre-human atmospheric fluxes of

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this toxic heavy metal” [51] and measuring the fluxes today.[52, 53] In 1969, Murozumi

et al. reported measurements taken from Greenland recent snow and ancient ice that

revealed an increase in lead concentration from 1 to 200pg/g during the past 3,000

years.[54] Additionally, there was a 100-fold increase in the lead to silicate dust ratio

over the same time interval. On this basis, they claimed that in the past, most lead in the

troposphere came from wind-entrained soil dust naturally, while in modern times, over

99% of the lead the troposphere originates from human activities.

Following the initial proposal of this model in 1969, no other investigators had

been able to control lead contamination during sample collection or laboratory analysis to

confirm or duplicate the Greenland data upon which the pollution claim was based.

Instead, other scientists proposed that the increased lead concentrations in the

environment were produced by various large-scale natural sources of lead, including

volcanoes, vegetation and rock volatilization, together with mechanisms which

concentrate lead in sea spray or precipitation relative to air. In 1981, however, Ng and

Patterson confirmed the original characterization of the ancient end of the Greenland

temporal lead curve by Murozumi et al. through the use of improved “ultra-clean

techniques.” [55] Ng and Patterson also modified the dust model to include

approximately equal contribution from volcanic fumes based upon measurements of

volcanic Pb/S ratios and global volcanic sulfur fluxes. By 1986, Boutron and Patterson

successfully used 10-14 Antarctic ice cores to confirm the lead contribution from

volcanic ash, dust, and sea salts from ocean spray using aluminum concentrations in the

ice over time. Analysis of the data showed that before humans began to mine lead, there

was no significant lead contribution by soil dust and volcanoes.[56]

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Moving Forward

Patterson’s new measurement techniques, along with his astuteness and ability to

ask the right questions, enabled him to measure levels of lead in the environment and to

show definitively how substantial the anthropogenic lead contribution really was

following the Industrial Revolution. Having made his claim that TEL in gasoline was a

serious hazard in the 1960s, Patterson felt obligated not only to show scientifically the

difference between natural and typical levels of lead in our environment, but also to work

towards making changes within the scientific and political communities about how to

address these quantities, as will be discussed in the next chapter.

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Best scientists lack the comfort of peers Their science is always at first incredible, Event though later it teaches more. . . . Why do they struggle so? Because in each discovery of new knowledge Lies an awareness of the beauty and worth of human life, Which enslaves them as guardians of human destiny.

-Clair Patterson August 23, 1981[57] _____________________________________________________________

Lead possesses many unique properties that have contributed to its widespread

use since ancient times.20 Because lead is non-corrosive in water, malleable, and readily

available, it has been used extensively in large scale plumbing systems, architecture,

construction of ships, and writing tablets. Its density and malleability make it useful for

making sinkers and weights, and its low melting point make it ideal as an ingredient of

solder. Its atomic configuration and color variability make it a good dye and opacifier in

glass. It has been used as a pigment in makeup and paints from as early as the late

Paleolithic period.21[58]

20 It is unclear when lead was first utilized since ancient texts often used words for lead, tin, zinc, arsenic, and antimony interchangeably; however, there is considerable evidence that lead was used during the pre-Hellenistic period, and was certainly referenced in ancient Hebrew and Arabic writings. 21 Lead minerals come in a variety of colors. For example, galena (PbS) is silver in color, whereas niello (an alloy of sulfur, lead, copper, or silver) is black, litharge (PbO) is yellow, grayish yellow, yellowish white, greenish yellow, bright yellow, reddish yellow or red, minium (Pb3O4) is bright red, and cerussite (PbCO3) is white. Nriagu, J.O.,

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Despite lead’s undeniable utility, it has not been particularly alluring; its early

applications were often a byproduct of silver mining and smelting. It is suspected, with

good reason, that the toxic properties of lead detracted greatly from its utility. In fact,

“the first person to commercialize metallic lead was probably poisoned by the lead fumes

from his or her kiln or furnace, and undoubtedly generations of artisans thorough

antiquity who worked with this dangerous metal received the same rude treatment.”[59]22

Nonetheless, the economic use of lead persisted from ancient times into the modern era,

and even grew substantially during the Industrial era, when it was used on a large scale in

paints as a pigment, as an additive in gasoline, in food processing, and in packaging and

was glamorized through aggressive advertising campaigns.

In this chapter, I will discuss the primary industrial uses of lead throughout the

20th century and how, over the course of several decades, the use of lead transitioned

from being a symbol of American success and strength, to being understood as a serious

hazard. This was facilitated by the scientific work of Clair Patterson following 1963,

discussed in chapter two, and his extraordinary efforts to compel political figures and

other prominent scientists to move away from the perception of lead as a solution to

large-scale industrial problems toward a new understanding of lead as a widespread

environmental and human health problem. As Patterson worked hard to affect public

policy changes, he fought vehemently against coordinated efforts to thwart his studies.

Patterson faced opposition not only from industry, but also from other scientists, and

Lead and Lead poisoning in antiquity. Environmental Science and Technology, ed. R.L. Metcalf and W. Stumm. 1983, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 437. 22 Lead is a neurotoxin which has the potential to cause damage to the peripheral nervous system, to blood forming organs, and to the gastrointestinal tract. Lead has been shown to decrease productivity and cause insanity and death. See Needleman’s work for more details.

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encountered difficulties in regulating substances through governmental policy. Armed

with knowledge and persistence, Patterson rose above these challenges.

Lead’s Use in the 20th Century

Following World War I, the consumer economy in the United States experienced

dramatic growth. As Americans started to work fewer hours and earn higher salaries,

they began to invest in the stock market, in new household items, and in some cases

family vehicles, like the Ford Models A and T. Rapid technological growth, increased

demand for modern conveniences, and a new sense of pride in American workmanship,

transformed American society and increased economic productivity.

By the 1920s, as it became more common for families to own automobiles, the

American auto industry struggled to solve a problem of engine knock.[60] 23 Engine

knock, which was named after its characteristic “ping” sound, often accompanied by

clanging and intense vibration of the engine’s valves and gears, was the sudden loss of

engine power that occurred when the pistons in the internal combustion engine reached

peak efficiency. If knock persisted for extended periods of time, or if it happened too

regularly, the engine would be destroyed. Solving the problem would allow the

23 Engine knock occurs only in engines with high compression ratios. The heat from the compression stroke is enough to detonate the fuel before the piston reaches the appropriate point.

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manufacture of more powerful engines that would be able to run more efficiently on the

available fuel.24

In 1921, Thomas Midgley, Jr., a mechanical engineer and inventor, began

working with Charles Kettering25 at Dayton Engineering, where he was told to solve the

knock problem.[61] As an engineer, he began learning more about the knock problem by

photographing the engine as it functioned. He determined that the knock problem was

caused by gasoline that was prematurely combusting in the engine cylinder. As he

described, “When a spark occurs in a cylinder, a wall of flame spread out from this point.

. . .[However,] when any gas is heated either it must expand or its pressure must rise.

They layer of gas just in the front of the flame is so intensely heated that it rises to a very

high pressure, and in some cases. . .the gas in front of the flame wall is subjected to such

a high pressure that it goes off with a bang—that is detonation.”[61] He began an

aggressive experimental program to find a solution to the knock problem, and decided to

add a dark, oil-soluble dye to gasoline, hoping that there would be a noticeable effect.

Although he was unable to locate a dye that met his specifications, a stock room attendant

suggested he use iodine. Much to his surprise, the iodine solution cured engine knock.

Iodine produced a foul odor and was much too expensive to serve as a marketable

solution to engine knock; however, this success led Midgley to experiment with other oil-

24 Knock also became a significant concern to the U.S. government since it affected cars and airplanes used by the military and therefore compromised security. 25 Charles Kettering was a well known mechanical engineer and inventor who held more than 300 patents. As the inventor of the all-electric starting, ignition and lighting system for automobiles, he established himself as an important figure in the development of the auto industry and became the Vice President of General Motors Research Corporation in 1920.

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soluble dyes and odorless iodine compounds.[61] In 1922, Tabby Boyd, Midgley’s

assistant, synthesized a small amount of tetraethyl lead (TEL), Pb(CH2H5)4, a toxin

originally discovered in 1852 by a German chemist, and determined that it was a suitable

solution to the knock problem.26 When added in quantities as small as one-twentieth of

one percent, it guaranteed efficient combustion of gasoline. The resistance to premature

detonation is measured by the rated octane number of the fuel. Adding TEL to gasoline

raised the octane rating of the fuel, thus allowing the manufacturers to successfully use

higher compression ratios, increasing the power and fuel economy.

Health authorities, however, were alarmed about the potential for wide-spread

lead poisoning of workers in the gasoline refining industry, as well as members of the

general public who would be exposed to exhaust from the fuel. [13, 61, 62] Midgley,

Kettering and Boyd were aware of the potential problem. Boyd recalled:

From the outset it was appreciated that putting lead in gasoline might possibly introduce a health hazard. . .The first opinions of the doctors who were consulted were full of such frightening phrases as ‘grave fevers,’ ‘distinct risk,’ ‘widespread lead poisoning’ and the like. The source of the possible hazard to health thought of at first was not so much that from the tetraethyl lead itself as that from finely divided lead dust in engine exhaust.[60]

Migdley, concerned that there were no required tests to ensure safety of the TEL by the

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), sought advice from

Harvard and Columbia medical schools, promising there would be “no strings

attached”[63] about what would be published in scientific journals. He also attempted to

26 It is called the octane number because the hydrocarbon octane was used as the standard, and pure octane has an octane rating of 100.

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gather information from the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the agency that at the time was

responsible for regulating automobile exhaust fumes and could investigate the exhaust of

fuel with TEL as compared to fuel without it and compare toxicity.[61] The universities

did not conduct studies, and industry had a direct influence on the US Bureau of Mines,

which subsequently approved the use of TEL. When the Surgeon General expressed

concern, Midgley responded by saying health had been “given very serious consideration

. . . although no actual experimental data has been taken.”[63] He and his co-workers

assumed that the harmful particles would be filtered out of the exhausted during the

combustion process.

