The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

6 I' TIIE SOIANTON REPUBLICAN.THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 Playing With the Goldfish SOCIAL NEWS PERSONALS 3 Z3 tana Shrine Holds Annual Dinner and Dance in Jermyn Hotel Is Scene of Enjoyable Party Mrs. Osborne Gives Address convention of the Pennsylvanla'state The students of the Powell School of Business will conduct their post Lenten dance on Friday evening, April 12 in the Scranton Bicycle club. Don ice Dealers' association. Mr. and Mrs.

A. Schwartz and daughters Laura and Tess. of Vine street, aid McCrea has been elected general chairman of the committee arranging for have left Detroit, to attend the affair and he is being ably assisted by the other members of the committee, Springs Fashions Are onDisplay At Rice's Revue Exhibit At Casey Will Con tinue Tonight and Tomorrow Night Even more resplendent than last year was the Invitation exhibit of exquisite Parisian styles for spring presented last evening with living mannequins by the Rice Dress shop, of Wyoming avenue, in Hotel Casey. S. M.

Oillman, manager of the store, assisted by Miss Ann Loverlng, were In charge of the affair which will be given publicly this eve nine and tomorrow Mwnlnir frnm tn the marriage or Harry scnwarA vuv street and Pose of troil Music will be furnished by the well known Cotton Pickers orchestra. The committee has Issued invitations to all graduates of the school and are endeav which will tike place o.i Sunday in the Botk Cadilla hctel. After the wddlr.g oring to have many of the alumni present. The chairmen of the sub Mr.

Schwartz will take his bride to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lelnbach, of 1810 Mulberry street, announce the birth of a son, Saturday in the Hahnemann hospital.

Mrs. George Hallstead, of Clay avenue, is spending a week in New York. Mrs. A. W.

Burdick, of Clay ave nue, leaves today to spend some time in Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Jessie Swartz "ms returned to her home on Penn avenue, afer spending several days in New York. Arthur Reynolds of the Cair Apa ments, left yesterday a brief stav in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Tiffany, P'n street, are spending several days tr ChaL'onte Hadrfnn hall, tlantlj City Mr.

and Mrs. Paul E. Sprague. o' Miami, Fla. He is i son of Mr.

ano mittees are as follows: Tickets, Jean Ershler; Hall, Frank Roche; publicity, Can Shrine, No. 17, Order of the White Shrine Jeruaalerj, held its annual dinner dance last evening in the ViennoU ballroom of the Hotel Jer myn. The affair was in charge of Mrs. Myrtle Cleveland and the officers Marlon Miller; door, Donald Lake; check room, Charles Hopkins; decorating, Sophie Karsh. of the snrine ana provea rowi delightful one.

tv nrmrram follows: "America Mrs. A. Schwartz. Dorothy Montgomery, 1419 Myrtle street, who has undergone an operation for appendicitis at the Hahnemann hospital, Is convalescing at that institution. Mrs.

Scranton Will Direct Legislative invocation by the chaplain, Elizabeth 9 o'clock in the crystal ballroom of Tonight Syracuse Cluhs Will Give Berry: community singing iea ay i.ll. Cirrnnrv of Nantlco*kel re OOO Mrs. C. W. Westpfahl, of Wyoming avenue, entertained recently in honor of Mrs.

M. C. Landt, of New York. Bridge was enjoyed by the following guests: Mrs. A.

J. Schnell, Mrs. E. A. Pugh, Mrs.

E. W. Worthington, Mrs. C. E.

Chittenden, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Mrs. H. A. Prink, Mrs.

E. J. Crane, Mrs. D. Fuhrman, Mrs.

D. Humphrey and Mrs Albert Pilling. marks, tc astmtstress. Mrs. Margaret are spending some time in Net York.

Mrs. Sprague is representing the Pi Beta Phi sorority of Ohio State university at the opening of the Pan Hd Musical Program Program Tomorrow Swingle, P. W. H. selections by the Temple quartet; reading by Mrs.

Ven nle Osborne; address, Mrs. Myrtle Cleveland, worthy high priestess of Cana Shrine. Dancing, with Reese orchestra furnishing the music fol Th color scheme used in lenic building in New York. Mr. and Mrs.

