White spots: Causes and treatment - sk:n clinics (2024)

White spots: Causes and treatment - sk:n clinics (1)

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White spots are a relatively common skin issue and are usually nothing to worry about. They may appear as small white bumps that protrude slightly from the surface of the skin around the eyes and mouth, or white lumps or growths on the hands, feet, or other parts of the body. You might also experience larger, flat areas of skin which are lighter than your natural skin colour.

We offer a number of treatment options for white spots. To choose the best plan for you and achieve noticeable results, we highly recommend you attend a free, no obligation consultation. During your free consultation your medical practitioner will discuss the treatment options available.

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The symptoms of white spots will vary depending on the skin condition causing them. Some forms of white spots have no symptoms, whilst others may cause itching or discomfort. Here are some of the most common causes of white spots on the skin and the symptoms associated with them.


A milium (the plural is, ‘milia’) is a small white or yellowish raised bump or spot on the skin, normally found around the eye area and cheeks, but can appear anywhere on the face or body. It is very common to have severalmilia appear in clusters, and they are very common in newborn babies often being referred to as, ‘milk spots’.

Unlike a pimple or spot, milia feel quite hard, almost like a small piece of grit under the skin, and do not have any redness or inflammation as you might expect with whiteheads or acne related spots. Milia are not contagious. There are many types of milia but the causes of them aren’t always clear.

Whiteheads and acne

Blocked and congested pores can appear as white spots or bumps on the skin and are often referred to as whiteheads. These are not harmful and occur when the pores become blocked with debris, such as dead skin cells and excess oil.

Whiteheads are a mild form of acneand are easily treatable my adopting a skincare regime using products for oily skin types. Regular exfoliation can help to keep blocked pores and whiteheads at bay.


This rare skin condition is caused by a loss of pigmentation or melanin in the skin. It appears as patches of skin which are lighter in colour than your natural skin tone and can occur all over the body, including the face, arms, legs, back, genitals, hands and feet.

A doctor will be able to advise whether your vitiligo requires treatment. Common treatments for vitiligo include medication, light therapy and surgical skin grafts in some cases. Vitiligo is not contagious.

Pityriasis alba

Pityriasis alba is a condition which is most common among children and younger adults. It appears as oval or circular patches of lighter skin or white spots on the face and body. The exact cause of pityriasis alba is not known, but it is understood to be related to eczema and other forms of dermatitis.

White spots caused by pityriasis alba usually fade after a few months, but can remain for up to three years in some cases. The condition can be treated with moisturisers and steroid creams and is not contagious. A doctor, dermatologist or pharmacist will be able to give you advice on the best course of treatment.

Tinea versicolour / pityrasis versicolour

Pityriasis versicolor, or tinea versicolour as it is sometimes known, is caused by a form of yeast called malassezia. The presence of this yeast is normal and it is found on the skin of 90% of adults. It usually doesn’t cause any skin problems.

Pityriasis versicolor/tinea versicolour develops when the yeast begins to multiply more than usual and causes an imbalance in the skin. This results in white spots or patches of lighter-coloured skin which may be scaly, red and inflamed. It is not contagious, as malassezia yeast is present in most people anyway.

The condition can be treated with antifungal creams and other topical treatments, and also by taking oral medication prescribed by your doctor. It may take several weeks of treatment for the white spots to fade, but your skin should return to its normal colour.

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a non-contagious skin condition which causes small, flat white spots or patches to appear on the surface of the skin. It is most common in fair skin types and is believed to be caused by sun exposure and ageing skin.

There are no symptoms other than the white spots themselves (it’s not an itchy or uncomfortable condition) and it most often occurs on the areas of the body which have the most exposure to the sun, such as the face, legs and arms.

The white spots associated with idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis appear due to a decrease in the amount of melanin (pigment) in the skin. The causes of this are not certain, but it is believed there may be a genetic link.

Warts and verrucae

Wartsare benign (non-cancerous) skin growths, most commonly found on the hands and feet. They are caused by viruses (there are around 60 known wart-causing viruses in existence). Warts are highly contagious as the affected skin cells release the viruses, so hygiene is of the utmost importance if you are affected.

Veruccaeonly tend to appear on the feet. They are flat and thick in appearance, hard around the edge and have a small black dot in the centre. Often, they feel sore when touched or stood upon. Verrucae are highly contagious and are frequently passed on via swimming pools due to people walking barefoot.

