The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

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The Albert Lea Tribunei

Albert Lea, Minnesota

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THE EVENING TRIBUNE ALBERT LEA MINN WEDNESDAY SEPT 24 1941 WK gg 1 OUR BIG NINE CONERENCE GAMES THIS WEEK Ha 'A'" i A 1 I A Gophers Leave or ashington I a' Minneapolis Sept Min workout on Northrop field yester the team a rousing sendoff Ar A club did not find its into the tice drills daily in an effort to de tormina sln rnTa eta rtincr lino im 0 a 80S Olsoh By RAY NEUMANN Wil 1 GET YOUR HUNTING LICENSE 340 AND DUCK This Talk Of Slippin9 Joe Louis Mr Brain By DILLON GRAHAM two middleweights Mitchell and riiioirTiirijrTI STAMP a TODAY Lisbon' alls lA Jf 1 ne tanainas 1 in 11 By the Associated Press Ken Heintzelman Pirates and Max Lanier Cardinals Heintzel man pitched six hit shutout in first game Lanier retaliated with white washing on eight hits in nightcap Eddie Collins Athletics His tri ple leading off ninth inning started rally that beat Yankees OUR new guns are selling AST Better trade in your OLD gun right away GIVE you a liberal allowance OR your old gun and offer CONVENIENT payment plans Taylor of from the strike deci The Pct647638564530473460407282 Owatonna 1 New Richland 3 Roy 1 Rochester 0 Results Tuesday Columbus 8 Louisville 1 Need Only 3 Game Combination of Win And Losses for lag Guest Star Kenneth Jones Peoria (Ill) Jour nal Transcript: is this cos mic punch of Someone has suggested that it contains vitamin That eminent scientist Joe Louis has concocted another vita min in his namely Infield of Yanks Best There is nothing but contempt for the Joe Louis punching power his durability and even in his heart in this lakeside camp of the hero of the cosmic punch who has a date with the Bomber Monday night in the Polo Grounds ring in New York Up here the No 1 boy is just another guy named Joe At Greenwood'Lake Joe not only belabored four separate' sparring partners with vicious intent in yes drill but he even want to stop when his headgear slipped off in a brisk exchange with George Nicholson Brooklyn Dodgers Nearing irst Pennant In 21 Years By GAYLE TALBOT New York Sept 24 De spite the fact that Dolf Camilli generally considered the most val uable player in the National league holds down first base for Brooklyn the Yankees will go into the approaching world series with a better infield than either of their prospective rivals The three infields still concern ed with the classic may be rated in this order: (1) the Yankees (2) the Brooklyn Dodgers (3) the St Louis Cardinals The Yankee infield has Joe Gor don perhaps the most brilliant de fensive second baseman the game has seen Brooklyn has a fine steady sec ond sacker in Billy Herman and the Cardinals possess one of the outstanding rookies in their keystoner rank Crespi But nei ther is quite in class George Heather Tender Elvin Johnsrud Stockyards Brown league is opening at the Northfield Minn Sept The 1941 grid season here opens with a bang at 2 next Saturday when Carleton College ente ins Bradley Tech at Peoria Ill in their Homecoming opener Tabbed as the outstanding game in the Northwest the contest on Laird ield will be viewed by sev eral thousand Carleton alumni students and visitors The day' will be Homecoming even for coach A Robertson who was a backfield star at Carleton in 1911 12 13 Al though Bradley teams have trav eled from coast to coast in recent years this is the first time that Coach Robertson has brought a team to his native state With a squad of 33 candidates on hand Coaches Wally Hass and Gus Young i are holding stiff prac By the Associated Press The American Association is ding its League and playoff mpion Columbus Red Birds to Little World series starting riday at Montreal or the first time in three years the Louisville Colonels are not representing the middle west cir cuit in this post season battle of the International League and American Association playoff win ners The Colonels were in the running up to the final 1941 series but the Red Birds took the deci sive playoff four games to The score of the clinching