C. O. Sutton, of 1720 Pcnn avenue, are entertaining their niece, Mrs. P. Lande, of Brook It is a well known fact that frocks of this season are lovelier than ever before, but the representative styles shown hst evening were beautiful beyond imagination.

The very smartest ensembles and prints, not to mention attire for sports, street, afternoon, evening, formal and informal were displayed by employes of Rice's, to their best advantage. There was an especially well balanced variety of all the new and striking colors as well as modes. Much enthusffLsm vu shnum vv th Mrs. Bushnell's Class to Present Entertainment at a Elm Park lyn, N. Y.

Miss Alice West, of Clarks Summl Three Well Known Women Lawyers to Speak at Century Club Meeting is the ruest of her sister, Mrs. Leach. ooo "Lazy Bob Perkins," a comedy in three acts, will be presented May 1 in the Dunmore High school auditorium by the Christian Endeavor society of the Tripp Avenue Christian church, under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Warnke, and Miss Eleanore Jones, ac of Rye, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Morton spatt, of Pitts i avenue, announce the birth of a The Scranton concert to be given by members of the Musical club of Syracuse university will be held in the assembly room of Elm Park house this evening at 8:15 o'clock. Special rehearsals have been held for this audience over the vividly colored prints daughter. Gloria Mcrilyn, on Monday, in the Mercy hosoltal.

The Misses Beatrice Wood. Marie foe" The cast of characters is as follows: Bob Perkins. Robert Hollands Cat in moaernisuc aesign, as well as over the graceful afternoon frocks. Not only were the youthful models shown, but a larire number of mntmnlv Watson, Ray Henderson; Sydney De Haven, Alex Warfel; Sol Hotter, Elmer Jackson; Jotham Close, Robert Helen Swarts and Betty Osborne, of this left esterday on a motor trip to New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C.

Albert Fleming, of Monroe avenue and Pine street, leaves tomorrow to had their Important place In this revue. Brink; Oliver Pomery, Teddy Wil ait. uuiman ana Miss Loverlng deserve much credit for the success of the event. liams: Eleanor Lamson, Isabel Hen derson; Henrietta Laxson, Ruth Cole; spend a few days New Tork. concert and it promises to be a very enjoyable affair.

In addition to numbers by the Glee club, there will be selections by the Instrumental club, tha Varsity quartet and the concert soloist. The members of the clubs will arrive by bus this afternoon direct from Syracuse and while in this city they will be entertained in private homes. On Friday they go to Elmira where they will give a concert that evening. Mrs. Laxson, Helen Curtis; Mrs.

Nitrate production in Chile last year Plumley, Bertha Jackson; Mrs. Part Miss S. M. R. O'Hara, of Wilkes Barre, the first voman deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania, will speak tomorrow afternoon at the Century club at 3 o'clock.

Mrs. Worthington Scranton, chairman of the legislative department of the club, has arranged an Intensely interesting program which will also be featured by talks by Miss Sara Soffel, of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Mary T. Denman, of Latrobe. Miss Soffel will speak on legislation of interest to women passed by the "Lame Duck" session of congress.

Miss O'Hara will speak on legislation which has been passed by both congress and the general assembly, at Harrisburg, and also that which Is pending. Mrs. Denman's topic will include outstanding legislation passed at this session of interest to women. Altogether, it will be the largest legislative meeting of the year. In honor of the speakers Mrs.

was tne largest since tne World war. decorating was yellow and white, and on the speaker's table were ye ow roses and narcissus, as well as yellow candles. Among the guests were: Mrs. Pan nie B. Gilman, Miss Norma Kelly, Mrs.

Carolyn Kelly, Miss Anne Morgan, Mrs. Blodwyn Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. L. F.

Schmidt, Freeda and Lauretta Schmidt, Florence Klein, Margaret Guest, Margaret Ramsay. Margaret Young, Margaret Grey, Mrs. Elizabeth D. James, Mrs. Jessie W.

Jones, Mrs. Jennie Jones, Mrs. Gertrude Snyder, Miss Bertha D. Lover ing, M. B.

Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ellis, Mrs. Delia Bull, Mrs. Maude LMmmick, Mrs.

Mary B. Webber. Miss Mae Stephens, Mrs. Ruth Winshlp, Mr. and Mrs.