Midgley and Boyd continued to research why TEL was an efficient additive to

fuel and received the first auto industry sponsored research funds not directly related to

product development.[61] They discovered that TEL itself was not the chemical

responsible for curing engine knock; rather, the TEL combusted in the engine with the

gasoline to produce a byproduct that stopped the clanging. Midgley also conducted his

own studies on leaded-fuel exhaust and concluded that there was no lead in the end

product. Using these results, which later proved to be faulty, he convinced scientists and

executives that there was not a significant health risk associated with the use of TEL in

gasoline. He served as an advocate for the use of TEL and the new manufacturing

processes that he developed.

In 1923, Midgley was contacted by a German scientist, whose identity in not

known, who warned him that TEL and similar compounds were directly associated with

negative health effects and, in some cases, death.[61] Though he ignored this warning,

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by 1923 Migdley himself began to show signs of lead poisoning. Yet Midgley remained

confident that lead, when handled correctly, could be perfectly safe. In 1924, General

Motors (GM) and Standard Oil of New Jersey formed the Ethyl Corporation, which

Kettering and Migdley headed as President and Vice President, respectively.27 In the

spring, there were several deaths and severe illnesses among DuPont employees who

worked with TEL. These cases were not publicized and leaded gasoline began to be was

sold under the name “Ethyl” to distance TEL from the negative connotation of lead.[64]28

Leaded gasoline, which was sold for ~$0.04 more than unleaded gasoline, had

immediate market success, as drivers noticed the disappearance of knock when they

added the leaded fuel to their tanks.[64, 65] By the middle of 1924, “Ethyl” in leaded

gasoline had been transformed into a symbol of American prosperity, strength, and

stability (See Figure 6). Realizing the potential for profit, the nascent lead industry began

to exercise their political power to prevent the government from studying exhaust from

leaded fuel.

27 There was a complicated “web” of corporate relationships which led to the production and sale of TEL gasoline. Du Pont, which was responsible for the production of leaded gasoline, was partially owned by GM until 1957. 28 This name was coined by Kettering, who at this point, was well aware of the health risks introduced by TEL.

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Figure 6: Ethyl Controls the Giant Power of Gasoline – This advertisem*nt from November 1924was part of a campaign by the Ethyl Corporation to emphasize the superior strength, speed, and stability associated with the addition of “ethyl” to gasoline. At no point was it visible on advertisem*nts that “ethyl” is tetra ethyl lead.[66]

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In 1924, GM officials commissioned the U.S. Bureau of Mines, part of the

Department of the Interior, to conduct a study of the effects of leaded fuel exhaust on

public health. The research grant gave the Ethyl Corporation effective veto power over

what could be published and publicly distributed.[67] Rather than study the effect of

exhaust on the general public, the Bureau of Mines agreed to study the effects of the

exposure of DuPont employees to the liquid fuel and its vapors, framing TEL as an

occupational health issue rather than a more general environmental issue. GM added the

stipulation that “all manuscripts, before publication, will be submitted to the Company

for comment and criticism.” Two months later, the company added the word “approval”

to the clause, effectively giving Ethyl Gasoline Corporation veto power over the Bureau

of Mines research.[68]

Kettering and GM hired Dr. Robert A. Kehoe, a pathologist at the medical school

of the University of Cincinnati, to defend the use of TEL in gasoline.[12, 62, 65]29

Kehoe insisted that TEL was not a health hazard and that, with the proper procedures, it

29 Kehoe formed a long term relationship with the Ethyl Corporation and had a very successful career. Shortly after being hired by Kettering, he became the Medical Director of Ethyl Corporation. He gained scientific prominence in the mid-1920s and became the most vocal and outspoken American scientist on lead poisoning. He was very influential in the development of industrial hygiene and public health in the United States, and he became a Fellow of the American Medical Association (Vice Chairman, Council on Industrial Health); Member of the Governing Council, American Public Health Association; President of the American Academy of Occupational Medicine; Director of the Industrial Medical Association; Director and then President of the American Industrial Hygiene Association; Vice President of the Ohio Academy of Sciences; Vice President of Sigma Xi; and a recipient of many prestigious awards. Robert Kehoe and the lead industry were very closely entwined in more ways than just the theory and practice of occupational health protection—the lead industry built and equipped a laboratory for him, paid his salary (minus the $1.00 per year he received from the University of Cincinnati) Nriagu, J.O., Clair Patterson and Robert Kehoe's paradigm of "show me the data" on environmental lead poisoning. Environmental Research, 1998. 78(2): p. 71-78.

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posed no harm. After instituting new procedures in Ethyl facilities, the number of

DuPont employees with lead poisoning dropped by 18%, which Kehoe considered a

success. Kehoe conducted numerous elaborate, dangerous and poorly controlled studies

to show lead does not accumulate in the body. In one particular study, Kehoe exposed

several men to lead through the air and in their food for up to five years, while exposing a

control group to no non-environmental lead. During this time period, he measured the

lead in their bodily fluids, including blood, feces, and urine. Since all of his subjects

showed similar levels of lead, he concluded that there were significant levels of lead that

were “natural” in everyone. Kehoe did not, however, measure the amount of lead in the

bone, where lead accumulates. Moreover, his control group consisted of men who

worked in the TEL plants and therefore had high amounts of absorbed lead in their

bodies, as well as Mexican immigrants who ate from lead-glazed pottery.[69] Therefore,

these studies were meaningless. Kehoe, however, proclaimed that “these necessarily

extensive studies should not be repeated at present, at public expense, but that they

should be continued at the expense of the industry most concerned.”[70]

Beginning in 1924, Kehoe and other members of the lead and oil industries,

proposed that lead would be completely removed from gasoline if it were scientifically

proven that lead was responsible for damaging human health. Those who wanted to err

on the side of caution by implementing regulations on lead were painted as irrational and

emotionally-driven. The table was turned against the public health experts and the Kehoe

paradigm was affirmed. This way of thinking became known as the Kehoe “Show me the

data” paradigm, as defined by Nriagu.[62] Dr. Kehoe was the lead industry’s right hand

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man. Nearly half a century later, he would become one of Clair Patterson’s greatest


The domestic use of lead also became popular during the end of the 19th century

and the beginning of the 20th century. As more families moved out of apartments and

into single family homes, the production of paint and other domestic items shifted away

from small, local plants to become a large-scale national industry. The train network

provided a simple way to transport copious amounts of raw materials, including lead,

necessary to supply the nation’s demand for plumbing, washing machines, irons,

vacuums, food packaging, and most significantly paint, all of which contained large

amounts of lead. In the late 19th century, the means of producing lead-based pigments,

which remained the predominant basis for paints until the 1930s, was substantially

improved as faster, cheaper methods for producing lead carbonate through the so-called

“Dutch Process” were perfected.[64]

The new marketing schemes utilized by the United States Lead Industries

Association were rather aggressive: beginning as early as 1904, but particularly in the

1920s and 1930s, they launched advertising campaigns in popular magazines promoting

the use of leaded paint on interior walls, woodwork, and children’s toys, as well the use

of lead in plumbing, food packaging, and solder.[64] Typically, these advertisem*nts

emphasized the health benefits of using lead in every day items. Many of the

advertisem*nts were aimed towards children. Although lead was a known neurotoxin,

the lead industry worked to convince the public that lead was safe, clean, and healthy.30

30 The campaign is discussed in great detail in the book Deceit and Denial. Medical research done on lead was conducted by a number of people. Most noteworthy is Herbert Needleman who conducted behavioral and medical studies at the same time as Patterson.

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One particular advertising campaign spearheaded by the National Lead Company

argued that “lead helps to guard your health” by making available many modern

conveniences. One advertisem*nt states, “You wouldn’t live in a house without an

adequate plumbing system. For without modern plumbing, sickness might endanger your

life. Lead concealed in the walls and under the floors of many modern buildings helps to

give the best sanitation,”[71] (Figure 7).

Needleman and Patterson got along very well and both supported the removal of gasoline from goods.

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Figure 7 – Lead helps to guard your health: This add shows the variety of ways lead is used with the home, emphasizing the importance of lead in plumbing to contribute to “health, comfort, and convenience.” This was originally published ca. 1923 in National Geographic.[71]

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Figure 8- Lead Industries Association Magazine Cover: This advertisem*nt from January, 1936shows a stereotypical 1930s home. Here, the white walls and woodwork along with the happy men and woman in the picture place an emphasis of purity, and cleanliness and the centrality of lead in the American home.[66]

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Figure 9- The drop of solder: In this advertisem*nt, the national lead company advertises to parents emphasizing lead in cans is healthy, even in products like evaporated milk meant for young children. This particular add was published in Saturday Evening Post on February 23, 1946.[72]

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Patterson’s Battle Begins

Lead continued to be used heavily through the middle of the twentieth century,

and by the 1960s, America was inundated with lead. Leaded paint covered the walls of

over 2 million homes in America and over 500,000 apartments in New York City

alone.[73] Leaded gasoline accounted for 90% of all fuel sold in the US and

worldwide.[74] Children’s toys were coated in lead paint, produce was grown with the

use of lead-based pesticides, electronics and food packaging employed lead solder, many

people ate off lead-glazed dishes were prevalent, and a significant amount of water was

delivered through lead pipes. In total, over 500,000 pounds of lead was released into the

atmosphere each year, and Americans in total consumed over three tons of lead annually

through food. The lead industry and its affiliates had literally succeeded in creating a

lead-fueled economy, and American consumers were willingly eating off their plates.

Starting in 1963, driven by his scientific findings, Patterson sought to call

attention to the dangers posed by lead. He faced a great deal of opposition. Over the next

three decades, his opposition came mainly in four forms: 1) direct political pressure from

the lead and oil industries, 2) media bias, 3) opposition within the scientific community,

and 4) difficulties inherent in the political process.