won test played last night at Louis ville was 8 to 1 ritz Crisler is guessing too at Michigan guessing just what will happen next in the Wolverine camp With Dave Nelson due to fill Tom old tailback post ready to appeal Thursday on his selective service classification of 1 A Harold Lockard has been notified by his draft board to re port riday for his physical exam Lockard has been groomed as the regular wingback The Iowa Hawkeyes were prom ised two days of drills against Drake plays as Coach Eddie An derson put Jim Ypuel at left half Keith Richardson and Jack Ken nedy at' right half on the first team and Brueggeman Akron Ohio books Red Sox In Third V'1" 1 South Bend Monopoly Broken South Bend noted for its Notre Dame football teams has almost as much of a strangle hold on In diana amateur baseball This year was the second time in five years a South Bend team has not won the state amateur title a Kokomo team annexing state honors this year Pompton Lakes Sept Lou Nova tossed a final right hand shot at sparring partner Johnny Aichers as the gong sound ed then leaned over the ropes and remarked guy's a lot tougher than Which goes to show you how Louie the fistic family all the way from the cnef in the kit chen right up to and including the blond Californian himself feel about the heavyweight champion who has been rated by many the greatest fighter of all time By the Associated Press American League Williams Boston 405 Travis Washington 358 Home Runs Williams Boston 36 Keller New York 33 Gomez New York 15 4 Ruffing New York 15 6 National League Batting Reiser Brooklyn Cooney Boston 322 Home Runs Camilli Brooklyn 34 Ott New York 27 Riddle Cincinnati 18 4 White St Louis 17 6 By HUGH ULLERTON JR New York Sept 24 (The Spe cial News Service) You can for get about the pennant race now and concentrate on the world series dope or on picking those ten win ners in football pool The bums can clinch the flag tomor row if the Cards blow another one Bob eller has been taking fly ing lessons and his instructor says he soloed for the first time a week ago Brooklyn the only place where they take their base ball seriously A judge in White Plains Interrupted a hearing yesterday to announce from the bench that the Cards had lost a game WITH By the Associated Press Three Years Ago Don Budge beat Gene Mako 6 3 6 8 6 2 6 1 to retain United States singles title Alice Marble won crown defeating Nancye Wynne Australia 6 0 6 3 SPORTS ROUNDUP By EDDIE BRIETZ PROTECT that new gun of yours WITH a fine quality sheepskin GUN case A real value at 3339 OTHER full length waterproof CASES for only 79e Shell BELTS cost only 59c and game CARRIERS are 2 for 25c It take Much muscle to w' Get around in A new DINGLE Duck boatand New punt pole Ends make hunting Easier too Lew Jenkins says he has cut out the fooling until after his fights with Red Cochrane and Sammy An gott And then he says I become the first lightweight cham pion to clip a welterweight cham pion for ten watch Uncle Mike soften Out in Oakland Cal the boys are betting plenty on Nova to lick Louis Out in Louisville convinced that the weather man tried to ruin the baseball sea son for the Colonels There were only two days all season when the club was playing at home that he predict rain showers or threatening weather He was wrong most of the time until the firs playoff game he said it would start to rain at game time and missed by only 45 minutes Hold Edge Over Either Brooklyn or Cards for Series JACK BLACKBURN He furnishes the thinking whip that Nova too Then maybe folks will stop disgust? ing me talking about Joe a slipping show he slipped when he belts that Nova nnoo nnli a Ranf IVTin Golden Gophers were en route today to their first test against Washington Saturday at Seattle and some of the curbstone quarterbacks were anything but optimistic rom the look on Coach Bernie face when the train pulled out last night he was pessimistic too The' usual hilarity was missing as the team went through its last CARLETON TO OPEN SEASON WITH HOMECOMING GRID TILT crafty University of Texas football aggregation ranked among the finest teams in the nation drilled grimly today for a cam paign packed