L. L. Hubbard, Mrs. Anna Wescott, Mrs. Lucy Kelly, Laura Kelly Ella M.

Swartz, Mrs. E. H. Osborne, Miss Margaret Glaab, Mrs. Clarence Hudson, Mrs.

Hattie Kline. Mrs. Amy B. Bonhanv Mrs. Myra DePry, Samuel T.

Cleveland Betty Jane Cleveland, Mrs. Helen Santor, Mrs. Etta Jackson, Harold Jackson, Mrs. Jeannette Bellamy, Mrs. Charles Bartosch, Mrs.

W. S. Bartlett. Mrs. J.

Palmer Smith, Miss Sara Evans. Mrs. Mary Seamans, Mrs. Idwall Powell, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Cordy, Mrs. Herebrt A. Frear, Mrs. Asa W. Klrkhuff.

Miss Ruth L. Koehler, Mrs. low, Grace Donnelly; Mrs. Savin roye lkany, Of tsaiem avenue, uar bondale, returns the latter part of next week from Belruth, Syria, where he has been attending the American unl verslty of Belruth since last soules, Mrs. Alex Warfel; Tots Rob bins, Betty Tarbox; Jennie Lapham, Photo by Brus, This charming girl is Patricia Anna, the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Eleanore Jones; Colonial Girls in THE WONDER ROUGE Ot' THE Neville, of the Stonier apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gardner, of This event is being sponsored by Minuet: Doty Davis, Nellie Harper, Wheeler avenue, are entertaining their Mrs.

xi. h. susnneii class or tne Elm Park church and by the local Syra Helen Reinhart, Mildred Donnelly, Eva Tarbox, Corinne Bring, Margaret "NOT until I tried It mywlf, would I iwliiv rout could rcmirkabl. It blndi Mfily to any ihad I wiih. cuse Alumni association.

Oakley, Marlon Bennett; quartet. Prof. daughter, Mrs. Philip Warnke, of Cambridge, Mass. Mrs.

Frank F. Donnelly; of Clay avenue, is in Philadelphia for a short time. Leyshon, Alex Warfel, Toddy Williams irom oamu pine to aunt red. It it natural lookinn in daytima at it at ana josepn porsnaik. night.

It aniibar. WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES ooo cadians, famous recording and broad' casting orchestra. Mrs. Alfred E. Connell.

of Vine street. miss Ann zwick entertained at a card party recently in her home on and Mrs. Rollo G. Jermyn of North Webster avenue, are in New York. The committees, appointed at the last meeting are as follows: General Maple street.

High scores were made George W. Thomas, of North Hyde chairman. John Walton: music com' by Miss Florence Spitzer and the hostess. Eight guests were present. Scranton will entertain at dinner in her home on Monroe avenue, tomorrow evening.

Dr. Protheroe to Direct Chorus in Broadcast The Welsh Male chor of Chicago, mlttee, John B. Murray, Frank Notz, Park avenue, has left for New York, where he will sail for South America. Daniel Kennedy, jonn oiooons, Frank Mr. and Mrs.

P. J. Casey, o' Clay ave 0 0 0 Mrs. Archie Marcus, of Adams ave Long; ticket committee, Fred Welsmer, nue, are in New Yirk for several days. josepn Moran; door committee, wtt Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Bird, ot nue, was hostess at a delightful bridge and supper party on Tuesday evening in her home, in honor of Miss Stella liam Brennan, Patrick Moran, Patrick McDonnell; floor committee, Ray The annual luncheon of the Scranton colony, National Society of New England Women, will take place at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Hotel Jermyn, and will be followed by an interesting program. Rev. Peter K. Emmons, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, will speak.

The Scranton club of Applied Psychology met Monday evening in the clubroom in the Chamber of Commerce. wnaii, p. J. Rellly. wiliard O'Malley, which is conducted by Dr.

Daniel Protheroe, formerly of city, will broadcast a program Irom WLS, Chicago, tonight at 9:30 o'clock, Chicago time, and 10:30 p. Scranton time. George O'Hara, Charles Betty, Andrew Mcuowan; publicity, Paul Meehan. The Community Book Shop 614 Spruce Scranton, Pa. Telephone 2 8507 Greeting Cards and Gifts for Easter Bibles and Prayer Books.