Patterson’s 1963 paper “Concentrations of Common Lead in Some Atlantic and

Mediterranean Waters and in Snow,”[38] which provided evidence for disturbance of the

natural geochemical cycle of lead by anthropogenic lead input and emphasized that the

effects of lead contamination in the environment were non-local, caught the attention of

the American public and the lead and oil industry. A footnote to this particular article

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cited the American Petroleum Institute as Patterson’s funding source. They would not

remain a funding source for long.[75] Three days after the paper’s publication, four

“white shirts and ties” from the lead industry, including representatives of the Ethyl

Corporation, and the petroleum industry, came to at Caltech and were waiting in

Patterson’s office as he arrived. Patterson was first optimistic about their visit, assuming

they were interested in the findings of his paper; however, he quickly realized he was

incorrect. Patterson recalled years later that they first

presented a brief resumé of their operations with the apparent aim of working out with me some way to buy me out through research support that would yield results favorable to their cause. I sat them down before a lectern and explained in principle how some future scientists would obtain explicit data showing how their operations were poisoning the environment and people with lead. I explained how this information would be used in the future to shut down their operations. They thanked me and left. Soon thereafter, the following things happened: 1) The U.S. Public Health Service31 refused to renew my research contract with them. 2)The American Petroleum Institute refused to continue a substantial contract that had supported my research for years. . .They . . .not only stopped funding me, they tried to get the Atomic Energy commission to stop giving me anything—they were still giving me some money. They went around and tried to block all my funding. But I’m so stupid that I didn’t even know.[76]

The petroleum industry also convinced a member of the Caltech Board of Trustees, who

was a vice president of the petroleum company that used TEL in gasoline, to call the

President of Caltech, Lee DuBridge, about “that nut at Caltech.” DuBridge promptly

called Robert Sharp, the chair of the geology division, and urged Sharp to silence

31 which later became the FDA

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Patterson. Sharp, appreciating the significance of Patterson’s work, resisted, and

Patterson kept his job without any limitations.[18, 76]

In addition to canceling his grants and attempting to prevent his work from

receiving public attention, the lead industry also worked aggressively to destroy

Patterson’s credibility through the news media.[77]32 Beginning in 1963, several

newspapers discounted Patterson’s work by focusing on Dr. Robert Kehoe and other lead

industry allies in an attempt to create uncertainty about the effects of lead in the

environment.[78-84] Herbert E. Stockinger, chief of toxicology with the U.S. Public

Health Service (USPHS) in Cincinnati, Ohio, had just conducted studies and presented

data which suggested there had not been increases in environmental lead levels or in the

amount of lead in human blood or urine over the past several decades. Rather than

address scientific concerns relating to Patterson’s studies, the lead industry attacked

Patterson personally and sought to tie him to political activists of the environmental

movement. Stockinger himself claimed Patterson’s conclusions were “rabble rousing . .

.science fiction” and accused Patterson of “trying to be a second Rachel Carson.”[65]

Multiple newspaper articles discussed Patterson’s research in the context of several

contrary government and industry reports that claimed lead in the environment was not a

major problem and was not created through exhaust emissions, but rather through other

industrial wastes. Although these studies were scientifically unsound, they were given

equal weight in the media.

32 In looking through the Archives collection, there is a noticeable pattern of U.S. Petroleum having news releases 1-2 days following a Caltech news release, geared specifically to discount the validity of Patterson’s research.

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Within months of Patterson’s 1965 paper in the Archives of Environmental

Health, Kehoe was officially re-hired out of retirement by the Lead Industry and wrote an

official response to Patterson’s article, referring to Patterson as a zealot, far removed

from his field and completely incompetent to address issues related to public health.

Kehoe argued that Patterson was an irresponsible alarmist. He denied that the atmosphere

had increased levels of lead and stated that lead concentrations in human blood are well

within safe levels. [85] [77] In an interview conducted with Don G. Fowler, Director of

Health and Safety for the Lead Industries Association, Kehoe said that Patterson’s results

“. . . contradict all reliable medical and public health data on lead as a health hazard . . .

the existing body of medical data establishes that the amount of lead consumed and

retained by the public is well below the toxic levels. Furthermore, lead is not a significant

factor in air pollution and represents no public health problem.”[86] In many cases, these

types of statements were presented in the press without any opposing statements or

chance for rebuttal. Sometimes, they were incorporation by journalists as background

information in factually-inaccurate stories.

In December 1965, the USPHS sponsored a technical symposium on

Environmental Lead Contamination. Over half of the participants in this symposium

were from industry and included representatives from DuPont, Ethyl Corporation and the

American Petroleum Institute. Several non-industry participants in the conference

expressed suspicions that much of the information in support of industry was produced

by Robert Kehoe and other scientists working for the Cincinnati Medical School

Research Center. Dr. Harry Heimann, a physiologist at Harvard University School of

Public Health stood up and said, “It is extremely unusual in medical research that there is

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only one small group and one place in the country in which research in a specific area of

knowledge is exclusively done.” He also expressed his disbelief of Kehoe’s use of a

threshold. “To use a single figure as the safe one beyond which all poisoning will

probably occur—and below which poisoning will not occur—is a most unusual kind of a

situation in Public Health and in Medicine.” The conclusion of the conference did not

hurt the Ethyl Corporation.

Despite the opposition, Patterson stuck firm to his course and was “driven to . . .

prove [his] theoretical points unequivocally with solid experimental data.” His

motivation, however, was not to prove himself right and to gain public approval, but

rather to work towards a lead-free society in which health and productivity could be

maximized, rather than compromised. As a follow-up to his 1965 paper, Patterson began

a letter writing campaign urging state and national public officials to work towards

greater regulation of lead. To change the regulation of lead, he needed to speak with as

many people as possible who could potentially make a difference in lead legislation. He

began his campaign in October by writing to California’s Governor, Pat Brown warning

him of the dangers of lead. Stating his dissatisfaction with the way lead was being

handled by the state, he wrote, “one cannot distinguish between the view of the California

State Department of Public Health and the views of the Ethyl Corporation.”[87] Patterson

also shared his thoughts about the treatment of environmental issues in the United States

as compared to Europe. While many European countries had established ministries

focused on environmental issues, the United States still relied too heavily upon local and

regional approaches. He urged the governor to have the state of California act as a leader

in lead legislation as it had with smog. He got no response, but would write again on

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March 24, 1966.[88] 33 The second letter would lead to a July 6, 1966 bill instructing the

State Department of Public Health to develop air standards for California by February 1,


On October 7, 1965, Patterson wrote a letter to Democratic Senator Edmund

Muskie of Maine, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution.[89]

Muskie had spent the previous two years holding public hearings about air quality in the

United States and was a prominent figure in the Democratic Party.34 Patterson confided

in Muskie and spoke of Kehoe’s unjustified attacks on his work and his outdated belief

that lead in the atmosphere was from natural sources. Subsequently, Patterson agreed to

participate in the senate special subcommittee on air and water pollution held in

Washington D.C. on June 15, 1966. As in the past, Ethyl depended upon Kehoe to

defend them at the hearing. Unexpectedly, however, Patterson was a powerful critic.[62]

Kehoe was eloquent, concise, well spoken, and prepared. At the beginning of the

hearing, he spoke, emphasizing his credentials and the fact that he “knows more about

lead than anyone else in the world.”[65] After outlining his own credentials, he spoke

about lead in the atmosphere, insisting there is no harm in small quantities of lead. Five

days later, Patterson arrived in Washington. He had been warned ahead of time by

Muskie’s aides to prepare a 15 minute statement about lead in the environment.

Unfortunately, Patterson was not a good speaker and often had trouble delivering short,

compelling, and direct speeches.[16] He abhorred summarizing his work and often had

33 Patterson’s second letter to CA governor got through because his secretary called Caltech to verify that Patterson was not a “nut.” 34 Muskie, who served in the Senate from 1959 to 1980, was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in 1968 and a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1972. He served as the Secretary of State under President Jimmy Carter from May 8, 1980 until January 20, 1981.

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trouble adhering to time limits when speaking at scientific conferences.[18]35 Prior to

saying anything, he apologized to the committee saying that his statement was not “in

very good shape.” He began his speech, which was densely packed with scientific facts.36

After Patterson spoke for 15 minutes, Muskie re-emphasized a statement made by

Patterson, that “it is possible that deleterious effects to the health of large number of

people are being caused by these high levels of exposure,” and through directed

questioning, helped Patterson summarize his key points, specifically the difference

between “natural” levels of lead and “typical” levels of lead, why this distinction had not

been made by others, and why an American Medical Association committee had

concluded the public does not face a health hazard due to TEL. Additionally, Patterson

emphasized that the industry was attempting to disguise bad data as science in an attempt

to continue the use of lead and make profit. He said:

It is clear, from the history of development of the lead pollution problem in the United States that responsible and regulatory persons and organizations concerned in this matter have failed to distinguish between scientific activity and the utilization of observations for a material purpose. [such utilization] is not science it is the defense and promotion of industrial activity. This utilization is not done objectively. It is done subjectively. It is not just a mistake for public health agencies to cooperate and collaborate with industries in investigating and deciding whether public health is endangered— it is a direct abrogation and violation of the duties and responsibilities of those public

35 At scientific conferences, there are often red lights used to signal speakers when their time is over. Patterson was known to walk over to the light, unscrew the bulb and continue talking. (Davidson) 36 He spoke about the extremely high levels of lead being emitted into the environment from industry and claimed that it has increased the level of lead in humans by 100-fold. He emphasized that most officials failed to understand the difference between “natural” and “normal” lead levels and cited his Greenland work showing increases of lead in snow starting with the he industrial revolution and expressed his views that it was wrong for public health agencies to work so closely with lead industries because of bias.