with pitfalls at ev ery turn Unmindful of bowl and south west conference talk the Steers none too hefty but bulwarked with experience speed deception and areial skill sweated under the di rection of wily Dana Bible once more the mentor of potential champions Plan Ten Games The Longhorns in sight of their first conference pennant in 11 years will clash with the six oth er loop clubs each a threat and pointing toward knocking off the favorite and four state university Colorado Louisiana Okla homa and Oregon Led by Jack Crain able field general and the most feared broken field artist and Pete Layden crack triple threater who specializes in line smashing the Longhorns are three and four deep with experienced men at every post except center where replace ments are in the making ace Treacherous Schedule But the schedule is treacherous The Steers meet their strongest foes Rice Institute Southern Meth odist and Baylor University on suc cessive weekends Worst of all they tangle with Texas A College whose two season undefeated team they set down 7 0 last year on the own field A revengeful cadet elev en backed by a potent home field tradition may wreck the otherwise successful Longhorns Maize and Bide toMeet Bradley Tech In Contest Saturday ONLY one more week and THE blitz will be on at every LAKE in the state (almost) BE sure that you have all YOUR equipment ready and that in good working order It was' the second largest Minne sota squad to make a football trip 41 players being chosen Some of them it was made plain would not be used with 17 of the players expected to bear the brunt of the game The Gophers will hold practice sessions today at Miles City Mont and Thursday at Spokane Wash They arrive at Seattle Sat urday Owatonna Sept Playing er rorlessball for more than a third of the league season Emil Waseca Plumbers set up a new fielding record in Southern Minne sota league competition in the sea son recently closed The Plumbers participating in 15' games registered 389 putouts 184 assists and had but 26 errors while negotiating eight double plays for a mark of 958 The for mer mark was established by Owa tonna in 1938 when the Aces aver aged 953 Waseca was pressed for its crown by Albert Lea with the Tigers having the least errors onaY5 to tal but having two less games in competition extra game came on a tie with Austin at Owa tonna a 2 2 affair written into the records while the severe trouncing of a substitute Rochester itzsimmons and itz whipped him itz ducked Corbett when he was champ and took on spar ring partner who beat him a Better defended' against' Tom Sharkey Corbett itz Munroe and Johnson Munroe was a beginner almost and Corbett and itz were old men then tangle with such good men as Langford and Jeannette He took on Stanley Ketchel and rank Moran' Willard fought only once against Moran before Dempsey beat him Dempsey fought Miske a sick man Carpen tier who was not much more than a middleweight' Brennan and ir po who so good Tommy Gibbons: went the distance with him and Tunney beat him Tunney fought only Dempsey and Heeney The champs since Tunney had to face any great fighters suh Joe has fought more than any of them and beat a better crop of fighters than they did have beaten any of them champs too Major League Leaders wnrknut on Northron field vester day The players were sober and intent on their tasks and Bier disposition was not the best or the experts agreed the com bination of a train ride halfway across the country feeling there been enough practice and the fact Washington has a good may bode no good for the Gophers Three thousand Minnesota fans packed the railroad depot to give Eau Claire Wins Title Eau Claire Wis Sept By virtue of some fancy twirling by Willowy rank Nesseth Eau Claire righthander the Bears to day were the Northern Baseball playoff winners Nesseth yielded but two scratch hits to Duluth last night and fan ned 16 batters as Eau Claire swept to a 5 0 triumph in a hotly contest ed final playoff game Each team had won three games prior to the contest and enthusi asm was at a high pitch with both teams and the fans joining in Manager Howard Duluth was banished game for protesting