Games and Novelties for Children. ooo Several of Dr. Protheroe's own com Miss Florence Hufford, 307 Chestnut positions will be sung by the chorus, which is rated as one of the best in the street, gave a glass shower In her home Capouse avenue, are in New York, staying at the Hotel Le Marquis. Herman Stahleber and Wlllard Geig er, of this city, have been in New York for several days. 1 Mrs.

I. E. Surdam and Miss Jane Lewis, of Clay avenue, are at the Hotel Le Marquis, New York. Miss Emma Barker, of 339 Monroe aven leeves today for Trenton, N. where sne will Join her sister.

Mrs. John M. Scudder and family, and go to St. Augustine, for several weeks. C.

C. Ferber, of Monroe avenue, Is in Atlantic City attending the annual recently in compliment to Mrs. James United States. i The Welsh Male chonis consists of Hiroert. Games and music were the features of the evening.

In attendance Ruth C. Tooley, Mrs. Sadie, Curtis, Viola Shaffer, Janette Davis, Marguerite Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. James Strausser, Mrs.

J. A. Ridgway, Mrs. F. D.

Homan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. John W.

Shaffer, Mrs. Margaret Phillips, Mrs. Martha Lewis, Christina Pletcher, Margaret M. Swingle, Myrtle M. Cleveland, Samuel T.

Cleveland, Elizabeth Berry, Laura E. Hine, Bessie MacDonough, Mr. and Mrs. A. Edward Gugger, Mr.

and Mrs. David Eynon, Mrs. Blanche JeJiu, Mrs. Joannna Powell, Mrs. Elinor Hughes, Mrs.

Nathan Evans, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsey, Mrs. Sarah Anthony, Miss Elizabeth Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrightson, Mrs.

John Kinback, Mrs. John E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G.

Simons, Mrs. John H. Lewis, Mrs. Donald S. Waters, Mrs.

Ella F. Trev erton, Fleta B. Finch, Laura B. Davis, Harriet Bevans. 100 selected voices, kept to a high The meeting scheduled for next Monday evening promises to be one of exceptional and absorbing Interest.

The president, Miss Gertrude Price will be the leader and present the lesson, the subject of which will be "The Basic and Fundamental Laws and Principles Which Govern Success in all Realms were: Misses Ruth Brown. Ethel Sut standard by regular weekly rehearsals. It was organized two years ago, and has done an enormous amount of con S. Seltzer, of Philadelphia, will speak on "Election Laws." Tea will be served with Mrs. W.

H. Decker as chairman of the hostess committee assisted by Mrs. James A. Thomas, Mrs. F.

K. Brewster, Mrs. L. A. Mason and Mrs.

E. J. Mtf Tiernan. All solicitors of patron and patroness lists for the spring festival of the Catholic Charity guild April 1, are to meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Hotel Casey with the chairman, Mrs. E.

C. Hoffman. The newly organized Ladies' auxiliary to the Scranton Area of Eagles will be formally instituted tonight. Dr. A.

J. Tupa, of Tulsa, Oklamoma, deputy grand worthy president, will be in charge of the ceremonies. A social hour will follow the exercises. Mrs. Ellen Brooks McCleary's cooking class will be resumed this evening at the Y.

W. C. A. Anyone interested is invited to attend. The Ladies' Westminster Bible class of the Dunmore Presbyterian church will hold a bake sale tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at R.

H. Johnston's, 111 South Blakely street, Dunmore. BACK FULLNESS A new grey kasha tweed coat has a ton, Alice Widenor, Norma Weber, Mary Acker and Florence Hufford, Mrs. James Hllbert, Mrs. Harold Green, Harold Phillips, Wilbur Fru diger, Leon Robeson.

cert and radio work. of Life." It will be viewed from a scientific, metaphysical and practical Weiss, who is to be be married next month. Prizes were won by the Misses Silvia Morris, Minnie Shiffman. and Mrs. H.

Shiffman. Those present were: Misses Stella Weiss, Clara Pomerantz, Belle Rubin, Lena Marcus, Helen Marcus, Silvia Morris, Sarah Shiffman, Pearl Baron, Ida Adler, Mrs. David Newman, Mrs. Hyman Shiffman, Mrs. Archie Marcus, also Miss Minnie Shiffman, of Binghamton, N.