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health organizations. In the past, these bodies have acted as though their own activities and those of lead industries in health matters were science, and they could be considered objectively in that sense.[65, 90]

Although the lead industry was satisfied with the outcome of the Senate

committee hearings and Kehoe had managed to stall harmful legislation, Patterson’s

testimony was able to gain public favor by painting the lead industry and associates as

villains. The hearings also revealed that $480,000 of petroleum industry funds were

financing a Bureau of Mines study of antiknock compounds. The newspapers reported

that all the medical knowledge in favor of the lead industry had actually been provided by

doctors who had been paid by the Ethyl Corporation. The fact that the lead industry had

been limiting the studies that were being conducted on TEL surfaced, which led to an end

of cooperation between the lead industry and universities and state and federal health

agencies. These public revelations came at a critical time for the Ethyl Corporation, for

the company was in the midst of a financial crisis. Not only had the patent on TEL use in

gasoline expired in 1947, resulting in a substantial decrease in their market share from

100% in 1947 to 55% in 1960, but the company had just been sold in what was Wall

Street’s largest leveraged buyout.37

Following the Muskie hearings, Patterson contacted other officials, including

John T. Middleton, the Commissioner of the National Center for Air Pollution Control,

and President Richard Nixon,[91] to advocate the use of ethanol instead of lead as a fuel

37 General Motors and Standard Oil Company of New Jersey sold Ethyl to a Virginia paper bag company a fifth Ethyl’s size in 1962. The Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company of Richmond, Virginia borrowed the entire purchase price of $200 million from Stanford, Yale, the University of California, the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, and the Ford Foundation. To pay off its enormous debt, Albemarle desperately needed to continue selling TEL for ten more years.

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additive. He also contacted numerous state representatives from Oregon.38 In a letter to

Oregon State Senator Gail Holzapsal, he argued, “Lead additives in automobile gasoline

serve as a crutch or a second choice economic stopgap to boost the performance of poor

quality fuel, and a better solution to the problem of inadequate fuel, and one that would

provide long-range economic benefits, would be to alter the refineries so as to produce

high-quality fuel in the first place. . . .ethyl alcohol is a feasible substitute for lead

tetraethyl as anti-knock in automotive fuels and is approximately competitive on a cost


In 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act. Although this act did not ban lead

additives from gasoline, it was the first national measure taken to empower a federal

agency, the newly-created Environmental Protection Agency, to regulate fuel additives

found to be harmful to the environment. Additionally, the Clean Air Act mandated the

reduction of NOx emissions. One official of the Ethyl Corporation worried that the

image of the company was changing from “the good guy that made engines run smoothly

to the bad guy that must be eliminated if the nation wants to clean up its air.”[93]

In compliance with the Clean Air Act, General Motors and other car

manufacturers began equipping cars with catalytic converters. Although the role of the

catalytic converter was to reduce nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen, thus lowering

NOx emissions, they also made the engines incompatible with leaded fuel. The catalytic

converters used platinum as a catalyst. If lead were present in the exhaust, in would coat

38 Oregon officials were contacted since Patterson’s campaign to remove lead from gasoline favored many of the farmers in Oregon who wished to promote the use of ethanol in fuel instead.

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the platinum and render the converter ineffective.39 The development of unleaded fuel

for use with catalytic converters and its widespread distribution would made it easier to

ban leaded fuel, since there was already an alternative fuel.

Patterson was in high demand. Many governmental officials, medical doctors,

and other scientists began soliciting his expertise. His character was an asset: people

knew he would be honest with them, appealing to scientific evidence rather than emotion.

This is evident in a request from George Wittenstein of the Santa Barbara Medical

Society to have Patterson speak at a symposium he was organizing. He wrote:

In planning this symposium, our committee has discovered that there is a great of information, at least in the medical literature, on the long range effects of pollution on man. As you well know, a lot has been said and written by conservationists and ecologists, especially since “The Silent Spring,” but most of this has dealt only with direct and immediate effects or represented mostly speculation. . . .We are not interested in arbitrary or emotional appeals, such as we hear form misguided conservationists, nor continuous denials, as is practiced by so much of the industry. We are instead interested in learning the facts, what is not known about the long range effects of pollution of any kind on man.[94]

In November of 1970, Patterson was invited to the Food and Agricultural Organization of

the United Nations to speak about the impact of lead on the health of the World’s Oceans.

The fight against the use of lead in gasoline and other common goods was not

finished. Although Patterson’s position was gaining ground, there were still several areas

of disagreement that existed within the scientific community. Before lead could be fully

39 The problem of knock in cars with catalytic converters was dealt with by lowering the compression ratios in the engine, which is the main reason early “smog equipped” cars ran so badly compared to others. The Japanese, notably Honda's CCV engine, solved this problem by changing the shape of the combustion chambers to reduce premature detonation, thus allowing higher compression ratios again.

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removed from all public goods, some of these issues needed to be addressed. In 1970,

the National Academies assembled a panel of scientists to put together an NRC report

about airborne lead to guide the EPA’s policies on lead pollution. Although Patterson

had published the premier research papers about lead in the environment, he was not

asked to join for fear that he was too extreme and unwilling to compromise; instead, a

group including six industrial toxicologists dominated the committee.[12, 18, 75]

Patterson wrote a letter to Harrison Brown expressing his frustrations with the committee

chair for excluding him. He said:

I am writing to you, an officer in the National Academy of Sciences, a letter concerning the members on the Panel on Lead which is a subdivision of the Committee on Biological Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants in the Division of Medical Sciences, national Research Council. . . .The National Academy should consider that it might be a good thing to have a specialist in the geochemistry of lead on the panel. Such a person would be most likely to be aware of the nature and extent of dislocations between natural and contaminated levels of lead in the environment and thus to perhaps be more sensitive to possible deleterious effects of lead pollution.. . .I would appreciate your forwarding this letter to the appropriate person in the Academy for consideration. Thank you.[15]

Brown was unable to secure Patterson a position on the committee. As could be expected,

in their evaluation of the scientific data, the committee was less forceful than Patterson

wished in recognizing the dangers of lead.[75] Patterson’s work was excluded from

discussion in the committee meetings and the conclusion of the committee was that

environmental levels of lead were slowly increasing.[73]

Beginning in the summer of 1971, local leadership began to reduce lead levels in

the environment. San Diego became the national leader in this aspect as they drafted

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legislation which proposed to phase out the use of leaded gasoline in the state of

California by 1974.[95] The legislation had the full support of the State Air Resources

Board and partial support from the EPA but was strongly opposed by the lead industry.

Although the efforts to phase out leaded gasoline were supported at the state and local

level, strong lobbying efforts led by industry stalled legislation significantly. In

December 1973, the EPA announced a program to reduce lead in gasoline by 60-65% in

phased steps throughout the United States, and in 1974, California had phased out leaded

gasoline in its entirety.

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1978-1980 NRC Committee

In 1978 and 1979, a second NRC committee held hearings on lead in the human

environment, and this time, Patterson was invited. The committee was empanelled to

study a wide sweep of issues related to lead. These included determining the importance

of various routes of human exposure, such as ingestion of lead-based paint, inhalation of

airborne lead, and ingestion of lead in foods and water. The committee also was to

attempt to quantify the contributions of different sources to total exposure and to

potential toxic effects, to identify techniques and strategies for reducing significant lead

exposures, and assess the costs and benefits of potential approaches to prevention or

mitigation of the hazards of lead poisoning were to be assessed and compared.

Finally, the committee was charged with assessing research programs: identifying

areas of incomplete knowledge and research needs, and reviewing the current lead related

research programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and

other agencies of the federal government. Questions to be addressed included whether

critical research needs were being pursued, and what, if any, improvements in

organizational and managerial strategies were needed to enhance the value of research for

the prevention of lead poisoning.

Under the leadership of Ben Ewing from the University of Illinois, Institute for

Environmental Studies, the committee was to prepare a final report within 18 months,

which would be used to determine whether HUD would continue to receive government

funding to research lead poisoning resulting from leaded paint. Although the non-

governmental representatives on the committee were prominent scientists, several of

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them were directly linked to the lead and oil industries. Their influence was reflected in

the way Patterson was received throughout the committee meetings.

In his opening statement, Patterson emphasized the importance of conquering five

major misconceptions used to evaluate lead in the environment and used to form the basis

for policy pertaining to lead emissions. Paterson told the committee that:

1) Scientific work had shown that lead in humans was concentrated at 1000 times

the natural levels, elevated levels which were not healthy;

2) Lead occurs over the entire Earth and is not localized;

3) The natural biochemistry of lead was not well understood;

4) Because all cells and tissues had been subjected to pervasive environmental

contamination by lead, there was no natural situation to be studied to help us learn about

lead biochemistry; and

5) Lead could not be analyzed properly by most laboratories.[73]

Patterson also shared a summary of his scientific findings and identified the major source

of lead in people as auto exhaust, which was worse in urban areas than in rural ones, but a

global problem nonetheless. Patterson therefore proposed that studies be conducted to

find the natural lead content of foods and the degree of lead contamination in them, the

natural movement and distribution of lead in the ecosystem and the natural biochemical

interaction of lead in the cells.

Many members of the committee disagreed with Patterson’s remarks and thought

that it was unimportant to trace lead in the environment unless the “background levels are

actually hazardous.”[73] Patterson said that contemporary ambient levels constituted an

enormous overexposure to lead, which had clear medical implications and could have

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mutagenic effects, as well as influence the immune system and intellectual functions, but

was interrupted by another committee member, who argued that Patterson, as a

geochemist, had no basis to draw conclusions about biology and human health. Incensed,

Patterson argued that the scientific community could not know about the biochemical

interactions in the human body since there are no examples of cells without lead

exposure. Since there appeared to be a gradational physiological response to lead, not a

threshold response, high background exposures must cause some effect. Each time

Patterson spoke, he was met with a great deal of criticism, or his ideas were ignored and

the meeting was dismissed. Without recognizing the real facts, he claimed, any policies

or reports would be harmful to the formation of policy.

The final committee report was written as if Patterson had not participated in the

meeting. Ewing, the committee chair, could not understand why Patterson was being so

contrary, and argued that the forum of the committee was not appropriate for the

discussions of the major methodological issues which Patterson believed were so crucial

to understanding the differences between his data and those of other groups. [96] The

majority report cited the need to reduce lead hazards for urban children. It stated that,

while “it is well established that lead is toxic to humans at high doses,” the presence of

lead does not affect all populations but instead “some members of the population.”[97]

The majority report concluded that the margin between toxic and typical levels for lead in

adults needs better definition and that typical atmospheric lead concentrations were 10 to

100 times the natural backgrounds for average populations and 1,000 to 10,000 times

greater for urban populations. The report called for further research on these subjects, as

well as on relationships between lead ingestion and intellectual ability; however, in their

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synopsis of the state of lead research, they discount the differentiation made between

natural and normal exposure set forth by Patterson and supported by Patterson’s work.