a sion too emphatically contribution was a barrage of verb al abuse for both umpires rank Hensley Duluth shortstop hurt an ankle in a play at second base and had to be carried from the field Stars By JUDSON BAILEY Associated Press Sports Writer The Brooklyn Dodgers are al most at the place where they can pull the trigger on the St Louis Cardinals AU along the Dodgers have been insisting that the Cards could not sweep through the Pittsburgh Pi rates and Chicago Cubs and Brook lyn had it figured exactly The Cardinals came a cropper at Pitts burgh yesterday 4 0 in the first game of a double header and even though they won the second game 9 0 the damage was done This made the standings: Games Games Be To Pct hind Play Brooklyn 97 53 647 4 St Louis 95 54' 638 4 Within Sight of Pennant Any combination of three games in the days remaining will clinch first pennant in 21 years If the Dodgers win three out of four they are in no matter if the Cards win all of theirs If St Louis loses a game Brooklyn needs win only two contests Since the Dodgers are billeted at Boston today and tomorrow against the seventh place Braves and then tackle the tail end Phil lies Saturday and Sunday they should have no trouble winning three out of four Cards Play Pirates On the other hand the Cardinals tackling the Pirates again today and tomorrow and then moving in to Chicago to face the Cubs in a final pair have no assurance that they can win aU four The Cards whipped themselves yesterday They made five errors two by Shortstop Martin Marion and Mort Cooper their most relia ble righthander got knocked out of the box in the first inning of the first game The Dodgers had an open date zCubs Defeat Reds The Chicago Cubs clipped the Cincinnati Reds 5 1 The New York Giants and Phil lies divided a doubleheader The Phillies won the first 8 2 and New York the second 8 6 The Philadelphia Athletics spoil ed Red Hutting's world series tune up by batting him out of the box in the ninth inning and winning 918 Ruffing hit a home run in the third and Joe DiMaggio con nected for his 28th of the season in the fourth to help set up a 6 2 lead for Ruffing Washington scored twice in the 1 ninth to beat the Red Sox 4 3 and Detroit rallied for three in the tenth to stop the St Louis Browns 4 2 lifting the Tigers into a tie for third place Columbus Red Birds Win Association Title ENJOY your hunting more with A PAIR of Trojan field GLASSES only 3345 COMPLETE with crarying case AND strap We have a few of THOSE dandy American ield HUNTING coats left at 32 98 steals at that price AT OUR STORE NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 97 53 St Louis 95' 54 Cincinnati 8465 Pittsburgh 79 70 New York 70 78 Chicago 69 81 Boston 7 61 89 Philadelphia 42 107 Results Tuesdav Pittsburgh 4 0 St Louis 0 9 Philadelphia 8 6 New York 2 8 Chicago 5 Cincinnati red Martinson went 'Hunting for some Ducks to get but When he shot both Barrels his fanny Sure got wet WHICH reminds us that the NEW Queen revolving shell BOX makes a nice seat when YOU want to rest in your boat LOU NOVA CONIDENT OUTCOME LOUIS IGHT Dw nil I AM ftDAUAM Sports Editor AP eature Service Greenwood LakeN The Brain of the Joe Louis training camp was annoyed The Brain is lean sharp eyed shrewd Jack Blackburn trainer He snorted: 'Tse tired of hearing about Joe a Joe slipped one whit as good as he ever was and good as mean and ornerous and het up as he was for the second Smellln fight 'Course not the only man he was sore at But just as keen to beat Nova as he was any of He fast he punches and smart now He take care of Nova he said' Louis furnishes the fists Black burn furnishes the thinking Sure Joe thinks in the ring but the thoughts he comes up with gen erally are those planted in train ing camp by Blackburn Jack is a former fighter one of the smartest thin and bald now He caught Joe as an amateur and through his tutoring made him a great fighting machine Mr Brain He Win He? polish off Billy Conn in a hurry but he win he what counts He just took his time and waited for: the sho he wanted No Conn didn't hurt Duck Hunters Prepare Storm Warning System Minneapolis GR Upper Mississippi river