There are over-the-counter wart and verruca treatments available from most chemists. If you find these are not successful, you may wish to speak to a dermatologist about having them removed professionally.

Can skincare products cause or worsen white spots under the eyes?

If you do have Milia particularly around the eye area, it could be something to do with the skincare products you are using. The skin around the eye is much thinner than on the face, so when eye creams are thick and heavy they can block pored and trap dead skin cells. So make sure you invest in a good quality, light eye cream. Another cause could be sun damage or an allergic reaction to harsh facial products.

How can I reduce the white spots under my eyes?

Ensure you have a good skincare routine can help reduce white spots under your eyes, which should involve good quality products, regular exfoliation and wearing high factor sun protection.

Are milia contagious?

Milia are not contagious so cannot be spread from person to person.

Are milia genetic?

There is no known genetic link with milia and the condition is not thought to be hereditary.

Can I remove milia myself?

Removing milia yourself is not recommended. To avoid infection, the treatment should be carried out in a safe clinical environment with sterile equipment. Trying to squeeze or pick at milia can cause the area to become inflamed, bruised or infected because they do not ‘pop’ in the same way as a pimple or whitehead.

Can I wear makeup if I have milia?

You may feel like you want to cover up the white spots with makeup. However covering Milia with heavy makeup will stop your skin from shedding cells and may clog pores further, trapping keratin underneath your skin. Try to use breathable makeup, or instead of a foundation use light powder-based cover up.

Does milia removal hurt?

The removal of milia is virtually painless and there is no need to apply a numbing cream before the procedure.

Is milia removal safe?

Going to a regulated and qualified doctor is the best way to remove milia safely and effectively. All of our milia removal procedures are carried out in highly clinical, sterilised operating rooms by doctors with many years’ experience. They will follow strict medical protocols, which means you can be rest assured that the procedures are very safe.

Is milia common in men?

Yes, this can be caused by using low quality products and heavy moisturisers after shaving or neglecting to exfoliate the skin. It is very important to invest in good quality skincare products which aren’t too heavy.

Is there any downtime after milia removal?

There may be some slight redness to the treated area immediately following the milia removal procedure, however this subsides within a matter of hours and benefits of treatment can be noticed instantly.

What do milia look like?

Milia are usually very small, white or flesh-coloured bumps which are firm to the touch. They have a different appearance to a pimple or spot as they don’t have a head and cannot be squeezed. They are generally not red or inflamed (except formilia en plaque) and should not feel uncomfortable or painful. They usually appear on the skin around the eyes in groups, but it is possible to have just one milium at a time and they can occur on any part of the body, including the groin and genital area.

Will milia fade without treatment?

This could be the case, with adults this could take a few months. However it is always best to get any skin conditions checked out by a trained professional. Definitely do not try any treatments at home or you could cause infection or scarring.

We offer a number of treatment options for white spots. To choose the best plan for you for noticeable results, we highly recommend you attend a free, no obligation consultation. During your free consultation your medical practitioner might discuss several treatment options.

Peels help by exfoliating the top layers of skin, speeding up skin turnover and preventing pores from becoming clogged. Our peels vary in strength and include salicylic, jessner, pyruvic and glycolic options.

Milia sufferers can opt for a procedure to remove the lumps of protein or debris that have hardened under the skin. This is most commonly done with a sterilised needle and then carefully extracting the milia.

In conjunction with leading chemists in Europe and the US, our research and development team has formulated proven, patented products to be topically applied to the skin for the treatment of white spots to maximise treatment results.

The world’s first aesthetic acne technology to purify your skin both inside and out. Treatment combines innovative broadband light to thermally destroy spot-causing bacteria and reduce facial redness, with a pore cleansing vacuum to loosen and extract white spots and excess oil from deep within your pores. It is quick enough to fit into a lunch break, requires no downtime and 100 per cent of clients reported it as a painless way to treat white spots in our recent study. Clients find their skin feels refreshed afterwards and has a healthy, radiant glow.

Here atsk:n we have a range of treatments designed to help you get the skin you want.

From products to peels, our specialist doctors and nurses can recommend the best path for you to take.

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White spots: Causes and treatment - sk:n clinics (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.