The report states, “Further control of human exposures to lead is needed. Scientific

evidence is persuasive that levels of lead in urban environments pose a significant hazard

to health of some children. Other evidences suggested, less convincingly, that some risk

of biological effects is associated with ‘normal’ exposures to lead fro some members of

the general adult population.” The report also emphasized the need for improved

analytical work.

Figure 10 – Body Burden of Lead over time: Above is a figure illustrating the increase in lead concentration in ancient versus modern man. On the left is an illustration of Ancient Man uncontaminated by industrial lead, in the middle is modern man and on the right is an illustration of man with clinical lead poisoning. Each dot represents 40 μg of lead.[10, 98] More infuriating to Patterson than direct references in the report discounting

Patterson’s scientific data was the report’s somewhat relaxed stance on industrial uses of

lead. Rather than advocating for the outright elimination of lead in all products,

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including gasoline, the committee suggested a “reduction of emissions from gasoline

combustion, and reduction of lead levels in food.”

Frustrated with the dismissal of the severity of the problem and the lack of

concrete suggestions for how to improve air quality and reduce lead in the environment,

Patterson submitted a minority report that reflects his viewpoint and his interpretation of

the scientific work done on lead in the human environment.[12, 75] Patterson

emphasized that lead in the environment was a global problem, not a local problem, and

summarized his scientific evidence to support the claims. Patterson’s treatment of lead in

the environment was more strongly worded than the majority report, emphasized the need

for immediate, large-scale action, and criticized the notion that there can be a real

threshold for lead poisoning. Patterson argued that lead needed to be removed

completely from public goods to reduce environmental lead as much as possible.[98]

Patterson’s summarized his frustrations with the outcome of the committee

meeting in:

What happened there was industrial toxicologists were allowed to operate this committee through the sanction of the National Academy. I used to put in [my opinions] to this committee but was refused because the people in power had friends in industry . . .My government still does not understand what the Pb exposure situation is. They are still concerned with shaded area, and still believe in thresholds. They now believe there are lower and lower thresholds for various effects. In behavior thresholds, the threshold diminishes with the sensitivities of the test. How sensitive must the best be to detect a person who was spoiled from becoming a Curie or Einstein and only became a lawyer or political instead? The use of thresholds to detect effects is basically failed because it involves circular reasoning. Present evidence suggests that enzyme inhibition is graduation with increasing exposure and that a proper way to approach the question if harm is to describe

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the biochemical process of Pb interaction at the molecular level.[99]

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It is difficult to get someone to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

Upton Sinclair

Solve the small problem before it becomes big. The most involved fact in the world Could have been faced when it was simple The biggest problem in the world Could have been solved when it was small

Lao Tzu, The Way Of Life


In his battle against the industrial use of lead, Clair Patterson faced two forms of

intellectual opposition. The first stemmed from difficulties in obtaining a scientific

consensus on facts, such as the abundance of lead in the environment and its

environmental and health effects. In Patterson’s case, this opposition came because he

was pioneering innovative techniques for measuring lead abundances, and also because

he argued that there was no threshold level necessary for lead to have toxic effects. The

second intellectual opposition stemmed from Patterson’s view of how basic scientific

data should be applied in policy making. One viewpoint, which Patterson favored, is akin

to the legal standard of “probable cause” and is now known by the name of the

“precautionary principle.” It holds that, where there are threats of serious harm,

incomplete scientific knowledge should not stand in the way of cost-effective

preventative measures. An opposing viewpoint, advocated by Robert Kehoe and the oil

and lead industries, holds that government action should only be taken when harm has

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been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. When this was applied to lead, this approach

became known as the Kehoe “Show Me the Data” Paradigm.[62] Much of the

intellectual opposition is fostered by conflicts of values between science and industry

evidenced by Patterson’s battle against lead. While scientists strive to acquire knowledge

through logic and experimentation to find truth, businessmen and others in industry strive

to make a profit by providing desired goods and services. Those organizations that

benefit economically from the use of a particular substance almost always fight against

its regulation.

Difficulties in obtaining a scientific consensus

Beginning in 1963, Patterson began to show that the increased levels of lead in

the environment were associated with increases of lead in human blood, which caused

negative behavioral changes and decreased cognition.40 The difference in methodology

between Patterson and other scientists made it difficult to establish a scientific consensus

that there was a causal relationship between lead and negative health and environmental

effects. The fact that most other scientists, in university, national, and industrial

laboratories, were unable to keep samples from being contaminated by high levels of

background environmental lead produced unreliable data that differed from Patterson’s

measurements. The poor understanding of lead biochemistry, potential sources of lead

exposure and emission, and the fact that many scientists were still unsure about what

levels of lead exposure could lead to deleterious effects also made it difficult to come to a

consensus. Although Patterson argued that tends to occur at low levels and have

cumulative effects over time, thus often rendering harm from environmental toxins 40 Many of the behavior studies were conducted by Herbert Needleman.

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difficult to observe or prove, others believed that harm resulting from lead exposure

could only happen once a threshold value of lead was reached and that the effects were

dramatic and all at once.[62, 80, 98]

Patterson understood that low level adverse effects pose several difficulties in

scientific studies. For example, monitoring and control of industrial emissions at very

low exposure levels is technically difficult and subject to wide uncertainties.[18] Taking

this into account, and the fact that there is no threshold level of lead that will begin to

cause health risks and that even trace amounts of lead in the environment can cause a

difference in the concentration of lead in human blood and in bones, Patterson devised

methods to compare the level of lead in our modern environment to the “natural” state

prior to the industrial revolution.[43, 100] The recognition that there was no basis of

comparison in our modern environment, however, was crucial to the creation of properly

controlled studies and separated Patterson’s science from that of others.

The use of basic science in policy

Patterson’s second major form of intellectual opposition came in an objection to

his ideas of how scientific data should be used to form policy. Patterson emphasized that,

despite the absence of a scientific consensus about lead in the environment and human

health, the risks were sufficiently large to require urgently changing lead regulation to

eliminate the use of lead in public goods. According to Patterson, the world could not

wait for other scientists to get things right before corrective action was taken.[5, 90] This

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idea stood in direct contrast with Kehoe’s “Show me the data” paradigm, championed by

other members of the industrial community, which argued that action should be taken to

limit lead use in products if and only if there was a scientific consensus to indicate that

lead caused a measurable negative impact on human health. In this way, Patterson’s

approach, akin to what is now called the “precautionary principle,” can be likened to

environmental policy motivated by probable cause, while the Kehoe paradigm suggests

that environmental policy should be changed in response to harm being caused beyond a

shadow of a doubt.

Clair Patterson was the first person to see through the ramifications of the Kehoe

paradigm and to challenge them publicly.[62] Beginning in 1965, Patterson presented

data to turn the tables on proponents of the Kehoe paradigm. An important cornerstone of

Kehoe’s theoretical edifice was the threshold concept of lead exposure and lead toxicity.

Kehoe introduced the methodological innovation of using the safe workplace

concentration level of exposure as a hazard management tool in the lead industry. Within

the framework of the paradigm, such quantitative estimates of acceptable exposure levels

were presented as the wisdom of scientific specialists and served to discourage further

inquiry by the untrained or less specialized individuals.

During the Muskie hearings, Patterson charged that the best interest of public

health had not been served by having public health agencies work jointly with

representatives of lead alkyl industries in evaluating the hazards of automotive lead to

public health. He challenged the scientific objectivity of this cooperative studies, and

scientific objectivity was key in the Kehoe paradigm. Patterson contended that voluntary

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self-regulation according to the paradigm served the interest of the industry and did not

protect human health.

He also challenged most of the theoretical framework developed by Kehoe and

the industrial establishment in support of their position. Kehoe had maintained that lead

was a natural constituent of the environment and that a certain level of lead absorption

was “normal.” The concept of a “toxic limit” was another important tenet of the

physiological basis for the Kehoe paradigm. Using lead content of blood as a bio-

indicator of exposure, Kehoe had concluded that there was a definitive level at which

point lead became a hazard. In contrast, Patterson argued that classical lead poisoning

represents but one extreme of a continuum of reaction of an organism or human body to

various levels of lead exposure and that there was no threshold concentration that could

be detected.

Through his writings, lectures, testimonies, and appearances before congressional

hearings Patterson countered the “show me the data” mentality which clouded much of

the Kehoe-era work on environmental lead poisoning. Patterson’s successful challenge of

the Kehoe paradigm marked the upsurge of activity and attention in the United States to

the potential harm to the general public from contamination of the air with lead from

industries and the automobile. Kehoe’s continuing assurance that lead poisoning was not

an urgent issue began to fade away.

The conflict between science and industry

The intellectual challenges Patterson faced during his battle against lead

highlighted pre-existing conflicts between science and industry. Given the differences in

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the guiding principals between science and industry, it is no surprise as to why there is a

conflict between the two when it comes to the regulation of substances. In the case of

lead regulation, industry attempted to tilt scientific findings in favor of industry and

increase uncertainty about the relationship among lead, human health, and environmental

health. One major tool was industrial funding of scientific research pertaining to lead in

the environment and human health. Through this mechanism, the industry was able to

limit what data was published and the way in which studies were conducted.

Since all studies must be taken into account to obtain a scientific consensus for

the basis of policy decision making, the influx of poorly designed experiments along with

“cooked” data weighted the available science in favor of the industry. This problem is

evident in the conflict between Patterson and the industrial scientists who were funded by

the lead and oil industries with the hope that they would produce data that would foster

debate and postpone a scientific consensus and subsequent regulation. Kehoe, for

example, produced data that contradicted Patterson’s results; however, this was not

because lead in gasoline exhaust was healthy, but rather because he was conducting

poorly controlled studies. Numerous other studies funded by industry were either not

published, since they produced results harmful to industry, or had data that was crafted to

support a favorable outcome. When asked about this during the Muskie hearings,

Patterson explained that “you can use the data to justify your purposes. If your purpose is

to sell lead alkyls, then you look at these data one way. If your purpose is to guard public

health, you will look at this data in another way, and you will reach different


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The financial cost of conducting scientific studies on chemical additives is often

high. For this reason, industry is often a major funding source; however, although they

have sufficient funds to support such studies, they are not suitable to produce data which

can be used to form the basis of policy since they are able to benefit from certain results.