duckhunters are making plans to avert any recurrence of last unex pected and tragic blizzard in which more than a score of Nimrods died are working through federal and state agencies to expedite storm'' warnings de velop coast guard patrols in emergencies and provide an airplane guard over the duck sloughs to caution hunters of impending danger Hundreds of hunters out for an Armistice day shoot were caught unprepared en anautumn rain developed into a severe snowstorm 1 ights Last Night By the Associated Press Newark Julie Kogon 136 New Haven Conn stopped Pete Lello 134 Chicago (10) 7 Jersey City Joe Haddad 144 Paterson stopped Mickey Ma har 147 Bayonne (2) zv I I Gurnard Johnson Wins State Title Minneapolis Sept 24 CP) Gun nard pro at Westwood Hills won his third straight Minne sota PGA title by shooting a two under par 71 to down Les Bolstad Minneapolis Golf club pro who had a 73 They tied at 142 Monday in 36 holes necessitating the playoff yes terday Crafty Texas Eleven Looms Strong But Longhorns Under Dana Bible ace Hard Treacherous Schedule HWfiwte Missouri Coach Puzzled Over Ohio Style of Attack Chicago Sept Coach Don aurot of Missouri has good reason for being in the dark about what to expect from Ohio State Saturday inasmuch as the Buck eyes have a new football coach But it was a little too much for aurot to hope that Ohio State might be wondering what plays Missouri would spring However the situation Paul Brown the new OSU Men tor is operating with only frag mentary offensive scouting files on the Tigers and the reason seems to be that in the turnover in coach i'g personnel at Ohio State this spring the records were house cleaned him Joe draw a heavy breath in that fight beat all kinds big men and little men slow men and fast men standups and crouchers and weav ers Joe got all sooner or later Maybe he beat no Corbett or itzsimmons or Dempsey but he beat the best men around And say Corbett and itz and Dempsey they meet no Louis he explained 'Tse seen all since Sullivan and I think Louis would have beat en any of a look at what them other champs he said had trouble With Jake Kilrain and Charlie Mitchell a middleweight As champion Corbett fought only Team ielding Record Set By Waseca Plumbers Miss But' 26 Chances in 16 Games Tigers Second Owatonna Sept? Playing Albert Lea Team Plays At Owatonna Mankato aces Northfield Austin Hits Rochester and Winona Plays aribault Eight members of the sBig Nine conference will swing into title comnetition this weekend with the title defending Red Wing team the only one tHat plays outsiue meet Ing Stillwater At the present time Winona is leading the circuit by reason of a 12 to 0 victory over Red Wing last week The defeat was the first Big Nine loss for Red Wing in two seasons Austin and Owatonna' played a 7 to 7 tie in the race Tigers at Owatonna Albert Lea will break into com petition against a conference foe for the first time at Owatonna The Tigers have a win so far over Pat rick Henry high of Minneapolis 7 to 6 and a 13 to 0 defeat at the hands of Blue Earth Northfield takes the field for the first time in an official contest oi wTrih MonVotn na thft ADDO a ent The Scarlets have a 7 to 7 tie with Blue Eartn ana a io yerdlct over Waseca aribault Tests Winona strong after week of rest will take on Winona The alcons lost to Owatonna in an opening game and then beat out Columbia Heights powerhouse will move over to Rochester The Rockets lost out to Duluth Central 6 to 0 in a starter and then fell before Minneapolis South high Action on the Albert Lea home field will: be provided by the teams from the Tigers school and Blue Earth who meet on Thursday night at 7:30 Wilson Bowling League ormed or This Year Thp annual meeting of the son Bowling league was held Thurs dav afternoon September 17 Offi 1 9586 Cers and committees were appoint 19537 ea f0r the scorning year All rules 9401! fees prizes will be the same as last9262 year 9335 Teams to: be represented in the9485 'league this year and their captains9018 are as follows: 8984 i rortifipd Glpn Bolton: Sales Don Errorless games: Waseca 5 Au Martinson Power Conrad Werde stin 3 Albert Lea 1 aribault 2 ritch Beef Lloyd