Y. 0 0 0 This evening in the Chamber of Commerce the annual dinner of the members of the Wildflower club will be held at 6:15 o'clock. Following the banquet there will be brief addresses and at 8:15 o'clock in the auditorium there will be a free entertainment to which th public is invited. The new colored slides of the gardens of Century club members will be shown, to the accompaniment of appropriate music. ooo The members of the Freshmen class of St.

Patrick's high school gave a Prizes were awarded Misses Ruth (LSPO OSPD QiPS) (lSPJ) (LQpv angle. Excerpts from a book devoted to the Interests of business men and Brown and Ethel Sutton also the truest of honor. Pink and white were the colors used in decorating. ooo Psl Omega Alpha fraternity will women will be read and discussed. Stimulating discussions will be led by Mrs.

J. B. Casterlin, Mrs. Elsmere, Dr. Hetsel and Mrs.

A. J. Floyd, and will be of vital interest. The meeting will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. The scope of tills course covered a wide range embracing such themes as scientific health culture, physiolgy, anatomy, hygiene, metaphysics, the sub conscious mind and psycho analysis.

meet at the Hotel Casey this evening to further plans for its Easter ball, April 2. John English, president, will preside. CJor Easier (Stlegance Charity Festival Will Open Round Of Easter Parties 0 0 0 The Hahnemann Hospital Nurses surprise party Tuesday evening in A meeting of the Lackawanna Countv (Excellence anct (5 ence ana Alumnae association will entertain at cards tomorrow evening in the Nurses home. Bridge and pinochle will be played and prizes awarded the winners. Refreshments will be served.

The public is invited to attend. pointed back yoke from which a circular honor of Miss Margaret We'nschenk. of 326 North Everett avenue Fol to League of Women Voters will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the board room at the Y. W. C.

A. Mrs. George KJconomx) back hangs in pleats. TMs trend to wards fullness in the back is growing. Men's Committee Named Assist Mrs.

John Lynott, Chairman. lowing the entertainment features, refreshments were servd. Yellow and ooo white were used in decorating. The A card party will be given this evening by Women's Relief corp, No. 50 Auxiliary to the G.

A. R. in Me morial hall. Pinochle and dominoes will be played and the winners will receive prizes. A Dutch luncheon 7 new types Many new shades 3 new low prices wiu oe served.

0 0 0 Helen Bray Jones will sing at the membership tea at the Y. W. C. A. this afternoon, from 3 to 5 o'clock in the Platt Woolworth auditorium, Mrs.

Frank A. Kaiser will give an Illustrated talk on her garden, and tea will be served. Mrs. Harry W. Reinhart is guests numbered thirteen.

0 0 0 Mrs. Harry R. Van Deusen, Clay avenue, gave a bridge party last evening in compliment to Miss Catherine Raub and fiance, Philip E. Robinson, in her home. Teh guests numbered thirty six.

0 0 0 Mrs. Redmond Roche, Plttston avenue, entertained the twelve members of her bridge club at a luncheon on Tuesday afternoon in the Hotel Casey, ooo The Phi Nu Sigma fraternity of St. Thomas college has completed all arrangements for its annual Easter dance to be held in the Hotel Jermyn on Easter Tuesday, April 3. The various committees have left nothing undone to make this affair a huge success. Heading the list of features of the evening is George Hall's Ar HUE After a considerable lull in the social activities of the Catholic Charity guild during the Lenten season, affairs will be resumed beginning Easter Monday night when the spring festival will be given at the Ho el Casey.

Mrs. John Lynott and her energetic and enthusiastic committees are working untiringly for the success of this affair, which promises to be one of the finest in the history of the organization, for the reason that Mrs. Lynott does things extremely well when she undertakes them. An innovation this year Is the assistance of a committee of young men who will help in general arrangement of the party. This group is made up of Attorney Leo Rafferty, Attorney Frank McDonnell, William R.

Lynett, Edward and Kenneth O'Brien, Attorney Joseph Gunster, William F. Greavy Attorney T. Linus Hoban, Dr. Gerald Knight, Attorney Jerome Casey, Eugene D. Casey, Gregory and Dermid Nallln, P.

J. Gillespie, Albert Fleming, Frank and Eugene Butler, Joseph Jennings, Frank and Edgar Loftus, W. Joseph Boland, Robert Megargee, Thomas Hinton, Robert A. Golden, Joseph Costello, William Broadhead, Frank O'Malley, Burke McGrath, Robert McGee, Thomas Cary. Attorney Earl McLauehlin.