By supporting these studies and paying scientists, the consensus obtained at NRC

meetings and in the literature is essentially determined by majority vote. Allowing

industrial scientists with research funded by the industry to present alongside other

scientists at symposia, to participate with equal weight as others in the NRC meetings, or

to carry on debates in news media furthers the impression that there is not scientific

consensus among independent scientists, when, often times, this is not the case.

Additionally, it is difficult to establish blanket criteria to distinguish between

valid and invalid scientific results. Further research and consulting for industry are

appropriate, in their place; but any such advocacy roles should be openly acknowledged,

and scientific judgments related to policy issues still need to be made. Lead legislation in

particular is difficult to handle since lead was added so such a variety of products, many

of which are regulated through different governmental agencies. This disjointedness

means that there is no single policy-making body that is empowered to deal with total

exposure in an integrated fashion. As a result, policies to protect people from excessive

exposure to lead are and have been fragmented and sometimes inconsistent.[102] The

policies that do exist are uncoordinated, and was not done with urgency, but rather

because it dawned on someone to look into it.

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Scientific Impact

The brilliant scientific work of Clair Patterson influenced basic science, not only

in geology and chemistry, but also in archeology, meteoritics, oceanography, and the

environmental sciences. Patterson’s methods for measuring minuscule quantities of lead

have become one of the fundamental techniques used to decipher the Earth’s history

through the application of radioactive dating. During his lifetime, Patterson invited many

scholars to his own “ultraclean” laboratory to teach them his sterile techniques. These

same techniques are currently being used to measure other heavy metals.

Patterson’s introduction of new methodological ideas pertaining to the

measurement of environmental pollutants has also been widely accepted. When

Patterson began his work, it was not well understood that the “typical” levels and the

“natural” levels of lead in the environment were so different. Now, governmental

agencies as well as scientists working in the geological and environmental sciences have

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adopted this idea. This is particularly evident in the report from the 1996 NRC meeting

on lead.[103] Patterson’s ideas had to be included in a dissenting opinion in 1980;

however, the 1996 report echoes Patterson’s concerns as those of the majority.

Lead legislation

Clair Patterson’s scientific brilliance, gifted research capabilities, and

determination to continue his pursuit of truth and to disseminate accurate information to

the public eventually resulted in key legislation to protect the American public from the

hazards of environmental lead poisoning. These efforts not only led to changes in the

food processing industry, the Clean Air Act of 1970, removal of lead from paint in 1978,

and ultimately to the removal of lead from all gasoline in the United States in 1986. Lead

levels within the blood of Americans dropped by more than 80% soon after these

legislative changes took full effect in 1986.[13]

Although much of the world continued to sell leaded gasoline beyond this point,

significant progress has been made to reducing the amount of lead in gasoline worldwide.

While leaded gasoline once dominated the world market, leaded fuel now makes up less

than 10% of sales. Figure 11 illustrates this transformation. It is important to note that

not all the countries on the 2005 map including several countries in central Europe

and Africa have completely implemented their regulations. As of 1999, forty

countries had phased out the use of leaded gasoline.[104] By the end of 2005, according

to the United National Environment Programme, only twenty-five countries were without

official bans on leaded gasoline.[105]

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Figure 11 – Average lead concentration in petrol in 1995 versus 2005: In this figure, the forward progress in the removal of lead from gasoline is evident. On the top, the status of leaded fuel availability from 1995 is shown.[105] On the bottom, the status of leaded fuel availability from 2005 is shown.[106] One can see that about half the world was still selling gasoline that contained lead in 1995, whereas in 2005, most countries had phased it out entirely. It is important to note, however, that some countries which are shown to sell unleaded fuel only some have not been able to successfully implement already existing legislation to ban leaded fuel. It is fair to conclude that of the countries using leaded fuel, many are in the process of transitioning to lead-free fuel.

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Lead legislation is making headlines. The European Union (EU) recently banned

lead’s use in the solder used on common electronics, along with mercury, cadmium,

hexavalent chromium and two types of brominated flame retardants, PBB and PBDE,

with enforcement to begin on July 1, 2006. China is in the process of approving similar

legislation, and California is close behind, hoping to have regulations in place by January

2007. These laws have prompted electronics manufacturers to change their

manufacturing processes, moving towards a new global standard. The Senate considered

restrictions on lead in solder in 1991 and 1993, but the U.S. electronics industry lobbied

against legislation and now, U.S. manufacturers are behind in lead-free technologies.

Japanese companies are in the vanguard, closely followed by their European

counterparts. [107]

Recently, there was news of a lead-scare in the U.S. caused by leaded paint used

on labels for soda bottles. PepsiCo had been using leaded paint Pepsi labels on soda

bottle sold in Mexico, which contained as much as 45% lead. Although these bottles,

which were intended to be sold in Mexico only, many businesses sell the bottles north of

the California-Mexico border. According to Proposition 65, by failing to warn

consumers that the labels contained lead, PepsiCo was in violation of state law. Settling a

lawsuit by the city of Los Angeles and the state of California, PepsiCo., Inc. has agreed to

eliminate lead-tainted labels on bottled soft drinks imported from Mexico and will pay a

$1 million civil penalty, in addition to facing an additional 4.25 million dollar fine if they

fail to phase out lead-tainted labels on new bottles for products in Mexico and will take

existing bottles out of circulation. PepsiCo also will pay $500,000 to a fund to monitor

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whether Mexican Pepsi bottles are coming into California and to other programs on lead

abatement in food. Similar to the lead and oil industries, PepsiCo officials insist that the

settlement does not involve any product made in the U.S. and that the lead-labels did not

compromise the safety and quality of their product, nor did they violate U.S. or Mexican

safety standards. [108]

What happened to the Lead Industry?

Today, the National Lead Company is known as NL Industries, Inc., and, despite

the decrease in the use of lead in consumer items, their business remains extremely

lucrative and has a net worth well over a billion dollars.[109] They have diversified their

business, and now sell a wide variety of paints through their subsidiary Kronos

Worldwide, which uses titanium dioxide as an opacifier. Additionally, they specialize in

ball bearings, office furniture and locks. Despite all the work by Patterson and other

scientists in the latter part of the 20th century, however, the lead industry as NL Industries

remains strong in their conviction that lead is not harmful to human health or the

environment. In required reports submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC), NL Industries lists several pages of legal complaints and litigation against them.

After promoting, selling, and profiting from leaded paint for decades, “the Company

believes that the pending lead pigment and lead-based paint litigation is without


Presently, NL Industries is controlled by Harold C. Simmons, who has been found

guilty of violating federal campaign contribution laws on multiple occasions.[66] “In

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (104)


1993 the Federal Election Commission found Simmons guilty of violating federal

campaign contribution laws. Specifically, in 1988 and 1989 Simmons exceeded the

yearly $25,000 contribution limit. Simmons was fined $19,800, hardly a deterrent to

someone whose estimated worth tops $1.8 billion.”[111] After being found guilty the

first time, Simmons continued to break the law and on May 4, 1997, after reviewing

Federal Election Commission records, Susan Feeney of the Dallas Morning News

reported that the Simmons family and others closely affiliated with Simmons had donated

at least 1.5 million dollars to Republicans since 1980. The problem, however, rests in the

fact that “Two daughters, Andrea Swanson, 33, and Scheryle Patigian, 44, claim in a

lawsuit over control of the family trust that Mr. Simmons made hundreds of thousands of

dollars of contributions in their names without their permission in violation of federal

campaign law.” Additionally, Simmons gave considerable funding to Swift Boat

Veterans for Truth, which attacked Senator John Kerry’s war record in the 2004

Presidential Election.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (105)


Biographical Timeline for Clair Cameron Patterson

Goldschmidt Medal of the Geochemical Societyistant


Dies: December 5

Moves to Caltech as a research fellow

Begins Ph.D. at U of Chicago

Marries Lorna McCleary

M.S. in Physical Chemistry

B.S. from Grinell College

Goes to Grinell College

Born: June 2 in Mitchville Iowa

Tyler Prize

National Academy of Sciences

J. Lawrence Smith Medal of the National Academy of


Obtains Ph.D.

Becomes a Full Professor

1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (106)

Title: Clair Patterson’s Biographical Timeline Year Event 1922 Born: June 2 in Mitchville, Iowa 1939 Goes to Grinnell College 1943 B.S. from Grinnell College

1944 M.S. in Physical Chemistry from University of Iowa

1944 Marries Lorna McCleary 1945 Begins Ph.D. at U of Chicago 1951 Obtains Ph.D.

1952 Moves to Caltech as a research fellow

1973 J. Lawrence Smith Medal of the National Academy of Sciences

1980 Goldschmidt Medal of the Geochemical Society

1987 National Academy of Sciences 1990 Becomes a Full Professor 1995 Tyler Prize 1995 Dies: December 5

Title: Clair Patterson’s Political Timeline Year Event

1963 “Concentrations of Common Lead in Some Atlantic and Mediterranean Waters and in Snow"

1965 "Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man" 1966 Muskie Hearings 1970 Clean Air Act 1971 GM manufactures catalytic converter 1974 CA bans leaded gasoline 1978 NRC Committee on Lead in the Human Environment 1979 "Skeletal Concentrations of Lead in Ancient Peruvians" 1979 Lead paint banned in U.S. 1980 "Lead in Albacore: Guide to Lead Pollution in Americans" 1981 Lead food packaging banned in U.S. 1986 Leaded Gasoline banned in U.S.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (107)

Timeline of Clair Patterson’s Major Political Contributions Regarding Lead Legislation

Lead paint banned in U.S.

"Skeletal Concentrations of Lead in Ancient


Leaded Gasoline banned in U.S.