Brown Meat Specialty Ray Nollman Govern ment Made Harry The Town Club this coming riday eve ning September 26 at 7:30 SO long boys and if NOT sure about your alarm CLOCK better come down TO Towne and PICK out a new one you KNOW cuss words carry across THE 'water better than cheap bHcLLS Advertisem*nt GET your favorite brand of SHELLS at our store We HAVE all popular brands AND all sizes of shot termine starting line up The combination most likely to New Richland was a close third the call against Bradley will while Owatonna champion of the 'make full use of the available let league wound up in sixth place termen talent omitting only Ray with a mark of 926 nearly 20 Wistrcill St Paul speedster whom points below normal Owatonna 1 injury will keep from leading the pace I offensive attack loss Rochester with but 11 games hard felt in the Carl backfield written into the records failed tojwtnch needs break away speed as crash the 900 mark the first time I repiacement for last Little a league team has fallen below All American Dick Raiter that pace in several years LeRoy I A tentative Carleton line up usually one of the more consistent Place Dick Massopust and Ira defensive teams in the circuit bare Elsham Minneapolis seniors at ly topped that figure Not in the ends Jack Marvin Warroad and records are Rochester forfeits to rank Sullivan Brainerd at tac Owatonna and Albert Lea along kies Capt Jim Black Highland with absence of fielding reports on Park HL and Lewis Blanich Ir one Rochester aribault game i onton at guards Eiler Henrick Austin and New Richland were son Deerwood center and in the tied for second with errorless con backfield George Smith Hutchin tests eachhaving three The latter son Otis Prinkey Younpood club had but 29 misplays in the Penn Dennis Tufte Carrington year for third position in the final and rank Hlavacek La standings Grange Ill Waseca shaded aribault in as 1 Only Hlavacek is a sophom*ore sists on totals of 178 to 172 but he does not start the had an extra 14 innings of time innient may fall to either John Sol which to turn the trick Only Roch haug Minneapolis or Lowell Bro ester played less innings than Owa in Kenyon who are also sopho tonna and no club had less assists mores Junior backfield men in the than the Aces with the fewer num running include Bob Olson from her of records and fewer chances Oak Park 111 Parker because of strikeout record i Milwaukee Wis and Curly being the reason Owatonna took part in no extra league games this year while New Richland led that department twice going innings and once 12 Tigers Lead Double Plays Albert Lea led in double plays with a dozen while aribault was second with nine one ahead of: Waseca Team fielding averages I for the season play off games ex 1 eluded: Results Tuesday Detroit 4 St Louis 1 Washington 4 Boston 3 Philadelphia 9 New York 8 Only games scheduled Games Today Cleveland at Chicago Detroit at St Louis Boston at Washington Philadelphia at New York AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (inal Playoff) Pct Columbus 800 Louisville 1 4 200 Sports Mirror ive' Years Ago New York Giants clinched National league pennant as 'Hal 4 Schumacher beat Boston Bees 2 1 amily Baseball Highlight oft the recent Maine state tournament to qualify a team for the amateur world series at Battle Creek Mich Sept 20 28 was the presence of 12 sets of brothers on eight teams and one father and son combination Broth er championship was claimed by West Minot with five Trundy boys Dick Palmer senior coached and Dick Palmer junior pitched for Lisbon' alls I lllli Big A A 'WS i I I 1 0 A ml? 1 7 Mgr7 a I 4 tUgiU a iw a ll I i wwWfflSr i a 1 Kl 7 Is gig Zb 5 i Xzz A I Brooklyn at Boston played at for mer date' Games Today Brooklyn at Boston St Louis at Pittsburgh New York at Philadelphia Chicago at Cincinnati AMERICAN LEAGUE Pct New York 98 51 658 Boston 80 69 537 Chicago 74 76 493 Detroit 74 76 493 Cleveland 73 76 490 Washington 68 80 459 St Louis 67 82 450 Philadelphia 63 87 420 Waseca 389 184 26 8 Albert Lea 354 161 25 12 Austin 384 165 35 3 Owatonna 336 116 36 5 aribault 348 142 37 9 New 385 149 29 6 LeRoy 368 138 45 4 Rochester 277 121 45 2.