Dr. cnairman or tne committee in charge. A silver offering will be taken. 0 0 0 The Northeastern Pennsylvania Alumnae chapter of Goucher college will have its spring luncheon in the Chamber of Commerce building at 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Dr.

(Continued on Page Seven) Si Shilik sKjamsm A. NEWMAN Jeicehr to the Discriminating JUST as Nisley stores are retail outlets for two shoe factories, so are they now outlets for one of the best hosiery mills in America, bringing silk stocking values that are a revelation to women accustomed to paying much higher prices. John Langan, Joseph G. Gavin, Carl Haarmeyer, Joseph Moylan, Joseph Corcoran, Gerard Kean, Frank Nca lon, Kelvin Thomson, Attorney William P. Fanll, Robert Lavis, Gerald ouuer, jonn Keeay, Kiisseli Malley, Dr.

John Corcoran, Eugene Kelly, ueiuiu uanagan, aawara Kuaay, William Quinn, Joseph A. Murray, Dr. Walter A. Holtsmaster. Alovsius Jennings Boland, Thomas Howley and uiwara ijynen jr.

Mrs. E. C. Hoffman and members of her subscription committee will meet this afternoon at the Hotel Casey at 4 o'clock to give reports of the money received ana work accom pusnea. All workers are asked to make an effort to attend as this is me nrs; meeting to be held.

A reDOrt Will also hp ffivrn hv Mn you are an "In Between" Leigh Frantz, chairman of the ticket committee, on the returns already in Full Fashioned All Silk or Service Think of buying full fashioned first quality silk stockings in sheer chiffon and style service weaves every day at Sheer Chiffon with Picoted Tops Imagine all silk chiffons with picoted tops, heavy all silk service and silk service with lisle reinforcements at Super Chiffon with Niew French Heel 1 Revel in the thought of luxurious super chiffons and all silk service stockings witn newest narrow French heels at Size, you can wear irom me a.uoo ticicets issued during the week, Mrs. Jjhn Lynott, general Syracuse U. Musical The IFrocIis that PARIS1 Clubs to Give Concert UDesiffns for the Show Miss It takes so little to give a table new charm! and it can be done to inexpensively visit NEWMAN'S and see! The most tastefully appointed table needs a fresh touch now and then. It doesn't have to be expensive. A cake tray, perhaps or a flower center, water pitcher, set of candlesticks.

We have these and other interesting pieces, also complete services, in fine silver plate very moderately priced. Sterling, too, if preferred. Let us help you select from our distinctive showing. The musical clubs of Syracuse university will give a concert in the assembly room of Elm Park house tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Selections by the glee club will be augmented by numbers by the Instrumental club, the varsity quartet and the concert soloist.

Members of the clubs will come to Scranton by bus direct from Syracuse and will be entertained in private homes during their stay here. They are booked for a concert in Elmira tomorrow night. Freight cars have Increased from a few tons to over 100 tons capacity. Springs Most Popular Shades are "Allurt" "Naiv" "Suntan" "Sunbwnz" "Grain" "Btach "Misty Morn" "Gunmetal" "Lido Sand" "Mistery" Buy Your Stockings When You Buy Your Shoes at and Woman Great names have lent their style knowledge to our selection of HALF SIZE Frocks. Every style is an established Fashion Leader, specially designed to fit the short woman or miss who is not slender.

Crepes, Georgettes and Printed Silks that will be notable features of any Easter group Sizes 14 (fitting a 34 bust) to 26 (fitting a 45 bust) $15 to $29.50 The Heinz Store THE GORHAM SILVER SHOP IS EYS Newman Jewelry Company 134 WYOMING AVE. NEXT TO DIME BANK Luncheons Afternoon Tea (Dinner By Reservation) THE BLUE SHUTTERS Elmhurtt, Pa. Phone Moscow (9 1 2 124 North Washington Avenue, Scranton Official R. R. Watch Inspectors For L.

A C. R. R. of N. D.

Laurel Line I 55 Perfectly Appointed Jtoree in 4merlca' Principal Citie i i CRUEN WATC 0toO cy (Tcy.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.