"Lead in Albacore: Guide to Lead Pollution in


NRC Committee on Lead in the Human Environment

GM manufactures catalytic converter

Clean Air Act

Muskie Hearings

"Contaminated and Natural Lead

Environments of Man"

“Concentrations of Common Lead in Some

Atlantic and Mediterranean Waters and

in Snow"

Lead food packaging banned in U.S.

CA bans leaded gasoline

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (108)


Photographs of Clair Patterson


CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (109)


Left: Clair and Laurie enjoyed escaping to the Cumberlands from nearby Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1945). [23] Middle: The University of Chicago wasn't all work and no play. Here Patterson sails on Lake Michigan (1947).[23] Right: Right: Patterson and his family Charles, Cameron, Claire, and, in front, Susan. (1955).[23]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (110)

Above: Patterson uses a distillation apparatus to purify reagents in his Caltech lab in 1957. He didn’t trust the purity of commercial chemicals, so he produced his own. (1957)[23, 75]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (111)

Bottom Left: This was a newspaper clipping which was taped on Patterson’s monitor for years which reads: “The man who fights for his ideals is the man who is alive.” This is indicative of his character and surely, by this standard, Patterson had more life than most. [112] Others: Photographs of Patterson in Dabney Gardens on the first commencement at Caltech after he received his honorary degree from the University of Paris. This statue was one of his favorites. (1974)[112]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (112)


Top: Patterson and Settle at Three Dollar Beach in American Somoa for a beach party for SEAREX participants before returning home to California.[112] Bottom: Patterson in front of the mass spectrometer in the basem*nt of North Mudd. [112]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (113)


Patterson at the Tyler Prize Ceremony: Top – Patterson with Dorothy Settle and Hirao, a Japanese post-doc Bottom: Patterson and Settle speaking with Pierre Mennard [112]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (114)


Patterson’s family all grown up: on the front left, Susan, Charles, Cameron, Claire. In the middle, Laurie and the family dog, Tera. [112]

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (115)




1. Dunlap, R.E. and R. Scarce, The Polls-Poll Trends: Environmental Problems and Protection” Public Opinion Quarterly. Public Opinion Quarterly, 1991. 55(4): p. 651-672.

2. Rosenbaum, W.A., Environmental Politics and Policy. 5 ed. 2002, Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.

3. Lacey, M.J., Government and Environmental Politics: Essays on Historical Developments Since World War Two. 1991, Washington D.C.: The Woodrow Wilson Center Press. 316.

4. Patterson, C., Age of meteorites and the earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1956. 10: p. 230-237.

5. Patterson, C.C., Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man. Arch Environ Health, 1965. 11: p. 344-60.

6. Needleman, H.L. and D.C. Bellinger, The epidemiology of low-level lead exposure in childhood. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry, 1981. 20(3): p. 496-512.

7. Needleman, H.L., et al., Letter: Blood-lead levels, behaviour and intelligence. Lancet, 1975. 1(7909): p. 751-2.

8. Needleman, H.L., et al., Deficits in psychologic and classroom performance of children with elevated dentine lead levels. N Engl J Med, 1979. 300(13): p. 689-95.

9. Needleman, H.L., O.C. Tuncay, and I.M. Shapiro, Lead levels in deciduous teeth of urban and suburban American children. Nature, 1972. 235(5333): p. 111-2.

10. Patterson, C., et al., Natural skeletal levels of lead in hom*o sapiens sapiens uncontaminated by technological lead. Sci Total Environ, 1991. 107: p. 205-36.

11. Budiansky, S., Lead: the debate goes on, but not over science. Environmental Science and Technology, 1981. 15(3).

12. Tilton, G., Clair Cameron Patterson, in NAS Memoirs. 1998, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C.

13. Needleman, H., The Removal of Lead from Gasoline: Historical and Personal Reflections. Environmental Research, 2000. 84(Section A): p. 20-35.

14. Patterson Collection, C.I.o.T.A., Health Hazards of Lead pollution- Box number 127, Folder 14, C.C. Patterson, Editor. 1970: Pasadena, CA.

15. Patterson, C., Letter to Harrison Brown, H. Brown, Editor. 1970: Pasadena. 16. Murray, B., Interview with Bruce Murray, R. Adler, Editor. 2006: Pasadena. 17. Bellow, S., The dean's December : a novel. 1st Harper & Row ed. 1982, New

York: Harper & Row. 312. 18. Davidson, C.I., Clean hands : Clair Patterson's crusade against environmental

lead contamination. 1999, Commack, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. xlii, 162.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (116)


19. Cohen, S., Interview with Clair C. Patterson, in Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives. 1995: Pasadena, CA.

20. Patterson Collection, C.I.o.T.A., School Docuements - Box 144, Folder 1. 1930: Mitchville, Iowa.

21. Settle, D.M., Inverview with Dorothy Settle, R. Adler, Editor. 2006: Pasadena, CA.

22. Stolper, E., Interview with Ed Stolper, R. Adler, Editor. 2006: Pasadena. 23. Patterson, C.-O.H., Duck Soup and Lead. Engineering and Science, 1997. 1: p.

21-31. 24. Patterson, C.C., Historical changes in integrity and worth of scientific knowledge.

. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1994. 58: p. 3141. 25. Ussher, J., The annals of the world 1658, London: Printed by E. Tyler for J. Crook ... and for G. Bedell ... [10], 907, [54]. 26. Reese, R.L., S.M. Everett, and E.D. Craun, The chronology of Archbishop James

Ussher. Sky and Telescope, 1981. 62: p. 404-405. 27. Dalrymple, G.B., The age of the earth. Vol. 1. 1991, Stanford: Stanford

University Press. 28. Hutton, J., The Theory of the Earth. 1795. 29. Lewis, C., The Dating Game: One man's search for the age of the earth. 2000,

New York: Cambridge University Press. 30. Rutherford, E., Radioactive transformations. 1906, New Haven: Yale University

Press. 5 *., 287. 31. Brown, H. and C. Patterson, The relative abundance of some light nuclear species

as determined from the composition of stony meteorites. Physical review, 1947. 72(6): p. 456-457.

32. Inghram, M.G., et al., The Branching Ratio of K40 Radioactive Decay. Physical review, 1950: p. 916-917.

33. Patterson, C., G. Tilton, and M. Inghram, Abundances of uranium and the isotopes of lead in the earth's crust and meteorites (abstract). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1953. 64: p. 1461.

34. Chow, T.J. and C.C. Patterson, The occurrence and significance of lead isotopes in pelagic sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1962. 26: p. 263-308.

35. Chow, T.J. and C.C. Patterson, The occurrence and significance of lead isotopes in pelagic sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1962. 26: p. 288.

36. Chow, T.J. and C.C. Patterson, The occurrence and significance of lead isotopes in pelagic sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1962. 26: p. 294.

37. Tatsumoto, M. and C.C. Patterson, Science and Meteoritics. 1963, Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub.

38. Tatsumoto, M. and C.C. Patterson, concentrations of common lead in some Atlantic and Mediterranean waters and in snow. Nature, 1963. 199: p. 350-352.

39. Tatsumoto, M. and C.C. Patterson, concentrations of common lead in some Atlantic and Mediterranean waters and in snow. Nature, 1963. 199: p. 351.

40. Patterson, C.C., Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man. Arch Environ Health, 1965. 11: p. 344.

41. Patterson, C.C., Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man. Arch Environ Health, 1965. 11: p. 352.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (117)


42. Patterson, C.C., Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man. Arch Environ Health, 1965. 11: p. 358.

43. Ericson, J.E., H. Shirahata, and C.C. Patterson, Skeletal concentrations of lead in ancient Peruvians. N Engl J Med, 1979. 300(17): p. 946-51.

44. Ericson, J.E., H. Shirahata, and C.C. Patterson, Skeletal concentrations of lead in ancient Peruvians. N Engl J Med, 1979. 300(17): p. 949.

45. Ericson, J.E., H. Shirahata, and C.C. Patterson, Skeletal concentrations of lead in ancient Peruvians. N Engl J Med, 1979. 300(17): p. 951.

46. Settle, D.M. and C.C. Patterson, Lead in albacore: guide to lead pollution in Americans. Science, 1980. 207(4436): p. 1167-76.

47. Settle, D.M. and C.C. Patterson, Lead in albacore: guide to lead pollution in Americans. Science, 1980. 207(4436): p. Figure 1.

48. Settle, D.M. and C.C. Patterson, Lead in albacore: guide to lead pollution in Americans. Science, 1980. 207(4436): p. 1171.

49. Settle, D.M. and C.C. Patterson, Lead in albacore: guide to lead pollution in Americans. Science, 1980. 207(4436): p. 1175.

50. Settle, D.M. and C.C. Patterson, Lead in albacore: guide to lead pollution in Americans. Science, 1980. 207(4436): p. 1176.

51. Boutron, C.F. and C.C. Patterson, Lead concentration changes in Antarctic ice during the Wisconsin/Holocene transition. Nature, 1986. 323(18): p. 222-225.

52. Boutron, C.F. and C.C. Patterson, The occurrence of lead in Antarctic recent snow, firm deposited over the last two centuries and prehistoric ice. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1983. 47: p. 1355-68

53. Flegal, A.R., et al., Vertical profile of lead isotopic compositions in the north-east Pacific. Nature, 1986. 321: p. 689-690.

54. Murozumi, M., T.J. Chow, and C.C. Patterson, Chemical concentrations of pollutant lead aerosols, terrestrial dusts and sea salts in Greenland and Antarctic snow strata. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1969. 33: p. 1247-1294.

55. Ng, A. and C. Patterson, Natural concentration of lead in ancient Arctic and Antarctic ice. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1981. 45: p. 2109-2121.

56. Patterson, C.C. and D.M. Settle, Magnitude of lead flux to the atmosphere from volcanoes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1987. 51: p. 675-681.

57. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 168.

58. Nriagu, J.O., Lead and Lead poisoning in antiquity. Environmental Science and Technology, ed. R.L. Metcalf and W. Stumm. 1983, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 437.

59. Nriagu, J.O., Lead and Lead poisoning in antiquity. Environmental Science and Technology, ed. R.L. Metcalf and W. Stumm. 1983, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. ix.

60. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 88.

61. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 79-105.