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The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)


What is special about Albert Lea Minnesota? ›

Welcome to Albert Lea, Minnesota

a natural oak savanna landscape. This State Park is known for its wildlife with 234 different kinds of birds. and snowmobile trail. There are 43 beautiful parks in Albert Lea that boast many activities.

Is Albert Lea a good place to live? ›

Albert Lea is a quiet town with nice parks and outdoor areas. Good for families but otherwise boring. Overall a good community to raise a family in.

How deep is Albert Lea Lake in Albert Lea Minnesota? ›

The max depth for Albert Lea Lake is 5.5 feet and the mean depth is 3.5 feet. A University of Minnesota Study found that Albert Lea Lake has been a shallow water body for several hundred years and probably has been shallow for at least the past 5,000 years.

What is the crime rate in Albert Lea, Minnesota? ›

Albert Lea Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes27325
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.4717.67

Is Albert Lea a blue zone? ›

Albert Lea made headlines in 2016 when it became the first community in the country to be a certified Blue Zones community.

How did Albert Lea get its name? ›

Joseph Nicollet later renamed the lake, Lake Albert Lea. In 1855, a small settlement began on the northwest edge of the lake and the town became known as Albert Lea, named after the lake—which was named in honor of Lieutenant Albert Lea.

What is the poverty rate in Albert Lea Minnesota? ›

Poverty & Diversity

10.8% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Albert Lea, MN (1.94k out of 17.9k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 12.5%.

What is Albert Lea High school ranked? ›

Albert Lea Senior High School is ranked #9,574 in the National Rankings.

What is the elevation of Albert Lea MN? ›

What river runs through Albert Lea Minnesota? ›

The Shell Rock River begins at Albert Lea Lake in Freeborn County in south-central Minnesota, a few miles from the Iowa border. It flows 113 miles into Iowa, where it enters the Cedar River.

Is Fountain Lake in Albert Lea man made? ›

The ensuing project, a dam built across the Shell Rock River by Bridge Avenue, resulted in the creation of Fountain Lake. The Captain George worked from the spring of 1940 through the fall of 1942 when it finished dredging Fountain Lake and its connected bays.

What fish are in Albert Lea Lake, MN? ›

SpeciesGearNormal Range
northern pikeStandard gill nets1.2-7.8
orangespotted sunfishStandard trap netsN/A
tadpole madtomStandard trap netsN/A
walleyeStandard gill nets3.2-15.3
24 more rows

What's the safest city in Minnesota? ›

Safest Cities in Minnesota
  • Orono. The safest city in Minnesota is Orono, which is located west of Minneapolis and Lake Minnetonka. ...
  • Hibbing. Known for being the hometown of legendary singer Bob Dylan, Hibbing is a piece of small-town life. ...
  • Big Lake. ...
  • Minnetrista. ...
  • Northfield. ...
  • La Crescent. ...
  • Corcoran. ...
  • Rochester.
Feb 17, 2024

Where does Minnesota rank in crime? ›

Minnesota ranked the 29th "most dangerous" with a violent crime rate of 2.81 per 1,000 residents; a property crime rate of 19.67 per 1,000 residents; and the chances of becoming a crime victim at 1/356. The most common type of arrest in Minnesota is for DWI. The analysis said there were 30,831 such arrests in 2022.

Is crime low in Minnesota? ›

According to crime stats from Safewise, the violent and property crime rates across Minnesota are below the national averages. Nationwide, the violent crime rate is 4 incidents per 1,000 people.

What is the history of Eagle Bend Minnesota? ›

It gained notoriety during the days of prohibition with its multitude of "bootleggers" and "brawlers". Eagle Bend received national attention when its public school became the first in the nation to receive a license for a low-power educational television station.

How many students go to Albert Lea High school? ›

It has 1,218 students in grades 8-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 17 to 1.


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.