62. Nriagu, J.O., Clair Patterson and Robert Kehoe's paradigm of "show me the data" on environmental lead poisoning. Environmental Research, 1998. 78(2): p. 71-78.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (118)


63. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab:chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 89.

64. Markowitz, G.E. and D. Rosner, Deceit and denial : the deadly politics of industrial pollution. California/Milbank books on health and the public. 2002, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. xx, 408.

65. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 168-197.

66. Detwyler, T., Gallery of Lead Pollution Promotions. 2006,

67. Markowitz, G.E. and D. Rosner, Deceit and denial : the deadly politics of industrial pollution. California/Milbank books on health and the public. 2002, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 19.

68. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab:chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 91.

69. Kehoe, R.A., Experimental Studies on the Inhalation of Lead by Human Subjects. Pure and Applied Chemistry., 1961. 3(1): p. 129-144.

70. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab:chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 94.

71. Markowitz, G.E. and D. Rosner, Deceit and denial: the deadly politics of industrial pollution. California/Milbank books on health and the public. 2002, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 82.

72. Markowitz, G.E. and D. Rosner, Deceit and denial: the deadly politics of industrial pollution. California/Milbank books on health and the public. 2002, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 86.

73. Committee on Lead in the Human Environment, C.I.o.T.A.-C.P.C., Summary of Plenary Portions of the Workshop on Lead in the Human Environment. September 11-12, 1978: Washington, D.C.

74. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 95.

75. Cohen, S., Interview with Clair C. Patterson, in Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives. 1997: Pasadena, CA.

76. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 177.

77. Patterson Collection, C.I.o.T.A., News Release from the American Petroleum Institute - Box 145. September 9, 1965

78. Lead in Auto Fuel Pollutes Air, Ocean, in Independent Star News. 1963: Pasadena.

79. Lead in Auto Fumes Fouls Seas, Scientists Say, in Philadelphia Inquirer. 1963: Philadelphia.

80. Lead in Air Poses No Hazard, in C&EN. 1965. 81. Controversy Flares Over Amount of Lead Absorbed by Humans: Geochemist

Claims America May Have Poison Symptoms; Petroleum Group denies It, in Wall Street Journal. 1965: New York.

82. 2 Inquiries Planned Into Possibility Of Leaded gasoline Poisoning Public, in Washington Post. 1965: Washington, D.C.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (119)


83. FDA Says Lead Levels in Canned Fish Pose No danger to Consumer Food Chemical News, 1980. 22(2).

84. Patterson Collection, C.I.o.T.A., Metallic lead is Considered no Health Problem at Present - Box 145. Journal of the Air Pollution control Association 1963.

85. Kehoe, R.A., Normal Metabolism of Lead. Arch Environ Health, 1964. 8: p. 232-243.

86. Patterson Collection, C.I.o.T.A.-B., Interview with Don G. Fowler, in C&EN. 1965, C &EN.

87. Patterson, C., Letter to CA Governor Pat Brown, P. Brown, Editor. 1965, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 125, Folder 20: Pasadena.

88. Patterson, C., Letter to CA Governor Pat Brown, P. Brown, Editor. 1966, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 125, Folder 20: Pasadena.

89. Patterson, C., Letter to Senator Edmund Muskie, E. Muskie, Editor. 1965, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 125, Folder 20: Pasadena.

90. Muskie Hearings. 1966: Washington, D.C. p. 315. 91. Patterson, C., Letter to President Nixon, P. Nixon, Editor. 1969, Clair Patterson

Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 125, Folder 20: Pasadena.

92. Patterson, C., Letter to Gale Holzapfel, Oregon state senate committee, H. Brown, Editor. 1968, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 125, Folder 20: Pasadena.

93. McGrayne, S.B., Prometheans in the lab: chemistry and the making of the modern world. 2001, San Francisco: McGraw-Hill. 190.

94. George Wittenstein, M.S.S.B.M.S., Letter to Gale Holzapfel, Oregon state senate committee, C. Patterson, Editor. 1970, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 126: Pasadena.

95. Stewart, J., County Seeks End of Leaded Gasoline: Staff Told To Draw Proposal, in The San Diego Union. 1971: San Diego.

96. Lead in the Human Environment. 1980, National Review Council: Washington, D.C.

97. Environment, C.o.L.i.t.H., Lead in the Human Environment. 1980, Washington, D.C: National Academy Press. 3.

98. Environment, C.o.L.i.t.H., Lead in the Human Environment. 1980, Washington, D.C: National Academy Press.

99. Patterson, C., personal notes, Clair Patterson Collection, California Institute of Technology Archives - Box 127, Folder 14: Pasadena.

100. Everson, J. and C.C. Patterson, "Ultra-clean" isotope diultion/mass spectrometic analyses for lead in human blood plasma indicated that most reported values are artificially high. Clinical Chem, 1980. 26(11): p. 1603-7.

101. Muskie Hearings. 1966: Washington, D.C. 102. Environment, C.o.L.i.t.H., Lead in the Human Environment. 1980, Washington,

D.C: National Academy Press. 6.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦· His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (120)


103. Americas, C.o.L.P.i.t., Lead Poisoning in the Americas. 1996, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. p. 3.

104. ILMC, Lead in Gasoline Phase-Out Report Card. 2006:

105. UNEP, Lead in Gasoline - International Patterns Use, p. 35.

106. UNEP, Leaded Petrol Phase-Out: Global Status. December 31, 2005,

107. Forsberg, B., Component compliance Manufacturers start phasing out solder containing lead, in San Francisco Chronicle. 2005: San Francisco.

108. McGreevy, P., Pepsi to pay $1 million in lead paint settlement, in Los Angeles Times. 2006: Los Angeles.

109. Worldwide Kronos, I., Company Website. 2006: 110. Industries, N., NL Industries from 10-K405 filed with the Securities and Exchange

Commission February 23,1998. 111. Johnston, M.D., The Ice Man: Harold & Annette Simmons: Under investigation

by the SEC, the FBI, and the FTC, this billionaire decided to take on the FEC in Mother Jones:

112. Settle, D., Personal Photographs. Received 2006.

CLAIR PATTERSON’S BATTLE AGAINST LEAD POLLUTION€¦ · His work thus exemplifies how basic science can be relevant to public policy. Patterson risked his scientific reputation - [PDF Document] (2024)


What did Clair Cameron Patterson discover? ›

In collaboration with George Tilton, Patterson developed the uranium–lead dating method into lead–lead dating. Using his technique, Patterson was able to calculate the age of the Earth at 4.55 billion years, which was a figure far more accurate than those that existed at the time.

What made Patterson realize there was a problem with his results? ›

He had to measure very tiny amounts of lead. During his research he discovered that information already published on the lead content in objects was wrong.

What made Patterson think the lead in shallow ocean water was a recent phenomenon? ›

Patterson knew that it took hundreds of years for deep and shallow waters to mix in the ocean, which meant that the large amount of lead at the surface of the ocean had recently arrived. He was also able to measure the rate of contamination.

How did Clair Patterson change the world? ›

He is best known for his determination of the age of the Earth. That was possible only after he had spent some five years establishing methods for the separation and isotopic analysis of lead at microgram and sub-microgram levels.

How did Patterson react to his discovery? ›

From the Manhattan Project to analyzing meteorites

Patterson's job was to separate the scarce uranium-235 from the more abundant uranium-238 because the former powered the bomb. Like many others, he was horrified by the results of his work.

What material did Patterson analyze to determine the pre-industrial concentration of lead? ›

He developed precise analytical techniques that enabled him to establish the true levels of pre-industrial lead in the environment. His analysis of lead isotopes in meteorites and oceanic minerals led him in the early 1950s to conclude that the earth and solar system are 4.6 billion years old.

Where did Patterson think all the lead was coming from? ›

He then turned to a study of the natural levels of terrestrial lead and discovered that in the modern industrial environment, lead concentrations had greatly increased, from such sources as leaded gasoline and the solder used in food cans—with a corresponding increase in lead levels in human beings.

What obstacles did Patterson encounter in his quest to measure the lead content in rocks and meteorites accurately? ›

Soon after Patterson began working on the “easy” problem Professor Brown had given him, Patterson found that making accurate measurements of the amount of lead in rock samples was extremely difficult. Patterson kept finding a large number of lead particles from the air that were disturbing his measurements.

Who is the most important scientist you never heard of mental floss? ›

Here is the lifelong saga of Clair Patterson—a scientist who helped build the atomic bomb and discovered the true age of the Earth—and how he took on a billion-dollar industry to save humanity from itself. Walter Dymock didn't mean to jump out his second-story bedroom window. He was queasy, not out of his mind.

When did Clair Patterson determine the age of the Earth? ›

With the sample Patterson possessed, he was at last able to determine the age of the Earth and, at a meeting in Wisconsin in 1953, he announced the age of the Earth to be 4.550 billion years, with an error of about 70 million years.

What influenced James Patterson? ›

Growing up, Patterson's friends assumed he'd become a doctor or lawyer, but his real passion lay in basketball. As he got older, however, the author became an avid reader which inspired him to write his own stories.

What did Patterson find the true age of the Earth to be? ›

With the new data, in 1956 he published "Age of Meteorites and the Earth", the first paper containing the true age of the solar system's accretion, which was 4.550Gy ± 70My. Before the major discovery was made, it was believed by the public that the earth was around 3.3 billion years old.

When did Clair Patterson discover the age of the Earth? ›

With the sample Patterson possessed, he was at last able to determine the age of the Earth and, at a meeting in Wisconsin in 1953, he announced the age of the Earth to be 4.550 billion years, with an error of about 70 million years.

What did Patterson find in the polar ice? ›

Patterson found older ice having less lead in the polar ice. Patterson had to fight twenty years before lead was banned from gasoline. 75 % of lead poisoning in children dropped after lead was banned .

Who discovered lead in gasoline? ›

Thomas Midgley Jr. has been named a “one-man environmental disaster” for two big reasons. He was one of the early pioneers of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) – compounds that became widely used in industry – and which were destroying the ozone layer. He also invented leaded gasoline and insisted that it was safe to use.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.